• Member Since 7th Apr, 2012
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Relaxing Dragon

That one Raccoon who loves movies far, far too much.

Comments ( 230 )

my favorite movie I'll have to give this a read soon I love the thing

Yes! You uploaded this to here!!
Now I'm happier!!!

You.......what have you done you've brought my childhood fear to the world of equestria:ajsleepy::fluttercry:

Never looking at Scootaloo the same way......ever.:fluttershysad:

This was terrifying.... In a good way. :D

Chapter 3 was great. I can't wait to see what mutation you will prepare up next :)

I see twilight now realizing it now, that liquid, that what it is, scootaloo was expose to it, and the reason it can only open on the inside that liquid ate scootaloo and impersonated, absorbing her memories and personality.

This story is so freakin' awesome, it deserves way more than 9 likes! You manage to keep the tension, emotional responses and mystery to a maximum. I also have no idea who's the Thing in disguise but my money's kind of on Fluttershy (it was on Rainbow Dash originally but then I read that bit at the end and it gave me doubts - see this is what I was talking about when I said you work in the mystery well, you glorious bastard!). Keep up the good work Mr Author, I have the utmost faith in you...besides, it can't be worse than the 2011 prequel can it? :rainbowwild:

PS. Fingers crossed for somepony's head detaching, growing eight legs and eyestalks, and trying to scuttle off :pinkiehappy:

Gah, I'm gonna regret reading it before sleep.


Rarity and AJ are my prime suspects of being infected, but I can't tell which one it is.
Twilight is definitely not infected, because she wants to find a way to identify the Thing (also, I dont think that the Thing would waste energy on crying while being alone in the lab), plus she was alone with Fluttershy and nothing happened between them, which also strikes Fluttershy off from my suspect list.
Neither Rainbow Dash or Sweetie are infected, because of the 'kitchen scene' - they were alone in the room and nothing really happened.
I also don't think that Apple Bloom is infected, because the CMC were together all the time(I guess?) and the monster couldnt freely infect her without being caught red handed by Sweetie.
Rarity is off the list too. Why would she scream hysterically when she saw Scootaloo doing this and that with Spike, if she were infected herself?
That leaves only our cute orange apple farmer... poor Apple Bloom :applecry:

Aw, not Sweetie Belle. Now I sense a conflict with Rarity with Sweetie being infected being Twilight's fault. :fluttershysad:

Nice crossover you got going here that doesn't just feel like "THE THING! BUT WITH PONIES~!" and is actually engaging. Not to mention that all the characters are actually IN character.

Gonna keep an eye out on this one.

A My Little Pony/The Thing crossover, by all rights, should be terrible and ridiculous. But this is excellent. I'm hanging on the edge of my seat. With a cliffhanger like this, I hope the next update comes soon. I'm not sure I can take the suspense.

awwwwww shits gonna go down

Gah, my 'the thing detection algorithm' is a bit off it seems.
Oh and Dash got tied to the couch :yay: some bondage action is in order!

I just read this all in one sitting, excellent. It's a very strong crossover, although there are a few places that get a little too close to the source material for my taste. The backstory for the Thing is very well executed, I'm very happy that you went somewhere besides just "an alien." You capture the paranoia terrifically. The decision to bring in the CMC to increase the kill-count was brilliant and horrible. In a good way.

I like to think that in my own body-horror filled FoE homage to the Thing that I pull that aspect off rather well. I found your body-horror to be deliciously disturbing. I can see the corollaries between scenes from the movie and your work, but you have made them enough your own to really shine.

Excitedly following.

Oh man, poor Spike. At least we didn't have to read descriptions of what happened to Scootaloo and .

