• Published 12th May 2014
  • 1,652 Views, 31 Comments

Rainbow Dash: Dimension Jumper - SteelChords

Imagine if a Sonic Rainboom created a portal that transported the creator to another world. Now imagine that the racket she was making woke you up in the middle of the night.

  • ...


"I came as quickly as I could." said a frantic Twighlight Sparkle, as she burst through the doors to the Canterlot Royal Throne Room. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and the rest of her friends awaited her at the foot of the throne, all with concerned looks on their faces. Fluttershy in particular was really red and puffy in the region around her eyes. She must have been crying for a while, and had just stopped before Twilight had barged in.

Celestia walked forward to meet her faithful student. "So, I take it you know why I've called you here, Twilight." she said.

"Well, the letter you sent me was a bit vague, but from the general message, I understand that Rainbow Dash has disappeared?" said Twilight, a confused look forming on her face. She glanced behind Celestia to look at her friends, all of whom dropped their heads in unison. Looking back at her teacher, many questions began to form inside her head. Celestia nodded, seeming to understand her student's befuddlement.

"Yes, that summarizes all we know of what happened, but I think, if she's in any condition to, Fluttershy can explain the details to you better than any of the rest of us can." Celestia said, looking back at Fluttershy to make sure she was recovering nicely. Immediately at the mention of having to remember the final events of the race, Fluttershy broke down into tears once more. Her other three friends came to her side in an attempt to comfort her.

"Maybe we should let Fluttershy calm down a bit more first. To be honest, I don't really want to talk about what happened either." Rarity chimed in. Fluttershy glanced back up at her with a thankful look in her eyes.

"Very well" said Celestia. "It is getting rather late, after all. We should all take some time to rest and recover. We'll talk about this tomorrow." With that, Applejack and Pinkie Pie helped Fluttershy back to her hooves, and the remaining five of the mane six headed from the throne room to separate bedrooms to sleep away whatever mixed feelings they were having.

Luna walked down from the throne to her sister's side. "You don't seem to eager to talk about said events either. Are you as bothered by this strange occurrence as the rest of us are?" Celestia walked to the balcony and stared up at the sky for a short while. Her train of thought was quickly losing control of itself as she wondered what could have possibly happened.

"Yes... I'm worried for Rainbow Dash's saftey as much as everypony else." Celestia said as her sister joined her on the balcony. "I have an idea as to what happened to her, but it's extremely unlikely that such a thing would occur. I just hope that whatever happened to Rainbow Dash can be resolved, easily and painlessly."

Celestia was tossing and turning in her sleep all night long. She was having a terrible nightmare that wouldn't allow her to wake up. She was only allowed to continue sleeping and watch the frightening images unfold before her.

The dream started at the arena, right in the middle of the big race. Rainbow Dash had just turned the corner before the 10,000 meter sprint to the finish line. She took off after Spitfire, in a blaze of speed. Gradually, the cone of air started forming around her as she flew faster and faster, until she was right alongside Spitfire. The cone of air finally spit her through and she performed a Sonic Rainboom as she crossed the finish line. Then, as soon as she crossed the finish line, she vanished into thin air. The crowd gasped, and went completely silent. Spitfire, who had been blown off course by the explosion, flew across the finish line next and whipped her head around in every direction, searching for the pony who had bested her. As all the other racers crossed the finish line, a large commotion broke out in the grand stands and everypony seemed to be in an uproar.

The dream shifted.

Celestia was now floating above some strange land, completely unfamiliar to her. The sky was pitch black, indicating that it was the middle of the night. All seemed calm and peaceful. Then, there was a thundering BOOOOOM that shook the image violently. From the place that the thunder originated from, appeared a rapidly moving, cyan pony. "Rainbow Dash" Celestia murmured. She saw as Rainbow stopped abruptly in mid flight, began frantically flapping her wings again but to no avail, and plummeted towards the unforgiving ground below.

The dream shifted.

