• Member Since 24th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Tuesday


Also known as HUE JACKMAN! And more recently, Blaasz. My twitter: https://twitter.com/Blaaszz


A story of complete chaos.

Follow Twilight as she tries to save her friends from an unknown plague, and realize that the best way to stop an enemy is to take his place...

-I wrote this while high off prescribed pain medication.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 77 )

Big Macintosh isn't a mare, silly! :pinkiehappy:

Bwahahaha. You need to be high off pain medication more often.

hi you say i love hi written storys i must read now

You are a good person and people say nice things about you.



... What the heck was that I just read?

I have not enjoyed chaos this much since Discord made chocolate rain come from cotton candy clouds :derpytongue2:

Well played.
Well played.

I approve soo much. It has a coherent story line and has an awesome ending.:twilightsmile:

I approve soo much. It has a coherent story line and has an awesome ending.:twilightsmile:

Shipping kills me inside sometimes and this story made me feel better.

He is now.

This. This, so much!

What did I just... what... what.:derpyderp2:

That... That... I think that gave me a contact high. Awesome. :derpytongue2:

Wait, you did this while you had too much medication?
This was probably one of the most sense-making stories involving the authors that I have ever read...
With the exception of the last part, of course. That was both original and epic.

That said, my paranoia is going to keep me from my porn folder for at least another hour.

EDIT: I'm sure the name Twilight Sparkle is already taken, but if someone can pull out something similar enough but unused, they should watch every account that has a story on it.

idk if i should if you should lay off the medication or take it more often, this story has left me in a state of ''wat da fuq just happened''

Wow, maybe I should try taking some OxyContin and cranking out a story...

Anyway, the plot was surprisingly coherent AND original! Tracking, favoriting and all that!

My life is now complete.
You now obtain fifteen Twilight-Sparkle-owned internets.

*blink* *Blinkblink* *blink*

..........im just going to fav this

Thats the biggest load of WUT I have ever read. Scary thing is the story is actually feels coherent even if its a bunch of references to brony tropes like shipping, Fluttershy waifu, OC mary sue alicorns, etc.

Good show.

That was pretty much the best thing ever. Especially that ending.

So much what going on.


This was great. You're great. I love everything and am highly confused.

Prescribed eh?
That's what they all say...

Is everypony else who read this having a Bully day?

and THAT concludes todays daily mindfuck


*A bunch of gurgling sounds*

Beep Beep.

Sorry Streak, but we have confirmed that RainbowDash756 just had his brain fried after he added a story to his favourites.

RainbowDash756: My brain is laughing because of f***.

P.S: Nice work, Streak. Not dissappointed.

Twilight focused more, fighting against the weird force pulling on her. IN the span of a few seconds, she got the sudden urges to go make Spike breakfast, make out with Trixie, fly to some alien planet to fight the covenant, order pizza, spy on Rainbow Dash while she worked out, decide to help Pinkie Pie make cupcakes, find a new dress to wear from Rarity, and to hold an erotic study session with Fluttershy. ...Why did half of her thoughts include something romantic with her friends?


Discord pointed behind him to the two princes, who had apparently stopped fighting and were making out on some randomly placed bed.


initial reaction: lolwut?
after: dafuq did i just read?

final opinion: take all the meds and write more stories!

molestia FTW

It reminded me of The Marvelous Adventures of Pinkie Pie. :rainbowlaugh: Similar setup (but with a totally different ending) and about the same quantity of absurd and lolwuts. :rainbowlaugh:

Good one! Thanks for sharing.

It's amazing to think a story by you, Streak. Could only reach 663 views in 2 weeks with a story? :twilightsmile: Great story anyways.

Laughed until I started coughing.

Dafaq did i just read?:rainbowhuh::applejackconfused::derpyderp1::rainbowderp::twilightoops: Regardless it was hilarious

Fun times. *cracks open a cold (root)beer*

...My brain is full of :derpytongue2:

Dafuq did I just read? I don't know if I'm now terrified or just plain confused after that ending. But it was brilliant, that's for sure.

please tell me someone found my brain i lost it at molesti... OH GOD:twilightoops::pinkiegasp:

I was laughing so hard while reading this, love how everything goes to shit...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...... :rainbowlaugh:

My brain just broke, and in the best of possible ways!

Rereading a few stories because why the hell not.

“A writer has invaded our world, and he's influencing everything through the fourth wall! In fact, he may even be typing out everything I say right now, and I might not even know it! YOU might not even know it!”
... It could be you... It could be me! It could even be--

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