• Published 14th Jun 2014
  • 6,758 Views, 245 Comments

Instant Teenager - SeasonTheWiccan

Cue is grown up, almost ready to graduate, but she wants to find some way to thank her mother for all that she had done for her...the Wonderbolts might help, but will she be able to handle living by herself while Rainbow is away?

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The Wonderbolts

Cue stayed up the whole night like she did the past 5 years for the Summer Sun Celebration. When she was younger, she wasn't allowed to stay up that late but now that she was old enough, Rainbow was a bit more lenient. She could still be protective and sometimes even embarrassing, but Cue still admired her and considered her a hero. Tonight she was not only getting attention from her family she was getting attention from the town which made her a little uncomfortable. When she was in her Aunt Twilight's library filled with a majority of the town for a party, all she heard was praise.

"Cumulus that was so cool what you did up there!"

"How did you do that Cue? Can you teach me?"

"Like mother like daughter!"

"Hey Cue! Do you think you could teach my son to fly?"

"Cue, if you keep this up, you'll be a Wonderbolt!"

Cumulus felt herself blushing, all she did was do a performance for the Princesses. She saw it as greeting old friends and nothing more, she honestly wished she could go and hide somewhere to get away from all of the attention.

"Okay everypony! Give the mare some space! You've seen a Sonic Rainboom before, now beat it!" her mother commanded. Cue breathed a sigh of relief as the crowd went away and her mother came toward her.

She put an arm over Cue's shoulders, "You okay?"

Cue laughed, "I'm starting to regret doing the thing in the first place."

"No, don't say that! You were great! The Princesses loved it!"

"Thanks Mom, I needed that."

"Good, well...I'm gonna go and mingle, 'kay?"


Cue decided to go and get something to drink, she asked her Aunt Pinkie when she reached the beverage table.

"You want some punch, soda or cider?"

"Punch, not a fan of soda and I'm not old enough for cider."

"Alright, punch coming up!"

Pinkie scooped the purple liquid into a cup and she handed it to Cue, "Here ya go!"

"Thanks Aunt Pinkie," she responded taking the cup.

"You're welcome!"

Cue took a sip as Pinkie asked, "So how are things going?"

"Okay....I guess."

"Just okay? And you 'guess'? What's going on?"

"It's nothing, it's just...Mom's been having nightmares again....about the wild fire incident."

Ever since Cue left the hospital, on and off, her mother had been having nightmares about the wildfire. Cue was not sure why her mother would be so terrified if in the end of the dream she saves her life. Rainbow never told Cumulus what was going on in these dreams, she didn't want her to be concerned; yes, it was that terrifying.

"Oh, I know that really scared her, I've never seen her that scared before! Well, except for the time she entered the Best Young Flyers Competition and she got stage fright because your Aunt Rarity had a set of butterfly wings and they turned to ashes during her performance and your Mom performed a Sonic Rainboom when she went to save her and the Wonderbolts, your Mom ended up winning and got to hang out with the Wonderbolts."

Cue got really confused when Pinkie went on a (what Cue called) 'Talking Rampage'. But she could have sworn she heard something about hanging with the Wonderbolts, her head was spinning about all the information that was trying to cram itself in her brain. And this is ironic because she's the smartest one in her class, she always got straight A's and has been on the Honor Roll since Kindergarten!

"Okay, let's back track here, did you say my Mom got to hang with the Wonderbolts? THE Wonderbolts?"

"Oh yeah! In fact, your Mom once had a dream to join them!"

'She did?' Cue thought to herself.

"What happened? Why didn't she go for it?"

"You came along! She felt she couldn't juggle you, and being with the Wonderbolts...so she chose you."

'Wow,' Cue thought to herself, 'She really had to make sacrifices for me.'

This only added to her list of why her mother was her hero. Cue then left the table to find her friends, she kept an ear up for them when she heard a shrill voice, "Well, well, well, looks like you ruined your Mom's life when you came!"

"Ah, Diamond Tiara...didn't you learn your lesson with the ice cream?"

"At least I'm not the one who came along and buried my own mother's hopes and dreams."

"My mother made a choice, she couldn't do both so she made a decision."

"It was the wrong decision if you ask me."

"Well then that's YOUR problem isn't it?"

"Yes, you ARE my problem."

Cue felt her blood boiling, but tried to remain calm, "I'm sorry that you feel that way Diamond, I'm sure that way, way, way, WAY deep down that you're a beautiful mare."

Cue then turned to walk away.

Diamond then exploded, "I AM PRETTY!"

Diamond then pulled Cue's tail, causing her to drop her punch, and began attacking her. She punched her in the side of her temple which sent her backwards and made her black out for two seconds,

Diamond then saw her opportunity and began punching her multiple times in the face and gut. The crowd was shocked and tried to break up the fight but everypony that tried to pry Diamond off of Cue was pushed away harshly by Diamond. It was finally broken up when Rainbow airlifted Diamond off of Cue.

"Let me go! My Daddy will hear about this!" she screamed.

"Yeah, yeah, shut your trap, " said Rainbow with an eye roll.

When Diamond was on the ground and was being held back by Applejack and Twilight, Rainbow went to Cue's aid.

"Hun, you okay? What happened?"

"She was saying some things, I said some things back and tried to walk away and...well, you know the rest," she responded as she sat up.

"Come on, let's go home."

"But...the celebration."

"You're in no condition to stay up this late now, that blow to your temple is swelling up."

Rainbow touched it a little and Cue winced, "Yeah, that's what I thought, come on let's go."

And with that, they went home.