• Published 20th May 2014
  • 839 Views, 9 Comments

It's Not Like I Thought... - Wolfe and WindSilver

The six friends have a new respect for one another. After living the lives of each other, although only for a day, they've realized the importance of the jobs their friends have. And why they are, who they are.

  • ...

That's Some Mighty Fine Dedication, Rarity

"Applejack, your brother is an absolute lifesaver," said Rarity, gratefully. She packed the last dress into the suitcase and tied it tightly to the cart that her friend's family used for their product deliveries. "I have no idea what I would have done if I didn't get these prototypes in on time."

"Eh, he was heading out to Canterlot anyhow." Applejack dismissed the statement with a wave of her hoof. "Besides, one suitcase isn't gonna stop Macintosh. Right Brother?"

Big Mac grunted in agreement.

"Even so, It wouldn't feel right unless I did something in return." Rarity put a hoof to her chin. "I recall Pinkie Pie mentioning that it's your birthday next week?"

"Eeyup," he said, nodding.

"Than make sure you come by the boutique in a few days. I think I'll have the perfect gift for you."

"That's really kind of you," Big Mac began. "But, Ah can't—"

"Nuh, uh, uh," Rarity interrupted. She put her hoof over his mouth, shushing him. "I absolutely insist. After the way you mastered your solo on such short notice, you deserve something special."


"What if I told you that if you stopped resisting the idea, I would put a rush on Smarty Pants' repairs."

Big Macintosh turned redder beneath his coat as his sister began snickering. "W-well..." he began hesitantly.

"And," Rarity cut in again. "I'll also include a bit of wardrobe for her. I have a few spare pieces from Sweetie Belle's toys."

Apparently that sealed the deal for Macintosh, because he immediately closed his jaw and nodded.

"Excellent, and make sure to come see me when you get back from the city, alright?"

"Yup," Mac promised. He hitched himself to the cart and began trotting in the direction of the train.

Rarity turned back towards her house, calling, over her shoulder, to Applejack, "Just let me finish locking up and we can be on our way alright, darling?"

Applejack sat down to wait, not bothering to answer as Rarity was already inside the boutique. She still didn't really know why she agreed to this. Spas were not her thing. If she needed to relax she took a nap. If she wanted a bath she took one at home. As for her hair, a quick brush and a rubber band were all she needed.

"And on my day off too," AJ sighed. Though, she couldn't complain too much. She never did anything more than sleep or walk around town on her days off. Besides, maybe the spa wouldn't be as bad as she thought. Rarity and Fluttershy always seemed more relaxed when they came back from their usual visit.

"All ready to go!" Rarity said happily as she walked past. Applejack gave a quiet grunt of acceptance and began to follow her, allowing the chatty mare to fill the time while they walked.

"I can't thank you enough for agreeing to come with me, Applejack," Rarity said. "The trip is simply much more pleasant with company. And I think that we all could use some relaxation after recent events."

AJ nodded in agreement. She knew Rarity was still trying to catch up on the orders that had fallen to her on their day of mix-ups. None of Applejacks' works were even slightly passable as clothing, meaning Rarity had to start from scratch with new materials, costing her a hefty sum of bits.

"Ah really am sorry about causing you so much trouble, Rares," Applejack apologized, feeling guilty. "Are you sure there's no way Ah can help?

Rarity waved her off. "Think nothing of it, it was no one's fault. I think of this as a new challenge, one that will help me spread my name to the farthest reaches of Equestria."

While Rarity was easily tied with the element of Generosity, she all but refused to accept charity. Preferring to work on her own merit and time, meaning she refused her friends' offers of help and money. She had begun to catch up, but it was costing her. Even Applejack noticed the concealed bags beneath her eyes, though she pretended she didn't.

When they finally arrived at Aloe and Lotus's Spa, AJ couldn't hide a small gulp of fear.

"Oh, come now Applejack. It won't be bad. It's going to be very relaxing and rejuvenating. Trust me."

"Well?" Rarity asked excitedly as they exited the spa. "How do you feel?"

Not even being proven wrong could dampen Applejack's mood. She was much too relaxed to let anything bother her.

"Kinda like Ah'm flying," she admitted. She rolled her shoulders, unused to them feeling this light and loose, and twisted her neck, amazed at how much she could move it with no strain. Even her fur felt new, much better than any regular bath could give her. She was almost afraid to get dirty again. Almost.

