• Published 6th Dec 2014
  • 10,734 Views, 453 Comments

Destinies - Sharp Quill

Magic is bleeding out of Equestria and into another realm, a realm where magic does not exist. Twilight must stop the flow of magic before disaster strikes. Can the natives of this realm be of help? What's this about a cartoon?

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8. Transitions, part two

“Do me first,” Meg said, forcing it out. Before I change my mind.

Twilight had a distant look in her eyes. “Stand on the central star,” she said.

Meg complied, walking into the center of the circle of thrones, her pulse pounding in her ears. Second thoughts came flooding in. Losing her hands? Having to walk on all four limbs? What if something went wrong?

She watched the ponies levitate from their thrones, disappearing above her, as she re-assured herself. It wasn’t permanent. This was Twilight Sparkle. Nothing was going to go wrong.

Streams of color converged on her, engulfing her in the prismatic glow of pure harmony. Even as the colors swirled and mixed together, they remained distinct to her vision, refusing to blend into white.

The harmonic energy suffused every cell of her being, and Meg’s perception of time ceased. It could have lasted a mere second or a thousand years, it would have been the same. She felt embraced by harmony, accepted by harmony; she perceived a timeless connection to harmony; harmony gave her a purpose, a destiny.

The glow faded, and time, once again, was perceived. Well, that was interesting. It had been also calming, almost meditative. She felt serene; her pulse had returned to normal. But when will I become a pony?

Not that distracting Twilight would have been wise, but would it not be reasonable to know how long she would have to stand there? Meg was about to ask that when Steve suddenly plopped down in front of her. Gah!

Something was wrong. Why is he so big? There was also something odd about him, something she couldn’t quite put a hoof on, as if he was obscured somehow, even though she could see him quite clearly.

“You really are a pony, so colorful, so cute. Is your voice the same? Say something!” he exclaimed.

The words sunk in. Seriously?! How could I not notice changing species? She focused her attention inwards, towards her feet—no, definitely hooves, four of them. She clearly felt them pressing against the floor, and was surprised at just how normal it felt. She had thought she’d be overwhelmed with alien sensations; instead there was nothing not normal to draw attention to itself, however different it might be—and having ankles and wrists where knees and elbows were supposed to be, well off the ground, sure qualified as different. I am a pony! It also explained why her husband looked so much bigger; she was now a lot smaller. “You’re so big now!” she giggled out of elation.

“Do you feel okay?” asked Twilight.

Her left ear swiveled to lock on to her voice. My ear swiveled. She looked into Twilight’s eyes, which were now slightly above her own. It was as if she was seeing her truly for the first time, that before now she had been looking at an imperfect facsimile. Of course! I’m now seeing her with a pony brain, so I’m picking up all the pony body language cues.

“And you don’t look so small anymore,” Meg said. That sounded lame but that’s what first came to her mind. “I’m fine. I feel completely normal, like I was born this way.” But what kind of pony am I?

She tried focusing her attention on the obvious body parts and became aware of her wings. The excitement of her discovery caused them to flare, leaving no doubt in her mind. “I’m a pegasus!” she shouted. She then realized she had just experienced her first wing-boner. So that’s a real thing. What if it happens while flying? Wait… I’m gonna fly! …right?

“Let’s see if you have pegasus magic. Will you do the honors, Rainbow Dash?”

“On it.” As Rainbow Dash walked in front of her, Meg had the same feeling of truly seeing her for the first time. Dash’s body language made her lack of enthusiasm clear enough; though she was trying to hide it, the slight sagging of her ears gave it away.

“We’ll start by introducing you to your wings. I’m going to go through all the muscles controlling my wings and I want you to mimic me. You already know how to use these muscles, you just don’t know it yet.”

Is Rainbow Dash really going to give me flying lessons? I better get on her good side, somehow.

She spent the next minute introducing the new pegasus to all the muscles controlling her wings. Meg had watched her fly before, but it was different now. She now understood what she was doing with her wings and could effortlessly copy her actions. She wasn’t just seeing her with a pony brain, but with a pegasus pony brain. Dash was right: she did already know how to use those muscles, she just didn’t know it yet. She knew now.

“Now we’ll do flapping.” She began flapping as if hovering, though she remained on the floor. Meg tried to copy her actions, but it was too much happening too fast. It took all of her concentration. Something was wrong; pegasi obviously did not pay this much attention to the act of flying, when they were paying any attention at all. How much longer before I get off the ground? How long does it take for a foal to learn how to fly anyway?

