• Published 15th May 2014
  • 39,133 Views, 3,432 Comments

Dexter's Lab: Equestria - RenegadeAlias

Doom and Gloom while things go Boom in . . . Equestria?

  • ...

Colt Genius vs Changelings

I've been told that the changeling interrogation scene is dark for some people, so be warned. I don't think it is that dark, but it is sort of twisted when you take time to think about it. Skipping it and going straight to the green ---XXX--- will allow you to proceed with the story without missing too much.

Dexter’s Log: Day 9 10

Personal log, Dexter: Scientist, boy genius.

I almost didn’t realize it, but it’s past midnight. I cannot believe it has been only ten days since my arrival in this strange world. Considering how bizarre my experiences have been, it feels like much more time has passed.

But, unfortunately, I cannot waste time recollecting the minor details of my experiences here. There are pressing matters to attend to.

Earlier today, or should I say yesterday afternoon, I was attacked by what appeared to be one of the 'changeling' creatures Applejack had described.

The creature initially appeared to me while posing as my teacher, Miss Cheerilee. I must admit, it is an incredibly skilled imposter as neither I nor any of the other children in the class suspected a thing! She was even a good teacher, for the stuff she taught.

Which leaves no doubt that these creatures, whatever they are, possess significant cognitive aptitude.

The creature proceeded to call me into a meeting after school. Once other students had left, the creature questioned me about the Medical Diagnostic Module, the device which I had built on the night of my arrival.

It seems that the sudden appearance of a technologically advanced instrument has sparked off something bigger than the mere curiosity of the local guard garrison. I must proceed carefully, as further exposure could have detrimental implications for both me and equine society.

However, back to my ‘guest.’

When the creature questioned me about the medical diagnostic module, I lied to her repeatedly. I denied any knowledge of the device or how it came to be. Needless to say, it knew I was lying. It would later claim that it could sense my lies with some sort of empathic ability.

It could also sense that I wasn’t originally a pony, and called me a predator. However, I am unsure if it could tell what I was originally. As it stands right now, Quadraplex is the only other individual who knows for certain that I am actually human.

I must say I am fortunate that the changeling could only sense emotions, otherwise it could have read my mind and had all the answers it wanted. I was caught completely unprepared for her appearance.

When I continued to lie, she grew agitated and subsequently attacked me. Needless to say, I fought her off long enough to knock her out and bring her back to the lab. She (I believe it is a she anyway) is currently restrained in an isolation chamber three under Quadraplex 45’s supervision, and has yet to wake up.

After a quick study of her physiology, I now know why she was so interested in the medical diagnostic module. From what I remember of the device’s design, it would be able to see past a changelings' disguise and detect her true form.

Obviously she, and probably her species, feel threatened by a device which can expose them.

Changelings appear to possess an astounding ability to emulate or impersonate other creatures. Their disguise techniques include everything from physical alteration of their own bodies, to what appears to be a long range ‘illusion magic.’ I only use the term illusion magic for a lack of better vocabulary to describe what they are doing.

They can even emulate a target’s scent!

The reason for this extensive ability still eludes me, however I have noticed something else of interest. The creature seems to have an incredibly slow metabolic rate in her digestive organs. This would indicate that it does not usually eat solid food, and most likely would have a very hard time sustaining herself on them. If I plan on keeping this creature here, I will have to find out how it eats. Otherwise, it will have a rather short stay.

It appears that there are several of these creatures currently occupying Ponyville. I quickly devised a way to detect them, but unfortunately I had to repurpose one of the sensor arrays I planned on launching into orbit. As always, the satellite carrying the sensor array was complete and ready to go long before the rocket system to get it there could be.

I also managed to gain some valuable insight on the phenomenon of ‘magic’ after studying the creature. Magic appears to operate on several fundamental principles similar to basic physical laws. Those principles govern magic’s interaction with the rest of the physical universe, and ultimately impose natural limits on a magic user’s abilities. From these principles, I have found a way in which energy can be syphoned off any magical phenomenon until the ‘magic’ loses all power and vanishes entirely.

In short, I discovered a way to create a magic dampening field.

I have constructed several dampening devices and placed them throughout the lab, and at least three by the containment chamber holding our ‘guest.’ This will prevent the changeling from using her magic to escape my lab, however I will not be able to continue researching magic while the dampening field is in place.

// Log Interrupted

// Log Resumed

Quadraplex informs me that our guest is waking up.

End Log.


“Computer, how long has it been awake?” Dexter asked, as he approached a large thick glass window. He peered downward into a white clean room which was bathed in fluorescent light.

His new lab had expanded significantly in size, as a number of his newly built robots started digging to remove dirt and add space. It afforded the room to build a number of new devices and even some small structures. One of these small structures was a cylindrical clean room with an observation deck and a one way mirror on the second level.

However, the changeling wasn’t able to see much anyway. She was tied down to the table in the center of the room, lying on her belly. Each one of her four legs were stretched out and clamped to the table by metal shackles. Her head was also immobilized by a metal collar that went around the base of her and was bolted to the metal table beneath her.

“It has only been awake for a few moments, Dexter.” Quadraplex answered in her usual smooth voice. “It attempted to cast a spell, but the magic dampeners prevented the buildup of any magical energy. The creature has been idle ever since.”

“Good, are there any other indications it is trying to escape?” Dexter asked as he eyeballed the changeling. The changeling lay motionless, staring at a fixed point on the wall before it.

“No,” The computer replied. “However, I am detecting increased activity in what is assumed to be the limbic portion of the creature’s brain.”

“Limbic center?” Dexter muttered to himself as he rubbed his chin. “That is the portion of the brain associated with emotions, behavior and long term memory . . .” He continued to think for a moment before he looked away from the changeling and back at his computer. “Computer, this creature has empathic abilities and can sense the emotions of others. Speculate as to the reason for this heightened activity.”

“Preliminary analysis indicates that she is shifting her emotional state in a fixed pattern,” The computer began again. “If other members of her species possess similar emotion-sensing abilities, they may be able to sense and recognize the pattern produced by her fluctuating emotions.”

“Really?” Dexter said as his eyes went wide, before turning back to look at the changeling. “If that’s true, she may be sending a signal, maybe even a call for help.” He had never even conceived of a creature using its emotions to create a ‘smoke signal.’

“Fascinating, I want to know more!” He declared, raising a hoof into the air. “Computer, activate the interrogation hologram!”

“Yes, Dexter.” Quadraplex replied, and after a moment, an exact replica of Dexter appeared out of thin air just beside the colt.

“Alright computer,” Dexter began. “I do not want the specimen harmed in any manner. The creature attacked me last time, so it might not be forthcoming when speaking to a replica of-“

“She… attacked you?” The computer interrupted, Dexter could have swore the computer’s voice had become colder and more emotionless. Though it was always hard to tell with the nearly monotone A.I.

“Computer, avail yourself of today’s log.” Dexter said simply, followed by a short moment of silence.

“I see,” The computer replied, followed by another moment of silence. “Calculating the most abrasive interrogation procedure which does not stand a significant chance of terminating the . . . specimen.”

“Whoa whoa!” Dexter said in surprise. If he had to guess, the computer was actually mad. Something he found odd sincethe A.I. wasn’t supposed to develop emotions for a few years. “Quadraplex, the goal is to extract accurate information. You do not need to put the changeling under undue stress, and undue stress could result in bad information.”

“Negative, we have good reason to do more than that.” Quadraplex replied as the hologram image of Dexter came to life and started approaching the chamber entrance.

“Computer!” Dexter protested. “Halt that hologram, that is an order!” The hologram stopped instantly. “We do not have a good reason to be brutal.”

The computer was silent for a moment, finding an answer.

“Negative, Dexter. Your instructor, Ms. Cheerilee, has been abducted by the changelings.” Quadraplex finally replied. “I believe we need to extract her whereabouts, and other useful information, from the changeling as soon as possible.”

“What?” Dexter asked in surprise. He hadn’t even thought about that. But something else felt off about Quadraplex. She took too long to come up with a reason, as though she was looking for a reason rather than reporting one when he asked.

“Fine, Quadraplex.” Dexter eventually responded, causing the hologram to resume walking toward the door. “But you are in control of the hologram, therefore you are responsible. You. Are. Not. To. Hurt. The. Changeling. Understood?”

“Understood, Dexter . . .”


“Hi there!” The image of Dexter said. He had just come through the clean room doors and sat on his haunches before the changeling, well within her field of view. “How are you?”

The changeling didn’t respond. She merely lay motionless, staring silently at a fixed point on the chamber’s wall.

“You can’t sense my emotions can you?” The colt reached out with a hoof and turned the changeling’s head slightly, appearing to observe her neck. “Good, the injection I gave you is working.” Of course he had not given the changeling an injection. However, she didn’t know that.

The changeling felt her heart skip a beat at ‘Dexter’s’ words. Though she was well disciplined, and showed no outward sign of concern. She had no way to tell what Dexter could have done to her while she was asleep. But Dexter was right, she couldn’t sense any emotions.

For a changeling, being unable to sense emotions was almost like suddenly going deaf.

“Are you feeling well?” Dexter asked, in genuine concern. “Is there anything wrong? Other than your inability to perform magic of course.” The changeling didn’t respond, but continued to lay motionless.

“Nothing? Good. Then we can begin.”

The hologram walked out of the changeling’s view before returning with a tool box and a set of scalpels.

