• Published 8th Jun 2014
  • 13,780 Views, 839 Comments

Shadowy Love - FinnPony

King Sombra, the tyrant of Crystal Empire is back, only to be imprisoned by princesses and put through reformation with Twilight Sparkle as his teacher. Can somepony with heart as black as night be reformed? Twilight believes so.

  • ...

Chapter 16

Shadowy Love
By FinnPony
Chapter 16

Once again it was a pleasant day in Equestria. Of course it was. Sombra was getting fed up with the sunny weather and warm breeze. Where was the refreshing rain and the brisk morning frost? Everything was so fine in Equestria. It made Sombra almost angry. The fact that he had found out that one of his most powerful magical artifacts was being held in custody by Twilight Sparkle wasn’t helping his bad mood. He was constantly on the edge.

Sombra glanced towards the mare he was thinking about. She happily trotted next to him, a constant smile on her face. How could she be so carefree around him? He was a bad, evil pony who could do terrible things to her, but she just smiled.

The duo was almost at the cottage of one certain shy pegasus. Twilight had arranged a new meeting with one of the elements. Fluttershy was her name. Sombra remembered her from the throne room. She had smelled of fear. They were getting closer to the edge of the Everfree Forest. Sombra was getting weird chills from the dark looking forest, not sure why. Something in that forest didn’t feel right.

Sombra shook those feelings away, thinking why he was there in first place. He wasn’t happy about the meeting Twilight had arranged to him, but at least she hadn’t started to scold him about their little scene in her castle day before.

“About yesterday…” Twilight suddenly started.

There we go.

“What about it?” Sombra asked bluntly. Twilight stopped and so did Sombra. Twilight had that determined look that she always wore when she wanted results.

“I think that you acted really rude by leaving in the middle of our conversation,” Twilight told him, earning a roll of eyes from Sombra.

“I didn’t like the way it was going,” Sombra told her.

Twilight sighed and her expression softened a little, and she spoke gently, “Keeping quiet about your past won’t help you in any way. If you would just talk about it, I’m sure that…”

“That everything would become clear and I would be happy? All the pain would go away and I would live my life happily ever after?” Sombra suddenly barked at her, making her backup a couple of steps with her ears folded backwards.

“Well it doesn’t always work like that, Twilight Sparkle,” Sombra spat and then waited for an answer that took a while to come. Twilight opened and closed her mouth couple of times, before she gave him an answer he wasn’t expecting.

“I’m sorry.”

“What?” Sombra asked, with confused look. Twilight looked at him with wide eyes and her ears still folded. Sombra kept staring at her until she spoke.

“I’m sorry…” Twilight muttered. “I guess that… That I was being too intrusive about your past...”

“Stop” Sombra said annoyedly as he saw the sad look on her face. “Stop this right now. Forget all we spoke about and for the love of void don’t start to cry.”

“I really mean it,” Twilight said quickly. Her posture slumped a bit when she spoke “I see that it is a hard subject for you.”

“It is. Now stop,” Sombra almost begged.

“But remember,” Twilight continued despite his objections. “When you feel ready to talk, I will be there for you.”

“Oh for the love of…” Sombra mumbled to himself.

“It’s okay,” Twilight said. “We will talk when you are ready.”

“I appreciate that,” Sombra said in irritated tone. “Now could we just continue walking? We don’t have all day.”

With that they started to walk again. Sombra noticed that Twilight Sparkle was still slumping and she was walking a couple of steps behind him, looking almost embarrassed. Something in seeing her like that made Sombra feel wrong.

“Stop sulking,” he commanded, earning a strange look from her. He then added, “You are calling yourself a princess, so start acting like one.”

“What are you talking about?” Twilight asked confusedly.

“Walk with your head up straight. It annoys me to see you like that. Also stop worrying about me. My past isn’t your problem after all, and it won’t be going anywhere. We will talk about it someday,” Sombra told her, and she did as he told her. Sombra was pretty surprised by his own answer. Why had he promised such a thing to her? Was it just a way to cheer her up, and if it was, why would he want her to cheer up? Nothing made sense. Twilight soon trotted next to him and eyed at him carefully.

“What?” Sombra asked as she kept staring.

