• Published 26th May 2014
  • 75,136 Views, 2,906 Comments

How many friends have you made today?! - Sarcastic Brony

Anon likes to keep to himself, but Celestia thinks he should make friends.

  • ...

Lightning strikes twice

Anon walks down the hallway toward the dining hall. He definitely feels clean, but also dirty at the same time. He’s not sure how to feel about what happened in that bathroom. He honestly believes that it wasn't
as bad as he thought. Still, those underlying thoughts are always there, scolding him for allowing such a thing to happen. So he did something very intimate with his friends, which was not considered intimate to them. His logical side and his human side are practically having a heated debate about what was right and wrong.

He blames it on his current emotional status. So much is changing for him that he is bound to have moments like this. Things that are normal for him are bizarre for ponies. Things that are normal for ponies are bizarre for him. It’s a never ending cycle, really. However, he is the oddity here. For his friends, he should try and be more understanding. This is their world after all. He lets out a long sigh. Easier said than done.

He stops in front of the doors to the dining hall. Well, the most embarrassing part of the day is done. Might as well have a nice breakfast before the day gets busy. He pushes a door open and finds Celestia, Luna and Blueblood already waiting at the table for him. Their plates are ready as they just sit patiently. A single covered plate rests to the right of Celestia.

“I hope I didn't keep you waiting,” Anon says as he walks over to the last plate.

“You haven't,” Celestia answers.

Anon lifts the cover from his plate and spots a nice slice of ham, and a side of hashbrowns as well.

“I can get used to this, ” he says to himself.

Celestia giggled. “You know you’re welcome here as long as you wish.”

Anon shakes his head. “Nah, I’d probably get fat if I ate like this too much.” He can feel himself start to loosen up as he looks to Celestia. “I mean, look at those flanks.”

Celestia feels her face heat up as she notices that Anon is looking at her rear. She feels a bit self-conscious now. Are her flanks really that big? She looks down and gives them a few pokes. He’s right! They’re corpulent! Celestia frowns as the sound of her sister laughing comes to her ears.

“What’s the matter, Tia? Cannot accept the truth?” She burst into an uproar of laughter.

At least until Anon speaks up.

“I wouldn't make fun of her, Princess Moonbottom.”

Luna feels her laughter die out at that name. However, Luna is rather quick on the uptake.

“Why, Anonymous. Have you been looking at my flank this entire time? I bet you got a good feel during our bathing,” she says coyly.

She definitely turns it around on Anon as his face turns completely red. He is sputtering out gibberish trying to defend himself, but he can't find the right words to say. Luna gives him a more sultry smile.

“Why, one would think you were my consort if they were to hear of such scandalous behavior.” Luna smiles at him innocently.

Anon lets out a huff of air. “Alright, you got me.” He shakes his head. “So does that mean that washing you was wrong?”

Luna giggles a bit. “No, but your race seems to think the flank is rather significant.” She looks down to her flanks and gives them a bit of a wriggle. “Do humans desire the flank, Anon?”

Anon is fighting his hardest to suppress his embarrassment. “It’s an attractive quality. Let’s just leave it at that.”

“Bigger or smaller?” Luna continues, she loves how much Anon is reacting to this.

Anon rubs his face. “Why have you forsaken me?” he whispers. He drops his hands. “Bigger. And before you ask, it’s something to do with having big hips. To our ancestors, that signified a good breeding partner. Birthing hips, we called them. Throughout time, it just became something we found attractive on a day by day.”

Celestia feels her face heat up some more. So does this mean that Anon finds attraction to big flanks? She can honestly admit that she doesn't quite see the allure of it. She now looks to her flanks in a new light. Perhaps having a bigger flank is not so bad?

“Since we are on this subject, what do ponies find attractive?” Anon asks.

Luna perks up at sharing some culture with Anon.

“Well, a nice shiny coat and mane are sought after traits. There is also the droop of one's tail. Too droopy usually means a spine problem. I wouldn't say there is just a single part we look at. It’s really the entire package,” Luna states.

Anon nods. “I guess that kinda works the same as us. Though we do focus on some key areas.”

“Overall it’s who you connect with,” Celestia finds herself saying. “It’s the reason some ponies have found love with other species. While it’s ingrained in us to spot a good mate with our own kind, it’s not uncommon for ponies to date griffons, minotaurs or other species.”