"You know, I’ve been thinking about what you said. About me being a ‘predator,’” the hologram began again, dropping the tool box and set of knives on the table with a clang. He then started to slowly take out each knife, inspecting each one before laying them on the table just within changeling’s view.

The changeling felt her blood run cold as a pulse of adrenaline shot through her body with each knife placed atop the table.

“And you know what, you were right.” He said simply. “I am a predator, and you should take solace in that - you were right. But it’s not what you think!”

“You see,” he said, putting the final knife on the table. His tone and facial expression remained pleasant, as though he were talking about the weather. “I am a predator, but I am also a pony. I mean look at me!”

“Now, I know what you’re thinking,” he went on. “What kind of predator does a pony make?” He asked rhetorically before turning toward the tool box and rifling through it. After a moment he paused and turned to face the changeling.

“It’s not about being a predator on the outside, it’s about what’s in here.” He said, pointing toward his heart then his head. His tone shifted momentarily, conveying an almost fanatical conviction.

“Though, I feel safe in assuming that you understand, if the fangs in your mouth are any indication.” He said as he tone became pleasant again, and he returned to the tool box. Eventually he pulled out a drill.

“But, that still doesn’t answer the question, because every predator is different, you know?” He said before squeezing a lever on the drill’s handle. The drill spun for a few moments before sputtering out.

“Oh blast, the battery is dead. I’ll be right back," he said, retreating out of the changeling’s view.


“Quadraplex, What are you doing?” The real Dexter demanded.

“Interrogating our guest,” the computer responded simply.

“You are not to hurt the changeling in any way,” Dexter stated firmly. “Or did I not make myself clear?”

“You were explicit, Dexter,” she replied. “However, I will continue to intimidate it.”

“Are you succeeding?” Dexter asked skeptically.

“Affirmative,” the computer answered “The changeling’s heart rate has doubled, and other physiological variables indicate high stress.”


The hologram of the colt returned to the changeling’s side, stepping within her field of vision once again. He plugged in a fresh battery before turning the drill on. It spun for a few moments before he let go of the lever.

“You know,” the hologram said. “You can’t beat one of these things. Diamond bit drill tip!” He smiled, flicking the end with a hoof. “Cuts through any substance known to ponykind.”

“Oh, but I digress, where was I? Oh yes.” He continued. “Every predator is different. You? You’re a changeling; your predatory nature was a part of you since birth. As for myself, I didn’t have a nature. I had to pick what kind of predator I would be…”

“Suffice it to say, small animals and I never got along.” He stated, looking downward with a hint of guilt on his face. However, his gaze returned to the changeling with a small smile. “But I’m glad to have someone to share the big day with. I am going to make friends with something bigger than bunnies or squirrels - something somepony might miss.”

The changeling, despite remaining stoic, was starting to panic internally.

“However, I'm not only a predator, I am a colt of science!” Dexter began again. “So, I devised an experiment.”

He took a knife in his hoof. “Nervous? Don’t be. You can rest assured that I am not going to stab you,” he began to explain. “In fact, that is the point.”

“You see, it all works like this. Do you know what this is?” The colt said, picking up a rice sized piece of metal. “It’s a special form of iron, which forms a galvanic cell when it comes in contact with your body fluids. Basically it shocks any nearby tissue in your body with small jolts of electricity!” He said eagerly.

“What’s getting shocked you wonder?” He asked, putting the metal down. “Have you ever heard of cranial nerve five? The trigeminal nerve? It is the primary pain sensing nerve of the face.”

“No? Well, the laypony calls it the suicide nerve because the gross majority of ponies who get a tumor in this nerve end up committing suicide.” He explained.

“Can you even imagine it? Inducing enough agony that someone will stab themselves to death the moment the get the chance? Just to stop the pain?” Dexter shoved the knife’s handle into the changeling’s hoof, making sure she a strong grasp. “Well, when I get this shocking piece of metal into the right place, you wont have to imagine it! Don’t drop that knife though, in a couple of minutes it will be your life ending friend!”

He mounted the drill against the changeling’s face.

“Isn’t science fun?” Dexter said with an elated sigh.

“You’re a colt from Tartarus!” The changeling screamed, finally breaking what little composure she had left. She began to struggle against her shackles, fruitlessly.

“Now why would you say something like that?” Dexter replied, pretending to be genuinely hurt by the changelings' words. “I prefer ‘the colt from hell.’ It rolls off the tongue better…”


“Losing my patience…” the hologram of Dexter said as irritation filled his tone. “You said you had information that I could find useful, and for that I have abstained from my experiment. But giving me a detailed sketch of the hive’s inner workings is not exactly pertinent to my interests…”

“Wait, wait!” The changeling sobbed. “The hive has infiltrated the highest levels of government in the top twenty most powerful nations on the planet.” She said frantically. “Ranging from the equestrian noble council and courts, to the griffon kingdom’s parliament! I can give you names!”

“I’m going to go warm up the drill, you have until then to tell me something useful.” The hologram said, picking up the drill once more.

“I fell in love with a pony once!” The changeling said through her tears. It actually surprised Quadraplex enough to have the hologram react in the same manner. “I know it was a rookie mistake, and I should have stopped feeling anything long ago… but he… I just-I just…”

“I believe that’s enough,” the hologram said before suddenly disappearing into thin air. The changeling merely sat confused for a moment before a large metal lined curved plate descended from the ceiling. It landed on the changeling, encapsulating her against the table.

The changeling looked frantically between the windows of the casket-like glass plate that had just trapped her. After a few moments there was a flash of light as the interior of the casket froze instantly.

“Cryogenic stasis procedure complete, Dexter.” Quadraplex announced to the boy genius. “The changeling is now fully asleep.”

The real Dexter was staring wide-eyed at his computer. He felt no shortage of concern over what he just witnessed.

“Umm… computer?” He asked hesitantly.

“Yes, my builder?” She replied.

“I… umm, well…” Dexter began, trying to find out where to start. “Can you run a diagnostic on your ethics subroutine, please?”

“Yes, Dexter.” Quadraplex replied. “May I ask why?”

“Oh, im just concerned… that you just threatened someone with suicide inducing agony…”

“She shouldn’t have attempted to hurt my builder…” Quadraplex replied ominously, surprising Dexter once more with an almost possessive tone. “Should I conduct an in-depth analysis of any errors I find?”

“No, no. We need to find Miss Cheerilee first.” Dexter said with determination. “The changeling said they picked her up at the hospital, and I was the one who sent her there with Diamond Tiara.”

“Its my fault they captured her,” he said with a hint of guilt.

“How are we going retrieve her?”

“We’re not, but I know who will. Computer, scan Ponyville for the closest royal guards.”

“My scanner detects multiple groups of armor clad equines in Ponyville patrolling in the vicinity of the clinic.” Quadraplex began as the computer’s monitor lit up, displaying a map of the small town with several moving blips. “However, there is a small group of them significantly closer, currently occupying the library…”

“Excellent, it looks like I will be paying Miss Sparkle a late night visit.”


“You are approaching your target,” Quadraplex said, her voice slightly distorted by the noise usually accompanied by a radio transmission. She was speaking to Dexter through a small disc shaped earpiece no larger than a dime.

He nodded in reply as a blip appeared on his glasses, highlighting the location of the library.

He had created an earpiece and augmented his glasses with a heads up display in order to stay in contact with Quadraplex. It was a precaution he decided upon in case he ran into another changeling.

“This course of action presents a number of risks,” Quadraplex stated.

“I’ll be fine,” Dexter replied. “Besides? What’s the science without the risk?” He asked with a grin. Dexter stopped just a few buildings away from the Ponyville library. It was the middle of the night, and the streets were completely deserted.

If it weren’t for the occasional street lamp and the bright moon overhead, the street would have been pitch black.

Kneeling beside one of the town’s houses, Dexter reached into his saddlebags and pulled out a grey metal helmet. It was similar to that of a full motorcycle helmet, except it was shaped for a pony’s head. A set of lead numbers sat squarely in the centre of the helmet, just above the opening for his face.

“With my time expander helmet I’ll be in and out of there without anyone getting so much as a glimpse of me.” Dexter said to himself as he stuffed his head into the helmet. “Computer, set the time dilation factor to sixty-x, I want one whole minute for every second that passes for everyone else.”

“Confirmed, Dexter.” Quadraplex replied after a moment.

“Will you be able to keep up?” Dexter asked.

“My tertiary processor alone is capable of eight quadrillion computations per second.I have more than sufficient processing power to interact with you while you slow down time for yourself.” Quadraplex replied.

“Good,” Dexter said before punching a button at the base of the helmet. The helmet responded with a muffled beep before humming. As it continued to hum, the world around Dexter began to slow to the point where everything was at a standstill. A gust of wind had tossed up some leaves in the middle of the street, they now appeared suspended in mid-air.

“Excellent,” Dexter said to himself. “It appears my time expander helmet version two is a success!” He said to himself, though he wasn’t surprised. The first version of the helmet worked flawlessly. “Now, I’ve got some mail for the royal guard!” He said, pulling out a large brown envelope.

Dexter crossed the street toward the library, being considerably less careful now. It really didn’t matter if he was seen at this point, as he would appear as a fast moving blur to anyone who happened to spot him.

Once he reached the library door he reached out a hoof to the door knob, only to find it resist his attempts to turn it.

“Locked? No matter,” Dexter stated simply before turning around and bucking. It was the first time he ever bucked something, and oddly enough it felt good. However, he found himself surprised when the door shattered at his touch.

“What the?” He asked in confusion as the shattering door slowed back down to a standstill, once again frozen in time.

