• Member Since 11th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


Sea Otter, Tempest domain Cleric, Gamer, Writer. Currently nestled out on the east coast, watching icebergs float past. Discord: Tundara's Fanfiction Forum


New Providence, an idyllic little town set in the far-western lands of Equestria. Peaceful. Quiet. And home to a terrible secret, one that—were it ever exposed—could shatter not just the town, but all of Equestria. It's a secret that will be exposed in a way none expected when best friend Samantha and Moonbeam have their mothers kidnapped by Changelings.

When the town elders refuse to send a rescue party, Samantha and Moonbeam take it upon themselves to rescue their parents. But they'll need help. And what better help could a pair of teens ask for than a seventy-five ton war-machine from another world?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )

I feel like this is a Titanfall crossover.
Good, not enough of those.


Sorry, this is not a Titanfall crossover. :twilightblush:

Eeeeeeee! :twilightsmile:


Nope. BattleTech. :twilightsmile:

Are the claners? If so what clan did they come from?


They were on a jumpship that was part of the Exodus but got lost before the establishment of the clans. So, they aren't part of any clan. :twilightsmile:

I was hoping for a Bolo cross over...

But Battletech works too!

Neat. Can we assume this world has the same background and lore as the Myths stories, or is it a more traditionally shaped spherical planet?


More traditional world not connected to M&Bs. :twilightsmile:

4354741 Gotcha. I kind of like the idea of spaceships and world turtles, but the celestial geometry is a little hard to reconcile with a universe that also contains Battletech earth.


Yeah, the only way to really reconcile the two would to do the 'Jumpship went across realities' reason for them being on Equestria. Since every other BattleTech cross-over I've come across has run under that basis, I thought I'd buck that trend and have Earth and Equis occupy the same universe. There is some wiggle room with BT, since they've only explored a fraction of their local area of the galaxy canonically, to allow for this possibility. :twilightsmile:

Time-line wise the story takes place around the end of Season 3 (since I've still not watched Season 4... :facehoof:) of FiM, and 3049-ish of Battletech, IE, the Clan invasion of the Inner Sphere is just getting underway.

This gives me the most options for potential storylines. Hopefully. I am mostly just winging this story as its something I'm doing primarily for my own enjoyment while I wait for my editor to attack whatever I've just hurled at him. :moustache: Updates will, probably, be sporadic in nature as a result. Though, hopefully, no where near as slow/bad as poor VSathQiS... :twilightblush:


You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

Also is Sam supposed to be one of THOSE Camerons?


I have no idea what you mean by 'THOSE' Camerons... :trollestia: Cameron is a very common surname, I am certain. :raritywink:


I am forced to assume the answer is yes. And to be fair, there's like... five or six characters in the modern day implied or even outright stated to be directly or indirectly linked to House Cameron by blood.


Huh, I wasn't really aware of that. :twilightblush: Not, like most things, it really matters. I named her Cameron simply for, well, creating a brief dialogue such as this one. This entire story is something I'm doing for 'fun', and part of that is speculation. :twilightsmile:


Off the top of my head, Tomoe Sakade and a few others.



Would be really cool.
Have you seen one yet?


Not that I have seen unfortunately.

This always seems to come up, what size are your ponies in relation to your humans? I infer, from Sam being able to catch Moonbeam, that the ponies are much shorter than the humans, coming to perhaps half their height. If the ponies were "full-size" (that is, the size of 'normal' real-world terrestrial ponies), I'd fully expect them to be able to outrun a human with no problem, even if they could only move at full speed for very short periods.

—though in secret since Tim Sheffield had had his nose broken.

"had had" is an awkward phrasing, and almost always is. After thinking about it for a bit I came up with some possible alternate phrasings:
"though in secret ever since Tim Sheffield's nose was broken."
"...since Tim Sheffield got his nose broken."
"though ever since Tim Sheffield had his nose broken, the had to play in secret."

Hey, someone else who's not watched season 4! :twilightsmile:

I know a bolofic! It's a bit sad, and a oneshot unfortunately. User Georg wrote The Sacrifice of the Knight Bolo, which I'd read before and was able to find conveniently.

Read the title, thought of this.


. . .

What... The...

*sees Marauder burst through wall behind old dude* ... :rainbowderp:

I WANT ONE! :pinkiehappy: :raritystarry::trollestia::moustache:

I really like the parking options. "Anywhere" seems like a big boon to me.

Well, it's not "Twilight plays chess with RML", but I'll take what I can get!


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