“So, that’s actually a thing here? Like, interspecies stuff?” Anon asks in a rather hesitant voice.

Celestia nods. “Of course. True that some ponies look down upon it, but it isn't against the law. What about humans?”

Anon rubs the back of his neck. Didn't he tell the princess that his race was the only sapient species on that entire rock?

“Um. No.” He says as he looks up and spots their confusion. “There aren't any other sapient creatures on my world. I thought I told you that before?”

Celestia feels her mind kick back to a few memories. He’s right, he did tell her about this before.

“I’m sorry, my mind tends to forget these things. It does sound rather lonely,” Celestia says.

Anon shrugs. “Maybe to you guys, but we weren't really that lonely.”

Anon then looks to his food and decides to start eating. Might as well not let it get cold. Celestia and Luna both follow his lead as they too eat their meals. Blueblood on the other hoof was already finished. He didn't care for what they were talking about, so he just ate. He wasn't even sure what they were talking About. Sounded boring, anyways.

“May I be excused?” Blueblood asks.

“You may,” Celestia pauses briefly to answer him. “Do you want to join us to a Wonderbolts game? We should be leaving after I conclude morning court.”

Blueblood shakes his head. “I think I’ll stay here.”

She smiles at him as she gives a nod. “Very well. We’ll be back when the game is over.”

Blueblood nods as he goes about his business. He will admit that it sounded fun, but he wants to be alone right now. It just felt like one of those sad days for him. Anon watches Blueblood with a raised brow. For some reason or another, he could see a certain reserved sadness to him. He feels a wing rest on his shoulders.

“Don't worry about him. He sometimes has days like this,” Celestia answers his unspoken question.

Anon nods. “I guess we all get like that at times.”

Celestia gives him a nod as they continue their meal. She needs to hurry anyways; morning court will be starting soon.

Now this is actually a rather interesting turn of events. Luna is currently sitting in Celestia’s throne while Anon sits to her right and her sister on her left. She looks beyond nervous right now and the guards are very confused. The situation is actually rather easy to understand. Anon mentioned that maybe Luna should give morning court a try, seeing as it’s usually tamer than the later courts. Celestia was very hesitant, as well as Luna, but Anon pointed out it could probably do them some good to let Luna out in a more public light.

So, this is how it turned out. Celestia honestly didn't expect Anon’s idea of letting her sister lead to come so soon. Sure it was only morning court, but this is actually a big step for both sisters. She will admit that having Anon here actually calms her more than if he were absent. Anon looks towards Luna as she looks around the court unsure.

“Hey.” He rests his hand on her withers. “It’s just like night court, just with more annoying ponies.”

She gives him a small smile at his attempts to cheering her up. She must say that she actually has dreamed of this day for awhile. She remembers a time in her life where two thrones sat upon the dais. Her sister and herself ruling side by side. She looks over to her sister as she gives her a gentle smile. She then looks back at Anon as he gives her a reassuring nod.

“W- I think I am ready,” Luna says.

Celestia nods. “Very well.” She turns to one of her guards. “Send the first subject in.”

Her guard is definitely confused. A few days ago, that creature had the audacity to sit in his ruler's throne while dishing out orders. Now his ruler is allowing her sister to take her place for morning court? However confused he may be, he overall obeys his Princess. So with great hesitation does he give a nod to a guard by the throne room's door.

The other guard gives him a nod as he uses his magic to open the large door. A lone mare hesitantly walks into the room. Her coloring isn't anything to mention and she actually wore no clothing like the citizens of Canterlot. Celestia could already tell that she was not only from out of town, but also new to her court. The mare is looking around the room in awe, so she didn't notice the significant change that sat before her.

Luna can feel her nerves start to stir a bit. She just needs to remember what Anon told her. Don't yell; speak in a calm and controlled tone. Above all else, speak modern Equestrian. The mare in question turns toward the throne. She feels herself freeze up as she spots a mare she’s never seen before. She then looks over to see Celestia is by her side and a creature on the other side of the other alicorn.

“I-” She looks to Celestia, then to Luna. “Um...”

Celestia feels herself speaking out before Luna.

“Hello, subject. I would like you to meet my sister, Princess Luna. She will be answering all questions and concerns you may have today.”

The mare looks back over to Luna unsure. She doesn't remember any talk about her princess having a sister, let alone her being a princess as well. She then feels her eyes travel to the other creature. Was this perhaps a prince of some kind?