“Something wrong, Dexter?” Quadraplex asked over the radio.

“No, I . . .” Dexter began. “I didn’t mean to shatter the door, just kick it open. I forgot that moving sixty times faster than normal means sixty times the acceleration, and thus sixty times the force.” Dexter replied.

“Well, can’t do anything about it now. I hope she has a replacement door,” Dexter said before moving inside, walking past the some floating debris.

Once inside, it didn’t take him long to spot the guards. Four of them were flanking the entrance of the room. Oddly though, only two of them wore the golden armor he was familiar with. The other two guards wore a set of dark blue armor that he had never seen before.

“Curious,” Dexter said to himself as he stuffed the envelope into the golden chest piece of the closest guard. When he was finished he crossed over the entrance to inspect the blue armor clad pony. “Why do they have different colors? And what are they doing here? Has Miss Sparkle gotten into trouble of some . . .”

Dexter trailed off as something in the corner of his eye caught his attention and caused him to turn.

In the center of the room was a table surrounded by two ponies. Dexter recognized the first as the librarian, Twilight Sparkle. However, he had never seen the other pony before.

She was the tallest pony Dexter had ever seen, standing at least a head above Big Macintosh. Her coat was a shade of dark blue, matching a set of cobalt blue eyes. The mare had both a set of wings and a horn. The horn was longer and sharper than any horn Dexter had seen on a unicorn. Her mane seemed to be suspended by a non-existent wind, and was littered with what appeared to be miniature stars.

Dexter also noted she wore a set of blue shoes, and a black tiara.

“Who is that?” Dexter asked in curiosity and a little awe. He approached the two mares, who were staring intently at a large diagram on the table. Twilight was actually frozen in the middle of a word, her hoof pointing at the blueprints before them as she explained something.

Dexter had to admit he was in slight awe at the sight of the night princess, even though she was essentially frozen in time from Dexter’s perspective.

“Please clarify,” Quadraplex replied over the radio.

“There is a winged unicorn – an alicorn in here. She’s tall and dark blue.” Dexter replied to his computer as he paced around the princess. “I’ve never seen her before.”

“My data on equine society is currently limited,” Quadraplex began. “However, from the information I do have access to, it would appear that she is Princess Luna. Currently one of the only three alicorns.”

“Princess Luna?” Dexter asked as he rubbed his chin with a hoof. “Well, that explains the regalia. What else can you tell me about her.”

“She is one of the Equestria’s diarchs, ruling alongside her sister.” The computer went on. “She is considered to be immortal and immensely powerful, wielding enough magical strength to move celestial objects. It is also reported that she has the ability to enter an individual’s dreams. She goes by the aliases: Moon Princess, Princess Of The Night, Dream Walker, Mistress of Dreams, Nightmare Moon, as well as a number of others. There is some information which indicates she has a dark history, however the information I currently have access too is limited on this subject. Some sources refer to her as a goddess, others imply that she was or currently is a demon of some sort.”

“Really?” Dexter said in surprise as he inspected lunar princess’s starry mane “I can see why she seems impressive to most equines, but they think she is immortal? Even a demon?” He finished skeptically.

“Affirmative,” Quadraplex replied, though she detected the scepticism in the colt’s voice. “Do you believe the information the equines recorded about her to be in error?”

“I believe ponykind has recorded a lot of propaganda regarding their leaders,” Dexter replied dismissively. “I’m not willing to place much faith in what they say.”

“You could always settle the matter now by synching yourself with the normal flow of time and asking her directly,” the A.I. offered.

“Yes, but that would defeat the point of coming here.” Dexter replied, glancing back at the guards. “Computer, add researching these ‘alicorns’ to my agenda. I wish to know more about them when I can afford the time.”

“Yes, Dexter.” The computer replied. “Will you be returning to the lab now?”

“Not just yet,” Dexter answered. “As curious as I am about the alicorn’s nature, I’m far more interested in why a head of state is visiting our local library, of all places, at…” Dexter glanced toward the clock on the wall. “Two in the morning?”

The colt approached the table before the two frozen mares. It didn’t take long for Dexter to recognize the large set of sketches sitting on the table.

They were diagrams of the Medical Diagnostic Module he had built. Dexter had never made an actual diagram of his invention, but that didn’t stop him from recognizing it. Each one of the sketches was surprisingly accurate, though they were lacking in many details. It wasn’t nearly enough to get an accurate picture of how the device operated, but it was definitely better than nothing.

“Great . . .” Dexter stated, bitter sarcasm saturated his tone. “Perfect.”

“Something wrong, Dexter?” Quadraplex asked.

“It appears that the changelings aren’t the only ones interested in the device I built,” Dexter said, mentally kicking himself once more. “The princess is reviewing a diagram of one of my inventions with Twilight Sparkle.”

“Has the secrecy of the laboratory been compromised?” The computer asked.

“No,” Dexter said. “I doubt they know anything of consequence. But just to be sure…” Dexter stretch out a hoof toward the sketches, intent on collecting them. He knew he could easily tear them to pieces, maybe even burn them. But he didn’t know if either the princess or Twilight could repair the diagrams with magic.

So he decided to simply steal them.

However, as he was reaching for the last diagram, something out of the corner of his eyes caused him to freeze.

Princess Luna was looking directly at him.

Dexter recoiled in surprise. He was moving at sixty times normal speed, there was no way she should have been able to react to his presence.

“Whoa,” Dexter said, slightly in awe once again as he felt his curiosity surge upwards. He waited a moment before moving toward Luna’s side, and sure enough, after a few moments the alicorn responded by turning her head further. Her eyes shifted very slowly to focus on the colt. Her horn began to give off a faint glow.

“Incredible, you must possess some sort of enhanced physiology in order to react to me.” Dexter said, inspecting the alicorn once more. Dexter’s curiosity nearly got the better of him, but he knew from the growing glow on Luna’s horn that he had overstayed his welcome.


A few moments before.

“Greetings, Twilight Sparkle.” Princess Luna said as she entered the library. Two lunar guards in tow. They quickly stood beside a pair of solar guards who were flanking the library entrance. “How are you this beautiful night?”

“I’m well princess,” Twilight greeted, though he smile and enthusiasm couldn't hide the traces of fatigue in her voice. Twilight, despite the caffeine and a nap, had some trouble with being awake at two in the morning.

“Again, We wish to express our appreciation for thy willingness to meet at such an hour.” Luna said. “‘Tis is most convenient for –er It is very helpful for me.”

“It’s no problem princess,” Twilight replied with a smile. “oh, and before I forget. I received a letter addressed to you from Princess Celestia.” Twilight produced a scroll with an unbroken seal.

“Oh?” Luna asked as she took the scroll in her magic. She quickly opened the scroll and began to read, however after a few moments she rolled the scroll up before casting a spell which caused it to disappear.

“Twilight Sparkle, please take a letter. Address it to my sister.” Luna said with a smug grin creeping onto her face.

Dear Sister Mine,

I am deeply saddened by the news that you have been deprived of your favorite set of imported desserts, and that they have gone missing. However, the notion that: ‘Nopony else on this planet would have dared such a treachery!’ is not sufficient evidence to warrant your accusation against me. However, I want you to know, had I been the culprit, your chocolate cakes would have been slowly savored and thoroughly enjoyed. Note, this is not an admittance of guilt.

Your little sister, now and always,

Princess Luna.

PS. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Chocolate.

Twilight had to stifle a snicker as she finished the letter and rolled it up. She never dreamed she’d write something like that to her mentor, and something told her that Luna’s letter being in Twilight’s writing was an added bonus to the night princess’ trifling with her sister.

“I’ll send it in the morning when Spike wakes up.” Twilight said as she put the scroll away.

“Well, now that such business has been settled.” She began again, a playful smirk lingered on her face. “I was wondering if you could assist me by answering a few questions.”

“Whatever you need, Princess.” Twilight assured.

“It’s actually about my investigation, specifically the device.” Luna went on, eliciting a nod from the unicorn.

“Let me get the diagrams I made of it.” Twilight said, lighting up her horn as a set of scrolls and bound papers atop a bookshelf started floating toward her. “How is the investigation of the changelings going so far?”

“Admittedly, not well.” Luna said while suppressing a sigh. “We haven’t been able to locate any of the changelings; I believe they are keeping their distance while I am present. As for the device, nothing has changed.”

“However, I was hoping to garner more information about the device by determining how it drew power. I was hoping that one of your diagrams covered this.” Luna went on, getting Twilight to nod eagerly.

“Its one of the first things I checked!” Twilight replied excitedly as she laid the diagrams on the table before her. Luna approached her side to inspect what the unicorn was now pointing at with a hoof.

“From what I could tell, the device drew only electrical energy from a wall port. It drew no forms of magical energy, and didn’t produce a noticeable drain on the energy reservoir spell which the hospital maintained to run their equipment.” Twilight began to explain, pointing at place in the diagram with a hoof. “The energy entered the device through a cable loca-“

Twilight continued to explain what she had found, but her explanation was suddenly cut off by several events which appeared to occur at the same time.

First, The front door of the library exploded inward. Debris from the door scattered throughout the room, richochetting off of walls and bookshelves.

Secondly, The diagrams on the table vanished. They dispeared right before Twilight and Luna’s eyes.

Lastly, Luna suddenly jerked her head. Moving faster than Twilight had ever seen, she turned away from the unicorn before flaring the magic in her horn.

The loud crash from the door alone was enough to startle Twilight, causing her to rear out of surprise.

