• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 4,808 Views, 264 Comments

Cadance: The Shining Armor Chaser - Captain-Brony

Cadance's and Shining Armor's love wasn't always a two way street. Read as Princess Cadance chases Shining Armor around in lovey dovey way.

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In the Hospital Wing

Shining Armor and Cadance were in the medic wing of the palace, getting patched up by Doctor Amora. She was a blue unicorn with a roll of hospital tape for a cutie mark. It was her standard procedure to treat all patients in beds since that was how she learned the trade. Shining Armor and Cadance didn't seem to mind, if anything a soft place to lay down seemed to help with their sores and aches. Doctor Amora always had some ointment around just for these kind of 'accidents'. Thankfully she only had minor injuries to worry about with both of them, but as who they received them was what really irked her.

"I swear, this trend has become my worst enemy! These 'flying tackle hugs' have given me more patients than I care to count! Honestly you two were lucky to get off with just minor injuries."

She gave Shining Armor a bandaid on his nose before turning her attention to Cadance.

"All week long I've been getting couples who've injured themselves with these 'flying tackle hugs'." She started to delicately wrap Cadance's wing. "Just about everything from black eyes to broken bones, all because lovers have decided to hurl themselves at each other! It's ridiculous!!"

When she finished wrapping Cadance's wing she let out a sigh of relief. "Your wing should be fine just so long as you stay off of it for at least a couple of days. Shining Amor, your injuries aren't anything a big rough stallion like yourself can't walk off, just don't get in to any fights."

"Ma'am!!" a guard poked his head in to the room, a look of urgency on his face. "We have another 'incident' with the trend. A couple seems to be mangled together in some way."

The doctor gave a heavy sigh. "Show them in."

"We can't Ma'am. We were uh told not to move them."

She slapped her forehead before slowing dragging her hoof down her face. "I hate this trend." She gave another sigh before picking up her medical kit. "Alright, I'm on my way. I'll trust you two to show yourselves out."

As she left the two merely sat quietly as they stared at the sheets on their bed. There was a certain embarrassment in the air with how they got their injuries, clearly neither of them wanted to bring it up because the silence between them was deafening. Shining Armor couldn't take it anymore, he had to break it.

"So..." Cadance looked up giving Shining Armor her full attention. "Let's agree that no matter what future attempts there will be, that they don't involve physical injury."

Cadance gave a soft laugh. "Sounds like a deal to me." She gave a sad smile. "This will be something to tell our children someday."

A furious blush raced across his face. "Children?!"

"Someday, when we're ready."

Sighing heavily Shining Armor shook his head. "Why is this so important to you anyways? I mean out of all the stallions in Equestria, why me? Why not some foreign dignitary? Or even a prince for crying out loud?"

"They're not you. They don't know what's really important, not like you do."

"And that's why you love me?"

Cadance looked at him with a sense of urgency. "Oh no! No! No! No! It's much more than that! My feelings for you have been there for a long time."

Shining Armor raised an eyebrow at her. "How long of a 'long time'?" He had to know.

It was Cadance's turn to blush now. "Since I foal sat for Twiley."

Shining Armor felt his jaw drop. He got up out of the bed and walked over to Cadance sitting on the foot of her bed. "That's an awful long time, Cadance."

"I know, but only recently did they..." her blush deepened as she searched for the right word. "'Blossom'."

Shining Armor sighed. "Listen, Cadance...maybe if things were different, like if we both were just a couple of average ordinary unicorns then..."

"Don't say that you don't love me back!!" Cadance said heatedly.

"What makes you so certain about that anyways?!"

"I'm the Princess of LOVE, Shiny! I know you love me back..." she stared up at his face, her eyes shimmering. "Because I can feel it."

"W-What?!" For the second time that day Cadance had made him feel hot and flustered.

"I feel the love you have me, Shining Armor. I feel it inside of your heart, and it overwhelms me. I also feel the love you have for your family too, but the love you have for me is different. It's wonderful and warm..." a dreamy smile formed on her face. "And bigger than I ever thought possible."