“Yo.” Anon gives her a wave.

She feels her confusion rising. She wasn't expecting him to give such a casual greeting. Luna decides to not wait any longer as she speaks out.

“You come here for a reason, subject. What is it that ails you?”

The mare is startled by being addressed so suddenly. Celestia leans towards her sister and whispers.

“Ask for her name,” she offers.

Luna gives her sister a nod.

“What is your name, subject?” Luna asks.

The mare takes a second to collect herself.

“My name is Rose Water.”

Anon finds his eyes drifting to her flank. Yep, that looks like rose petals on a bed of water. He honestly doesn't understand how they get their names. Do they change them after they get a cutie mark, or is it all magic?

“Greetings, Rose Water. What has brought you to morning court today?”

The mare feels her nerves actually start to settle. While a bit jarring at first, she can hear a certain caring nature to Princess Luna’s tone. Yet, there is also a more stern, motherly feel to it as well.

“I was actually concerned about a plot of land my family owns.”

She reaches into her saddle bag and pulls out a scroll. Luna uses her magic to take it from her and brings it over. She gives it a once over. As she reads, she feels her brow raise. She then magics over the letter to her sister. Celestia looks the letter over as well, she feels a small frown grow on her face. A proclamation in her name about the family being evicted from their land. A proclamation she never made.

She magics back the letter. As much as she wants to react, she will allow her sister to “take the reins” as Anon put it. Luna gives her sister a nod as she levitates the letter to the guard by the throne.

“Get this to the mages, I want them to find the pony responsible for this forgery.”

The guard doesn't hesitate as he gives her a nod. He may be a day guard, but he knows authority when he sees it. He quickly runs out of the room with the letter in his magic. The mare from before standing stock still as he runs past. She is confused about everything, it seems things are more complicated than she realized. Luna looks back to the mare with a gentle smile, trying her best to emulate her sister.

“I am very sorry you had to trouble yourself with such a long trip, Rose Water. It seems the letter you received was a fake. Whoever is trying to get your land thought it would be smart to use my sisters name. This was not a wise choice.”

The mare looks up to Luna.

“We aren't losing our land?”

Luna shakes her head.

“No, that land is your own. Unless you yourself wish to sell it, then rest easy knowing that not even my sister or I would force you from it.”

The mare lets out a sigh of relief. She actually traveled pretty far to understand why the Princess was taking her land, but now she feels a whole lot better having heard the Princess’ words for herself.

“Thank you, Princess Luna.” The mare gives a bow.

Luna can feel a certain amount of pride start to well up inside of her as this mare bows to her. Celestia also feels proud of her sister for approaching this situation properly. Her fears of letting her sister rule seem to be fading as she watches her. Anon, on the other hand, is just happy to see Luna grow. It honestly just seems like this week is full of growth and trying new things.

“You need not thank me,” Luna says to Rose Water. She then looks to one the guards. “Please send a guard with Rose Water to the farm. If anypony attempts to make a proclamation in my sister's or my own words, arrest them.”

The guards give her a salute. “As you wish, Princess.”

The mare and guard are about to leave, but Luna speaks out once more.

“Also pay for the trip this poor mare was forced to make. I think it’s unfair she would waste bits for no reason.”

The guard gives another nod as he shows the mare out. As soon as the throne room doors close, Luna allows herself to relax. Celestia smiles at her sister as she wraps her wings around her.

“You did great, sister,” she says.

Luna gives a nod. “I must say that I was a little worried there.”

Anon chuckles as he pats her on the back. “I’m no expert on this court stuff, but I think you did well.”

Celestia lets go of her sister as Luna uses her left wing to pull him to her chest.

“I thank you for being the cause, as well as being by my side.”

“No problem,” Anons voice muffles past her fur, seeing as his face is buried in her barrel.

“We still have a few more subjects before day court is over, sister,” Celestia gets Luna’s attention.

“Of course.” Luna lets go of Anon. “Bring in the next subject.”

Luna lets out a large sigh as she snuggles up next to Anon.

“I forgot how taxing it can be to talk with our subjects.”

“You did very well for yourself, sister,” Celestia comes in as she too snuggles up to Anon.

It’s kinda odd actually. It seems like every court they have somehow leads to them falling onto some kind of bed exhausted. This time being no exception either. Anon doesn't mind at all. He kinda finds himself becoming less resistant to the two’s show of affection. He just wraps each arm around a princess and pulls them closer.