“Nothing,” Twilight quickly said and started to stare in front of her. Sombra glanced at her with suspicious look. Twilight was aware about that, but kept looking forward with calm look on her face. Actually her thoughts were racing. Was Sombra showing some kind of caring towards her by telling her not to worry about him. Didn’t that mean that he didn’t want her to trouble herself because of him?

They walked for a minute longer, before Twilight announced, “Here we are.”

Even though Sombra had never seen the house itself, it was easy to spot. There were many dog houses, rabbit holes and bird- and hen houses around the small cottage that told him that it had to be the right place. There were also a couple of mean looking, grey colored hounds lying on a small bridge that crossed a small stream. Sombra didn’t like the looks of them. It seemed that they didn’t like the looks of him either, because as he got closer, they started to growl and both of them showed their teeth to him. Sombra did the same, and the dogs slowly backed away, their tails between their hind legs.

“I advise that you don’t do that when around Fluttershy,” Twilight told him. “I’ve seen her buck a fully grown stallion across a road when he kicked one of her kittens.”

“That is quite hard to believe from her,” Sombra said skeptically.

Twilight chuckled and said, “Don’t try your luck. She also has a…. bodyguard of some sort.”

“A bodyguard?” Sombra asked with amused voice. “Why on Equestria does she need a bodyguard?”

“She was so afraid to see you that she had to call for him to be with her during our visit,” Twilight told him. She then smiled and said, “But he won’t be any trouble if you behave, which I think won’t be a problem.”

“I will behave if they don’t give me a reason not to,” Sombra said, and received a nod from Twilight.

They stopped in front of the door of the cottage. It was a cozy looking building with round windows and a roof covered with moss. There were lots of bird houses attached to the building and nearby trees, but there were only a couple of the birds to be seen. Somehow the lack of animals didn’t seem right. Curtains were pulled over the windows, but there was clearly somepony inside because they saw light through the curtains.

“Things to remember?” Twilight asked from Sombra, who took a deep breath before speaking.

“Good manners, don’t scare her to death, be nice to the animals, learn about kindness,” he listed.

“Very good,” Twilight smiled and then knocked on the door.

There was a long moment before nothing happened. Sombra was sure that nopony would come to open the door, but Twilight waited patiently. Like she had predicted, the door creaked open just enough that a big, cyan eye could be seen from between the gap between the door and the wall.

“Um… Hi Twilight,” Fluttershy greeted with a barely audible voice. “I-I have been waiting for you.”

“Hi Fluttershy,” Twilight said with a smile. “Is your guest already here?”

“Oh yes,” Fluttershy answered, still not opening the door completely. “We were actually just having tea.”

Sombra was feeling kinda sad for the mare. Even when it was one of her best friends at the door, she couldn’t let her in without fearing that something bad would happen. She reeked of fear, something he might have liked a while back, but now it was making him feel bad for the mare. It was something like when he met with the wall-eyed mare, Ditzy. Against his nature, Sombra decided to act nicely. Not because of the bodyguard Twilight was talking about, but because of his newfound feeling of compassion. Even if he didn’t like it, he was alright with it.

“Umm… Is he there?” Fluttershy asked shyly, in which Twilight nodded. She then pulled Sombra towards herself from his hoof so the shy mare could see him from the small gap. Immediately as the big frame of stallion was in front of her, Fluttershy’s pupils shrank to the size of pinpricks. For a moment she didn’t say anything, but then she muttered, “G-g-good day… M-mister S-S-Sombra…”

Sombra forced himself to smile and he said as gently as he could, “Good day miss Fluttershy.”

Twilight was proud of his nice greeting, and she said, “He’s not so bad when you get to know him. Stubborn and stupid maybe, but not as bad as you would think.”

Sombra snorted angrily at her remark, but before he could say anything, Twilight asked from Fluttershy, “Can we come in? We have a lot to talk about.”

“Oh,” Fluttershy squeaked. “Of course Umm… Would you mind to scrub your hooves on the doormat? Um… If that’s okay with you of course.”