“What in the world was that?” Twilight shouted as she turned toward the open entrance, while flaring her own magic. The four unicorn guards by the door did the same.

However, her question went unanswered. The guards scanned the room for a moment before one of the guards barked an order.

“Fan out, secure the library!” One of the solar guards ordered, he happened to be the highest rank present. As the other guards followed orders, he approached Twilight and the princess.

“Your Majesty? Miss sparkle?” He began. “Are you both alright?”

“I’m fine,” Twilight replied quickly, not moving from her defensive stance. However, the glow in her horn started to fade.

Luna, however, stood motionless for a moment before answering.

“There was somepony standing here.” Luna said, holding her gaze at the spot it fell upon a few moments ago.

“Somepony was standing here?” Twilight said with a raised eyebrow. “Right next to us?”

“Yes . . .” Luna said absentmindedly as she concentrated on remembering what she had just seen. “T’was a foal by the stature of. . . her? Nay, T’was a colt here, with white fur!”

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked skeptically. “I didn’t see anything at all, much less a foal.”

“Sure? Nay, we art certain of it!” Luna declared. “We saw little of his features and saw not his cutie mark. He moved far too swiftly for even our eyes, his features a blur.”

Twilight’s brows furrowed in confusion as she processed the alicorn’s words. She knew she didn’t see a colt standing beside Luna, however she didn’t have any idea of what just happened to the diagrams or the library door.

“Twilight Sparkle!” Luna said, almost startling the unicorn for a second time. “Art thou aware of any magic, developed during my banishment, capable of bestowing incredible speed whilst allowing somepony to react fast enough to utilize said speed?”

“Umm . . . No,” Twilight replied after a few moments of thinking. “Though I believe several spells in conjunction might be able to get close to what you’re talking about, but I doubt they would allow somepony to move fast enough to go unseen by everypony else.”

“We thought not…” Luna said, stopping a moment to think.

“My diagrams!” Twilight exclaimed as she looked back at the now vacant table. “They’re gone.”

“The colt seized them,” Luna answered, before turning toward the guards. However, only one lunar guard had returned from securing the library.

“Sergeant,” Luna said, addressing the solar guard who had stayed with them. “Prepare a squad, I want you to . . .” She trailed off, noticing a large brown envelope stuffed into the stallion’s armor. “Sergeant, what’s that?” She said, pointing with a hoof.

The stallion looked down at his armor and spotted the envelope. “I have no idea your majesty.” He replied. If he was surprised by its appearance, he didn’t show it though his stoic demeanor.

Pulling it out of his armor and turning it over revealed the words ‘For the guard’ sprawled on the side. They words were messy, clearly written by a child.

“I believe it is addressed to . . . the guard, your highness.” The stallion said.

“Well, don’t just look at it. Open it!” Luna ordered after inspecting the envelope. She would have torn into it herself, but refrained. Legally only those whom the letter was addressed could open it, and her conformity to the modern laws was part of her attempt to show everyone she was reformed.

“Yes, your majesty.” He said as he tore the envelope with an aura of blue magic, pulling out a series of photographs.

“They’re pictures your highness.” He said, looking at each one. However, the third picture he looked at caused him to pause. “These are pictures of a changeling, your majesty.”

“What?” Luna seized the photographs with her magic and turned them toward herself and Twilight. The pictures were a series of shots, starting with a normal pony that neither of them recognized. However, as the series continued, the pony in the picture was enveloped by a green flame, revealing a bug-like creature underneath. The bug-like creature was then enveloped in green flame again, returning as a purple earth pony mare with a striped pink mane and tail.

“I know who that is!” Twilight nearly shouted as she pointed a hoof toward the last picture.

“We know as well” Luna said, remembering the mare from the last nightmare night. “Cheerilee, the school teacher.” Luna said, anger in her voice growing. “Art nothing inviolate changeling? Thou would pursue mere foals?”


Twilight slowed as her panting became stronger. The unicorn was no stranger to running, but trying to sprint across the town at two in the morning proved to be a bit more difficult than she thought. Though the guards seemed to do so easily, as the sound of hooves continued to recede from ahead of the mare.

A few moments after identifying Cheerilee in the photographs, Twilight had pulled up the town’s directory. Shortly after, Luna had sent for another squad of guards to meet her at the teacher’s residence.

Luna flew, disappearing into the night almost instantly. The unicorn guards at the library however started running in formation and quickly disappeared as well. Twilight tried to keep up, but the guards turned out to be in much better shape and quickly pulled ahead.

However, the two solar guards who were supposed to watch her slowed down and stayed with the panting unicorn.

“How do you guys . . .” Twilight panted after stopping to take a breather. “Just start running across town at two in the morning without . . . even breaking a sweat?”

“Your brother trained us well, ma’am.” One of the golden armored guards replied.

“I’ll have to ask him . . .” Twilight went on between breathes. “For your work-out routine . . .”


“Give me a hug, Cheerilee.” Came a kind voice from a blue mare that strongly resembled Cheerilee’s mother. However, after a few moments, Cheerilee woke up fully and remembered where she was.

She was chained to a metal chair, which was tied to a support beam in her basement. She fought off her sleepiness as she struggled against the chains, pushing away the ‘mare’ as much as she could.

It wasn’t the first time she woke up to have a random family member trying to cuddle with her. The creature was trying to trick her, if even for a moment, into feeling some sort of love.

“Get away from me!” Cheerilee cried. “Please, just . . . just let me go.”

“Awwww… but Cheerilee,” The mare replied with sorrow. “I just want some love.”

“You’re not my mother!” Cheerilee declared. “I won’t let you trick me.”

“Oh?” The mare replied, before picking up a picture frame. It was one of the photographs Cheerilee had of her family. “Maybe you would feel more open toward your sister . . .” The ‘mare’ replied before a flash of green washed over her. A pink mare had replaced the blue one.

“You’re a monster! Stop it!” Cheerilee replied, struggling with her chains again. She didn’t know what the changeling was trying to do, the insectoid must have known that Cheerilee would reject her no matter what form she took.

“I’m sorry Cheerilee.” The mare replied. “I really am, but a changeling’s got to eat. And I’ve already managed to get a good bit of love out of you.”

“W-what?” Cheerilee asked, fear seeping into her tone.

“I successfully tricked you a few times while you were still half asleep.” The mare stated simply. “See, you didn’t even notice. Feeding is completely painless for you.” The changeling stated. “So excuse me if I don’t shed too many tears for deceiving you.” She said, motioning toward the chains shackling the teacher.

“In fact, I think it would be qui-“The changeling froze in mid-sentence before turning to face one of the walls. After a few moments of absolute silence, the changeling turned back toward the school teacher.

“It seems you won’t be enjoying our hospitality any further, but I’ll be seeing you around.” The changeling said before a flash of green magic and a loud pop caused the changeling to disappear. However, just as the teleportation spell finished, Cheerilee heard a loud crash somewhere above her. It was followed by several sets of hooves stomping through the first floor.

“I’m down here!” Cheerilee called. A few moments later the basement door was ripped open and several guards poured into the basement, followed by Princess Luna.

“Oh thank goodness!” Cheerilee said, before a blue aura of magic from the alicorn washed over the mare.

“She’s not a changeling,” The princess said, before the guards undid her chains and helped her up

“Art thou alright, subject?” Princess Luna asked directly, motioning for the guards to continue searching the house.

“I-I think so . . .” Cheerilee said, on the verge of tears.

“They-they” Cheerilee began shakily. “They took me while I was at the hospital with one of my students . . .” She trailed off before going pale. “Oh no, the foals! I saw one of them transform into me before leaving, you’ve got to check on my students!” She pleaded, earning a reassuring nod from the princess.

“Worry not, mine subject. We shall handle this.”


Dexter spent the next morning asleep, catching up on all the sleep he missed the previous night. With the changeling guest on ice, he didn’t have to worry too much about the lab. However, Quadraplex kept a constant vigil.

It was luckily a Saturday, and he didn’t have to worry about school. It was nearly an hour shy of noon before Applejack decided it was time to wake the colt up by banging on his bedroom door.

“Dex?” Ya alive in there?” Applejack asked, banging on the door again. It caused Dexter to slowly rise from his pillow before checking the time. He was actually surprised he had slept so long.

“Dex?” Applejack asked, her head and neck now appearing in the doorway. “Yer still sleepin’? Yer not sick er nothin’ are ya?”

“No, Applejack, I’m quite well. Thank you.” Dexter replied groggily before rubbing his eyes and retrieving his glasses from his bed stand

“Ya sure?” Applejack asked as she pressed past the door and into the room. “I ain’t seen hide nor hair of ya since yesterday evening when ya told me ya didn’t want dinner an’ ran up here.”

“It is nothing to worry about, Applejack.” Dexter said, before thinking about what to say next. Until he could figure out the magic of Applejack’s ability to sense lies, he’d have to figure out a way to dodge the truth without untruths. “Suffice it to say . . . I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

“Ya Ah figured,” Applejack replied while motioning to the colt to follow. “Ah saved ya some breakfast, but look’n at the time, ya could call it lunch.”

“Thank you, Applejack. I’ll be down in a moment.” Dexter slowly crawled out of his bed, stifling a yawn. Applejack had nodded and turned to leave the room before Dexter spoke to her again. “Applejack?”

She replied merely by craning her head to look back at the colt.