“Yeah, you did amazing, Luna. I know I would’ve thrown that noble out a window if he said that kinda stuff to me,” Anon says.

Celestia winced at that. She remembered how that noble came in like he owned the place. Once he noticed that Luna sat upon the throne and not Celestia, he probably thought he could manipulate her easily for his gains. Luna, however, has a very sharp mind. She could pick up on his smooth talking and misdirections. When the noble took notice that she was more stubborn than Celestia, he then tried to ignore her and talk to Celestia who sat beside her.

However, once Luna brought her Canterlot voice out, that definitely set the noble in his place. Anon has to admit he laughed at the stallion that shook in place after getting blasted by that shout. The noble ran away with his tail between his legs. Celestia has a feeling that he won’t be showing up in court ever again. That was the only pony Luna actually needed to deal with harshly. The rest of them were hesitant, but overall accepting of Luna.

Yes, it was a rather pleasant morning. Yet, the day was not over just yet.

“Well, we should probably get ready for that thing,” Anon says.

The two sisters let out sad sighs over having to move, but remembered that they were going to a show with their friend. All three of them rise from the bed and stretch a few kinks out.

“I’m gonna head to my room and change. The clothes are still there, right?” He looks to Celestia.

She nods. “Check the drawers.”

Anon gives her a nod. “So where do we meet?”

“Just out front near the gates. I’ll be sure we take a carriage.”

With everything settled, the three of them headed off to get dressed. Well, only Anon, actually. The two sisters are just going to head to the front of the castle and wait for him.

“Wow,” Anon says as he looks up to the coliseum before him. “How in the hell is Canterlot this big?”

Celestia giggled at his slack-jawed face.

“Magic can do wondrous things, Anon,” she answers.

He rolls his eyes. “Of course. Say it’s science, have to explain everything. Say it’s magic, don’t gotta explain shit,” he mutters darkly.

“Cheer up, friend. We are here to watch ponies fight to the death!” Luna says with glee.

Celestia reels back in shock as a few ponies standing around do as well. She quickly walks over to her sister's side.

“Luna, this isn't that kind of place. I banned that practice centuries ago,” she whispers.

Luna looks shocked. “Then pray, why are we at the coliseum?”

“This is where the Wonderbolts perform,” Celestia answers.

Luna looks to her sister confused. “Weren't the Wonderbolts a group of elite soldiers founded by the pegasi? A group so exclusive that a competition was held every few years wherein the few chosen would battle to the death for a position?”

Celestia face hoofs. “Y-Yes... Just, not anymore, sister. They are simply a flying team now.” After their last screw up with the rampaging dragon in Ponyville, Celestia made sure they stayed a flying team. “They just do tricks, stunts, and racing.”

Anon shakes his head. “Damn, these ponies are more human that I thought.”

“What was that?” Celestia turns to him.

He shrugs. “Humans use to have stuff like that. We called our people gladiators. They use to fight to the death to entertain the king and queen of that era. Just more similarities from our two worlds.”

Celestia clears her throat. “Yes, well. We stopped that practice for a very long time.” She looks to Luna. “Sorry, sister, but you will have to find merriment in the events that are planned.”

Luna lets out a sad sigh. She was hoping to get that thrill she usually got when watching two pegasi tear each other apart. A feeling she used to feel when she stepped hoof out onto the battlefield. She can understand why her sister banned it. It’s just so much has changed for her and she hoped that at least something would’ve remained the same.

She feels her thoughts die as Anon rests his hand onto her withers. She looks up at him as he gives her a smile. Something that is starting to become less rare it seems. She feels her spirits lift as she looks at him.

“Wanna hear about how human gladiator matches use to go?” Anon asks.

Luna feels herself cheer up some. To have common ground with someone else makes her feel less lonely on the subject.

“I would appreciate that,” she says.

“Then, he turned to the crowd and shouted, ‘Are you not entertained?!’” Anon strikes a pose, his arms open wide to the invisible audience.

Luna clops her hooves together with a large smile on her muzzle. “This gladiator sounds like an elite fighter.”

Anon falls back into his seat. “I don’t think he was ever real, Luna. It was just a story that was told.”