The door opened, but Fluttershy kept hiding behind it. Twilight and Sombra scrubbed their hooves to the doormat as she had asked and went inside. Sombra found out that the cottage wasn’t made for a pony as big as him. There were even more birdhouses inside the house, hanging from the ceiling. There were also small staircases around the ceiling beams and some of them lead on top of an old baking oven. Sombra had to be careful on every step so he wouldn’t topple down something. There were no animals in the cottage though, which was rather odd in Sombra’s opinion. There didn’t seem to be anypony besides them in the house, but Sombra knew that there surely was somepony else in there. Or something actually.

“P-please have a seat,” Fluttershy trembled.

Sombra and Twilight nodded and they sat on a green sofa in front of a window with curtains pulled over it. Sombra carefully sat down on the fragile looking furniture. The last thing he wanted to do was break Fluttershy’s belongings. Fluttershy sat down on a green armchair that was next to the sofa.

There was a small coffee table between the armchair and sofa, and on it was a rather weird looking lamp. Sombra eyed it carefully. It was a creature with a snake like body, tail of a dragon, different pair of wings and horns, goats head with one fang. It’s other arm was like a lions paw, while the other one was like an eagles claw. In it’s hands was a light bulb. The legs were a different pair too. A real abomination.

“That is quite a queer looking lamp,” Sombra commented.

“Oh,” Fluttershy winced when he spoke. She hid behind her mane like she had done something bad and said quietly, “That’s not a lamp actually.”

“What?” Sombra asked and leaned closer towards the weird object for a better look. He almost leapt out of his skin when the eyes of the lamp blinked.

“Gah! What is that?” he asked with wide eyes as the creature moved. What surprised him even more was that the little thing on the coffee table answered in a deep, somewhat charismatic voice.

“So this is the new one? King Somber was it?” The small creature spoke and jumped down to the floor, looking at Sombra with annoying smile. Sombra in turn just stared with his eyes wide and jaw hanging. The mares were rolling their eyes.

“What are you?” Sombra finally asked from the ‘lamp’ that was fiddling the light bulb in it’s hands.

“Oh of course. Where are my manners?” the creature spoke. In the next second there was a small popping sound heard, and there, in front of Sombra stood the same creature. Only that now it was a lot bigger than he was. Sombra had to look up at it when it spoke, “I am Discord. The lord of chaos. Surely you have heard of my exploits?”

Sombra stared at Discord for a short moment, before he managed to answer, “I have.”

“Wonderful!” Discord exclaimed and shook his hoof. “That saves us a lot of time by me not having to introduce myself. And what comes to you, I know more than enough.”

Somba didn’t say anything. Discord said that he knew more than enough about him. What did Discord mean with that? Like Discord would have read his mind, he threw the light bulb into his mouth and chew on it while talking to the more or less confused Sombra, “King Sombra. The tyrant of Crystal Empire. Quite an accomplishment if you ask me. I just don’t understand why you made the whole empire so dull.”

Again, silence. Discord frowned and leaned towards Twilight, whispering, “Is he slow or something?”

Twilight shrugged and Discord sighed. He turned towards Sombra. He held his talon up and had his lion paw behind his back as he spoke matter-of-factly, “And I also know that you have failed as a villain, like the rest of us.”

“Rest of us?” Sombra asked, realising that it was just the thing Discord wanted him to ask. He smirked and snapped his talons. There was a loud pop, and a big cloud of smoke. Sombra was surprised as there, in front of him was a big painting that Discord held in his hands. His jaw dropped as he recognized himself in the picture, among couple of other ponies and creatures.

“See?” Discord asked. “There is you and me, I took some artistic freedoms and painted this little jester hat on you. Then there is Tirek, Nightmare Moon, Queen Chrysalis and Trixie Lulamoon with her Alicorn Amulet. All of us were defeated by who else than our beloved princess, Twilight Sparkle.”

Sombra didn’t answer. He was staring at the mare called Trixie, or what was around her neck actually.

It was his Alicorn Amulet. There wasn’t any doubt about it.

“Dissy,” Fluttershy said quietly, and Discord made the painting disappear, breaking Sombra’s train of thought.

“Yes Fluttershy?” he asked from the cream yellow pegasus, who was smiling a small smile at him.

“We have some business to do, so would you please give us some privacy?” Fluttershy spoke, not in the scared tone she spoke in when she was talking to Sombra. It was strange to him.

