• Published 24th May 2014
  • 11,482 Views, 706 Comments

Conversations in a Canterlot Café - Goldfur

Frothy Brew is the barista in a family-owned café in Canterlot. He never expected it to become a hub of changeling interaction.

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The day of the grand opening of the café’s extension arrived. Frothy had hired some new staff just to work that section, the majority of which were changelings although a couple of them preferred to use their pony alter egos. He had not planned it that way, but it seemed that the café had become a much desired place of employment for the Harvesters. They did have one earth pony stallion named Tasty Tucker snap up the position as head cook for the range of light meals that the new section would serve, and a teen pegasus was a part-time server.

Frothy and Cherry invited Twilight Sparkle to the opening ceremony, although they did not seriously think that the Princess would have the time to spare for such a trivial event. Both were delighted when she accepted, if not a little surprised. That surprise turned to shock when it turned out that Twilight had in turn invited Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to the event.

Frothy was completely flustered. “I was going to ask you to perform the ribbon-cutting ceremony, but should I ask Princess Celestia or Luna instead?” he asked Twilight.

Twilight smiled. “You wanted me to cut the ribbon? I’d love to! Don’t worry about Celestia or Luna – they wanted to attend after hearing so much about your place from me, but have no intention of butting into the event. Well, not any more than their mere presence might cause, anyway. Celestia is interested in trying out some of Cherry’s cakes while she’s here. As for Luna, she still takes every opportunity to mingle with everypony socially. She’s still trying to make up for a thousand years of isolation and a bad reputation. She’s rather sympathetic to the changeling cause because of the latter especially.”

The surprises did not end there. Fleur De Lis also made an appearance, bringing along Fancy Pants. They had a few other upper class ponies accompany them, apparently just because Fancy Pants and the Princesses were going to be there, and nothing was going to stop them from being part of the latest social scene.

It was not for some weeks later that Frothy and family realized the princesses’ ulterior motive for turning up and attracting the upper class. By popularizing the café for the in-crowd, they legitimized the relationship the changelings had with the establishment. Where laws and public education had failed, snobbery had worked. It became almost expected to have changelings as dedicated waiters and cooks. After all, they sought to please their customers as much as possible in order to reap the reward of positive emotions to harvest. It was not too long before fancier restaurants started taking notice and tried emulating what had been started in one small café.

There was just one thing bothering Frothy about that though, and he took it up with Twilight at one of her visits.

“Aren’t you afraid that you might be establishing changelings as just a servant class for the upper class ponies?”

“Very perceptive of you, Frothy, and yes, there is that possibility. It’s compounded by the fact that many of the harvesters are actually quite content with that because it achieves their aims. Many have higher goals though, especially the changelings that still maintain a secret alter ego. However, we had to make that first step, and getting the general Canterlot population to accept changelings in the community as being a normal thing was the highest priority. We’ll continue to work on elevating their status to absolute equivalence to ponies. It will just take a bit of time.”

“And what about the rest of Equestria?” Cherry asked.

“We have plans to introduce them to all the towns and villages. We think that will be easier than in Canterlot because they never experienced the invasion. We’ll be as careful as possible to assess the reaction of ponies before trying anything too big though. We've learned a lot from how things worked out here, so we have a lot to thank you for.”

* * *

Three and a half months, or more precisely, 104 days was all it took from the time Peach gave Archer that first kiss on the cheek. A very pleasant day out together and a perfect dinner to celebrate Peach’s birthday set the mood, but the extremely thoughtful present that he gave her tilted the balance. Peach fell in love. It hit Archer like a lightning bolt, such was the intensity of the surge in affection. While he had always known what it was supposed to be like, the reality still left Archer overwhelmed. From that moment, he was completely and irrevocably in love with Peach.

The couple started planning a life together. Archer decided to retire from the Royal Guard when his present enlistment expired. He instead signed up with the Royal Reserves which only required him for emergencies, and joined the family business. He trained under Frothy’s critical eye as a barista, taking off some of the growing workload from Frothy. Unspoken but still understood was that the changeling would not hesitate to use his old skills to protect his new family.