Celestia was standing behind a large tree, looking up at an equally large structure standing before her. There were lights on inside the windows, but there didn't seem to be anyone home. Walking around to the other side of the tree, she soon saw why there was no one inside. Rainbow Dash was conversing with... "Oh my... is that a human?" Rainbow Dash seemed to be unaware of the narrowing eyes on the human's face. Catching Rainbow by surprise, the human lunged forward and pinned her against the trunk of the tree. "Noooo!!!" Celestia screamed, although there was no possible way that the two could hear her. Celestia rushed forward towards the human and attempted to shove it off of Rainbow Dash, but just as she got close enough to touch it, the vision dissolved, and she stood alone in utter black darkness.

Without any obvious sequence, small images of different scenarios involving Rainbow Dash and the world she had been transported to began popping up in a slow, circular orbit around Celestia. As every new image popped up, she could hear different voices and sounds coming from each image. There were a few images that grabbed her attention, and greatly concerned and scared her.

One was of a room full of smoke with a glow of orange-yellow light coming from behind the smoke clouds. From this horrid image, she heard Rainbow Dash exclaim, "You ARE trying to kill me!! I knew it!!" Then, as that image dissolved, a new image faded into existance behind Celestia. It showed red and blue flashing lights accompanied by a really loud siren sound and an unfamiliar voice. "Sir, license and registration, please" the voice said. As the image faded away there was a sound of someone or something loading a gun. This image confused and frightened Celestia and she began breathing heavily as a new image formed off to her left.

This image was the most disturbing one out of all the rest of them. There was no sound except for the blowing sound of a slight breeze. The image was of a dark, deserted alleyway. Out of the corner of the image, Rainbow Dash ran down the alleyway, breathing hard, frantically looking around for an escape route. Unfortunately, she came quickly to a dead end. Seeing no immediate path to freedom, she turned back to the way she'd come.

This was the first time Celestia had the chance to notice, Rainbow had bandaged up her left wing. That was probably why she wasn't simply flying away.

An oddly shaped shadow appeared from the direction Rainbow had entered the alleyway. Knowing that she was trapped, Rainbow began backing up towards the dead end, still facing the figure that was creeping towards her. The look on her face was that of sheer horror. "Please, leave me alone! I haven't done anything to anypony! I'm just looking for a way back home!" Rainbow pleaded. The shadow kept creeping closer and closer. "Please, let me go in peace! Please!! I'm not supposed to be here! Just let me go!!" Rainbow's voice started raising in alarm. The image cut immediately to black, and what could be heard just before the image faded entirely was a blood curdling shriek.

Celestia jolted upright in her bed, cold sweat dripping down her regal face. Everything she'd seen terrified her beyond words. All of what she'd just seen was too coincidental to be a simple dream. Rainbow Dash was in grave danger, and somehow she'd come across one of the most deadly creatures known to pony. Her odds of still being alive, by Celestia's calculations, were slowly dwindling. She needed help, and she needed it right away!

Princess Luna burst through the doors to Celestia's bedroom. "Sister, are you alright?"

"We don't have much time. Rainbow Dash is in more peril than we could have initially imagined. When Twilight and the others wake up, we need to inform them of the situation." Celestia said hastily. Luna stepped in front of her sister as Celestia began walking towards the door.

"Sister, I saw just as much of your dream as you did, and it scares me just as much as it scares you, but we have to be deliberate about how we approach this." Luna said, attempting to calm Celestia. "Twilight and her friends will surely want to know any information available about Rainbow Dash's situation, but we should try to under-exaggerate her situation. We're all still recovering from the events that transpired today, and the full news of this vision you've had will likely make everypony even more distraught and frantic."

Celestia halted herself at the door. Her sister was right. With the state everypony was in, the situation needed to be handled carefully. They needed to retrieve Rainbow Dash from whatever Hell she was in, without causing psychological harm to anypony else in the process.

Turning back to face Luna, Celestia agreed. "Alright. We'll let Twilight and her friends know in the morning. We'll give her the basic summary of the situation, and let Rainbow Dash explain the details to them once we return her to Equestria." If we're able to return her to Equestria, Celestia thought to herself. She wasn't going to fool herself into thinking everything would be just fine. There was a distinct possibility that Equestria might lose the Element of Loyalty because of this.

