• Published 7th Jun 2014
  • 5,330 Views, 24 Comments

In the belly of Macintosh - ShrunkenBro

Big Macintosh is worried for Applejack's health. He believes she's working way to hard and she wants her to take the day "off." But she is too stubbern to listion so Big Macintosh takes matters into his own hooves and creates a p

  • ...

An Apple A Day

Warning: Shrinking Ponies, and safe non-fatal Big Mac vore Eeeyup :)

It was the beginning of spring in Ponyville, the trees had begun to grow more new apples on the Apples farm ,Celestia had already started to set the sun and Luna began to raise the moon to a new beautiful star lit night.
Applejack walked into the house, sweating from apple bucking for twenty four hours. Applejack used her hat to fan herself and she was joined by Big Macintosh, her big brother, a very large red stallion. He was cracking his stiff neck from the hard work him and Applejack had finished. Applejack and Big Macintosh walked into their living room, they both sacked out on the couch sitting beside each other. Applebloom, the little yellow filly with a pink bow in her mane walked in, propping her older siblings’ back hooves up on the snack table and placing pillows behind their heads. "Ah, thanks Applebloom," Big Macintosh complimented in his soft deep tone.
"Yeah, thanks sugarcube." Applejack added in as she rested her head back, the tired ponies relaxed, already feeling sleepy just resting. Applebloom climbed up on the couch and sat between them. Big Macintosh put his hoof on his little sister's head and rubbed her little head, messing up her mane. "Hey!" she complained. Applejack chuckled and put her arm around her and bringing her close.
Big Macintosh turned to his sisters and smiled; he got off the couch and walked into the kitchen. The red stallion opened the freezer, grabbing a bowl of vegetable soup and a homemade apple pie Granny Smith made for them to eat while she was on her trip out of town. Big Macintosh cooked the soup on a stove, giving off a wonderful smell that filled up the house. Applejack and Applebloom arrived in the kitchen. Grabbing a seat at the table. Big Macintosh placed three bowls on the table with a large pot in his arm. He scooped up the soup in a large spoon, giving them all scoops of the soup for himself and his sisters. Applejack took a bit of the soup, wiping off a few drops off her chin. "Thanks for warming the soup Bi…" Applejack gave a big yawn; Big Mac only nodded and smiled "Eeyup." He patted her on the back and sat down to eat with his sisters.
The three had eaten multiple bowls of the soup and slices of pie. The three sat on their chairs, wiping away some mess of pie that may have been on their faces. "That was a good meal Big Mac." Applejack complimented while rubbing her eyes and giving another huge yawn. Big Macintosh was noticing this she was yawning the whole time they were eating
"AJ, you okay?" Big Macintosh asked in concern.
"Yeah, you okay?" Applebloom added in the concern for her big sister.
"No no, it’s okay. I'm fine, I just need sleep." Applejack rubbed her eyes and yawned again.
"Applejack, you’re working too hard. Why don't I…" Big Mac was interrupted by Applejack.
"No, I'm fine, really. I just need sleep." Applejack left the table and walked to the staircase.
"Goodnight, you two." Applejack said, then walked up stairs leaving, Big Mac with a concerned look on his face.
The morning came and the rooster let out a loud crow. Big Mac woke up to see the morning sun soaking him in warmth and lighting up his room. The red stallion jumped out of bed with a messy mane. When he walked downstairs, he could smell something burning. "Uh oh." he mumbled to himself. He hoped Applebloom wasn't burning up the kitchen. Big Mac ran down the rest of the stairs as fast as he could, his loud hoof steps could be heard like thunder. He raced past the living room and into the kitchen. To the stallion’s surprise, it wasn't Applebloom burning breakfast, but Applejack. The orange mare was cooking pancakes by the look of it, but they were now charred and smoking. Big Mac quickly reached over the stove and turned it off, pushing Applejack away and grabbing the fire extinguisher. He sprayed the black hard pancakes, stopping the small fire.
Big Mac exhaled in relief and turned to his sister "Big Macintosh, I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I just I..." Applejack was on the verge of tears Big Macintosh put his hoof on her shoulder.
"It's alright AJ, just calm down and tell me what happened." He said in a gentle, deep tone. His young sister who always took charge and sometimes acted more like the older sibling was now more like a scared little filly. Applejack inhaled then exhaled she looked up at Big Macintosh with sad eyes.