Yep, I called it. Right before Scootaloo infected the mystery character in chapter three, Sweetie Belle was the only one not mentioned in the description of the base's activity. Poor Sweetie Belle. :unsuresweetie:

not just a The Thing crossover, but all of John Carpenters "Apocolypse Trilogy". Amazing. LOL how Sutter Cane is, in Equestria, "Sugar Cane". The Thing was the scariest movie I have ever seen. (The game was rather weak, more of a "rent it" instead of a "buy it". good work

Oh my god this is good stuff. poor :applecry:

Another excellent chapter. You had me worried a second there that I wouldn't get to read a line about Dash not wanting to spend the rest of the winter on the couch. I'm glad you didn't do it word for word, but I'm ecstatic it was there.

It looks like I'm going to need to look at some of the source material, I am only familiar with The Thing. I don't know if it is from the sources, or something you added, but I'm glad there is a possibility of a reset. While I'm usually pretty grumpy when grim dark writers "wimp out" at the end, it is usually because it seems tacked on. Having the reset as a goal instead of a happy coincidence gives it a believability that is lacking in a lot of other works.

I applaud you sir, and eagerly await more.

my god you sir are a genius! freaking brohug to you man :heart:

Author Interviewer

Boy, that was a convoluted explanation, but it makes perfect sense once she gets to the point.

Oh shit. D: But what the hell is up with Pinkie?

So this has gone from Carpenter to Lovecraft? :O Not that I mind.

Hah! And I was about to accuse you of OOC Rainbow Dash.

Coming into this chapter, I found myself wondering why I was continuing to follow such a gut-wrenchingly horrifying fic. I came up with "I like the atmosphere", which is true. Now, I'm putting all those thoughts aside. Despite what's happened, the current scene feels very pony-adventure, and I'm okay with that. Actually, my one complaint at this point is that I don't really remember how everything fits together geographically, and I'm pretty much lost as to where they've gone.

This fic is my twisted guilty pleasure, and it opened my eyes to the wonders/horrors of a fic with gore that's actually used well. :pinkiecrazy:

I'm with MisterClacky on this one; the cheap thing to do would be to suddenly fix everything at the end, but introducing it as a tempting possibility really works and adds some hope and suspense to this fic. It would be a relief after the characters we love so much died so horribly. The scene where Pinkie was explaining it all was pretty exciting.

In previous chapters, I felt bad for what happened to Spike and how it affected Twilight and Rarity, but a little worse for the fact the Scootaloo was barely mourned at all. Rarity's death was far worse, though. And poor Apple Bloom is probably traumatized by now, unless she isn't herself. Except ... the thing was under the couch with Dash ... They'd better watch their backs.:pinkiegasp::applecry::twilightoops::fluttershyouch:

Wow. I wonder what kind of ending we're going to get. Is there really a way to turn back the clock? Will the world end? This is intense. Guess that's the thing about horror: miserable endings are just as likely as happy ones, if not more likely.

Interesting twist with Pinkie Pie being the dangerous one. It's particularly clever because Pinkie's already a weird, quirky character. It isn't immediately apparent that she's being more than her usual eccentric self.

Looking forward to more.

Holly crap that's epic,:rainbowderp: but i still have a ton of unanswered questions.

I don't know what it's worse, that the original "The Thing" is pure Lovecraftian horror mixed with high octane paranoia, or putting Lovecraftian horrors in "The Thing" with ponified paranoia.
Overkill? Yes. I like it? Oh boy if I like it.

I was waiting for this to happen. it's awesome!

And I thought it was pinkie pie.....

Suspense is killing me.
Story made me a little bit on the sick side litterally:pinkiesick:

Brilliant. The portrayal of Dash in this chapter was amazing. Every scene with her showcased a mounting paranoia and growing disillusionment. And that stubborn "I can win this" attitude was perfect. And her ending? That has to be the most chilling accounting of drowning I have ever read.

I literally had shivers when Fluttershy stared down the big bad. I wasn't expecting that, and it was brilliant.

And more bodies showed up, which is good, cause we're all out.

Keep up the excellent work as you wind this down.

