• Published 5th Apr 2012
  • 2,594 Views, 39 Comments

What is a Fluttershy - Digi

Fluttershy learns about her love for Dash.

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Chapter 3

Fluttershy could no longer tell if things were getting better or worse. She had first been encouraged by Rarity, but soon found herself hitting a dead end when trying to learn anything from Twilight. She did have to admit, trying to ask the studious unicorn about relationships was not the best of ideas. She was the only other pony in their circle of friends that had about as much experience with dealing with others as Fluttershy did. That is too say little to none at all.

There was now only one pony left in Ponyville that Fluttershy desired to see. One more pony before finally confronting the object of her desires. Applejack. One of the most dependable of ponies within their group. Even when half dazed from sleep exhaustion the earth pony never failed to try and fulfill her obligations. If anypony had a word of advice or a warning for Fluttershy it would be her. If nothing else the pegasus felt it was time too get a brutally honest answer, Applejack being once more the perfect candidate for that.

It was always very easy to find Applejack. Most of her day was spent taking care of her family’s massive apple orchard. Fluttershy was always amazed at how well taken care of the whole place was, especially considering it was only really watched over by two ponies. Its no small wonder that Applejack wore herself out trying to do it alone. Fluttershy fondly remember when they had finally gotten Applejack to admit she needed help, and even with five more ponies it had been a rather grueling day all told.

Fluttershy soon found herself surrounded by the familiar orchard. The smell of the apple trees gently wafting around her. The sunlight poured throughout the branches giving just the right amount of shade while still letting a pony gaze up at the sky. Fluttershy wondered if any of her animal friends would like to spend a relaxing afternoon here. In fact her mind began to wonder if there was a good spot for a scenic picnic nearby.

Fluttershy began to lose herself in the serene nature around her. The troubles that had been plaguing her earlier in the day slowly ebbing away. She gently trotted up a nearby hill, resting against one of the trees and looking out over the orchard. Fluttershy began to feel more relaxed from the simple view than she had ever felt in some time. She stretched out and decided to take a small nap under the shady canopy.

“Well hey thar sugarcube,” came a familiar country drawl. Fluttershy had been so lost in relaxing that the sudden sound caused her to shoot up into the air and she soon found herself tangled up in the trees branches.

“Whoops, uh sorry there Fluttershy, didn’t mean ta startle ya,”

“N..No it’s okay,” squeaked the yellow pegasus as she attempted to free herself. “Umm could you give me a hoof? I mean if you’re not too busy or anything.”

“Sure thing darlin’, now ya’ll just hold still and I’ll have ya down in a jiff.” With that, Applejack turned around and assumed a well-practiced stance.

“No Applejack, wait!” Fluttershy attempted to say, but was not nearly fast nor loud enough to stop Applejack.

With one swift buck Applejack dislodged Fluttershy, along with several ripe apples. However the earth pony had misjudged her friend’s exact location, meaning she was directly beneath the pegasus when she came crashing down. This had the unfortunate consequence of shoving the two slightly onto the hill’s incline, causing them to begin rolling down it in a tangled mess until finally coming to a stop when they collided with another apple tree. This caused another wave of apples to fall on them partially burying the two.

Applejack recovered first, pulling herself out of the apples and shaking her head to clear the remaining fog. Fluttershy however was still dazed and seemed to be out cold.

“Whoops, guess I put a bit too much buck in that one,” said Applejack hefting the unconscious pony onto her back, “don’t worry Fluttershy, I’ll take good care of ya.”


It was not long before Fluttershy woke up. She groaned in discomfort and slowly sat up, somewhat confused to find herself in a rather comfortable bed. Based on the decor around her, Fluttershy figured she had ended up in Applejack’s home, her friend having carried her back after being knocked out. It was a modest little room - probably a guest room at that; a bed along the far wall placed thoughtfully beneath a window overlooking the orchards, offering its occupant a gorgeous view. The door slowly creaked open and Applejack trotted in.