"I just wanted ta cook breakfast for you and Applebloom, but I must-of put too much heat on them pancakes. I'm really sorry Big Mac." Applejack dropped her head in her own disappointment, Big Macintosh patted her shoulder.
"It's okay AJ, it was just an accident. AJ, I think you've been working too hard. I think you and Applebloom should take the day off and let me do all the work today."
"No Big Mac, just because I'm tired that doesn't excuse me from the chores today." Applejack stared at her brother in an angry expression. Big Mac looked away and sighed, he rolled his eyes
"Okay, fine. But if you need my help, just tell me."
"Alright... and uh… thanks for putting out the fire." Applejack smiled, Big Macintosh chucked patting his sister and the head.
After cleaning up the kitchen, Big Macintosh decided to take Applejack and Applebloom out to breakfast. They went to a diner and had some waffles and pancakes. They finished their meals and paid before they went home. AJ wanted to pick up a few things from the market, Big Macintosh told his sisters that he was just going to go on home and start early on the chores. As soon as he was out of sisters’ sight, he made a dash to different direction. He wasn't heading to the farm; he was going to the 'Everfree Forest'. He came to the entrance and looked both ways to make sure no one saw him, he then ran into the forest and vanished.
Applejack had a saddlebag full of food and her sister wasn't far behind her. Applejack saw that some of the apple trees were already bucked with buckets full of apples. Applejack took her groceries into the kitchen, and then joined Big Macintosh with the chores. After a half hour went by, Applejack already started to get tired and the light orange mare's back legs began to hurt. Applejack gave three big yawns, then sat down beside a tree and waved her hat up and down trying to cool herself off. AJ could feel the cool breeze washing over as the wind blew. Big Macintosh could see his sister trying to relax, he already began to worry. He hated seeing his sister over work herself. She had already over worked herself yesterday; it wouldn't be healthy for her to do it again.
Applejack had gone into the house to get a drink of water while Applebloom was cleaning the living room. She heard the door open then close and she saw her brother come into the kitchen. "Applejack, you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine, just needed ah drink." she replied.
Big Macintosh gave a small smile. He left the kitchen and then came back with a glass bottle with a blue liquid in it. Applejack eyed it and gave a curious look. Big Mac walked over to her and showed her the bottle "Here AJ, try this."
"What the hay is it?"
"It’s an energy drink. Give it a shot, it's pretty tasty."
Applejack took the bottle out of his hoof. She opened the bottle, putting it up to her lips and giving it a sip, it tasted like blueberries. "Hmmm it does taste good. Thanks Big Mac." Applejack licked the rest of the taste off her lips. She noticed something odd. She knew her brother was bigger than most of the stallions in Ponyville except for Bulk Biceps, but she noticed Big Macintosh looked a lot bigger then he normally did "Hey Big Mac, you’re looking a lot taller."
"It must be the extra work." he said, giving a small chuckle.
"Yeah, I bet you'll be bigger than Bulk Biceps… or was his name Snowflake? Oh never mind, I better get back to work." Applejack left the kitchen and went into the living room to see Applebloom before she went back to work.
Applejack felt a little strange, her stomach kept making a bunch of sounds, it was probably just because she was hungry. She entered the living room and saw Applebloom cleaning the windows. Applejack paused in place; she saw that Applebloom, who was still just a filly, was almost as tall as her "Uh Applebloom?" was all she could say to her. Applebloom looked over at her and gasped.
"A...A...Applejack?" She looked shocked to see her sister was smaller than her. "What’s happening to you?" Applebloom asked as she rushed over to AJ.
"I don't know!"
"Did you go into the poison joke again?"
"No, I didn't." Applejack was getting frustrated; she started to get even smaller. Applebloom was now taller than her.
"Don't worry, I'm sure Zecora or Twilight can help you." Applebloom gently lifted her up and set her on her back. Applebloom walked into the kitchen, but stopped. Her stomach was making strange sounds like Applejack's stomach had.
"What's wrong?" AJ crawled up her sister's mane and onto her head so she could look at her face
"I... I don't know."
"Did you eat or drink something just now?" AJ asked, but hoped she didn't know the answer to her own question.
