• Published 21st May 2014
  • 9,159 Views, 296 Comments

Let the Silence Sing 2 - Aegis Shield

SEQUEL! Big Mac dates Princess Celestia openly after Featherweight reveals their relationship in a newspaper photo.

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Public Opinion

Let the Silence Sing 2
Part 4: Public Opinion

Princess Celestia awoke with a jolt, for the sun was streaming in on her! Rising and almost cartwheeling over her own long legs she dashed to her balcony and threw the doors open. The birds sang to her, twitter-tweeting and flying in cute little formations around her before swooping off to the palace gardens below. While her mind was stutter-starting, she turned her head to look over at the Lunar Tower. Luna was leaning tiredly on the railing, all that distance away. When she spotted Tia, she gave an exhausted little wave before turning to retire for the day. Celestia waved back gratefully. She didn’t get to sleep in that often, why had nopony come to rouse her like they were supposed to?

Big Mac slowly lifted his head, blinking sleepily as she cantered back into the room and shut the balcony doors behind her. Their eyes met for a moment, and he offered her a sleepy smile. Rising and rolling off the bed, the red stallion glimpsed himself in a vanity mirror. The massive cow-lick on one side of his mane was simple magnificent. He scrubbed at it fiercely, embarrassed. Celestia went to don her vestments and go about her morning routine, when there was a knock at the door.

A maid had come with a breakfast cart, bearing a morning paper and a few other things with it. Her eyes locked on Big Mac, slipped over to Celestia, then the rumpled bed, then locked firmly on the floor. She bowed several times, excusing herself and leaving the cart right in the doorway before anypony could say anything. Big Mac felt a heat in his cheeks, murmuring under his breath.

Taking the cart into the room so he could close the door again, he flipped open the paper while sitting on his haunches. ‘How Does YOUR Stallion Stack Up to the Royal Coltfriend?’ The headline demanded. Big Mac’s eyes widened, and he quickly flipped to the appropriate page. On it, there was a long page of questions that mares could answer about their stallions, in comparison to Big Mac himself. He felt his cheeks getting redder and redder, for the picture they’d chosen was of a charging Big Macintosh from last year’s Ponyville Strong Stallion competition. He’d won that by only a few hairs, but the picture made him look like an over-sized Adoneighs. Flicking his eyes back and forth to read, he also saw ads for leather and iron yokes, stocks that showed the price of apples, and so much more.

Celestia hem-hemmed a little to get his attention, having finished brushing her mane and such for the morning. She saw his expression, and gently took the paper. She rolled her eyes with a light smirk, shrugging. Ponies clearly thought he was something if they were devoting all this to him! To make Big Mac feel better, she turned a few pages and showed him another article. ‘Celestia Pregnant?! The Foal Name that Shocked Luna!’ the headline blared. Big Mac gaped at the outright lie, and Celestia folded and tossed the paper in a waiting bedside bin. She’d never thought to outlaw sensationalized news—and if she’d tried it would have only gotten worse over time. So, better to let her little ponies express themselves with enthusiasm than try to stifle their… creativity. Big Mac glanced uncomfortably at a page that had fallen out. ‘If He’s Got Big Hooves and Ears, You’ll Have No Problems: A Bat-Mare’s Tale’ made him quickly ball it up and toss it as well.

Celestia smiled apologetically. If they were going to be together, no doubt Big Mac would be closely scrutinized by the public. They loved Celestia and wanted her to be happy at the best… or wanted her for themselves at the worst. There was bound to be plenty of both. She kissed his lips to assure him she wouldn’t be stolen away by some noble’s son or something. The red stallion nodded quietly, and they opened the balcony doors to enjoy the morning breeze while they ate.

Big Mac had to go back home. There were chores to be done and he couldn’t take too much in the ways of free time before summer got into fall. Soil needed to be turned over, dead trees ripped up and the Cider Festival was just around the corner as well. He had lots of responsibilities to be seen to, just like her.

Celestia smiled, sad to see him go but grateful for such a wonderful night’s rest.


Big Mac breathed a deep sigh of relief when he got back through the portal door and started towards the house. Canterlot always felt so big and intimidating, it was stressful sometimes. No doubt he’d hear it from Applejack about where he’d spent last night, much less the earful he’d get from Granny about staying in a mare’s bed out of wedlock… and then Applebloom would want to hear all about the palace. Maybe if he slipped his yoke on and got out into the hot field before anypony saw him, he could stay such questions until dinnertime. Big Mac gave pause. That sounded like a good plan. Smirking at his own brilliance, he veered one way towards the barn instead—only to run into a gaggle of reporters.

They swarmed over him instantly, sticking tape-recorders up under his nose. They asked questions, milling around him like so many parasprites. How did it feel to be the royal coltfriend?! How had he caught Celestia’s eye, living and working way out here?! Was she looking for a husband all this time and had just now made a bid?! Had the Apple Family made a deal with royalty when Ponyville had been established about eighty years ago, to marry off one of their future sons to Celestia herself?!