“Well now, good ta see ya awake,” as her friend got closer Fluttershy could see something steaming from a tray balanced on Applejack’s back, “got some fresh, warm apple cider fer ya. Always good ta have after a little tumble like that.”

Fluttershy nodded taking the cup, and gingerly taking a sip. She had to admit it was incredibly delicious, and she could feel her body relaxing as its warmth spread over her.

“Sorry bout the whole droppin’ ya out of a tree and all. Guess I don’t always know ma own strength, yer not too hurt are ya?” asked Applejack nervously rubbing the back of her head.

“No, I don’t think there is anything serious,” replied Fluttershy taking another sip. “sometimes my animal friends can get a bit rough, especially if they have hurt themselves. A few bumps and bruises won’t be too bad.”

“Good ta hear, now you just lay right there and relax. Its the least I can do ta make up fer it.”

“Oh I wouldn’t want to impose.”

“Aw shoot sugarcube, y’all could never impose on me. Yer mah friend, I would do anythin’ ta help ya out. That reminds me, what brought ya’ll here in tha first place? If ya don’t mind me askin’.”

“Oh well, um. I was originally wanting too get some advice from you. I’ve been having a bit of a problem.”

“Well why didn’t ya say so, fire away. I got time before I gotta head back out ta work anyway.”

“Oh okay, you see I have sort of fallen in love with a pony,” Fluttershy reflexively began to hide behind her hair as she once more attempted to speak her troubles “but its not the normal kind of love either.”

“Whatdya mean Fluttershy?” Applejack asks, tilting her head to the side in mild confusion.

“Well, um, its because I’m a filly-fooler,” Fluttershy still felt odd calling herself that, but found it much easier to say than the other times.

“Well, its about time ya finally came out and said that,”

Fluttershy blinked, then blinked again, Applejack’s statement seemingly refusing to sink in properly. “What?” was all she was able to get out.

“Shoot I had ya pegged for a filly-fooler shortly after I met ya,”

“You did?” the revelation that somepony else had known, and for so long, caused a whole new set of confusions to well up within the pegasus.

“Of course sugarcube, y’all were always so quiet and timid round nearly everypony, but ya seemed to perk right up whenever ya got round another filly. Plus I knew I saw ya checkin’ out some of the fillies round town when we hung out.”

Fluttershy blushed, she remembered occasionally finding herself admiring another fillies flank a little too long. She had always waved it away as admiring them being in good shape, or something similar. The fact that Applejack was able to pick up on it and figure out where Fluttershy’s interest lies just from such simple acts astounded her. “I didn’t even realize.”

“Ya well I kinda know those signs a bit better than most ponies might. I have a couple of cousin’s who bend that way too.”


“Sure as shootin’. Pretty sure cousin Braeburn’s a colt-cuddler, may still be in the closet though, never been too clear on that one. Also got a cousin up in Fillydelphia, found her a good partner ta help run the farm.”

“So your family is okay with it?”

“Course they are. Why, is somepony givin’ ya a hard time? Just tell me who, I can go ruff em up fer ya,” her tone was more in jest than any true malice, but Applejack still meant it.

“No it’s not that, it’s just I only recently figured out I like mares, and I grew up hearing about how they are treated badly sometimes.”

“Well don’t let somethin’ like that bother ya none. Yer my friend, and as far as I’m concerned just as much a part of my family as any blood kin. No matter who ya love, it’s okay with me.”

“Thank you Applejack, really it means a lot that my friends are so supportive about this.”

“Ain’t no problem. So if you don’t mind me askin’, who’s the lucky filly that done stole yer heart?”

“Its Rainbow Dash actually,” Fluttershy felt her face turn bright red as her thoughts wandered back to the rainbow maned filly.

“Well, I would’t have expected ya to go fer the aggressive type. Who knows maybe ya can cool Dash’s head a bit. Just tell her how ya feel, and go from there.”

“I know, but just trying to get close to her is...difficult.”

“Ya never know till ya try, besides no matter how rash Dash tends ta get she’s got a good heart.”

“Thanks again Applejack.”

“Ain’t no problem sugarcube.”