“Don’t try to consciously control each individual flap, just the overall pattern. Just like you don’t consciously control the movement of each individual leg when you walk—uh, assuming it works that way for humans too.”

“It does.” That was a big help, though it still took her a few tries to get the hang of it, but soon she figured out how to put the flapping on autopilot, so to speak. She had successfully replicated Rainbow’s flapping, and like her was also stuck to the ground. This is what she does when she hovers, so why aren’t we hovering? Her hooves were pressing against the floor just as much as before. But then, according to the laws of physics, their wings couldn’t possibly be moving enough air to make much of a difference.

“Now let go of the floor.” Rainbow Dash gently lifted a few feet then hovered.

Huh? “I don’t understand,” Meg said. In her confusion she had stopped flapping. “I’m not ‘holding’ the floor; I’m just standing.”

“You’re as bad as Twilight,” she said in exasperation. “Don’t think about it; just do it.”

Meg didn’t know whether to be insulted or praised for being like Twilight, though it was clear enough what Rainbow Dash had intended. She decided she needed to understand what was going on. If that made her just like Twilight, she could live with it.

“Gravity is what’s holding me down, so what am I supposed to do, just ignore it?” And how am I supposed to ignore gravity?

Duh, magic.

And how do I use magic?

She decided her pegasus body would know what to do, just like her human body knew how to stand without tipping over. She resumed flapping and this time she started to rise. “Look at me, I’m actually flying!” she squeed. Apparently wing-boners can’t happen while flying.

“Now we’re going to land.” Rainbow Dash altered the beating of her wings and slowly descended to the floor. Meg did the same, though nowhere near as gracefully.

“Really, you did good for a first effort. It takes lots of practice to be as awesome as me! You shoulda seen Twilight’s first attempts at flight.”

“We did, actually,” Meg replied without thinking.

That struck a nerve. “Oh, right, those cartoons,” Rainbow Dash scowled. Twilight glared at her. “I know, Twilight…”

Oops. Meg had forgotten that was a sore point with her. She really needed to stay on good terms with what she could only hope would be her flight instructor. The contriteness Rainbow was displaying gave her hope she didn’t make too big of a mistake. Twilight did say she had talked to her about that.

Meg suddenly realized she ought to have a cutie mark. She looked back around her wing, becoming aware of her long neck in the process, and gazed upon her coat and tail, letting her new colors sink in, but to her surprise there was no cutie mark. The memory was a bit fuzzy now, but she was sure she had sensed something about a destiny. “What about my cutie mark? When will it appear?”

“Most likely your destinies are linked, so Steve must become a pony first,” Twilight speculated.

Meg hoped that was the case. I’m beginning to understand how the Cutie Mark Crusaders feel. Maybe I could join them? She really hoped it wouldn’t come to that. Would an adult pony without a cutie mark draw a lot of attention?

She heard munching behind her, and she shifted her gaze to its source. Where did Pinkie Pie get that popcorn from? Then she noticed Discord munching away as well. Well, what exactly did I expect?

“I’m ready; let’s do it,” Steve said, bringing her attention back to the circle of thrones.

The process was repeated, this time with Meg being an observer. There was nothing timeless about it from the outside. In a few seconds it was done.

Meg inspected her unicorn husband, becoming aware of certain parts of her anatomy as a side effect. So, big surprise, mares have those. It sure felt weird being interested in an equine stallion. Quickly she focused her attention elsewhere, and to her relief found that surprisingly easy to do.

For the first time, it sunk in that she was technically naked, yet she didn’t feel naked, nor did she perceive the other ponies as being naked. Maybe it was all the fur. This must be why the ponies’ pervasive lack of clothing doesn’t cause civilization to collapse.

Nonetheless, she was now aware that the Mane Six were mares, each clearly attractive in her own way. Yep, definitely have the brain of a pony. Again, she got her thoughts under control, thoughts she could not imagine having as a human. She was determined not to create an embarrassing situation. The new pegasus approached her husband, and said in as much of an non-suggestive voice as possible, “You look good as a unicorn, too.”

She watched as Twilight took Steve on his first baby steps towards using unicorn magic. Whatever the other mares thought of the stallion now before them, they were doing a darn good job of keeping it to themselves; Meg doubted they were thinking much about that at all, accustomed as they were to the lack of clothing.

“…By the way, take a look.”

Her thoughts were interrupted by Discord pointing out the appearance of their cutie marks.