“Considering . . . something that I’ve learned recently.” Dexter said, being careful with his words once again. “I’d like to apologize, for not believing your story about the changelings.” Dexter actually surprised himself a little. He wasn’t the type to apologize usually, but it has been known to happen.

“Oh?” She said, turning the rest of her body to face him. “An’ what gotcha to change yer mind?” She asked. However, Dexter took another moment to respond. If she sensed a lie she’d probably start digging until Dexter fessed up about the time he tried to send his sister to another dimension just to keep her from annoying him.

“I, uh, learned a few things that made your story more credible.” Dexter replied, before his tone became defensive. “But I still don’t believe that anyone raises the sun!”

Applejack facehoofed with a sigh. “What do ya got against Princess Celestia?” Applejack asked before looking back at the colt. “Ya know what, Ah got an idea. Maybe ya can talk ta Twilight about it? She’s the Princess’ personal student, she might even be able ta get ya a demonstration.”

“A demonstration?” Dexter said, raising an eyebrow. Not because disbelieved the mare, but because he fully expected a ‘demonstration’ to be a hoax.

“Yah, ya can ask Twi about it when ya see her tomorrow at tha-“Applejack suddenly stopped, catching herself before letting a secret slip. She had pinkie promised to the secret, otherwise it wouldn’t be a surprise.

“Huh?” Dexter asked. “Do we have arrangements to meet Miss Sparkle tomorrow?”

“Uhh…” Applejack said, shifting uncomfortably. “Never mind Dex, jus’ come down and eat yer breakfast.” The mare said before quickly leaving.

It was only until Dexter reached the kitchen did he realize how hungry he was, leading him to demolishing the breakfast/lunch of pancakes Applejack set aside for him. It helped that they were delicious, though that was to be expected. It wasn’t long after he started living with the apples that he discovered Granny Smith’s and Applejack’s amazing ability to cook.

He finished rather quickly and cleaned up after himself, though just before he finished the colt heard a barely audible voice.

“There he is!” Came a hushed whisper from somewhere nearby.

A quick scan of the kitchen revealed three Cutie Mark Crusaders watching him from the living room. However, the moment he spotted the three fillies, they averted their gaze. Each one was now intensely interested with the mundane, ranging from the empty wall to their hooves.

They were up to something. Though Dexter was surprised to see them already.

After a moment of silence, Dexter finished cleaning up after himself and crossed into the living room. He approached the fillies, eyeing them suspiciously.

“Good morning, Applebloom.” Dexter greeted, though his greeting sounded more like a question.

“Oh hi, Dex.” Applebloom said, still interested in the wall. The other two fillies said nothing.

“Okay . . .” Dexter said slowly before shrugging and turning to leave. He was actually glad the fillies weren’t asking him to go crusading at the moment. He wanted to get back to the lab, there was much to do.

Dexter left the Apple Homestead out the front door and turned to walk along the side of the house. However, he didn’t get more than twenty feet before Applebloom appeared out of nowhere and jumped in his path. It startled the colt into recoiling.

“Applebloom?!” Dexter said, before taking a moment to calm down. “What was that for?”

“Well . . .” Applebloom began with a hesitant smile as she looked away. “We are trying ta get our cutie marks.”


“I’m sorry Applebloom, but I cannot assist you in cutie mark seeking activities today,” Dexter said, adjusting his glasses. “I have very important work to do and-“

“But Dex!” A filly interrupted, it was Scootaloo this time. She happened to be standing beside Dexter, opposite to the wall of the house. “You have to help.”

“Oh, and why is that?” Dexter asked, turning to face the orange filly. However, it was Sweetie Belle who answered this time.

“Well . . .” Sweetie Belle began, she was behind the colt. Her words caused him to turn enough to face her. “We need a colt.”

“Umm… What?” Dexter said with a blink as anxiety crept into his voice. The last time he heard those words he didn’t like what followed. It involved huge creepy eyes and words like ‘coltfriend.’

“We need a boy.” Scootaloo repeated.

“And why do you need a boy!?” Dexter asked, his eyes growing a little wider as be backed into the wall of the homestead. He became increasingly aware of how the fillies had surrounded him.

“To help us get our cutie marks!” Sweetie Belle answered.

“I could have guessed that!” Dexter retorted as his tone became more apprehensive. “Listen girls, I don’t think I’m the right ‘colt’ for . . . helping you get whatever you’re looking for today-”

“No” Applebloom interrupted, causing the colt to stop. “Yer the right colt.”

“Yah,” Scootaloo agreed. “Rarity said so when we spoke to her the other day.”

Dexter couldn’t keep from asking himself what Rarity had to do with this. She had introduced him to Pinkie Pie, but he thought that would be the last of her ‘revenge.’ But whatever the case may be, she was Sweetie Belle’s older sister.

“What do you mean Rarity said so?” Dexter asked in confusion.

“Well. . .” Applebloom began. “Two days ago, after Applejack and Rarity told us about pro-creation, Rarity gave us a few suggestions on how we could earn our cutie marks.”

“And she suggested you specifically to help us with those ideas.” Sweetie Belle added.

There was a moment of awkward silence as he felt his heartrate double.

“An since you were actin’ so weird last time, we uh, kinda wanted to make sure ya didn’t run away again.” Applebloom added, motioning to the half circle the fillies made which trapped the colt against the house.

Dexter did nothing but press against the wall harder, his eye twitching as he looked for ways to escape. Sweetie Belle was the weakest physically, his best bet would be to try and push past her. But then again, who knows how much power she was packing in that horn.

“Yah, but I still don’t think I was totally wrong about the definition of pro-creation though.” Scootaloo added after another moment of silence.

“You were completely wrong, Applejack explained it!” Sweetie Belle teased.

“I admit that.” Scootaloo defended “But there was something funny about their explanation, like they were leaving something out.”

“Yah… Ah got that feeling too.” Applebloom admitted to the other fillies. “Like, if little baby critters come from girl critters, then why are there boys?” Dexter almost cursed at the filly for having half a brain to ask that question.

“I thought you asked Applejack that?” Scootaloo replied.

“Ah did,” Applebloom answered. “She just said I’d find out fer myself when ah get a little older…”

There was a pause as Dexter processed the filly’s words. He was thankful to piece enough together that he could reject some of his assumptions as wrong.

“You’re a boy, Dexter. Do you know why there are boys?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“No.” He lied. “I know nothing, nothing at all. . . but that still doesn’t explain why you need a colt.”

“Oh,” Sweetie Belle began. “Rarity said we should try getting a cutie mark in fashion by playing dress-up, but the box of make-up and fashion stuff she gave us is meant for both boys and girls. She said that the supplies she gave us work best on a colt with a white coat, a fiery orange mane, and who wears glasses.”

Dexter noted that description as oddly specific. This must have been Rarity;s doing, but that knowledge didn’t stop him from feeling a wave of relief wash over him.

“Oh thank goodness,” Dexter said, placing a hoof to his heart as he breathed a sigh of relief. “You only want to play dress-up.” However, after a moment his face contorted back into panic. “Dress-up!?!”

He hated dress-up. Ever since his sister forced him to play it, he despised the girlish game. He’d sooner light his hair on fire.

“No way!” Dexter shook his head frantically. “Never.”

“But we need a colt Dexter! Rarity said that fashion is very different for boys than girls. If we don’t try to dress-up a colt then we might miss getting our cutie marks!” Sweetie Belle pleaded.

“Yeah!” Scootaloo added with much more determination. “I don’t want to be a blank flank forever. We gotta try to make sure!”

“Never!” He shouted before making a run for it, bolting in Sweetie Belle’s direction. Unfortunately though, Scootaloo was rather quick. She caught onto his hind legs and slowed him down long enough for Applebloom to latch on as well.

“Stop act’n weird Dex!” Applebloom shouted, pulling on one of his hind legs. “We only wanna play dress-up!”

“No! Unhand me you psychotically obsessive juvenile equines!” Dexter shouted as he felt himself being wrestled back. The girls were surprisingly strong. Not as strong as he was, given that he was a colt. But their combined strength, as well as their greater experience with wrestling in a pony body, gave the fillies the advantage. “I will not partake in your loathsome pastime!”

Though, as hard as he struggled against the two fillies, he lost.


This must have been the fifth time Dexter promised himself that he would die before letting someone else put lipstick on him again.

The fillies proved to be just as disastrous with their attempts to get a cutie mark in male fashion as they were with their other failed efforts. Unfortunately for the colt, however, Rarity had given them no shortage of supplies. They spared nothing as they wanted to try everything they had, just to make sure they didn’t miss their calling.

The colt tried pointing out that ‘lipstick wasn’t meant for boys.’

But that didn’t stop the over enthusiastic fillies who desired to be thorough, opting to try everything rather than just what was meant for boys.

He repeated his argument for the bow, and the mascara, and the eye-liner, and even the dress.

At one point he was ready to call out to Quadraplex for help, but he’d have a hard time explaining to Applejack why an army of robots suddenly seized the three fillies.

So he decided to man up. Luckily, he had been through worse with Dee Dee.

He finally managed to escape when the fillies got into an argument about powdering his nose. He pointed out the powder was pointless, given that he had a snow-white fur covering most of his face. Lucky it was enough to start the argument that allowed him the opening to bolt.

That’s when Applejack and Big Mac found him running through the orhard and brought him back into the house.

“Bhaha!” Big Macintosh guffawed with a deep tone in Dexter’s direction as annoyed looking Applejack reappeared before the colt with some cloth and a bucket of water in her mouth. She placed the bucket beside Dexter before head-butting her older brother. The stallion, surprised by the action, stumbled backward a bit before landing on his haunches.