"You need me to do what, Princess?" asked a confused Twilight. All remaining members of the mane 6 were gathered in the throne room again along with the two princess sisters. From what it looked like, none of them had slept all to well. Applejack was squinting her eyes as if the light coming in through the windows was burning them. Fluttershy had the same puffy, red look to her eyes, indicating she must have cried herself to sleep. Pinkie Pie appeared normal enough, but she wasn't bouncing around as much as she ususally did, and seemed to have very little energy. Rarity... ok, well Rarity didn't really match the others. She always looked like she'd gotten a good night's sleep.

Princess Celestia repeated to her student, "I need you to go into the library and look for a GPS Locator spell." Twilight still looked confused. Clearly she'd never heard of a GPS spell. Celestia had to remember that she was immortal, and that GPS spells were disregarded several hundred years ago. Of course Twilight had never heard of them.

"I need you to find a spell that may allow us to locate Rainbow Dash." Celestia said, rephrasing her request so that her student would understand. "And do try to find a spell rather quickly, please."

Twilight nodded, grinning at the opportunity to do some research. "I'll get right on it, Princess." She joined her friends as they all headed towards the library. The throne room doors closed behind them, leaving Celestia and Luna alone, again.

"Hopefully, they'll find the spell soon." Luna said, looking up to her sister.

Celestia's mind rushed with the images she'd seen in her dream last night. The fire, the flashing lights, the dark alleyway; it all pointed to the idea that Rainbow Dash was in more trouble than she could handle alone. And that shadow that chased Rainbow down the alleyway; who did it belong to? What world had Rainbow teleported to, and why was it so hostile? Regardless of any of this, Equestria needed the Element of Loyalty back, and Rainbow Dash needed to be returned to where she belonged.

Celestia nodded, "Yes, I sincerely hope that they find the right spell very soon. The more time we spend looking for a solution, the less time we'll have to find Rainbow Dash before... before it's too late."

Comments ( 12 )

.... this gives me a bad feeling... I need more info on the events that are transpiring on earth.

4429876 Don't worry man. There's plenty of that to come :trollestia:


I really hope you mean some sort of magic GPS spell at the end there, because if ponies actually have/had a GPS system theeeeennn what the fuckkkkk

Also I've never really been a fan of the whole 'ponies know that humans exist but they're only myth' thing, seems kinda cliche' to me but I haven't really seen anything absolutely horrible yet so I'll stick around for a bit though.

...seriously though, ponies having GPS? Their era of technology isn't anywhere near that advanced in the show and I haven't read anything in this fic that says this takes place in the future sooooooooo what the fuckkkkkk?

So...this GPS uses the moon?From what I understand a GPS(Global Positioning System) is a series of signals made by satellites(satellite:any body orbiting a larger mass) used to locate people...so...it uses the moon. XD

Why is this on hiatus?

4430739 What makes you say that?

5336097 Because at the time I released the last chapter, I was under the impression that nobody was really getting any entertainment from it anymore, and didn't really want to continue with a project that nobody liked. I've since realized that I was overreacting at that time, but by the time I realized this, I had forgotten what I wanted to do with the story. So, to excuse myself for my long leave of absence, I put this story as "On Hiatus" until I can remember what I want to do with the story.

5336109 because I was really confused. First. Dash was kinda out of character running away. Second. I know we humans are crude at some times but geez! He overreacted way to much. It just seemed stupid how oblivious he was to rainbow dash being real. It gave me a headache as I thought about it. This story has a lot of potential but it was taken in the wrong turn.

Man I forgot this story -.- BUT now that I remembered I reread it and very much enjoyed it, a lot of potential. BUT ITS BEEN WHAT???

6445726 Sorry to disappoint you... I got a little confused at some of the responses to the latest chapter I'd written, and thought people didn't like it anymore... by the time my friend told me that he was still interested it, I'd already forgotten where I wanted to go with the story... I do apologize for letting you down, but I really don't know how to continue writing it anymore...

6453100 Its cool man. I do like your writing though so keep it up! Although, I don't really think you should let what other people think affect why you write. You should write because its what you enjoy, its all about having fun. No point in doing something you're not happy with right? And, not everyone's gonna like your writing, don't let them stop you if its what you like to do. Anyway I'll stop it here, Thanks for the reply! :D

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