• Published 20th Jun 2014
  • 5,885 Views, 226 Comments

First Impressions - Terrasora

Octavia and Vinyl, childhood friends, begin their years of study in Canterlot Conservatory.

  • ...

After Class in Canterlot Conservatory

Octavia was not in the best of moods. The dorm room was too warm, the bed was stiff, the blankets stifled her, and countless sets of hooves careened down the hallway, grating on Octavia’s ears. Worst of all, Octavia knew that she could have slept through all of it had Beauty Brass not decided to be a good roommate. Waking Octavia had been a very nice gesture and, under any other circumstances, would have been very much appreciated.

Kind intentions, however, did not make up for stealing sleep.

Octavia groaned, kicking off her covers and climbing out of bed. She stalked across the room, catching the briefest glimpse of her scowling face and dishevelled mane in the window before shoving it open. The cool, autumn air rushed in, a marked difference from the warmth of last night. Octavia stood at the window for a time, squinting slightly in the sunlight, the scowl on her face slowly but surely slipping away as she looked out over the city.

She stayed that way for a time, letting the room cool down to a more comfortable temperature. Canterlot was a wonderful city and Octavia cared for it dearly, but it was a tad warmer than she would have liked. In that regard, though Octavia was loathe to admit it, Manehattan was more suited to her tastes.

And what was Manehattan without Vinyl and her family?


The thought sent a twinge through Octavia.

Vinyl Scratch was a major part of Octavia’s childhood, if not a constant one. Separated as they were, conversation between the two had been limited to letters and the few times a year that the Philharmonicas made the trek to see Gramma Phone. Vinyl was, for all intents and purposes, a part of Manehattan, like a building or the little park by Gramma Phone’s old home. When Gramma Phone had passed away, there’d been no reason to visit Manehattan again. No more Manehattan meant no more Vinyl.

And now, five years later, that very same Vinyl was in Canterlot.

Octavia sneezed, the sudden action derailing her train of thought. She sniffled slightly, closing and locking the window and returning to her bed. The noise in the hallway had died down almost entirely, only the occasional set of hurrying hooves breaking the silence. Octavia sat in that silence for a time, absentmindedly smoothing whatever wrinkles she could find on her bed covers.

“I’m glad she’s here.” Octavia spoke quietly, as if testing the words. She frowned slightly.

“I’m happy to see her again.” That didn’t feel right either.

Octavia slumped onto her bed, displacing the covers she had meticulously corrected. “I’ve no idea what I’m doing.”


The Conservatory hallways were buzzing with activity. Students weaved past each other, textbooks weighing down saddlebags or floating just above the crowd in a magical sheath. The buzz of dozens of conversations filled the hall.

Harpo yawned violently, stumbling slightly and nearly crashing into two other ponies. He turned around, throwing an apologetic glance at the two students he almost bowled over. Neither of them returned the gesture; Harpo turned around with a pouting huff.

“No, pardon me,” he muttered under his breath. “It’s not like I wanted to apologize or anything.” Harpo turned to the grey mare beside him. “I’m sorry, Octavia, what was I saying?”

Octavia gave a start, a clear confusion in her eyes when she turned towards Harpo. “Pardon?”

“You weren’t listening.”

“Listening to what?”

“Listening to me! Which is, quite frankly, a terrible thing not to listen to.”

“I hadn’t realized you were speaking.”

Harpo made a face. “You know, if I hadn’t known you for so long, that would have hurt.” Then, in a slightly lowered voice: “Still smarts a bit.”

“Good thing you know me, then.”

“Good for you, maybe,” said Harpo with a snort. “All that it’s brought me is—” He glanced towards Octavia. Her eyes were staring forward, slightly glazed over and not so much as acknowledging the many other students in the hallway.

Harpo sighed, allowing the statement to die on his tongue. As much as Harpo enjoyed the sound of his own voice, any words spoken to Octavia Philharmonica would be lost in the incomprehensible labyrinth of the mare’s mind.

And so, the pair walked on in silence, Harpo occasionally nudging Octavia out of the way of a particularly large or angry-looking student, slowly herding her towards the lecture hall.

“Harpo,” began Octavia suddenly, “what do you think of Vinyl?”

“Vinyl? The white mare from yesterday?”


Harpo shrugged. “I don’t think anything of her.

"Ah.” A pause. “Not even a little?”

“I spoke with her for all of two seconds, Octavia. She seemed nice enough, but that’s about the extent of what I can say.”

“I see…”

They walked on for a bit longer.

“Why do you ask?” asked Harpo.

Octavia knit her brow. “I’m not entirely sure. I think it’s—”

“TAAAAAAAAAVI!” Vinyl rocketed through the densely packed hallway, loosing her battlecry and drawing Octavia into a tight hug. “Tavi! I thought I lost you! I couldn’t find you anywhere yesterday and I was terrified, Tavi, terrified!

Octavia struggled with the other mare, vainly attempting to peel away her hooves, growing steadily redder as passing students began to stare. “I’m fine, Vinyl!” Octavia huffed. “I was walking around campus!”