“Of course dear Fluttershy,” Discord answered. Even more strange to Sombra was that Discord actually obeyed her. He watched as Discord was about to snap his talons again, but Fluttershy quickly whispered to him, “Don’t go too far.”

“Of course not,” Discord said with a smile and snapped his talons. He disappeared but soon they heard his sleek voice say from somewhere behind them, “I will be just hanging around here.”

They looked behind themselves and saw his familiar grin and a pair of yellow eyes with red irises in the curtains that hung on both sides of the window.

“Really?” Twilight asked with deadpan look. “That’s the best you got?”

“On a short notice like this, yes,” Discord answered calmly, and Twilight rolled her eyes. She then turned back towards Sombra and Fluttershy.

“Now shall we begin?” she asked and dug the same notebook from her saddleback that she had had on the Apple family’s farm.

Sombra nodded and turned towards the cream colored mare with pink mane. He noticed how she was again hiding her face behind her pink mane, only one of her big, cyan eyes visible. She averted his gaze and rubbed her front-hooves together nervously. Her long pink tail swished from time to time, a sign of nervousness. Her wings twitched a bit too. Sombra found the sight quite adorable in it’s own way. She was so delicate and fragile looking and still she had tamed the god of chaos himself. She was far more than you could see on the outside.

“Miss Fluttershy,” Sombra started, and the mare winced. Sombra felt like walking on a shaky bridge while talking to her. He turned towards Twilight for help, but she just waved her hoof at him a sign to continue.

A bit hesitantly he continued, “Please, tell me about kindness.”

Twilight scribbled something down with a smile.

“A-Umm…” Fluttershy mumbled. She gathered all her courage and then quickly said, “Kindness is being nice to others...”

Then she was quiet, staring at her hooves. Everypony else in the cottage waited for her to continue. She didn’t. Twilight was first one to say something.

“Maybe a bit more detailed version would be nice?” she asked. Fluttershy opened and closed her mouth and her eyes went from Twilight to Sombra.

“It’s not that hard,” Twilight said a bit annoyed. Sombra could see the yellow mare getting more stressed out by Twilight’s scolding. Fluttershy grabbed her own tail and fiddled with it nervously, still opening and closing her mouth like a fish on land. Sombra couldn’t watch it anymore.

“Stop pressuring her,” Sombra said. “We have all the time in the world.”

Both of the mares and Discord looked at him strangely. Discord was heard chuckling amusedly. Sombra gave an angry glance towards the curtains, but Twilight soothed him down by saying, “You’re right. Sorry Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy was still staring at Sombra, her tail still in her hooves. Both Sombra and Twilight noticed it. It took a while before Fluttershy noticed that they were staring back, and immediately her cheeks flushed bright red and she covered behind her mane.

“Oh that’s okay Twilight,” the shy pegasus mumbled and took a peek at Twilight from behind her mane. She then turned her gaze towards Sombra and said quietly, “T-Thank you. That was really k-kind of you.”

Twilight wrote something down and then turned towards Fluttershy. She blinked confusedly as Twilight said, “I told you that he isn’t as bad as he looks.”

There was again a long silence, but this time nopony hurried Fluttershy. She rubbed her front-hooves together and kept staring at them. After a while others started to glance at each other, thinking that maybe she wasn’t going to say anything. As if on cue, Fluttershy spoke.

“Kindness… It is something that my mom taught me,” Fluttershy spoke quietly, looking almost sad. “I was bullied in Cloudsdale, but she told me to kill them… with kindness.”

“A bit harsh metaphor, don’t you think?” Discord commented, but nopony paid any attention to him.

“When I was younger, I didn’t actually get what she meant with that,” Fluttershy admitted. “But when I got older, I realised what she meant.”

Sombra was listening to her story, actually waiting for the explanation to the weird metaphor. He saw Fluttershy smiling a bit when she continued, “I killed the bully in the ponies by being kind to them. Did you know that Rainbow Dash actually bullied me when we were younger?”

“What?” Twilight asked with eyes wide from surprise. “But she’s the element of loyalty!”