“Now what in tarnation is that! Ah never seen anythin’ like it before.”

Meg turned her head once more to look at her rear, and after first raising her wings out of the way, she saw her new cutie mark: two intersecting circles, with a star in the common area. She stared at it blankly. Wasn’t there supposed to be some epiphany about her special talent or purpose? But then she was also supposed to get it while still a filly. “I have no idea what mine means,” she said in response to Fluttershy’s half-heard question.

She barely paid attention to what was going on around her as she wondered what it all meant. At least she wouldn’t have to join the CMC, but how will they react when they find out? She and her husband were blank flanks for less than an hour. And she didn’t even know what she’s supposed to be good at?

Steve walked over to his backpack, as if he’d been a quadruped his entire life. I bet the secret is to not think about it, just do it. He tried to use telekinesis to open it, but failed. I seemed to have better luck with my wings.

“Twilight, could you help?” he sighed. “I’m already missing my hands.”

Oddly enough, losing her hands was not bothering Meg. True, she wasn’t trying to do something that required hands, but it wasn’t as if she felt her fingers were amputated or anything. What was there, according to her newly equine brain, was what was supposed to be there.

“I understand,” Twilight said as she walked over. “I found it hard to adjust to having hands instead of magic when I became human.”

Wait. Is she admitting the whole Equestria Girls thing happened? Maybe it was an unintentional slip of the tongue. Not that it really mattered; it was kind of an open secret anyway.

After some expert telekinesis by the alicorn, the laptop was out and operating. Twilight was so obviously trying to hide her excitement that it worked in her world. Curious that she would feel the need to do that. Was human technology partially why she agreed to bring them here?

After playing with it for a little bit, Steve closed the lid. “Should conserve the battery until I can find a place to plug it in.”

Then, finally, Twilight said the magic words they’d been waiting to hear. “Ready to visit Ponyville?”

But before Meg could scream “yes,” Discord got their attention. He was in full Santa Clause gear, complete with a large bag of presents. She watched as he pulled a pair of wrapped presents out of the bag. One of them levitated over to her and unwrapped itself in front of her eyes, revealing saddlebags already adorned with her cutie mark—my cutie mark. The saddlebags floated above her and came to a rest on her back.

“Thanks,” she said. “Uh… Santa?” How does he know this stuff about us? Yes, he showed such knowledge in the cartoon, but that could easily be attributed to artistic license by the writers. They’ve shown such license in other respects, as she now knew.

Discord smiled, apparently pleased at the recognition. He expected us to know.

“I have one more gift.” He pulled another wrapped present out of the bag. It was way too long to fit, but out of the bag it came nonetheless. Once out, the bag looked just as full as ever. This present also floated over to them and unwrapped itself, but this time revealing empty space. “You will now change between human and pony when you cross between realms.” He bowed, then vanished in a poof of snowflakes.

Seeing it in a cartoon is not the same as seeing it for real. It wouldn’t be the last time she’d make that observation, she suspected. While she appreciated the gesture—and she certainly was glad she wasn’t meeting the old Discord—she couldn’t help feeling a bit disappointed at that second gift. “I wouldn’t mind showing these off”—she flexed her wings—”to my friends.”

Pinkie Pie was before her, muzzle to muzzle, glaring at her.

How did she do that! “Sorry, I take that back!” she hurriedly said, as she realized that doing that would break her Pinkie Promise. As if I’d have the guts to do it anyway.

The apology was immediately accepted. “Okie dokie lokie! I’m going back to organize a welcome-to-Equestria-and-becoming-ponies party for you. La, la la la, la la…” she sang as she happily pranced out of the throne room.

“I didn’t even see her move!” she protested. Note to self: do not mess around with Pinkie Promises! Not that she didn’t know that already. She noticed the other ponies looking at her sympathetically.

Twilight merely said, “Welcome to my world.”

They really don’t know how Pinkie does it. It looked like the cartoon was correct about that.

Steve walked over to her. “Are you finding it… I don’t know… natural being a pony?” he said in a half-whisper. The other ponies were close enough to hear him anyway.

Before Meg could answer, Twilight offered an explanation. “That’s to be expected. It’s a property of the isomorphic mapping spell that was cast on you. Neither of you noticed the transformation taking place, correct?”

They both nodded yes.

Apparently satisfied they understood what had happened to them, the alicorn began walking towards the entrance. “I’m sure you’re impatient to see Ponyville, so let’s be on our way!” Everypony else followed Twilight, with Meg and Steve taking up the rear.