"Well I did have a sip of that blue drink Big Mac brought in." Applejack gasped and had an expression that would say "uh oh". Applebloom began to get smaller. AJ jumped off her sister and watched as she began to shrink. To Applejack, she almost looked like she was back to her normal height in a matter of minutes. Applejack and Applebloom were the size of mice.
"Big Macintosh!" AJ shouted.
The living room began to shake; the sound of gigantic hoof steps shook the two Apple sisters. They both looked up in awe as their now giant brother came into the living room, looking down at the two of them. A smile appeared on his muzzle.
"Big Macintosh, did you mean for this to happen!?" Applejack shouted up at the stallion. Big Macintosh chuckled. He laid down on the floor, his face was inches away from his 'little' sisters
"Well, hehe… maybe. I meant for only you to shrink, but didn't mean for Applebloom to shrink too." the stallion spoke gently. Every time he opened his mouth, a little breeze made there manes flutter, his breath also smelled of hay and strawberries
"Why did you shrink us?!" Applejack demanded, grabbing a hold of her brother's nose and staring into his eyes with an angry expression.
"Well, you know how I was worried you'd over work yourself? Well I'm gonna make you take a day off." his huge green eyes looked towards his sisters.
"Really Big Mac, all of this because I was tired?"
"And because I worry about your health." his soft, deep tone showed worry. He carefully picked Applejack and Applebloom up in his hoof. He walked over to the couch and relaxed on his back, placing his sisters on his soft belly.
Applebloom poked at Big Macintosh's soft red fur, this was ten times softer than her bed. She pressed her hoof into soft belly, she stopped when Big Mac's stomach made a loud churning sound. She smiled tried her best to snuggle into his fur. "Maybe we should stay tiny, Big Mac makes the best bed," Big Macintosh gave a chuckle. To the shrunken sisters, it was like a mini earthquake. Applejack was glad her sister was having fun, but she was irritated that Big Macintosh was treating her like a filly. She looked up and glared at him. He saw this and gave a nervous smile,
"Hey, Applejack." Applebloom called out.
"What is it?"
"Jump with me, his belly's like a trampoline." Applejack raised a confused eye brow and stood up walking over to her sister.
"I don't mind." Big Macintosh's soft but booming voice echoed.
Applebloom laughed and jumped up and down like Pinkie Pie. "Hey, we can have race up to Big Mac's neck?" Applebloom suggested. Applejack looked up at Big Mac and he looked down his chest.
"Alright, you’re on." Applejack said, then got ready. Applebloom joined her; they both got in a racing position. "GO!" AJ shouted, then took off with Applebloom catching up to her. The two ponies ran up from Big Mac's belly to his neck. Applejack ran ahead of her sister but was tackled by Applebloom, both sisters laughed. Applejack grabbed hold of Applebloom and started tickling her belly.
"Ha haha AJ, s,. Sto,.. Stop!" Applejack pinned her sister down into Big Mac's fur continuing to tickle her. Applejack stopped, and then looked at Big Mac. She gave an evil smile, it was time for some payback. Applejack whispered in her sister's ear. Applebloom nodded in agreement and rubbed her hooves together like a super villain.
"What are you two doing?" Big Mac's voice made everything around them tremble.
"Oh, nothing." Applejack chuckled; the two sisters then started tickling Big Macintosh together. The red stallion's laugh boomed threw out the living room like thunder. Big Macintosh thrashed around the couch, making things for his tiny sisters like an earthquake, but they continued by to tickle their giant brother. The two stopped, seeing that their brother was on the verges tears from laughing so hard. Big Macintosh sat up, making Applejack and Applebloom to slide down onto Big Mac's soft belly. Applebloom laughed, curling up in the warm fur.
"Having fun?" the stallion asked with a sweet smile on his face. Applebloom shook her head up and down in a yes.
"Well Big Mac, this has been fun but I think I'm ready to be normal sized now." Applejack stretched her legs and looked up at her brother with smile. Big Mac’s lower lip went up he gave an odd look tapping his chin with his hoof.
"Hmm… not just yet." Applejack gave a confused expression.
"What?" Big Mac gave a toothy smile that made Applejack nervous.
"Not before I play a little game with you two."
"Wha… what are ya talking about?"
"Well it was going to be just you, but I guess Applebloom can join you." the gentle stallion said. Both Applejack and Applebloom had worried looks on their faces.