While Peach was happy and proud to be the mate of a changeling, nonetheless they both realized that his unicorn form was the more physically compatible for them both. They ended up compromising by having him retain his changeling eyes and fangs, with the addition of his insect-like wings. There was no mistaking him for a real unicorn any longer, but it was more comfortable for everyone that way. Frothy in particular approved because it showed that the changeling was not trying to deceive anypony. It never stopped him from ritually threatening Archer with mayhem if Peach came to harm, and frankly Archer would have been more disturbed if he didn’t!

The only thing that the couple knew that they would have to deal with one day was having foals. Neither was in a hurry for them as yet, but both knew that they would want them eventually. However, when and who would help them with that was a problem for another day.

The new restaurant section proved to be a great success, and Peach eventually became the full-time manager of it, requiring Cherry to take on an apprentice to help her with the baking. The young unicorn mare was named Angel Cake, and not only was she a fast learner, but she also got along very well with Cherry. As Cherry’s pregnancy progressed, Angel was able to relieve her as needed, and when the day of the birth arrived, she took over the kitchen for a few days, with only a little occasional help from Peach.

Cherry gave birth to a chocolate-brown colt with a pale yellow mane and tail, whom they named Mocha. Despite her earlier comments about little brothers, Peach was absolutely thrilled to have another sibling, and was more than happy to give their mother a respite from looking after him whenever it was necessary.

Flapjack quit full-time school at the end of the year in order to concentrate on the family business, although he did take up night courses at Frothy’s insistence. Of course Flapjack’s specialty was in his name, and he served up some of the tastiest pancakes and crepes in Canterlot. Whether you wanted banana and walnut, apple cinnamon, strawberries and cream, or just smothered in maple syrup, they were always perfect.

Flapjack started dating Angel not long after she started working there. Cherry and Frothy not only approved, but also had high hopes for the two.

Flapjack called Frothy ‘Dad’ for the first time at Hearth’s Warming. Frothy would say for many years to come that it was the one of the best presents that he had ever received.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Author's Note:

A number of people wanted an epilogue, and I wanted to tie up a few loose threads, so here's the real final chapter of the story. Perhaps I'll revisit the characters sometime, although I don't have any plans to do so at this time. Then again, I didn't expect to bring in Cogs and his family either after completing the other stories, so you never know.

Sorry that I haven't provided an illustration this time. Between the fact that it's a brief epilogue, and it's been very busy for me this week, and the artist is on a Thanksgiving break, I just haven't been able to get that together. I will be commissioning book cover art for the story though, so watch out for that.

Oh, and in case you were still wondering, the merchant who is actually a changeling is Newsworthy.

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Comments ( 73 )

Pleasant Ending! :-)

Good epilogue for the story.

Very nice, and a good ending.

I can see it now, Frothy getting told by Peach of the news, and then, one day, middle of playing with the foal, BAM! suddenly changed colors!

Nicely and neatly, if briefly, all tied up. Great job

Of course there's still avenues to continue on in this universe, but surely this'll sate some of the readers, right? Right?

Three letters. A.G.T. (Kudo's to any one who gets the reference)

Decent great AWSOME story

Nice wrap up, good stuff.

twas a good ending, only problem is that it ended.
looking foreword to any new stories and if not then happy holidays comrade

Good ending. Well done.:pinkiesmile:

Congratulations on finishing your story!

You know, I was going to sleep last night, but then I found this gem of a story and forgot what time it is. Bravo!


nice job

Awww, and it ended. Oh well. I'd love to see more of Peach and Archer, as you did so well with fleshing out Cogs romance arch, but I guess you can't have everything. Will there be any more fics set in this particular setting/rendition of changelings?

God, this was an amazing story. I really hope there will be a story about Peach and Archer...

It's ended? nooooooooo

Was quite good though.