Ponyville, here we come!

However, not every pony walked. Meg couldn’t help but notice that Rainbow Dash and even Fluttershy were flying above the others. That surprised her a bit, as the cartoon gave the impression Fluttershy preferred to stay on the ground. It was a mystery she could solve later. She had observed how the two pegasi took off and flew slowly. It seemed obvious enough how they were doing it, and it felt right that she should be in the air with them.

Steve must have noticed the longing in her eyes, for he leaned over and whispered in her ears, “Go for it.”

Meg moved a few feet to the side, to give her wings some space, and mimicked what the other two pegasi had done. She managed to get airborne and move forwards, but it was nowhere near as effortless as the natives made it look. The other ponies either did not notice her attempt at flight, or didn’t consider it noteworthy.

The line of ponies reached the entrance to the throne room at an angle; they had to bear left to enter the hallway. Meg copied the maneuvering performed by the two pegasi ahead of her, but something was wrong. Her path barely budged. She continued approaching the wall at a grazing angle. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. The wall got closer and closer. Her direction insisted on shifting gradually.

A pillar approached on a collision course with her wing. She instinctively pulled it in at the last second, then pushed against the pillar. Wing-up exercises don’t seem so silly anymore.

But now she was heading for the opposite wall at a not-so-grazing angle. Panicking, she pulled in her wings. Meg wanted to get back on the ground now. Then she remembered she was six feet off the ground, as gravity rapidly resumed its grip on her. She started flapping again and managed to sufficiently slow her fall to avoid injury, landing on all four hooves with a loud thud.

Everypony stopped and turned around.

“Did you hurt yourself?” Fluttershy was hovering above her, a concerned look on her face.

Rainbow Dash was hovering next to her, scoffing at her concern. “C’mon Fluttershy! You know I wouldn’t let her get hurt.”

“I’m okay, I guess, just shook up,” Meg said, looking up at them, “but how did you know? You weren’t looking behind you.”

“Pffsh… you were flapping your wings so hard I could’ve heard them a mile away,” Rainbow replied.

“You knew I was in trouble and you did nothing to help?” Was Rainbow Dash that unhappy with her?

“You weren’t going to get hurt, so I figured it’d be a valuable lesson.”

“What, don’t fly without proper training first?”

“No,” she declared, “stuff happens and you need to be ready to deal with it.”

Not a bad answer, she had to admit. “I don’t even understand what went wrong,” she said, disheartened. “I did what you did.”

Twilight had joined them. “You don’t have proper use of your pegasus magic yet,” she explained gently. “That’s why your flight training with Rainbow Dash won’t start until late this afternoon.”

Flight training. With Rainbow Dash. And Twilight was going to mentor Steve in spell casting. It almost seemed too good to be true. Somehow, gratitude for their help didn’t seem sufficient justification for this investment of their time. But on the other hoof, it’d be cruel for them to become ponies who could not function as ponies.

Regardless, she now had wings that she couldn’t yet use. That sucked. “So I should stay grounded until then?” she said with resignation.

“You’re feeling it, aren’t you,” the cyan pegasus said, grinning as she did a 360-degree roll. “The need to be in the air.”

Yes, she was feeling it. A pegasus was a creature of the air, not of the ground.

Rainbow was studying her face. “Yeah, you’re feeling it alright,” she smirked.

“Flight training this afternoon?” She looked hopefully at the pegasus who would provide the training.

“Yep, on top of the clouds covering Ponyville. The rain won’t start until tonight.”

“I can begin your unicorn magic training then too,” Twilight told Steve.

They resumed walking and flying to the castle entrance. The hallway was lined with crystalline pillars, supporting arches, and between most pairs of pillars was a narrow, cathedral-style, green shaded, stained glass window with patterns of branches and leaves. From the vaulted ceiling far above hung sets of colored jewels reflecting the ambient light, similar to what hung off the branches of the Tree of Harmony itself.

Meg had only briefly seen this in the season four finale. What the cartoon had shown was a pale imitation of the real thing, and also not quite accurate, for there were doors on both sides of the hallway. One of them was open, revealing a large library full of books. Yet the stained glass windows were lit up as if exposed to outside daylight, even though the other side had to be one of those rooms.

It wasn’t long before they reached the entrance. The tall doors glowed lavender and opened, revealing Ponyville basking in sunshine, not a cloud in the sky. Colorful thatched buildings lined the far side of the river in front of them and covered the rolling hills. Even more colorful ponies could be seen enjoying themselves in the parks alongside the river.