The three of them got to the royal seats awhile ago. The pegasi were still setting things up. So they just waited patiently. Celestia tried to busy herself with other things, like preparing food and snacks for the long show. Yet, as Anon started to tell his story, she found herself drifting closer to him to hear. She hates to admit it, but she does have a small yearning for the old days, where ponies were more independent and less… childlike.

While Celestia doesn’t expect herself to reinstate beheadings or implement death matches into the Wonderbolt games, she does think she may need to stop being so motherly to her ponies. They need to toughen up a bit. She will admit that most of the morning court problems were trivial, things they could handle on their own, yet they expect her to do them.

“What happens next?” Luna asks Anon excitedly.

“Alright, so th-”

A trumpet sound is heard through the air.

“It seems your story must wait for the time being,” Celestia says as she points a hoof out towards the field. “The show is about to start.”

Anon looks from Celestia back to Luna.

“I’ll tell you later.”

Luna gives him a nod as she looks towards the field.

“Let us see what merriment we gain from such shows…” Luna says skeptically.

Anon is also rather curious as to what these kinds of shows are about. He just sits patiently as he notices four pegasi line up on what looks to be a stretched out cloud. An assortment of rings are placed around the sky. Celestia looks over and notices the confusion on both her sister's and Anon’s face.

“This is the precision race. Each pegasus must fly through all hoops and get to the finish line.”

Anon gives a nod but doesn’t say anything. Luna just continues to look at the rings. If only one pony can go through them at a time, then that would signify a battle of speed to whoever got there first. While the idea isn't as exciting as how things use to be, she can feel a little something bubbling inside of her.

“Everypony on your marks!” an announcer is heard. “Get set! Go!”

Anon watches as these pegasi throw their wings back, a large blast of air lifting them in a fraction of a second. He feels his eyes widen as he watches their takeoff. At their speed, they practically mold into a single pony as they rush through the first hoop. Anon could only try and keep his eye on a blur or two. Each hoop was set at an angle that made the turns seem impossible at their speed.

As the contest continued. He notices a yellow blur taking the lead. Every turn gave this pony a few more inches, then a few more feet. It got to the point where this pony had the lead. At no point did they slow down either. It isn't until the yellow one lands on the finish line that Anon finally manages to get a good look at her. He will admit those suits look kinda cool.

A fraction of a second later, the other contestants land next to her, panting a bit. However, the yellow one doesn't seem phased at all. She just gives a smile and waves to the roaring crowd.

“Holy crap,” Anon whispers. He’s never seen something move so fast.

Celestia smiles at Anon’s reaction. Luna seems to be in a state of awe as well.

“Not so bad, hmm?”

Anon gives a nod. “Not so bad at all.”

The rest of the events left Anon completely blown away. He'd never seen organic creatures do what he'd seen in that show. The control, the speed, the grace. Those ponies were like a mix between Nascar and the Ringling Brothers. Anon knows about aerial feats from his world, they couldn't even compare. Sure there is the difference between one's body and a machine. Still, what Anon seen was something he would remember forever.

“Did you see when that yellow one flew through the ring, grabbed it with her teeth, then did a few spins before landing with a backflip?!” Anon says.

Celestia giggles a bit. “Yes, she is very talented. It’s the reason she is the leader of the wonderbolts.”

“Can I get her autograph? Ponies do that, right?” Anon asks.

Celestia gives him a nod. “Follow me to the signing area.”

Luna will admit that while she wasn't as excited as her friend, she did actually appreciate what she saw. Those ponies indeed do hold a lot of talent. Still, she thinks a few bloodied and bruised ponies would’ve been better. They soon enter into the signing area. A few tables where each flier in the show sat. The lines are very long as well.

“Damn, looking like we’re going to have to wait.” Anon whispers.

“Nonsense. You liked the yellow one, correct?” Celestia asks.

He gives her a nod as she walks toward the one in question. At least being a princess means she doesn't need to wait in line. All the ponies bowed before her, none showing anger at her cutting in line. In fact, they look ecstatic to be as close as they are to their Princess. Now the three of them stood before a table, a yellowish pegasus mare with a two-tone fiery mane sitting behind it.

So this is what the pony looks like out of that suit? Anon has to admit he thought she would look bulky or something. Yet, she just looks like any run of the mill mare. Spitfire takes notice of the two princesses standing at her table. She nods her head in a bow.

“Hello, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna.” She lifts her head to them but flinches back slightly when she spots a creature between them. “I’m sorry, I don't think we’ve met.”