All good things must come to an end, and sadly it's true of this story. Ah well, it was a wonderful ride while it lasted and I look forward to more stories set in this little universe of yours. Like some of the others I too would like to see more of Cherry and Archer. Although for some reason I expect Archer to say 'Danger Zone' sometime in it lol.

Congratulations on finishing teh story on such an upbeat manner, and leaving a world in that anyone can hire changelings, open service counters in other locations for whatever combination of races, and follow the advancement of th changlings up the socail ladder in future.

You never know, One top end socialite changeling of the Fancy Pants household, or even the then head, could finally end up giving Celestia the Hot Coffee she has been waiting for so long. :trollestia:

:twilightsmile: You and your stories are a master at leaving me with a little silly smile and a warm cosy feeling. :eeyup:
I'll be curiously awaiting to see what you turn up next. Wether here or elsewhere. :moustache:
Thank you Goldfur. :ajsmug:

From an impressed amateur hobby author in the making.

Yay! The epilogue at last :-)

Now I'll just look forward to the next story (no pressure ;-) ).

I thoroughly enjoyed it, and couldn't put it down until it was finished. Terrific allegory, great characterization, enjoyable all around! Great job, and I can't wait to see what you write next!


Short, but a pretty sweet ending. I liked it :twilightsmile:

Long time follower over at The Chakat's Den, and I literally made an account just because I have a question that's bugging me.

Am I a tard, or did I miss where it says when Cherry gets pregnant/says she wants another foal? It's completely possible I'm a retard and missed it, but it's driving me nuts that I can't find it! D:

5345384 It was near the end of chapter 6.

Great epilogue, it was nice seeing how the cafe addition turned out as well as how the various relationships developed past the official end of the story.

Very nice story, just read the whole thing today. I like your ideas on different hives, and Frothy's reactions were an interesting take. It actually makes me think of Clint Eastwood's character in Gran Torino. He's specist, but became better. I think you rarely get a sympathetic look at a negative character like that: Usually a racist or specist is just bad. His traumatic experience makes for a reasonable cause to his views, and his growth as a person shows him beating it, and that there's no 'magic bullet' for tolerance.

I would have liked to see a bit more conflict outside of him being portrayed as in the wrong so often, perhaps more changeling downsides, but all the same, I enjoyed this thoroughly. The changelings that have been separated from the hive doing more wrong would have been interesting. Beyond that, they seem very pony.

The idea of changelings only falling in love after having someone fall in love with them is a bit troubling, but I like it. My own view is that changelings 'naturally' exist in a sort of emotionless state and have to have a store of emotions to feel or express them personally, and 'love' is such a complex one that it can be easily converted to everything or just consumed as fuel. I'm trying to write a story where they feel more... alien, I suppose?

All in all... thank you for this delightful story.

Awwww.... I somehow unfavourited your story and didn't know the final chapter was up!!
I realised I hadn't seen your story for a while and searched for it.

Nice "snobbery solution" you cued with the Princesses.
A good story!

This story is excellent! I find your characterizations well done and thought out. The story flows very smoothly and your use of details is top notch. I also find the comedy to be excellent! All in all, a well done story.

I found this story at The Chakat's Den. I have enjoyed all your story so far and I am looking foreword to your next one.


love your stories

great story loved it and i can safely say i will be re reading it in the furture!
part of my wonders at a possible sequel but honestly it doesnt need it. its a great story as is and its going to be a great read for anyone :D

Wonderful story, you write not only some of the best Changeling fics, but some of the best fics that I've read on this site. I loved A Novel Tale by Blissey so I'm happy to see that someone was inspired to further write about there being various hives. My only regret is not finding these fics sooner as apparently downloading to my Kindle didn't include the Author's notes or illustrations. Oh well, just a good excuse to reread A Novel Tale and your fics.

I'm going to follow you so I can keep track of any new fics you write about these changelings.