Big Macintosh brought his hoof down, gently picking up Applebloom.
"What are you doing?" Applejack's voice had force and worry. Her brother picked her up as well, placing both her and her sister in one hoof.
"Don't worry, I promise I won't hurt any of you." his tone became gentler.
"What are you going to do, Big Mac?" Applejack asked with sigh relief.
"You two are going to relax while I work." Big Mac replied, making Applejack even more confused. She looked into her brother's face; he had a kind smile that she knew she could trust. "Don't worry, this will seem scary at first, but you'll have fun, trust me." In the back Applejack's mind, she knew what he was planning. She couldn't believe it, but she knew. She would have worried, but she knew Big Macintosh too well to not do something that would hurt his sisters.
Big Mac's lips parted, opening his mouth wide, exhaling warm air. Webs of saliva were connected to his top and bottom teeth. Big Mac brought them closer to his open mouth. Big Mac's tongue flopped out of his mouth onto his hoof it was like a red carpet.
The two sisters had a front row seat to Big Mac's mouth they could see his rows of white healthy teeth that was like rows of white buildings. Big Mac's tongue was like a big red bed, it looked squishy. It had a light pink color and was very moist. The rest of his mouth was a light ruby red color. Saliva could be seen dripping from the roof of his mouth. Applejack could see Big Mac's throat with his uvula hanging in the middle his throat was like a light red cave.
Applebloom pressed her hoof on her brother's tongue, it made a squishy sound and it was very moist and soft. Applebloom pulled her hoof back with it being coded in saliva.
"Eeew!" Applebloom complained. Big Mac tilted his hoof up, making his sisters fall onto his tongue. Big Mac brought his tongue back inside his mouth and closed his jaws with his sisters inside.
Applejack blinked a few times, she couldn't see anything clearly and it was very humid. She smelled apples and something like lime or maybe lemonade. She was on a soft surface that was very comfy she wanted to snuggle into it "AJ," Applejack looked up to see her sister next to her. She picked herself up, almost slipping on the moist floor.
"Is Big Mac gonna eat us?" Applebloom looked scared her eyes grew big and twinkled; the orange mare brought her sister closer.
"It’s okay sis, we'll be fine." Applejack took her hat off and pulled out a flashlight.
"Where did you get that?"
"Pinkie Pie told me to take this flashlight. She said it was doozy so I knew I had to take it." The sisters laughed. Applejack turned the flashlight on the light shined on the flesh that sparkled a light white in the flashlight's beam. AJ shined the light on a line of saliva that dripped off the roof of their brother's mouth, it had light silver color. The saliva fell and then splashed on the large tongue that was like a small, pink wet field.
The sisters felt a warm breeze blow in from behind them and then the world around them shook. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt any of you. Like I said AJ, you’re going to relax, whether it will be my mouth or my stomach." Applejack sighed and rolled her eyes. It was absolutely silly that Big Mac would go to such extremes to make sure she relaxed.
"Hey AJ!" Applebloom yelled. Applejack turned to see her sister bouncing up and down on the lumpy flesh of Big Mac's tongue "Come over here, it’s fun!" she said in mid jump, making two back flips then landing on the fleshy floor then bouncing back up into the air. "Please play with me, AJ." Applejack sighed. She saw how happy her sister was, it did make her smile.
"Ohh alright." She put the flashlight back in her hat then rushed over to her sister and joined her. The sisters jumped up and down, laughing loudly. Applejack did a triple flip, Applebloom joined her in mid-air. The two sisters held hooves and jumped at the same time. Applejack tossed Applebloom up into the air, making her go almost as high up to the roof of Big Mac's mouth. She flipped five times going down, Applejack caught her in her arms and they both landed on the soft moist tongue. The sisters laughed as they both snuggled up into the soft lumps of Big Mac's tongue.
Big Mac had done some apple bucking for a few hours. The whole time he worked, the red stallion could feel his sisters running around in his mouth. They would play for a few moments then snuggle into his tongue. Whenever they stopped to relax, Big Macintosh wanted to squeal from how cute his sisters were, It had been while since Applejack, the most mature young mare he'd seen become so responsible for the younger sister, he was glad to see her act like a kid again. He stopped to have a break. He relaxed by a tree, then rested his head on his front hooves. He could feel them walking around his tongue.