Anon looks to Spitfire as she extends her hoof to him. It’s been a long time since he shook another creature's hand or hoof in this instance. He wraps his fingers around her hoof and gives it a few shakes.

“Anon,” he answers.

“Spitfire. It’s nice to meet you,” she says with a smile.

Anon feels a brow raise. This pony actually sounds genuine. He’s gotten use to ponies being weary of him. Is it because he is with the princesses? He’s not really sure.

“Um, nice to meet you, too,” he responds back.

Spitfire chuckled. “No need to be nervous. I'm just like everyone else.”

Everyone? Now that is interesting.

“I assure you that it’s not your status that is giving me pause. You seem rather… down to earth,” he decides to say.

She gives a nod. “I guess everyone says the same thing. May I ask what you are? I’ve done shows pretty much everywhere on this planet. I don’t think I’ve ever seen your kind before.”

Anon gives a nod. “I would be surprised if you have. Let’s just say it’s complicated.”

“Ah, I know what complicated means. Magic I assume?” she asks.

“Something like that.”

“Shame. So, how did you like that show?”

Anon feels a smile show on his face. “Best thing I’ve seen on two worlds.”

Spitfire catches his drift as she smiles back. “Well, that’s the best compliment I think I’ll ever get.”

“Can I get an autograph by chance?” he asks.

She nods. “Of course. Who should I make it out to?”

“Anon, Celestia and Luna,” he says.

The two princesses are actually having a great time watching Anon talk to this pony. They’ve never seen him look so relaxed around anypony, with the exception of them. Spitfire signs the headshot of herself. Something she had done many times before, but she does feel a sense of pride that a being from another world actually likes what she does. She finishes up the autograph and slides it over with her hoof. Anon picks up the picture and looks it over.

“You know, for a pony, you aren't half bad,” he says as he looks to the image.

That makes Spitfire’s brow raise. What did he mean by that?

“Spitfire!” A shout can be heard in the crowd.

Spitfire looks past Anon and spots a rainbow mane in the crowd. She doesn't even have time to groan as the pegasus in mind comes trotting past the line and up to her booth. Spitfire would like nothing more than to ban this particular pegasus from her shows, but the chances are that ninety percent of the sales for Wonderbolts merchandise would take a dive. However, Spitfire notices Anon freeze up as he keeps looking at the autograph. Not only that, but the two princesses fur seem to stand on end.

The rainbow pegasus trots up merrily to her booth. As soon as she is in front, she gives Spitfire a smile, seemingly totally oblivious of the two sisters that are glaring daggers at her and Anon who is still frozen in place.

“Um, hey, Rainbow Dash,” Spitfire says nervously. She can feel that something isn't right here.

Right in front of Celestia is one of the ponies that has caused Anon harm. She can feel her body tense up as the memories of what she did to Anon flash through her mind. Luna wasn't that far from the same train of thought as well, however, hers are more along the lines of teaching this pony a few lessons she would never forget. Rainbow Dash on the other hoof is blissfully ignorant of everything around here.

“You were awesome!” Rainbow shouts. “When you did that thing, and then you turned, only to have done a loop-”

Spitfire feels herself zone out a bit. She can't even count how many times she’s had to sit here and listen to this pony ramble on and on about what she’s done. However, she just puts on her fake listening smile and nods every few moments to make the pegasus think she is listening. Spitfire finds her eyes moving over to the new creature she met. She can spot how tense he is. Why? The princesses are in the same boat as well. Is it Rainbow?

Rainbow Dash notices that Spitfire is looking at something to her right. Rainbow looks over and notices two lines. Her brow raises in confusion. What the heck are those? She then slowly looks up and finds that creature Discord summoned. What is that thing doing here?! He’s probably here to try and destroy Spitfire! Spitfire notices a few cues in Rainbow’s stance that throw up warning flags faster than her take off on the starting line.

“Rainbow,” Spitfire calls her name to stop her from doing something foolish. “I want you to meet a friend of mine.”

Rainbow looks to Spitfire, then Anon in bewilderment.

“This? This thing is your friend?!” she says as if it was a joke.

Spitfire feels a frown grow on her face. She’s been all over this world, met many different creatures in her time. While she may have just met Anon, he seems like an easy enough character to get along with.

“Yes. He is,” Spitfire says with a hardened tone.