Yet another wonderful story from ya goldfur. your one of the best changeling story writers on this site. anyway loved the story cant wait to see what else ya come up with, and if i wasn't broke myself id gladly help support the artwork. it adds a very nice addition to these stories

A nice cherry on the top

5882509 I am an Australian, actually. And that's an interesting observation about the Mrs.

This 'verse get's my approval, as well as the stories that make up said 'verse. 10/10

Seems to me the flap on the apron that far back is useless what is he trying to prote—oh...

one of my mid terms was late because of this! XD
though i did pass ether way so im happy :P
i want to see more to this universe

6324417 Y'know, it actually is a poster that Rooster Teeth was selling for a while. Not sure if they still have them.

Celestia is interested in trying out some of Cherry's cakes while she's here.

You just couldn't resist that one, could you? :rainbowlaugh:

It was not for some weeks later that Frothy and family realized the princesses' ulterior motive for turning up and attracting the upper class.

Oh, sneaky! :pinkiehappy:

"Aren't you afraid that you might be establishing changelings as just a servant class for the upper class ponies?"

Eh. It's a role they're comfortable with. It's no more odd than pegasi being weather ponies, or Earth ponies becoming farmers. It's not an obligation, but there is a natural affinity.

A very pleasant day out together and a perfect dinner to celebrate Peach's birthday set the mood, but the extremely thoughtful present that he gave her tilted the balance.

Heh. He learned. He took the initiative, just like she wanted :ajsmug:


Celestia is interested in trying out some of Cherry's cakes while she's here.

You just couldn't resist that one, could you? :rainbowlaugh:

Of course not! :pinkiehappy:

Aaaaaah, The FEELSES!

Hi there, I really liked reading your stories. I would like to know if there could be other changeling hives in other places. If there are you are welcome to use my changeling hive in any future stories.

6776711 If you read "A Different Perspective", you might get your answer.

6777404 I have not read that story yet.

Very nicely done! You've done some seriously fantastic world-building with these stories, almost good enough to make them head-canon for me:rainbowlaugh: (Although, I can't really use any of this in my own stories for my take on changelings at the moment)

I did see one little bit that was rather confusing, and it might just be an Australianism--you frequently used the word "custom" when talking about businesses losing their customer base. If that's the case, then it's probably just a matter of the differences in our English usage.
To be honest, it was rather difficult to realize you were Australian, since you were always spelling "color" correctly. :derpytongue2:

BTW, I saw you revealed who the business changeling was, but did Frothy ever find out??:rainbowderp:

6799483 I'm glad that you enjoyed my take on changelings. I've enjoyed that of other authors too.

I did see one little bit that was rather confusing, and it might just be an Australianism--you frequently used the word "custom" when talking about businesses losing their customer base. If that's the case, then it's probably just a matter of the differences in our English usage.

You're the first person to point that one out. Yes, it's not the first time that I have been caught out using a word or phrase that is familiar to Australian/British speakers, but foreign to Americans. :twilightblush:

To be honest, it was rather difficult to realize you were Australian, since you were always spelling "color" correctly.

Ha! I "translated" the story into American actually. One thing that constantly bugged me about my other non-pony stories is that I would get people "correcting" my British spelling. While I would agree that the majority (NOT all) of American spellings are better for Modern English, American is not automatically the correct default. :facehoof:


Ha! I "translated the story into American actually. One thing that constantly bugged me about my other non-pony stories is that I would get people "correcting" my British spelling. While I would agree that the majority (NOT all) of American spellings are better for Modern English, American is not automatically the correct default.

True. There does seem to be better consistency for American spellings. But it's all in good fun.:pinkiehappy: That said, I've found it hilarious to see the reactions of a Brit whenever you tell him he's not speaking English, but rather that he's speaking "British":rainbowlaugh:

I know what you mean about having to translate between Murican & "Proper English (ie, British)"--I've been lending a hand to another author, MrNelg, who's been doing a very good take on Equestria's ancient history: Megan Williams of Equestria. My MSWord gave me fits over his British spelling until I finally figured out how to switch between US & European spellchecking. Oh, and he's also Ausie, btw:pinkiehappy:

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