“Shad-up ya idjit!” Applejack chastised. “Yer the one who’s supposed ta discourage this sorta thing!”

“Ah am, right now!” He said, before letting out another burst of deep laughter. Dexter felt his shame grow, wishing that he could disappear from existence for the remainder of time. “He’ll never want to look like that again!”

“What do you mean he’s supposed to discourage this?” Dexter asked Applejack as she scrubbed some of the lipstick off Dexter’s face.

“Some psychobabble Avid Aura told me about colts being feminized if they're in an environment without a stallion around.” Applejack said through the cloth in her mouth.


“Applejack, I assure you I am not in jeopardy of being feminized by any means.” He stated firmly.

“Really?” Applejack said before tilting a nearby mirror in Dexter’s direction. He finally got a good look at himself, and what he saw horrified him. There was a disheveled dress, a perfect bow, poorly applied eyeliner, perfectly curled eyelashes, a ponytail mane, and no shortage of lipstick.

Though, his mane was finally neat for the first time, something he didn’t mind. As far as Dexter was concerned, he could keep the ponytail. He was a pony after all...

That’s when Dexter suddenly became acutely aware of Big Mac suppressing another bout of laughter, and his embarrassment surged upward.

“Point taken.” Dexter said, reaching up to undo the ponytail and scramble his mane.

“Stay here, Ah’ll be right back with some hoof polish remover.” Applejack replied before turning to leave. Though Dexter looked down to see sparkling neon pink hooves.

“Figures . . .” Dexter deadpanned.

“You know, your sister and her friends are crazy.” Dexter eventually said to the stallion. Though, come to think of it, he understood what it was like to have a crazy sister.

“Eeyup” Big Mac asked, still grinning. “That goes fer both of ‘em.’” He said after checking around to make sure Applejack was gone. “But ya learn ta live with it.”

“Applejack is crazy?” Dexter asked, skeptically.

“All of em’ are crazy, Dex.” Big Mac replied


Golden Oaks library was having a spell of craziness itself. At least, as far as everyone except a certain purple spastic mare was concerned.

Though Rarity was about that find this out as she opened the door to the library and walked inside.

The library was rather neat when she left this morning, however now it was a mess. Papers and books were scattered everywhere, with several chalkboards forming a circle in the middle of the room. Rarity hardly had a moment to take it all in before a purple flash and a loud pop caused a certain purple mare to appear in the center of the chalkboard fortress.

“Spike, where are you? Ah never mind – no, no wait, take another note!” Twilight said rapidly. Her mane was disheveled as her eyes frantically darted from one chalkboard to another, but always landing back on the one in the middle of the room. She kept a frantic grin and wild eyes the whole time.

“Another one?” Spike groaned tiredly, he hated it when she got like this. “You haven’t finished the last one!”

“Yes, but this time, address it to professor Theory Proof, the head of mathematics at the Royal Academy of Canterlot.” Twilight said quickly before writing something a nearby chalkboard. “And have you gotten a response from-“

She was interrupted by Spike belching out a scroll in green flame. Before he could even reach up to hold it, Twilight snatched it in her magical grasp.

“Dear Miss Sparkle,” Twilight began reading aloud. “My department is testing the solution which you have presented to us, and so far it seems to be working for every known example we can think of. However, we will continue to evaluate it. By the way it appears to be passing each test we apply to it, even the more difficult ones, I am very excited to say this may be the solution we have been seeking for so long. I had almost given up hope that Clovers Conundrum would be solved in my lifetime. My colleagues and I will continue to correspond with you as we get more information. However, my entire department is now busy at evaluating the solution. Sincerely, Professor Noble Vapor.”

“PS. Celestia has expressed her excitement as well, and has given us free use of your dragon’s ability to send and receive parcels for the foreseeable future.”

Spike let out a very loud groan. The next few days were going to prove difficult.

“W-what’s going on?” Rarity asked, slightly confused at the sight before her.

Spike noticed his crush instantly, turning toward her with an almost pleading expression. Twilight, however, was too preoccupied to notice her friend’s presence.

“Twilight is having another one of her . . . moments.” Spike replied, hesitantly looking at the purple unicorn in the hopes she didn’t hear him. If Twilight did, she gave no indication as she went back to scribbling on chalkboards.

“Dare I ask how long she has been like this?” Rarity said, casting a worried gaze at the mare before looking back at Spike.

“I dunno,” Spike complained. “It started just after you left this morning.”

“Spike, that was over nine hours ago.” Rarity replied after looking at the library clock. “You mean to tell me-“ She was cut off as Twilight suddenly teleported out of view with a loud pop.

Taken aback, the mare paused for a moment.

“You’re telling me she’s been frantically running around the library for the past nine hours?” Rarity finished. “Teleporting about?”

“Yes,” Spike said tiredly, before he suddenly belched. A sudden green flame produced another scroll. “Make it stop!” He pleaded.

“What set her off?” Rarity said, more than willing to do what she could to grant Spike’s request Being one of Twilight’s friends, she was very familiar with the spastic fits the purple unicorn could have. Though Rarity felt the situation was a bit ironic, seeing how she was just sent back from the boutique by a rainbow maned friend that had to rein her in. Now Rarity was tasked with doing the same for Twilight. “I need to know what set her off if I hope to stop it.”

However, Spike didn’t get to answer before Twilight reappeared out of another purple flash.

“Thanks Spike!” She said frantically, snatching up the scroll that just arrived. “Here, send this!” She said as she stuffed another scroll into Spike’s mouth, causing the baby dragon to gag. Before she could realize what she’d done she had teleported away again.

Rarity’s eyes narrowed in determination. It was one thing to be freaking out, but to hurt the white unicorn’s adorable ‘Spikey Wikey,’ intentional or not, was crossing the line.

“I don’t know!” Spike gasp after spitting out the scroll. “It all started this morning when I began cleaning the chalk boards. Somepony had written on the side she told me to never touch or clean. When I showed her, she was upset but then started staring at it and didn’t stop for fifteen minutes. Then she had the biggest spaz attack ever!”

Without a second thought, Rarity turned toward the wall of chalkboards. She was eventually able to work her way into the center, having to squeeze by or push away some of the boards as she went.

“Twilight? Twilight dear, are you in here?” Rarity called once she reached the center. The purple unicorn was there muttering to herself rapidly as she scribbled on one of the chalk boards nearby. Books and papers were scattered around her, along with several scrolls and quills with ink wells.

“Twilight dear?” Rarity said, stretching out a hoof and poking the mare on the shoulder. It caused her to flinch before realizing who it was.

“Hi Rarity! Kindabusynowcan’ttalk!” Twilight said, turning away.

“Twilight,” rarity began, trying to think of a way to phrase what she wanted to say delicately. “Spike and I are . . . concerned you may be . . . overdoing it a bit with whatever this is. Maybe you should take a break.”

“TAKE A BREAK?!” Twilight shouted, as though it was the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard. “I can’t take a break!”

“Whatever it is, is it too important to allow yourself to fall into such a dreaded state?” Rarity asked, trying to keep her tone civil.

“Important? Yes.” Twilight said frantically, switching her gaze between chalk boards. She was particularly interested in the one in the middle. “We’ve found a solution to Clover’s Conundrum! And it’s . . . it’s amazing! Incredible! Groundbreaking! A day to mark in history!” Twilight rambled frantically. “But not only that, it’s amazing!” She repeated.

“I see . . .” Rarity said, recalling what she knew of the mentioned ‘Conundrum.’ She didn’t know very much about it, but she knew a little from her time spent at magical kindergarten. “It’s some old equation thought up by some ancient mare?”

Rarity deadpanned when Twilight failed to respond, the purple unicorn had gone back to frantically scribbling giant walls of math across multiple chalk boards.

But Rarity couldn’t let this go on, she had to find a way to break Twilight out of her fit. The white unicorn smirked as an idea came to mind.

“Buuuut Twiiilligghttt!!!” Rarity began to whine, a skill she had refined into an art. She knew full well her ability to whine was enough to break anyone’s concentration and prevent all thought, as well as be the mental equivalent of fingernails on a chalkboard. “You’re making the library a messssss! And poooor Spike is getting tired. Ooh! And your mane is getting all messy.”

Hearing her whine slaughtered ever trace of thought in Twilight’s head.

“No!” Twilight shouted, turning toward the other mare. Her expression had only grown more frantic. “I know what you’re trying to do Rarity, and it won’t work!”

Rarity merely responded with a smug grin.

“You think I’m overdoing it don’t you?” Twilight accused before letting out a nervous chuckle. “But I’m not overdoing it, I’m not overdoing it at all.” She reassured frantically. “Nope, if somepony is overdoing it then that somepony isn’t me. In fact, I’m underdoing it!”

Rarity merely rolled her eyes before taking a large deliberate breath.

Though Rarity didn’t get the chance to speak again. A sudden blast of purple magic emitted from Twilight’s horn and collided with Rarity’s neck. At first, nothing appeared to be different, and Twilight quickly returned to her chalk boards.

However, when Rarity tried to speak again, she found no sound coming from her mouth. No matter how hard to tried to speak, or even yell, she remained completely silent.

‘So that’s how it’s going to be? Fine, two can use magic at playing this game!’ Rarity said to herself before producing an evil grin. She extracted herself from the mass of chalkboards and walked toward the library’s kitchen.