Big Mac froze like a deer in headlights, beads of sweat going down one side of his forehead. Pupils shrinking, the poor guy began to hyperventilate a little bit, looking at all the shouting ponies that wanted to know every little thing. Was Luna looking for a husband as well?! Would Equestria have a king and queen in the coming years!? What about Heirs!? Neither royal sister had any children on record, would there be foals?! Big Mac gaped, very nearly choking on his own spit.

Suddenly from on high, a squadron of Royal Guards lanced down to the earth. A poofy cloud exploded, revealing no less than a dozen of them. Golden armor shone like a streak of yellow lightning, shooting to the earth at breakneck speeds. The split air crack-boomed like thunder, sending ponies milling about and holding their heads in confusion. Big Mac found himself surrounded by a shining ring of solar guard muscle and spears pointed in all directions.

The Royal Coltfriend would not be harassed this way! Anypony that had questions could submit them in writing! Anypony that did not have an appointment with Royal Coltfriend Big Macintosh would vacate these premises right now, or be arrested! The thundering voice of the commander sent reporters fleeing every which way, cameras flashing as they went. As one, the squad turned to check on Big Mac. The poor guy looked ready to have a heart attack. Moving like a unit, they escorted him to the barn to recover himself. There they offered him water, a towel and an MRE alfalfa bar. Big Mac took them, still trying to get his breath back.

The captain pulled off his helmet and bowed, apologizing. They hadn’t thought that reporters would track down her Majesty’s companion so quickly. Thankfully, they’d been stationed in the airspace above Sweet Apple Acres just in case somepony tried to foalnap him or something. They’d spotted the herd of reporters right as Big Mac had run into them. They’d have to make patrolling circles around the property now, to make sure that didn’t happen again. Their Pegasus guards would be pleased to stretch their wings.

Big Mac took a swig of the water, mumbling his thanks. It hadn’t really occurred to the red stallion that he might literally be swarmed like that. Heaving a deep breath and having regained himself, he turned to go about his work for the day. The group of guards watched him go, but eventually he thought better of it. AJ would probably have a heart attack if she saw royal guards patrolling the skies over the orchards. Turning and beckoning the armored ponies with him, he reported to the house.

Applejack, Granny Smith and Applebloom were all seated around the breakfast table when he stepped in. Food paused on the way to mouths and they stared as his cow-lick, the tape recorder that had been left around his neck… and the tiny little hickie that was on the lower-front of his withers.

Applejack smirked, and smirked wide. She lowered her hat a little over her brow and grinned wickedly, opening her mouth to chirp somethin’ mean to her little brother. Granny Smith stood to scold him. How dare he be out all night, stay someplace else and not tell anypony?! Had he been in Canterlot with Celestia?! Couldn’t he have sent a note? They’d been worried! Them dang flabbin’ royal messengers could relay somethin’ to the house, couldn’t they?!

Then a dozen or so royal guards piled into the room behind Big Mac, looking rather sheepish. Big Mac looked back at them, then at his family again. He lowered his head a little until the tape recorder (he still didn’t know how he’d ended up with that) slid off his neck. It hit the floor, clicking into motion:

How did it feel to be the royal coltfriend?! How had he caught Celestia’s eye, living and working way out here?! Was she looking for a husband all this time and had just now made a bid?! Had the Apple Family made a deal with royalty when Ponyville had been established about eighty years ago, to marry off one of their sons to Celestia herself?!

Big Mac clicked it to stop before the more person questions started (Applebloom was there, after all). He smiled at his fellow Apples in a strained way. Applebloom burst into giggles. Her big brother needed protecting from all the scaaaaary reporters, did he!? Nyah-hahahaha! Applejack smiled sympathetically, but pushed out Big Mac’s chair with a hoof so he could sit with them. The red stallion eased himself down, relieved that they understood. Granny Smith grumbled about how courtin’ was nopony’s business but the ponies involved, folding her forelegs grumpily. The elderly mare looked at the far wall, where the gaggle of Royal Guards seemed to be making themselves at home. She looked at the floor, at all the dirt they’d tracked in.

Squawking angrily, she limped her way around the table and bapped the first one she could reach upside the head. The heard of armored ponies recoiled as she drove them out of the room, holding one by his ear. After a few minutes of shouting about privacy, family and the decency of home and sanctuary, she had them outside instead—most of them looking visibly rattled.

Big Mac sighed, but did not lift a hoof to help a single one of them. Applejack asked if everything was okay, if bein’ Celestia’s squeeze wasn’t getting’ to him because of all the public attention. The red stallion shook his head. If anything, it made it more interesting. He chuckled just a little.

End of Part 4