Meg was about to point out the clearly incorrect evening forecast for rain, but caught herself in time. Pegasi manage the weather here. As she gazed at the clear blue sky, she wondered whether she would learn how to do that too. And walk on clouds… what’s it like to walk on a cloud?

They stepped outside and found themselves under Celestia’s Sun. It didn’t seem any different than the sun of her own world. Meg chalked it up to being yet another unexplained similarity. A half-dozen steps later and they were walking down the road to the town. She turned to look behind her, and on the now closed doors saw two large pink hearts. Better get used to seeing those everywhere.

It wasn’t far to the river bordering the east side of Ponyville, but it gave Meg sufficient time to ponder the fact she was walking as a quadruped, and doing so without any difficulty, her tail bobbing along in sync with her gait behind her. Like so many other aspects of being a pony, it was so natural it didn’t draw attention to itself.

She felt the sun shining on her coat, warming it, and a cool breeze brushing against her fur and ruffling her mane. Her ears were full of the sound of softly clopping hooves and flapping wings. She noted that her vision and hearing didn’t seem any different; she certainly did not have the limited color vision that most mammals, including equines, possessed back home.

They reached a modest footbridge crossing the river. Passing over it, they entered Ponyville and turned left onto a road following the river. The buildings look pretty much as Meg expected them to look, given that they were three dimensional and made out of wood and glass and other real substances. They even had plenty of pink hearts as decorative touches. What’s up with that?

Meg decided to find out. Applejack was closest, so she caught up to her and asked. “Hey, Applejack.”

The orange mare turned her head. “What can I do fer ya, Meg?”

“Could you tell me why pink hearts are such a common decoration here?”

“Ah dunno. Tradition, Ah guess.” She turned to the alabaster unicorn. “Do you know, Rarity?”

“Yes, darling, I certainly do. They represent Princess Celestia’s love for her little ponies.” After a brief silence, Rarity gave a small titter. “Oh, silly me… Princess Luna’s love too, now, of course.”

That actually made sense. “Thanks for answering my question.”

“Sure thing, sugar.”

“Not at all.”

Wait a minute… could all those decorative hearts be required by some royal decree? It didn’t sound like something Princess Celestia would do. Meg decided she didn’t have the nerve to find out.

One of the numerous parks alongside the river was to their side. Numerous ponies, foals and adults alike, were enjoying the start of the weekend. Meg recognized a few of them as recurring background ponies in the show, or at least she thought she did. It was a bit difficult to tell, because ponies in real life did not follow a handful of templates, but she assumed that if a pony’s cutie mark, colors, and mane styles matched, then it probably was that pony.

The one pony she hoped to see had a gray coat, blonde mane, and bubbles for a cutie mark, but Derpy was nowhere to be seen. Well, it’s not as if it’s her job to be Waldo for a hypothetical camera.

A apricot mare was lying down on the lawn, nursing a young lime colored foal. What a cute foal. Meg found it all to easy imagine herself in the mare’s place, as if she needed more evidence she was no longer thinking with a human brain. Wait. She’s nursing in public. Nopony cared, not other mares, not foals, not even stallions.

A minute later they were walking past a quite tall building, practically a skyscraper by Ponyville standards. Steve leaned in to her, and said in a whisper, “That must be the building that was under construction in The Mysterious Mare Do Well.”

Yeah, don’t need to remind them of that, she thought, as she looked at the five of the Mane Six still in their presence. Applejack, the closest to them, apparently heard Steve anyway. She glanced up at the colorful pegasus flying above them and snorted.

Eventually they came upon the Town Hall. They left the river behind, passing in front of the seat of government, and went deeper into town. Was it really damaged by Derpy in The Last Roundup? Rainbow Dash would certainly know, but Meg didn’t think it was worth the risk of asking her.

Two ponies at a fruit stand up ahead caught her attention, one a mint green unicorn and the other a beige earth pony. Could they be Lyra and Bon Bon? Soon there was no doubt. Lyra had noticed them and was trotting towards them.

Don’t freak out, Meg told herself, as her heart started pounding. She can’t possibly know we’re really human—if she’s even obsessed with that. Lyra’s alleged human obsession was based on a single scene in which she sat on a bench like a human. The actual Ponyville benches she’d seen lacked a backrest, no doubt because ponies can’t even sit that way—at least not without discomfort.