Shining Armor was now as red as a tomato and completely speechless to boot. He thought for sure Cadance would be laughing at him again over this but instead she maintained her train of thought.

"So you can go ahead and tell me that there is nothing there between us all you want..." her face turned serious. "But I will know that, that is a LIE!!"

"...I..." Shining Armor searched aimlessly for something, ANYTHING to say in response to this new information. Then, like a river, the words just came flooding out of his mouth. "Whether I love you or not is irrelevant."

"...What do you mean it's 'irrelevant'?! It's LOVE!! It's completely relevant!!" Cadance snapped.

"We each have our own path to follow, Cadance." He got up off of her bed and stared down at her with a very serious expression. "Mine is protecting the citizens of Canterlot, and yours is ruling over them. And love or not, those paths don't intersect."

Cadance started to visibly shake and Shining Armor started to feel guilty. "Poor thing, she didn't ask to have these feelings." He was about to apologize when...

"BUCK THAT!!!" Cadance snapped with a roar. Shining Armor jumped back at Cadance's sudden outburst, she had jumped off the bed with a deadly serious stare fixated on Shining Armor. "Paths smaths!!! You can talk about paths all you want..." Shining Armor found himself backing away from Princess Cadance as she made strides towards. "But I know in my heart of hearts that WE are MEANT to be TOGETHER!!!"

Shining Armor couldn't back up anymore, he had found the window to the wall. Just in time too, her expression finally softened, she placed a hoof on his cheek tenderly "And I know you feel it too."

Then Cadance did the most surprising thing yet. She kissed him.

"MMMMMMM!!! MMM!!!" was the closest thing Shining Armor could do to protesting, they were the only sounds that his mouth could make.

However, soon enough Shining Armor discovered, much to his surprise that he was starting to kiss her back. Which to Shining Armor simply didn't add up, his mind knew exactly why they couldn't be together and yet his body was working against it's wishes.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Shining Armor forced the kiss to break off. A whirlwind of emotions were written on Cadance's face, disappointment-that the kiss had ended, happiness- she obviously enjoyed that kiss, but most surprising of all was shock.

"You kissed back!" her tone sounded as if she needed to say it out loud just so she could believe it herself. "You kissed back!!" there was joy in her voice this time, and Shining Armor knew that could only mean trouble for him.

"Now Cadance, don't go thinking this proves anything!"

"Oh but it does prove something!" She twirled away in joy. "It proves you aren't the stick in the mud the other guards keep saying you are."

"They said WHAT about me?!" Shining Armor fumed.

"This is perfect!!" Cadance beamed reminding Shining Armor of the problem at hand. "I was afraid I wasn't making any progress at all with you."

"Okay, 1) You've only made one real attempt and that was this morning! 2) I STILL haven't admitted to anything!!"

If Cadance heard him, she obviously didn't show it. "Now all I have to do is just keep the love on and you'll be honest with your feelings..."

"Hey!! Are you listening to me?!"

"I'll win the bet!"

"Not if I have anything to say about it! But seriously, not one word is getting through right now is it?"

"And then we can start dating..."

"I could probably just say anything and you won't even notice will you? Like sunki-funkey-monkey, Pudding Face."

"And then we can announce our love to all of Canterlot!"

"That's what I thought. I'm just going to leave before you decide to capitalize on this moment."

Shining Armor quietly opened the window behind and started to stick his leg through it. Cadance didn't even notice as she was staring dreamily in to the distance.

"Oh and just think; we'll go on romantic picnics together and hold hooves." Cadance gushed.

As Cadance continued to fantasize Shining Armor quietly snuck out the window.


Cadance was brought out of her fantasy as the good doctor was currently burning a glare at her.

"If the stallion can figure out it's time to go then why can't you?!"

Cadance looked around the room but Shining Armor was gone. "Shiny?" She suddenly felt very embarrassed. "That stallion could double as a ninja."

Author's Note:

When I look at my own writing it always seems like such a load of cheesyness. I certainly hope that isn't how it comes across to you readers. I tried to go for 'The Feels' with this chapter, so if I failed or succeeded it is up to you guys. None the less I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


I think I might need to up the rating here a little bit what with that kiss and everything.