Who here tried reading this with the original The Thing theme song? I DID.:pinkiehappy:
Amazing work, so many questions, so many mysteries. I loved the suspenseful atmosphere the story gives.
You sir made a (high) brony have the most amazing lecture, here.

Shouldn't this be rated grimdark? Seems a fair shade darker than just "dark" to me.

Author Interviewer

Why is Pinkie crying tears of blood? D:

I think you mean "tinkling", not "tinkering".

This history that Pinkie is telling is fascinating. This is all fascinating, and completely entrancing!


Ohai Applejack. :B

...And Rainbow drowns under the ice? D: After all that? ._. That's not a good prize. Where's the frickin' tragedy tag, man?

"and her eyebrows rising": rose

Okay, I'm okay with how you killed Fluttershy off. That was pretty epic, not to mention heroic. But now Twilight gets to be all alone, assuming she makes it out even. D: What the fuck?

God dammit, Hawks, god dammit! D: Where the hell have you been?

Well, this has been a real crapsack of an adventure. ;_; I guess there's one more left?

This has to be the single most amazing, touching and bone-chilling stories that i've EVER READ on this website, it even goes as far as to rank up there on my favourite stories. Adding Lovecraftian horror to an already amazing horror theme such as; "The Thing" was absolutely genius. Great job man! I can't wait to see the next chapter (possibly an ending?) and more from you. Have all of my internets, Infinite internets coming your way!

I have a feeling this sugar cane is behind all this. Will the next chapter be the last?

It was probably the fact that I would have no more to read after reading this chapter that kept me from it. Well, shame on me. Dash's final sequence was amazing to read, and Twilight's equally so. I can hardly wait to see how this ends.

Sugar Cane is just as much a victim as twilight...

Author Interviewer

I am ever so slightly concerned that this is not yet over. D: It felt over! Or at least headed for a definite ending.

Interesting start to this chapter. A POV switch that works well, and more importantly is handled properly.


He's wanting to know what she saw... This isn't real, is it? Hmm, but then it switches to Weaver's POV... Argh, confused! Though I like how, even after the main danger has passed, there are still questions and puzzles to figure out.

"with the rest of her body was similarly": take out 'was'


This seems to have become a completely different sort of story. c.c


I really have to call you out on using 'feet' and 'meter' in the same sentence. D:

So was everything reset? But things have changed...

This is the thing taking everything over. Or in her mind, something like that. Oh man oh man.

Growling Mad Ponies? Really? This is not the time for ponified musical references.

NOW I am scared. Pinkie, what did you do?

Ah, and what I at first thought was Pinkie breaking the fourth wall actually comes back to an earlier thought I didn't put words to: it's all about the books somehow.

You've got me gibbering madly to myself with Pinkie being squeezed by the green things. @_@

Oh wow, that's a great plan!


That was the best line, seriously. :D Wow, shit, what a chapter. I can only imagine that the Princess's absence has something to do with something...

I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say that, like the majority or readers, I thought a The Thing crossover with Ponies would be bad, really really bad.

But, also like said majority, I am currently eating my words with gusto. This is a brilliant fanfic. Extremely well executed and so much suspense.


80 feet Pinkie Pie :pinkiegasp: The world is DOOMED! :pinkiecrazy:

Brilliant chapter. I'm really curious what happens in Canterlot!

If it wasn't intense enough before, it sure has turned now! o:

Now Donald Pleasance! Throw the axe!

so this turned from a the thing crossover to some sort of silent hill thing?

OK, I really should start replying to comments on here.


No, it just got thigh-deep into Prince of Darkness territory, and neck-deep into In the Mouth of Madness territory. And those movies (particularly the latter) go to some very, very strange places.


Fun fact: My original outline of this story pretty much ended just like that. Minus the Donald Pleasance priest, at least.

1400751 And then she wakes up with the Burger King in bed with her.

You've been working in this story for nearly a year. Do you feel the end is near?


I can assure you, the end is quite near.

I can also assure you that, were it not for my rather staggering laziness, this would've been over and done about four months ago.

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