• Member Since 25th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen June 3rd


Fell in love with MlP: FiM pretty fast, just had to make an account here to keep track of all the fanfictions popping up. Might pick up a pen one day and write something myself.Maybe. :3


Awakening as BlackWarGreymon, a lost human tries to adjust even as more surprises and traps spring up. Yet timing and fate seem set against him, as events lead him to being imprisoned in stone before he could make a name for himself. Branded by the crown as a villain, he struggles to adapt years later once free and takes an unlikely ally as his protector and savior. But what will his presence do to the events ongoing throughout Equestria? What truths will he find beyond the public eye? More importantly: Will he embrace his given role, or will he strive to be his own 'mon?


This is hands down the most dedicated piece of writing I've worked on to date. Before this lies many an aborted fanfic including some over on fanfiction.net. All of whom were nowhere near as taken seriously by me as this one was. Months were put into this just to reach the release point for the story itself. Struggling with my own procrastination and real life priorities made every paragraph I wrote important to me and I'm so happy to finally be releasing this. It may be a silly crossover between Digimon and My Little Pony, but I love the MLP fandom/show and I'm a huge sucker for successful crossover tales. So putting this much time and effort into a tale like this was thrilling as much as it was terrifying. I had to motivate myself so much at times and I hated every time my obsession over rewriting and editing older chapters got in the way of moving forward. But I think it was worth it in the end. I hope everyone who clicks on my tale and reads this enjoys the adventure you're about to go on as much as I did writing it.

Finally, major thanks to goattrain for drawing the amazing cover art. He's an awesome dude and I love looking at it every time I view this story. Thanks again man!

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 582 )

Looks interesting, but gonna put it on read later for now.

I may not know what digimon is but just by reading that intro to the story made me interested in reading it.

BlackWarGreymon, the one who made the Heroes use their Plot Armor...

7032206 your going to love, the third season my favorite.

Interesting and well written

That was perfect. I hope that the next Chapter will be as good as this one :)

Hell yeah for BlackWarGreyMon! This is going to be good!

Damn! This fic is pretty good!
That cover art tho... Looks like he's about to... Uh lets go with... Copulate... With cadence.

huh o.o
Pure coincidence I assure you :twilightsheepish:

Once this get more chapters, it'll be worth a read, that's for sure. Even if I don't watch digimon. I just hope,you need no knowledge of digimon to read it.

While basic knowledge of the Digimon seasons could help, it won't in fact be necessary. BlackWarGreymon and others will provide more than enough context for actual important things as it comes up.

7033818 thank you. Any schedule on chapters posts?

Sadly nothing concrete. As stated in the first chapter's AN my work is very taxing most days, so being able to sit down and write is spaced out. I do have most of the first Arc done however, so after some quick edits maybe I'll be able to get the next one out soon. Just be ready for a slow post rate either way. :applejackunsure:

Do I die in this one too?

7034474 ok, thank you for responding and letting me know.

7035398 Oh jezze. I laughed. I shouldn't, but I did... :ajsleepy: :rainbowlaugh:

Hmmmm, we enjoy this so far. Though by the cover art and how he will not care about 'protecting the timeline' anymore from getting his freedom, it would be funny if he got with cadence and ruined the future by splitting shining and her up. he'll have serious beef with the other princesses that is true, though how might things go with the empire if he guided her to the heart before Twilight and the others showed up? hmmmm...

But we hare having hopes for how this story continues.

7034474 just curious when he gets free will BWGM be able to understand and talk to the ponies?

Huh. So, he is still enough to almost win against the EoH when that situation trapped Luna for a thousand years. Bets on Nightmare Moon happening a week later.

Thankfully yes. It would be pretty interesting to do a tale with neither side knowing the others language, but that's not a subplot needed for mine.

Nothing spoiled by confirming Nightmare arrives soon after. :ajsmug:
As for whether he could have won or not, it's up to interpretation. The power scales of both series are tricky, since there are plenty of cases of Mega's outstripping other Mega's, and the full might of an alicorn is still up in the air. BlackWarGreymon, at full strength, is more than a match for both sisters if not restraining himself, but the Elements are a class all on their own. Was he just being cocky, or did he indeed have enough strength to beat them? :moustache:

7045054 thank you i hate it when their is a language barrier between ponies and whatever species humans turns into or if they stayed the same for to long

7045054 Then there's the fact that he held an attack together against the EoH long enough for Nightmare to get to a side and hit him with an ice spell. No one has been shown to do that in the show, never mind the power needed to do so.

7045054 Well with 1000 plus years of just being able to stand there it makes sense that he'd eventually figure out the language, especially with a computer level brain.

I like it! :pinkiesmile: I'm already thrilled to see how this continues! :yay:

Man, this story is bringing back some serious memories. Def looking forward to more! :pinkiehappy:

God finally a new chapter i hope you plan on getting the protagonist back to blackwargreymon and kick both luna's and celestia's for imprisioning him on false pretenses espealty luna

7089911 Yup, used to get up every Saturday for SatAM Cartoon block at like 5am. Never missed an episode if I could help it. Heh, even had one of those Tamagachi like Digivice toys for awhile, the ones based on the 2nd season I belive. :heart:

So he's going to have to find all his armor to get back to mega. Hummm. Well the Shield is going to keep him safe for now.

I just remember koromon does not have limbs he is still limbless

Correct! Thankfully he's now bigger and has those ear antennae. I don't know how useful they are in the series, but in my fic it's not a spoiler to say they're prehensile.

7094628 cool what is he gonna get back 2 his full strengh and meet back with the princesses? i so then what is gonna happen?

7095303 is he gonna kick their asses or what?

Black war greymon was always a personal favorite of mine following

7095303 next few chapters if u have the time

I'm afraid Spoilers means Spoilers, not just a Doctor Who reference. :fluttershysad:
Yes, the conflict between BlackWarGreymon and the Royal Sisters will be resolved, and I'll stretch my spoiler tag a bit to say it will in a big fight. But it won't happen in this Arc, as this is a seriously long tale to tell.

I've written up to chapter 30's synopsis and it's barely the halfway point.

I'm going to be honest, i thought he will evolve direct to mega state and kick the shit out of the Princess, but is alright how is working. Thank you please keep going.

Excellent! Will keep reading, nice to have another digimon crossover and well written at that on here.

Waking up to see this and The Lunar Guardsmen update at the same time? I guess no Christmas this year.

Thanks for another chapter so quickly, but we can wait for you to have slept.

Love the chapter and how you put cadence into play keep up the good work but u could have waited until after you slept to post it

Bringer of nightmares?:ajbemused:coming from the mare who her left her own sister to go into depression and got her turned into NMM (im guessing)BEFORE they fought the dragon knight(that was innocent mind you)and blamed it on the now entitled "the black Knight"......I am WAY over thinking this holy shit

7170994 in most, if not all stories, Tia is a blind hypocrite blaming others for her mistakes.

I DO WHAT I WANT! YOU CAN'T STOP ME. :pinkiecrazy:

Yah, Celestia's not exactly guilt free on any level. Funny how 1,000 years can easily make you believe nothing was actually your fault when you have a good scapegoat, or rather, scapemon.

7171282 next few chapters please if u can find the time to that is

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