“Yes, but we weren’t friends at first,” Fluttershy told her and shook her head. “But no matter what she said to me, I was always nice to her, helped her in her homework and things like that.”

“Why?” Sombra asked, finally joining the conversation. He couldn’t understand why would somepony treat an enemy like a friend? He wouldn’t.

Fluttershy was taken a bit back by his question. She managed to give an answer though, “Because I saw good in them? -” Her voice lowered into a small squeak. “- I guess…”

“And she became your friend?” Sombra asked and Fluttershy nodded.

“We became best of friends,” Fluttershy smiled. Then the familiar blush appeared onto her face and she smiled shyly as she added, “I think she had a… thing for me back then too…”

Twilight looked shocked and Sombra didn’t seem to be too upset about it, while Discord was laughing out loud.

After the scene was over, Sombra continued, “But why did she become your friend? Why did she want to befriend a pony she considered less worthy than herself?”

Twilight was writing in her notebook again.

“She wasn’t a bad pony,” Fluttershy spoke quietly with gentle voice. “She was just confused and young. She needed a friend.”

Sombra was quiet, so Fluttershy continued, “When you are acting truly kind, you sacrifice yourself to help others. That’s what I did with Rainbow Dash.”

“You sacrificed yourself only to make somepony else happy? Even it meant yourself getting bullied? Makes no sense!” Sombra exclaimed. He was getting confused.

“I got my reward,” Fluttershy smiled. “I got the most loyal friend a pony could ever have.”

Sombra noticed that she was getting more confident. She looked at him when they spoke, but not in the eyes. Not yet. Her posture was far more straight than when they started. Her cyan eyes were sparkling with pride when she spoke of her friend. Sombra liked that.

He glanced towards the curtains, where he saw the pair of yellow eyes with red irises staring back at him. He then turned towards the shy pegasus and asked, “Did it work with him too?”

“Excellent question!” Discord said and the curtains flapped happily. “Please dear Fluttershy, tell him how it happened.”

“If you want,” Fluttershy said and turned towards Sombra. She then started to tell the story how Discord was reformed, “When princess Celestia decided to reform him, she gave the task to me.”

“I reckon it went well?” Sombra chuckled.

“Oh yes,” Fluttershy answered. “My friends weren’t too happy about it, but I was sure that inside, Discord was a nice Draconequus. I let him do all those… chaotic things to my house and I even promised not to use my element against him.”

“And I still think that it was too risky a move,” Twilight said, giving a sideways glance towards the curtains.

“But why Twilight Sparkle!” Discord said in the most hurt voice. “How could you not have trusted me?”

“Because I’m not stupid…” she said slowly. Soon there was a verbal war going on between her and Discord.

“Please continue,” Sombra said to Fluttershy as Twilight and Discord continued to argue. Fluttershy also decided not to get in middle of an wrangling between a princess and a god, so she nodded shyly.

“M-My mom always tells me to give everypony a chance, and they will give you a chance. I gave Discord a chance to be my friend, and he returned the favor. We are really close now,” Fluttershy explained. “Everypony needs a friend.”

Sombra went silent. A friend… He stared at the yellow pegasus in front of him, ignoring the controversy going behind him. He never had had too many friends. Not until that crazy pink mare, but he had a hunch that she was everypony’s best friend.

Fluttershy was staring at him carefully too. When she noticed that she was doing it, she retreated behind her mane and mumbled something that sounded like apologies. Sombra chuckled at her, but then his face went serious. He cleared his throat to get her attention. When he got it, he asked, “Miss Fluttershy… Do I have a chance in your opinion?”

Fluttershy peeked from behind her mane, her cyan eyes examining him carefully. After a moment she blushed and looked towards the floor.

“I-I can’t say that I know you very well, and I’m still a bit scared of you...” she said, her voice trailing off. She was squirming in her place and then said “But you don’t seem like an evil pony.”

“But you know about my past actions,” Sombra said. Fluttershy nodded slowly, before turning her head towards him.

“Giving somepony another chance is a big part of kindness. Besides, even if your a-actions were wrong, there must have been a reason behind them.” Fluttershy said.