“Are you sure you’re okay?” asked Vinyl.

"Completely sure!"

“Nothing I can kiss to make it feel better?”

“Wha—No!” Octavia’s blush deepened and she redoubled her efforts. Vinyl held firm.

“Can I kiss you just because I want to?”

“I swear to Celestia, let me go, Vinyl!

Harpo chuckled, drawing both mares’ attention. “I recant my previous statement, Octavia. I like her.”

Mercifully, Vinyl released her hold on Octavia. In place of the hug, Vinyl wrapped her tail around the other mare’s, holding it tight as she turned towards Harpo. “Hey, I remember you! You were with Tavi yesterday, right? Something something Fancyname.”

Harpo smiled wryly. “Harpo Parish Nadermane.”

“Yeah, that’s it!” Vinyl smiled slightly, then turned back towards Octavia. “Anyway, Tavi! I didn’t know that you were taking the Intermediate class too!”

Octavia knit her brow. “‘Too’? Vinyl, are you taking this class?”

“Yeah!” said Vinyl with an excited nod. “I accidentally tested out of the first class, so I convinced the school to take me on as an assistant for the Basic class, but then you weren’t there, so I was kinda freaking out.”

“I-I thought that only older students could be assistants.”

“Well, yeah, but I talked them into doing it. Harmonia helped a lot too.” Vinyl paused slightly, thinking. “I should thank her for that. I’ll get her an apple or something; professors like apples, right?”

Octavia didn’t respond, incapable of much more than a blank stare.

Harpo let out a low whistle. “That’s impressive. Also, slightly terrifying.”

Vinyl shrugged. “You alright, Tavi?”

A slight pause. “What? Yes, quite. Fine. Perfectly fine.” Octavia fiddled with her bowtie. “No problems at all.”

“You sure?” Vinyl stepped forward, lifting her shades and inspecting Octavia’s face. “It’d suck if you got sick or something. I mean, it’d suck for you, cuz I's be able to, like, nurse you back to health or something and that'd be kinda awesome."

“No, Vinyl, I’m fine.”

“Are you sure you’re not getting just a tiny bi—”

The sound of a throat clearing broke the mares’ conversation. Octavia jumped back as well as she could with Vinyl still holding her tail, glancing up at the intruder.

An older unicorn stood a few feet away. He wore a black bowtie and a green plaid jacket over his dark grey fur. His face remained impassive as he surveyed Harpo, Vinyl, and Octavia.

“I’d prefer,” said the stallion slowly, “that nopony loitered outside my classroom.”

Octavia and Harpo muttered their apologies, taking a few steps away from the doorway.

"'Your' classroom?" asked Vinyl, keeping her ground.

The professor arched an eyebrow. "Indeed. My classroom. "

"Then you're Professor Arpeggio!" Vinyl grinned, turning to Octavia. "He's our teacher, Tavi!"

"I-I..." stuttered Octavia eloquently.

Professor Arpeggio knit his brow. "Octavia and Vinyl." He turned towards Harpo. "Then you must be Harpo. The three first years in my class."

Vinyl nodded eagerly. The other two nodded hesitantly.

Arpeggio stood silently for a moment, his eyes darting between the trio, lingering on Vinyl perhaps a tad longer than the other two. His scowl deepened. "I see," the professor said slowly.

Vinyl leaned forward slightly, looking closely at both Harpo and Octavia. "What do you see?"

"Three students about to be late for class." With that, Professor Arpeggio swept past his students and into the lecture hall.

Vinyl watched him go, letting out a little laugh once he was out of earshot. "What's up his ass?"

"Vinyl!" scolded Octavia. "In what possible universe was that a good idea?!"

"Was what a good idea?"

"Talking back to Professor Arpeggio!"

"That wasn't talking back," said Vinyl defensively, "that was just talking! What, am I not allowed to ask my professors any questions?"

"Actually, " chimed in Harpo, "that's one of Arpeggio's rules. No questions."

"Really?" asked Octavia.

"No. I just wanted to add to the conversation."

"Thank you for that, Harpo."

Arpeggio's voice floated in from the classroom. "If the three stragglers would care to join us, we can begin the lecture."


Long Play wandered through Canterlot Conservatory, head and eyes swerving from place to place, taking in the buildings and gardens that made up the school. The campus was undeniably beautiful, full of soaring spires and bright colors and bearing the happy buzz that fills most universities at the beginning of the school year.

It was also quite possibly the only part of the Conservatory that Long Play actually liked.

This is not to say that Long Play hated everything else about the Conservatory. Hate did not come easily to the DJ and as the thick skin required of all ponies in his profession grew into place, Long Play's estrangement from hatred only grew. No, he did not hate Canterlot Conservatory, but he certainly didn't like it.

Long Play cut off his musings, a light grey figure with a bobbed mane catching his eye. A sly smile crept across his face and he hurried forward, cutting across the grass and falling into step behind Harmonia.