And yet that was the fanon consensus, more or less, and the consensus was right about Derpy being a mailmare.

“Rarity!” Lyra called out.

Everypony gradually came to a stop as she approached. Meg moved close to Steve and felt a strong urge to lean against him for comfort. She’s not interested in us, she told herself. The unicorn’s cutie mark of a lyre was now easily seen, on both her flank and her saddlebags.

Rarity casually greeted her. “Yes, darling?”

“About that dress for my upcoming concert… I have to leave for Canterlot two days sooner than I expected. Will that be a problem?”

“No problem at all,” the fashionista assured her.

“That’s good to hear,” Lyra said, relieved.

But instead of returning back to Bon Bon, she turned her attention to Meg and Steve, looking straight at them. Oh come on… At least she had a friendly smile on her face. The unicorn didn’t look like she was eager to lock them up in a basement and study their hands. Not that Twilight would permit that, Meg assured herself.

“You must be from out of town?” the musician chirped.

Meg couldn’t find any words to say. We should have come up with a cover story…

Rarity swooped in to save them. “Indeed they are, Lyra, my dear. We would love to make acquaintances but we simply must be on our way. I’m sure you understand.”

“Uh, yes, of course.” She started to turn around. “Maybe some other time,” she said, with a distinct lack of certainty.

Meg watched as Lyra trotted back to Bon Bon. At least she wasn’t wearing a stone-gray hoodie. She was glad that wasn’t real.

“You must forgive her,” Rarity quietly said. “Like everypony else, she was noticing that you two are VIPs, you know, Very Important Ponies.”

And looking around, Meg did notice that some ponies were in fact discreetly checking them out. Duh… we are in the company of Princess Twilight Sparkle and her circle of close friends.

One of those ponies was a light brown earth pony with an hourglass for a cutie mark and wearing a green tie. No, no, no, not going there. Besides, the one time he spoke he didn’t even have a British accent—er, Trottingham… whatever.

Continuing down the street, they came upon a plaza with a fountain. They turned left and passed by Flowers and Snacks. Meg reflected on the name. Ponies don’t make much of a distinction, do they? The fragrant and appetizing smell of flowers filled the air. Wait. Appetizing?

Sugarcube Corner emerged ahead. That must be their destination. It did indeed look like a gingerbread house, practically edible. Meg was a bit surprised at how big it was, bigger than it appeared in the cartoon. There was outdoor seating, mostly empty, as it was too late for the morning crowd and a little early for the lunch crowd. Meg looked around, hoping to see Derpy enjoying a muffin. She had to be somewhere, right? But not here, apparently.

Meg suddenly realized she ought to be able to see the library—or what was left of it—from the other side of the plaza. “Wait a minute,” she said, “I want to check something out.” She quickly trotted across the plaza, and upon reaching the far side looked to her right. There it was, a few hundred feet away, the bottom half partially obscured by other buildings. It was clearly intact. Didn’t Tirek destroy it?

“Yes, he destroyed it.”

Meg turned her head to find that Twilight, as well as Steve, had joined her. “How was it restored?” she asked.

Twilight gave her a smirk. “You’ll just have to wait until the next season to find out.”

Meg gave her a dumbfounded look. This too?

She dropped the smirk. “Sorry, couldn’t resist,” she said, smiling. “Discord undid the damage as part of his penance, not just to the library but all the destruction caused by my battle with Tirek.”

“And you did save Owlowiscious, right?”

A big smile graced the alicorn’s face. “Yes, I saved Owlowiscious.”

Meg looked back at the restored Golden Oak Library. It happened here. Twilight was in that tree, looking through that telescope, when Tirek tried to blast her; and she was actually here, standing next to the target of that attack.

She turned her head to look at the former target, who was wistfully gazing at the tree. They have that kind of power. At least Twilight seemed immune to the corruptive effects of possessing such power. Would I be immune?

Twilight looked back at Meg, noticing her stare. Feeling the need to say something, Meg said, “We’d like to visit it sometime…”

“It’d be my pleasure to give you a tour of my old home,” the former librarian said, clearly wishing it was still her current home.

“But I guess we shouldn’t keep Pinkie Pie waiting,” Meg said. “She’s going to surprise us with a party, right?” I’d love to see her party cannon in action!

They started walking back across the plaza. The others had already gone inside.

“Why would you think that?” Twilight said teasingly. “Just don’t get the hot sauce confused with something else.”