Finally somepony understood. Of course there was a reason behind Sombra’s actions. A damn good reason in fact, but he didn’t want to bother that shy mare with his grim past. Instead he smiled at the yellow mare and said, “Miss Fluttershy, you are a lot more than you let ponies see.”

Fluttershy blushed again. She squeaked and looked away from him, earning a chuckle from him. Sombra then continued, “You see good in ponies, even they can’t see it themselves... I must say that I truly hope that you are right about me.”

“Me too,” Fluttershy almost whispered and glanced at him, giving him a small smile. They then stared at each other, the blush intensifying on Fluttershy’s cheeks.

A loud yelp of pain broke their stare and Fluttershy too yelped from surprise. They turned towards the sound and saw angry looking Twilight standing in front of the curtains where Discord was hiding. The curtains were pulled to the sides of the window, so that Discords other eye was in the right curtain and the other in the left. They were glaring angrily back at the purple mare.

“That hurt!” Discord shouted.

“Good!” Twilight retorted.

There was a long silence between everypony. Sombra and Fluttershy were waiting for a new fight between the angry princess and the god of chaos. Luckily it never came, as Twilight took couple of deep breaths and turned towards Sombra and Fluttershy.

“Now where were we?” she asked with pretentiously calm voice.

“Actually…” Fluttershy started. “I-I think that we are done here.”

“What?” Twilight asked in disbelief. “You can’t be done! I didn’t have time to write down my notes!”

“Too bad,” Sombra answered. “I did learn awful lot today.”

“Sorry Twilight,” Fluttershy said and hung her head. “He was a fast learner.”

“No, no, no,” Twilight sighed and calmed down. “I’m happy that you managed to teach him even something while Discord was intentionally trying to make me angry.”

“I did succeed in it, no?” Discord laughed from the curtains. Twilight didn’t pay any attention to him.

“So are we really done here?” Twilight asked. “You don’t want to ask anything else from Fluttershy?”

“No thank you,” Sombra said and turned towards the mare in question. He bowed his head a bit and said, “It was nice meeting you, miss Fluttershy.”

“Just call me Fluttershy,” the mare said with a shy smile. She then blushed and mumbled, “If you want to of course…”

“I will,” Sombra said. Then he bowed his head again and said, “Have a nice day, Fluttershy.”

“Yout too,” she said happily. “And you too Twilight.”

With that Sombra and Twilight started to make their way towards the door. Sombra stopped in front of the window with Discord-curtains. He eyed at them for a moment, before saying, “Pull yourself together.”

“Hah!” Twilight exclaimed and showed her tongue towards Discord before following Sombra towards the front door.

* * *

Sombra was feeling rather great after his meeting with Fluttershy. She had so much positive energy radiating from her that it had caught on Sombra. As he and Twilight Sparkle walked towards her castle, the always sunny weather didn’t seem to bother him at all. Twilight noticed that.

“You seemed to like her,” she noted, and Sombra nodded. Twilight then smirked teasingly and said, “I hope that you didn’t see her as desirable as you saw Applejack.”

“No,” Sombra said. “Of course not. I liked her, she wasn’t judging me.”

“She’s really nice,” Twilight agreed with a happy nod. “Everypony likes her, but they sometimes use her kindness to their own advantage.”

“Of course they do,” Sombra said and frowned. He had a feeling that if he would have been his old self, he would have done just that.

As that thought crossed his head, he blinked confusedly. Wasn’t he the same Sombra that he used to be? The ruthless tyrant that wanted power, no matter what it took to get it. He thought that the old Sombra wouldn’t even have thoughts like that. He wouldn’t feel compassion towards a mare with strange eyes, no desire towards a farmer, he wouldn’t laugh while dancing with a crazy baker and the old Sombra most definitely would not be considering reformation as a real option. With that thought a frown appeared onto his face. He actually was considering about being reformed. It made him confused and angry. Everything was so complicated.

Sombra had not noticed it, but they were already at the castle. The massive building towered over them and Sombra had snapped out of his trance. They walked to the big front doors and Twilight was about to push them open, but Sombra got an idea.

“Allow me,” he said and pushed the door open, letting the smiling mare go first.

“Thank you,” Twilight chirped. “That was really kind of you.”

“Trying my best,” Sombra chuckled and closed the door behind him.