Applebloom and her sister were relaxing, curled up together on the soft tongue. Applejack had Big Mac's teeth to lean against while Applebloom was taking a nap snuggled up to her sister's warm belly and her brother's soft tongue. Applejack nuzzled Applebloom's head. She looked up, the front on Big Mac's maw and the world around them trembled.
"Are you doing okay in there?" Big Mac's voice echoed softly throughout his mouth.
"Just fine Big Mac, just fine." Applejack rubbed her sister's head. Applebloom stretched her hooves out then snuggled back into the soft floor and nuzzled her head into AJ's belly.
"I was thinking maybe I could change yer scenery." This got Applejack's attention.
"What do yah mean, like swallow us?" She sounded worried.
"AJ, remember when my stomach made the same sound yours did? That was my stomach getting rid of all the acids. I went to Zecora's today to get the shrinking potion for you... It was meant to be for just you." Big Mac and Applejack chuckled, rubbing Applebloom's little mane. "The one I took makes my stomach safe for you and Applebloom to stay in and my stomach will go back to normal when I drink the antidote." Applejack smiled patting the floor.
Applebloom had awoke up a few minutes later Applejack explained what Big Macintosh and her had agreed on, but before they traveled down into Big Mac's gut Applebloom wanted to try one last thing.
"I see this in cartoons all the time, I wanna try." Applejack held Applebloom up to Big Mac's saliva coded uvula. The little filly leapt out of her sister’s arms and grabbed a hold of Big Mac's uvula, wrapping her arms around it. The fleshy thing made a squish sound when she grabbed a hold. The uvula swung back and forth, Applebloom giggled. It was like swing. Applejack stopped the uvula from swinging any further. Both Applejack and Applebloom hugged their brother's uvula. Erupting from the abyss that was his throat was an "Awwww." From outside, Big Mac smiled. He tilted his head back, he could feel both his sisters enter into his throat. He felt them moving on the way down and hear them laughing. He smiled one last time and swallowed.
Applejack and Applebloom traveled down a narrow red tube that was slimy they were sliding down. The whole thing was like a water park slide. Applejack could see her sister with her front hooves up and laughing, Applejack would have done the same but she held on to her hat. They splashed in warm saliva and continued sliding down until it started to slow down, then they came to lumps of pink flesh that opened up and they slid through and landed into a chamber with a squashing sound.
Applejack rubbed some saliva off her face; she looked around her new destination. Her sister was doing the same, only with her mouth wide open. The chamber was coated in wet saliva that dripped from the walls and the ceiling. The round room had a light ruby red color; it was like a beautiful fire ruby but with a lighter shade of pink. The fleshy walls were moist and looked like red jam jelly. Applejack pressed her hoof on the soft wall, her hoof sank in to the stomach wall. She walked over to her sister who was getting use to walking on the new squishy floor. Everything was now quiet; all they could hear was Big Macintosh's breathing and the soothing gentle sound of his beating heart that was like the beat of a drum.
"Are you okay in there?" Big Mac's voice echoed around them.
"Yeah, we’re fine. Thanks Big Mac." AJ rubbed the soft walls, making her brother make a purring sound. She just rolled her eyes and gave a yawn. "Come on sugarcube, let’s get some sleep." Applejack said in tired tone. The orange mare relaxed on the soft floor that was cozier then the tongue. Applebloom relaxed next to her sister, nuzzling her face into Applejack's soft belly and snuggling on the stomach floor. Applejack took her hat off, placing it beside her. "Big Mac." she gave a smile.
"Thanks." Applejack said.
"You’re welcome. Sweet dreams, sis." Applejack could feel Big Mac moving around, he must be starting to get back to work. Applejack relaxed her head down beside her little sister's. Her eyes were becoming heavy, then she gave a few more yawns before Big Mac's gentle heart beat sent off to sleep like a soothing lullaby.
The red stallion rubbed his belly, holding his sisters inside safe and sound. The apple stallion smiled, then walked back to the barn. He finished work as Celestia was setting the sun and Luna was raising the moon. Big Macintosh retired to his bed. Before he went to sleep, he wished his sisters who still slept inside his stomach a goodnight.