Rainbow flinches back at that. She looks at Anon, then notices that the Princesses are there as well. They both are glaring at her with such fierce expressions that she feels her bravado from before melt away. Celestia takes a few steps toward Rainbow, a look of on her face that would make any pony quake on their hooves. She lowers her head so she is face to face with her, something that catches the breath of everypony around.

“Tell my student that when Anon returns to Ponyville, I want her and all of the elements in town square. We have something dire that needs to be fixed.”

Rainbow Dash gulps at the look Celestia is giving her. However, she can feel that something is important about whatever she is talking about. She doesn't even care about Spitfire anymore as she zooms out of the room and toward Ponyville at breakneck speeds. Celestia raises her head with a small sigh. It took all of her strength to have not struck that mare. However, now a certain punishment for her comes to mind..

Celestia feels her smile come back as she looks to Spitfire.

“Sorry for the interruption. While I’m here, may I ask for you to come to the castle tomorrow?”

Spitfire has never seen the look the Princess had given Rainbow Dash before. Something about it sent a shiver down her spine, and not for herself, but for Rainbow.

“Sure,” she answers.

Celestia looks over to Anon in worry. She can feel that all his emotions are gone. He must’ve withdrawn inside himself when Rainbow noticed him.

“Come along, Anon. I think we should rest awhile in the castle.”

He gives a quiet nod. As the three of them walk past the crowd and toward the exit, Spitfire can’t help but feel that she just got dragged into something big.

Luna is pressed firmly against Anon during the ride back to the castle. She worries about him. He hasn't spoken since that mare showed up. All he’s been doing is looking at that autograph. Almost as if he were in a trance.

“Anon, please say something,” Luna begs.

Celestia is worried for Anon as well. She’s never seen him withdraw this much into himself during his time at the castle. Yet, here he is, emotionally dead. Anon just looks at the photo in his hand. He traces the outline of Spitfires image. He is just trying to focus his mind on what he is looking at. Her yellow coat, two-tone mane. Those tangerine-colored eyes. He needs to focus on something to help him ignore his emotions.

He thinks back to that moment. How his conversation with Spitfire was actually going pretty well. He honestly shouldn’t be surprised that Rainbow Dash would be there. Pinkie told him all about how much Rainbow talks about the Wonderbolts. It’s the only reason he’s even heard of them. Pinkie would tell him how much of a fan Rainbow is and how she has plans to become a part of the Wonderbolts.

Anon always held his tongue around Pinkie. She seems to really care about her friends a lot and she was always nice to him. So he never found a reason to tell her about what Rainbow was doing to him at the time. His mind goes back again to what she said, what Spitfire said. Did she really call him a friend? Did she really defend him despite him having just met her?

He isn't used to ponies doing such things for him. It seems like nowadays, the only ponies that even try to defend him are Bonbon or the princesses. Not that he needs to be defended. He honestly just ignores all the words and whispers. He does feel empty, a feeling that he is familiar with. Yet, rather than feel comforted by this, he feels scared by it.

He is so lost in his mind that he doesn't even know where he is right now. Celestia and Luna both can see him lost in thought.

Luna looks to her sister. “We cannot allow this to go on, sister.”

Celestia nods. “I know. I think it’s time we sit down and discuss the punishments for the Elements.”

Luna gives a nod just before she turns her attention back to Anon. Anon isn't deaf. He heard what Celestia just said. He can feel a large pressure build in him. That mixture of fear, sadness and anger filling him. He looks up from the image to Celestia. A singular thought present in his mind.

“I want a say,” Anon says with no emotion.

“A say in what?” Celestia asks.

“I want a say on how those girls are punished.”

Celestia and Luna look to each other uncertain. They guess it is the right thing to do. Anon is the victim. He should get a say in what happens.

“Alright.” Celestia agrees.

Anon looks out the carriage window as they approach Canterlot. He doesn't know what will happen, all he knows is that it’ll happen soon.

Author's Note:

Alright, seems that things are progressing along rather nicely. Anon now will have some pull when it comes to the punishments. From the looks of it, I think the next chapter will be his return to Ponyville. A small time jump so you guys don't know what the punishments will be of course. Gotta keep you around for some reason, right?

Anyways, just like to point out that I enabled comments on my profile. So if you guys want to leave a little something, something. Then feel free to. Hope you enjoy. Till next chapter!