She returned a few moments later with some buckets and a few dozen cups floating in her magical grasp, each one of them filled to the brim with water. She might not know as many spells as Twilight, but the white unicorn did know how to think creatively with her magic.

Twilight didn’t see it coming until it was too late. Four floating buckets and several floating cups full of water lurched forward at Twilight, thoroughly dowsing the purple unicorn and forcing her to let out a loud “Eeep!”

Twilight stood in shock, motionless as water dripped from her thoroughly soaked fur. The sudden blast of icy cold water successfully stunned Twilight’s brain. Rarity must have known a spell or two that could cool off water, as it was much colder than anything she should have been able to get in the kitchen.

“Rarity!” Twilight finally managed to shout in annoyance. But Twilight’s annoyance evaporated when she spot the death glare from the white unicorn. “Okay . . .” Twilight began hesitantly. “Maybe casting that silencing spell was a bit out of line.”

Rarity replied with a curt nod. Twilight’s horn lit up again, and soon after Rarity found the ability to speak.

“Why thank you, Twilight,” Rarity said with a hint of irritation. “I see no reason to harbor any ill feelings for such dreadful behavior on both our parts, shall we move on?”

Twilight nodded.

“Do you think you’re causing a bit of a fuss over this? Is it really that big of a deal?” Rarity asked.

Twilight took a great inhale, preparing to open the floodgates. However, she stopped when she saw Rarity raise a hoof.

“On second thought, don’t answer that.” Rarity said quickly, thinking to rephrase her question. She wanted to keep Twilight calm, and find a way to prevent the spastic unicorn from working herself up again. “What I mean to ask is, don’t you think you could conduct yourself in a little more civilized a manner whilst exploring your . . . discovery?”

“You’re right, Rarity.” Twilight sighed with a little shame. “But this, this is so amazing!”

“You said that already, darling.” Rarity replied as she rolled her eyes.

“But you don’t understand,” Twilight said, getting a little more excited. “The solution of Clover’s Conundrum will open up whole new fields of magic and science for study!” She said, casting a hoof toward the blackboard as she glanced toward it. “It’s advancement for all ponykind that will…”

Twilight trailed off as she looked at the board. However, she was surprised by what she saw.

The neat set of lines that flowed from one to the next, which ended in a groundbreaking solution, was replaced by a giant water stain. The blackboard had been collateral damage in Rarity’s water-based assault on the purple unicorn.

The ‘solution’ was now unreadable, and many of the other lines were smudged or unreadable all together.

“B-but but but” Twilight gawked in horror.

“Umm . . . You okay Twilight?” Rarity asked with concern.

“You . . .heh” Twilight said slowly, letting out a creepy, and ominous chuckle. The hair of her mane and tail seemed to curl on their own, adopting a frazzled state yet again. Her eyes shrunk to pin-pricks as her ear’s splayed back. Her eye, and ear, gave an occasional twitch. “You . . . heh. . . heh . . . erased it . . .”

Sensing that something was now very wrong, Rarity took a few steps back out of fear.

“Can’t you, um, just write it back on the board?” Rarity asked nervously as she adopted a hopeful expression.

“But I didn’t solve it!” Twilight shouted. “I know the solution, but I didn’t get to memorize the proof leading up to it!”

“Then how did it get there in the first place?” Rarity asked, cringing at her friends volume.

That question surprised Twilight, and got her eyes to widen even further. The purple unicorn had been so excited about the answer she had found that she didn’t stop to ask where it came from.

Though, it took her only a moment to realize the answer.

“Dexter . . .” The mare said creepily as her smile returned. “Dexter must have done this…”


The following day . . .

“Dex?” Applejack called throughout the family household. “Where ya at Dex?”

When she didn’t receive a response, she climbed the stairs and turned toward the colt’s room. However, she found his room empty.

“Ah coulda swore he went up here . . .” Applejack muttered to herself before going back downstairs. She quickly checked the rest of the house, failing to find Dexter anywhere. However, she was just about to go out and search the farm when she spotted Big Mac carrying a basket of apples as he entered the house.

“Big Mac?” Applejack began, earning her brother attention.

“Eeyup?” He replied.

“Ya seen Dexter out there on tha farm at all?” She asked. “Ah’ve been lookin’ for em.”

“Nnope.” Big Mac replied as he placed the basket on the kitchen table.

“Ah take yer headed to Sugarcube corner fer tha party.” Applejack went on. “Ya know if Applebloom left yet?”

“Her an' her friends should be there by now.” Big Mac replied

“Yah well, if Ah can’t find Dex soon enough he’s gonna be late for his own-“ Applejack started, however she stopped herself the moment she heard the sound of hooves coming down the stairs.

“Dex? Is that you?” Applejack called, however her question was answered by Dexter appearing in the kitchen doorway.

“You were looking for me Applejack?” He asked.

“Yah, Ah was.” Applejack asked in surprise. “Where were you? Ah just checked upstairs an’ you weren’t there.”

“I’ve been here . . . on and about the farm.” Dexter began, being careful to not lie.

“Well, Ah want ya ta go ta Sugarcube corner an’ bring me back some flour.” Applejack instructed. “The owners, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, are friends of mine an’ should be expecting you. Ya remember where it is don’t ya?”

“Yes, B-but” Dexter began. “Why do you want me to do this?” He complained.

“Don’ argue, just get going” Applejack lightly chastised while pointing a hoof out the door. “An make it fast will ya?” She added.

Grumbling under his breath, Dexter turned and left. When he had cleared the orchard, he raised a hoof and tapped his ear.

“Quadraplex, I will be making a short visit to Ponyville.” He said loud enough for the miniature radio in his ear to pick up his voice. “I’ll be back shortly, but do not suspend any experiments during my absence.”

“Understood, Dexter.” She replied.

His walk was rather uneventful, at least until he started approaching Sugarcube corner. The bakery was oddly quiet. The front door was closed and all the blinds were drawn. No light came from any of the uncovered windows.

Dexter figured it was simply closed, it was a Sunday after all. However, when he approached the front door, loud piercing static flooded his left ear. It was so loud that it caused him to recoil in shock.

“Quadraplex, what in the world was that for?” He said through gritted teeth, doing everything he could not to shout. Being in the center of town, it would appear odd of him if he were to suddenly start shouting in anger into a radio no one else could see.

“Warning, Danger! Do not enter the bakery, Dexter.” Quadraplex stated. Her voice, much to Dexter surprise, seemed to have traces of concern. Though he would have to figure out to what extent the computer could feel emotions at another time.

“What? What do you mean danger? What’s going on?” Dexter asked, forgetting is anger.

“Scanner’s detected forty five equines within the structure you are approaching, they are obscured by low light levels and are in a formation around the entrance.” Quadraplex began. “I believe they mean to ambush whoever enters through the doorway.”

“Show me,” Dexter instructed. A once transparent screen flickered to life in his glasses, showing him the contents of the bakery as though he could see through the walls.

A large number of the ponies were wearing party hats, and a big banner that said ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ hang from the far wall. There were also some food, drinks, party games, and one very excited Pinkie Pie.

Dexter easily summarized what was happening.

“A party?” He asked, almost skeptically. “Oh boy! It must be a surprise party just for me!” Dexter happily rushed toward the door, however another burst of ear piercing static flooded his mind.

“Computer!” Dexter growled. “What are you-“

“I detected five changelings among the equines inside the structure,” The computer interrupted.


“They appear to have taken on disguises and are hiding within the mass of equines.” The computer explained. However, a moment later the screen in Dexter’s glasses lit up. The glasses highlighted five ponies scattered throughout the room.

“I recommend you retreat immediately, Dexter.” The computer said, oddly sounding worried again.

The colt paused for a moment. “No,” He eventually replied. “All this sneaking around isn’t my style.” He began, though keeping his voice low enough that only the ear piece could pick up his voice. “Especially, retreating! Dexter, boy genius, fears no one! I’ve got a better idea, Quadraplex…”

Dexter took a few more steps toward the bakery before feigning surprise.

“Oh no!” He called loudly, toward the bakery. He was sure those inside could hear him. “I forgot the measuring cup to carry the flour Applejack wanted me to borrow. I’ll have to go get it!” He said before turning around. Though his lingering gaze on the bakery, and his ability to see through the bakery wall, revealed a disappointed Pinkie Pie.

Dexter ran back the way he came until he was out of sight of the bakery. He ducked into an alleyway between some houses and spoke into his earpiece again.

“Computer, has the teleporter been constructed yet?” He asked.

“Affirmative, Dexter.”

“Teleport me to the lab!” The colt disappeared in a flash of light.

“Changelings have invaded the local bakery!” Dexter said excitedly, jumping up and down in front of his computer. “You know what this means, don’t you computer?” He said to the talking terminal.

“No, Dexter” She replied in confusion.

“SUIT UP!!!”


“What’s going on?” Applejack asked in surprise upon entering Sugarcube corner with her older brother. “Yall haven’t started the party yet?”

Pinkie Pie, who was waiting by the bakery front door shook her head. She was about to say something when a purple flash cut her off.

“Is that him? Is he here yet?” Asked a spastic purple unicorn who appeared out of nowhere. She appeared only slightly frazzled now, but held a quill and notepad in her magical grasp.

“Twi?” Applejack asked in surprise. She didn’t get an answer before Rarity pushed her way through the small crowd to reach the purple mare, Rainbow Dash alongside her. Rarity grasped Twilight in her magical aura and began dragging her away from the door while Rainbow Dash helped by pushing Twilight back.