The next few minutes were spent in companionable silence as the two mares made their way back to Rarity's home. But the mood wouldn't last too long.

"Oh, dear," Rarity groaned as they came into view of a mare waiting outside. The light purple mare seemed to radiate rage as they approached. And she immediately leapt up upon seeing the duo.

"Rarity!" she exclaimed. "Where exactly have you been all day?"

Rarity strolled right past her and produced the key for her home.

"Hello, Suri," Rarity said. "How are you? Good. Me? Oh, I'm doing splendidly." During her conversation with herself she opened her door and gestured inside.

"What is this about taking another week on my order?" Suri yelled as she walked inside. "I demand an explanation!"

Applejack raised an eyebrow, silently asking if Rarity would need her help dealing with the aggravating mare.

Rarity glanced at Suri, who had launched into a tirade about the importance of punctuality and etiquette. She gave a quick nod.

"And another thing—" She stopped short, noticing Applejack enter the room. "Who is this?" she asked, contemptuously. "The 'help'?" She snorted.

"A good friend of mine," Rarity replied as she began sorting fabrics into neat piles. "Now what exactly is the problem, Suri?"

"This!" she yelled, pulling a piece of parchment from her bags. "What is this supposed to be?"

Applejack took a look at the crumpled paper. "Ah know I never went to any of the elite Canterlot schools. So forgive my uneducated guesses, but it looks like something called a letter."

Rarity hid her giggles behind her hoof while Suri snatched the letter away. "I know what it is! What I don't know is why my order needs to be pushed back. I require those gems for an important piece I am working on." She flicked her hoof at a clothed ponnequin dismissively. Applejack rolled her eyes.

"Due to circumstances beyond even royal control, my work has been pushed back. I'm down on materials and need time to restock before I can resume working. Your order is not the only thing to be postponed, but it will be finished in a short amount of time."

As Suri opened her mouth to retort Rarity politely cut in, "And that is all I can say on the subject. Is there anything else that you would like to discuss?" The fabrics seemed to fold themselves just a bit more aggressively.

Suri's eyes widened as she was interrupted, and she scowled. "I think you've been spending too much time with these ponies, Rarity. You're becoming less 'Canterlot Elite' and more Ponyville each day." She said the last part with absolute disdain, glaring at AJ as she spoke. "Too many commoners around these parts. Unrefined, uncultured, and—"

"I think you should leave now," Rarity, again, cut in. A cold edge to her voice.

"Excuse me?"

"I don't appreciate you coming into my place of business and making demands of me any more than I appreciate you insulting the ones I call my friends."

Suri gaped, her jaw working like a fish's. "Well if that's how you feel, I may just take my business elsewhere!"

"That would be fine with me." Rarity finally turned to face Suri. Her face a picture of calm anger. "I don't depend on your business, and it was only out of the goodness of my heart that I accepted your offer. Despite events that you seem to have forgotten, I decided to try to get you those gems you so desperately crave. It seems I made a mistake in that decision. If you feel like taking your business elsewhere, It wouldn't faze me in the slightest."

"Now I will ask you again," she continued. "Please leave."

Suri growled and made to approach Rarity. But Applejack intervened before she could start a fight that she would undoubtedly lose.

"Ah believe that my friend asked you to get out." She pointed a hoof behind the lavender mare. "Door's that way."

When Suri finally left, slamming the door behind her, Rarity sighed and rubbed at her head before turning and smiling at Applejack gratefully.


Tea time didn't last long. Rarity left AJ to show herself out while she got a head start on some of her older orders. Applejack shook her head in disbelief at the mare's tenacity. Quietly, so as not to disturb the mare, she grabbed her stetson and made to leave.

As she closed the door, Applejack took one more peek inside. A tornado of fabrics, colors, and dazzling gems whipped around the room. Rarity, somehow making sense of it all, began slowly assembling something resembling a dress. "That's some mighty fine dedication, Rarity," Applejack whispered, closing the door behind her as she headed home.

Comments ( 5 )

Oh snap, son, I've been waiting for this!

And it was GOOD!

I meant what I said
And said what I meant
This should be canon
One hundred percent

Suri is odd here, she was a Ponyville pony herself.

5900386 Ah, but don't forget,

It takes some small-town fillies a while to learn it's everypony for herself in the big city, m'kay?

She's not exactly a Ponyville pony anymore.

5900386 That's a quote from the show by the way, not the story.

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