"Of course," Harmonia muttered to herself. "Any discussion of key signatures has to include the circle of fifths. But what's the best way to teach that?" She let out a sigh. "I wish the class were smaller."

Long Play crept closer, holding his breath to keep from laughing. He leaned in, stopping a few short inches from Harmonia's ear.

"What're you talking about?" he asked in a whisper.

Harmonia jumped, her back leg lashing out in reflex. The kick connected, driving mercilessly into LP's ribcage. Long Play let out a shout of pain, stumbling backwards and clutching at his side.

"Holy shit, Harmonia," Long Play said through gritted teeth. "I think you broke something."

"Long Play! What are you doing here?"

"Is that my name? It's hard to remember when half of me's been crushed."

Harmonia frowned slightly. "Oh come now, this is hardly the first time I've kicked you."

"Well, maybe I've gotten older!"

"Maybe you've gotten weaker."

Long Play scowled, taking his hoof away from his bruised side and trying to mask the resulting wince. "I have not. Long Play strong! Long Play masculine! Long Play... uh..."

"Long Play limited in vocabulary."

LP glared at Harmonia as best he could. The entire 'angry' effect lasted about two seconds before a smile cracked is surface. Then the facade brow entirely and Long Play darted forward, wrapping Harmonia in a hug.

"I really missed you," Long Play said quietly.

Harmonia smiled, her eyes closing by the slightest bit. "I missed you too."

A pause.

"My ribs hurt."

Harmonia rolled her eyes, lightly pushing against Long Play and out of the hug. Out of the corner of her eye, Harmonia noticed a few staring students. She cleared her throat. "Now, did you just come here to chat or do you finally have an answer for me?"

Long Play groaned. "If I ask nicely, will you not talk about that?"

"It's worth a shot."

"Please don't ask me about that."

"Walk with me, Long Play." Harmonia set off, not even turning to make sure that LP was actually following.

"Alright," said Long Play, following the mare, "give me the pitch."

"It's a fantastic opportunity."


"It may be a bit stressful at times, but teaching is a highly rewarding career."

"How nice."

The two exited the courtyard, crossing into a building.

"It is, indeed, very nice," replied Harmonia. "The Conservatory is a wonderful place to work and, quite frankly--"

"It took a lot of effort to set up an interview for me," Long Play finished. "I know, and I really appreciate it, but teaching's not really my thing."

They stopped outside of a door. The name 'Prof. Harmonia Philharmonica' was stenciled onto it in large, black letters.

"I want to show you something," said Harmonia, leading the way inside.

"I read a story that started just like this," muttered Long Play.

"What was that?"


Harmonia's office was rather sparsely decorated. A single diploma, her certificate of graduation from Canterlot Conservatory, hung on the wall behind her. A bookshelf stood on either side of the diploma, filled with books whose titles Long Play did not bother to read.

Harmonia walked past all these, making a beeline for a set of filing cabinets. Her hoof darted in, withdrawing a thin manila folder. She extended the folder to Long Play.

"What's that?" he asked.

"Test results. Well, two of them; the rest are confidential."

Long Play's magic flared as he brought the folder closer. Two sets of papers lay within, identical in structure.

"Octavia Philharmonica," Long Play read aloud, "and Vinyl Scratch."

Harmonia nodded. "They both tested out of my class and into Professor Arpeggio's."

"Good for them."

"They had the two highest scores of all students who took this exam."

"How many took this exam?"

"Seventy three," answered Harmonia. "About twenty of those passed the test itself. Arpeggio only allowed the top three into his class."

"Kinda harsh."

"It's a difficult class. Most students don't take it until second or third year."

Long Play floated the folder back to Harmonia. "That's fantastic. I'm glad that Vinyl's doing well; I'll buy her a cupcake when I see her. Students like cupcakes, right?"

Harmonia wasn't finished yet. "Octavia has been studying music for years. She's picked my brain for information about the exam and done everything she could to ensure that she did well. Vinyl has had two years fewer to study and, as far as I know, the only musical resource she had was you. And yet there is a two question difference between Vinyl and Octavia."

"Vinyl's smart."

"And you obviously did a fantastic job in helping her."

"I just bought her the books and explained whatever she didn't understand."

"How much did you actually explain?"

"Nearly nothing towards the end."

"And what about towards the beginning?"

Long Play didn't respond.

"Long Play," began Harmonia softly, "you taught the mare who earned the highest score on one of the most difficult exams the Conservatory has to offer. Vinyl beat out Octavia, for Luna's sake! You'd be an amazing professor!"

"I don't have a degree."

"Exceptions can be made."

Long Play frowned. "But I like being a DJ."

"Just consider it, Long Play. Please?"

A pause. "Alright. Maybe. I'll think about it."

Harmonia smiled. "Thank you, Long Play."

"Yeah, yeah." He waved a dismissive hoof. "You're lucky I like you."

Author's Note:

I can't feel my eyeballs.

If you chapter comment, me do preciate read and other stuff to the as always.