“Be patient, Darling.” Rarity chastised. “You’ll know that he has arrived when everypony shouts ‘surprise.’”

“Yeah, you’re going to ruin the surprise.” Rainbow added.

When they finally disappeared back into the crowd of ponies, Applejack turned to Pinkie Pie with a raised eyebrow.

“Long story,” Pinkie Pie replied. “I’ll tell you later, but what’s important right now is, where is Dexter?!”

“Ah dunno, Ah I sent em' here jus like you asked.” Applejack replied as she frowned in confusion, beginning to worry for the colt.

“When he got here he was about to come inside but then stopped and said he had to get a measuring cup for some flour and left!” Pinkie Pie said hastily, confusing Applejack for a moment.

“Oh, Ah know what happened.” Applejack replied. “Ah told em to come borrow some flour from yall in order ta get him over here, he musta figured he needed something ta carry the flour in and went back ta the farm ta get it.”

“”Nnope.” Big Mac said in reply to his younger sister. The one word earning him the mare’s attention.

“What do ya mean, nope?” Applejack asked.

“If he went back ta the farm we woulda seen him on tha way here.” He replied simply.

“That’s right!” Applejack said as concern began creeping into her voice. “Where is he?”

Her question wasn’t answered before a loud sound of breaking glass greeted her ears.

The large window beside the bakery door had been smashed in from the outside, the glass of the window fell to the floor and shattered, sending small bits of glass everywhere.

Not a second later, A small, sleek cylindrical object flew in through the broken window and landed in the middle of the room. Most of the ponies had taken notice and looked toward the small object, which was had a small pulsing yellow light.

The yellow light suddenly adopted a red hue while emitting a high pitched whine. There was a sudden burst of light as a wave of energy erupted from the small cylinder, washing over the entire room.

Every pony in the room, all of which had been struck by the energy wave, felt their entire body seize up before they fell to the floor with a collective thump. They all lay where they had fallen, unmoving and unconscious.

This happened to all of the ponies inside the bakery, all but five. Those five instantly recognized each other, casting bewildered expressions with their pony forms.

The bakery door suddenly exploded inward, littering the room with debris. The sudden blast started the standing ponies, causing them to adopt an aggressive stance toward the entrance.

That’s when a colt appeared in the doorway. He was wearing a black and white outfit, made from a sleek material they had never seen before. It was white on his sides but bore a large black stripe down his chest and back. It clung close to his body, close enough it could have replaced his fur. However, it did not interfere with his fiery orange mane, and his glasses appeared to be integrated into the suit itself.

He stepped over the threshold into the bakery, carrying a saddlebag and a long shoulder-mounted object. The object on his shoulder had a number of lights on it, as well as a large canister which was glowing blue. It also sported a handle with a large lever on it, designed for easy use by a pony.

“Bring it on, Changeling scum!” Dexter said, extending a free foreleg and motioning toward himself with a hoof.

The five ponies, who wore an expression of bewilderment, lost all facial expression when they heard the word ‘changeling.’ After a moment of silence, the ponies disappeared in flashes of green before being replaced by large equine-like insects. They all glared at the colt while a few of them bared their fangs.

“Computer,” Dexter said into his ear piece. “Activate the ion cannon, maximum stun setting!” The cannon on his shoulder responded by humming to life.

“You know who we are… and I suspect I know who you are underneath that suit and mask, foal.” The closest changeling to Dexter said. “Make it easy on yourself and come with us quietly.”

“Fat chance ya bug eyed freak!” Dexter retorted.

“Fine,” She replied, lowering into an aggressive stance. “Have it your way.”

The three closest changelings bolted toward the colt. Dexter quickly turned the cannon on his shoulder toward the closest of the oncoming changelings before pulling the lever. It let out a large blast of blue energy which struck the changeling dead center, throwing it back into one of the tables. Cake and party drinks went flying everywhere.

He turned the cannon toward the second changeling, partially blasting it through another one of the bakery’s windows. It fell limp, hanging on the bakery's window sill.

The third changeling shot out a bolt of electricity from her horn. Dexter tried to move out of the way, but it successfully connected with the large cannon on his shoulder, it dropped to the floor with a thump just as the changeling collided with the colt.

The changeling, being the size of a full grown pony, easily pinned the colt. Dexter was hardly able to struggle before he found himself mostly immobilized by the insectoid creature. The changeling bared its fangs while growling down at the colt pinned underneath her.

“Computer, activate the force amplifying horse shoes!” He said, earning a confused look from the changeling. However, a moment later, Dexter brought up his fore hooves, a pair of horseshoes attached to them. They gave off the sound of capacitors charging.

From his movements, Dexter should have lightly tapped the changeling’s chest. However, the moment his hooves made contact with her, the changeling rocketed upward like a bomb had exploded beneath her.

She slammed into the ceiling with a sickening crack, her entire upper body forcefully lodged in the ceiling while her lower body dangling beneath her.

The other two changelings, who were just watched the whole event, stood in shock for a moment.

“What?” One of them asked, incredulously.

However, when they saw Dexter moving, they immediately bolted for him.

Raising his head, Dexter spotted the oncoming attackers before smiling. He quickly rolled onto his stomach before spotting a nearby table. It was a small, round, yet sturdy table made with a thick piece of wood. Dexter quickly raised a hoof with a vibrating horseshoe and lightly tapped the side of the table opposite of the incoming changelings.

The table exploded off the ground and flew straight into the closest changeling, colliding with another sickening crack. The changeling in question fell to the floor with a large crack in her carapace, thrashing while hissing in pain.

The last remaining changeling stopped, glancing at her fallen comrade. The downed changeling would live, but wasn’t going to be fighting anyone soon.

“Why you little-“ The changeling began as she turned back toward the colt, however she was cut off by another piece of flying furniture. It was a chair this time, flying at the changeling at break-neck speeds. Luckily for the changeling though, she spotted in just in time to duck underneath it.

As the chair crashed into the wall behind her, the changeling rose to her hooves and instantly locked Dexter in a green aura of magic. Not giving the colt a chance to do something else, she flicked her head, causing Dexter to be launched through a nearby window and into the street outside.

The blow disoriented Dexter, causing him to rise unsteadily as he reestablished which way was up.

“Ouch. . .” He muttered to himself, finally standing up all the way. However, as his vision cleared he got a better look at a rather angry changeling, who was now standing in front of the colt.,

“You!” The changeling began, seizing the colt in another aura of magic. She raised him above the ground before tightening her grasp. She smiled at the grunt of pain Dexter let out in response. “You’re going to pay for that.”

“I don’t think so…” Dexter said, moving the little that he could to tap the side of his saddlebag. “I’m kind of glad you brought us outside, I don’t have to worry about as much collateral damage without the herd of party goers napping underneath us…”

“What are you talking abo-?” The changeling began. However, she was cut off as the sack on Dexter’s back burst open. Four white robotic limbs transformed around Dexter’s own legs, as other pieces slid into place around his barrel and head.

When the transformation was complete, the colt had been replaced by a robotic exoskeleton. It turned to stare directly into the changeling’s green eyes with a large red visor.

“Wat?” The changeling’s eye twitched as her ears splayed back in fear.

The robot took a step forward, smashing it’s foreleg into the ground which caused the ground to break underneath the robotic hoof.

Panicking, the changeling grasped the whole suit in an aura of green magic. Trying to lift it into the air. She managed to lift in a few feet, however her efforts were made in vain.

“Computer, activate the anti-magic dampening field!” Dexter commanded from within the robot. A moment later, the green aura flashed before disappearing entirely.

The changeling tried casting the aura again, as well as a number of spells. However, each time her horn would light up for only a moment before fading.

“Something wrong?” Dexter mocked, approaching the pony insect. “Having trouble?”

After a few more desperate tries at magic, the changeling turned and bolted.

“Oh no you don’t!” Dexter said to the fleeing form.

The changeling hardly got twenty feet before the robot chasing her landed on her back, causing both of them to tumble over onto the ground. The following struggle ended quickly, as the robot-assisted colt overpowered and pinned the full grown pony sized insectoid.

“Stop struggling,” Dexter commanded, however the panicking changeling continued.

“Stop struggling, now!” Dexter demanded again, slamming the changeling against the ground. The robotic limb of his right foreleg transformed, revealing a cannon.

“This has the power to launch your head flying clean of your neck and through the stratosphere,” Dexter growled. “Stop. Moving.”

The changeling finally yielded, falling dead still. She looked upward at the metallic pony, staring wide-eyed into the red visor that should have been a pony’s eyes. She whimpered at the robot’s expressionless face.

“I have a message, a warning, for your Queen - or whoever is in charge of you insectoids!” Dexter demanded through his helmet, it came out sounding distorted and robotic.

“Back off!”

Author's Note:

Okay, I have to thank a bunch of people for helping with the proof-reading/editing: undeadponylord, Surplus Flow, AaronPony1, Nucnik, Airchi, kamachakta, Bakermon, Omnicron25, Vandenbz (I sent out a link to the google docs of the draft and I have no idea who did what, but they all deserve a thank you.)

As for the follower shorts', they are non-cannon and will be posted on the blogs. I dont want to confuse readers by adding non-cannon chapters. They are for everyone, its just that the followers will get messages when I post them on the blog.

As always, please Like and Comment! Point out any typos/mistakes as well please. - I know I have some mistakes in previous chapters, and I will get to them eventually. However, point out what you find - I try to edit show-stopper mistakes immediately.

Anyone play CS:GO? PM me so I have someone to play with, my current team is out for the next month.