The End

Author's Note:

Special Thanks to Alticron for the great editing.

Comments ( 24 )

Story itself isn't that bad, but you really need to edit it a lot. There are almost no dots. Sentences are just too long. It makes it really hard to read it properly.

I rarely say this, but I found some things you may want to edit in the story's description.

Big Macintosh is worried for Applejack's health he believes she's working way to hard and she wants her to take the day off but she is to stubbern to listion so Big Macintosh takes matters into his own hooves and creates a plane involving 'Posion Joke'

I would recommend putting a period at the end of health and a comma at the end of "off". The other things I think you should edit are all spelling errors, such as "too stubborn", "listen", "plan" and "Poison". I hope this is helpful.

You should do a story about Luna

4619391 I plan and hope too

4621140 Thank you and remember to thank http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Alticro for editing it

Okay, let's get the easiest part out of the way first. Your story needs some serious editing before I can consider it good. But I'm not here to insult you; I'm here to help you.

To start with, don't use a weather report opening. That's lazy, and as a writer you ought to be more creative than that. More to the point, it adds absolutely nothing to the scene. If you were to completely remove the first two sentences, the story would be no worse off, and in fact would probably be better.

Next, formatting. Don't have everything in one giant wall of text. That's difficult to read, and will discourage a lot of readers from getting past the first few lines. New speaker? New paragraph.
A good rule of thumb when not in dialogue is no more than six lines to a paragraph, until you grasp a better understanding of a good length for a paragraph to be.

Third, characterization. Big Mac talks too much here. In the show, he hardly said a word other than “Eeyup” and “Nnope”. Applejack is behaving too much like a filly, and she should certainly know how to cook. It is very out of character for her to be so worried about burnt toast.

Showing vs Telling. Stop spoonfeeding the emotions to your reader.
Applejack dropped her head in her own disappointment,
Remove the last four words of this sentence, and it carries a much heavier impact. The best way to convey emotion is to lead your reader to it, but not name it.
Notice the difference between “Rainbow Dash backed up until she was against the wall, where Applejack's hooves rested on either side of her head. Sweat began dripping from her forehead and her eyes scanned the room as she tried desperately to look anywhere but the glistening lips of the mare mere inches from her face” and “Rainbow Dash was too embarrassed to admit she really wanted to kiss Applejack.”

By not directly telling your reader what the character is thinking or feeling, you allow them to empathize with the character, which adds a lot of impact to the emotion. Mostly, stop explaining things to your reader, and just tell the story.

And lastly, Punctuation. Your story is rampant with obvious punctuation errors which could be easily fixed if dropped into a word processor.

In short, you have much work to do.

So far so good ^^ just remember to separate your paragraphs and indent them.

Im a fan of your stories and i have to say they are good

Fix the spelling in the description.

5521225 Thanks for telling me its fixed

5644627 stubbern? listion? plane?

It doesn't look fixed to me.

This was so darn cute! <3 More like this, please!

5897353 You're welcome. It's soft, caring vore like this that I love the most.

6941182 Me too I really wanted show the caring side of soft vore story.

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