• Published 30th Jul 2014
  • 5,654 Views, 318 Comments

Seven Days in Sunny June, Book II - BlueBastard

Sunset Shimmer's return to Equestria has her seeking to stop whatever it is causing her foster sister nightmares across the boundaries of two realities. But the challenges she faces will test her ability to handle the consequences of her past

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Wednesday, PM: Drinking Wine and Killing Time

Wednesday, PM: Drinking Wine and Killing Time

“Ah’m bettin’ it’s mah sister and her friends again!” shouted Applejack, who had now far surpassed the unicorn. While Sunny was far from being the most athletic pony ever, Applejack being able to quite effectively leave Sunset in her dust came as a surprise. “Those Crusaders better not have done somethin’ really stupid this time!”

“Wait, what are we defining as ‘stupid’ here?” hollered back the flame-haired mare.

“Ah’m talkin’ stuff like makin’ some kinda wheeled motor vehicle that crashes into the Everfree, or throwin’ knives at each other, dumb stuff like that. Given what happened as a result of both of those times, if somethin’ similar happens this time…Ah’m gonna be really, really pissed off!”

“Throwing... knives... at each other?! And they might... be doing it again?!” Speaking proved to be quite the struggle for Sunset as she fought to keep up with the farm pony.

“No, it was some kinda stage magic or somethin’. They tried replicatin’ what they saw. As for what happened, let’s just say it was a bad fur day for everypony involved for months afterward!” That Applejack was speaking with little to no problems at all spoke wonders for how much more athletic the earth pony was.

In the interest of privacy, Sunset decided to not pry further about what the “bad fur day” had been. In the interest of not running out of breath before reaching the farm, Sunset decided to cut the chatter and just focused on running.

The scene that greeted Sunset and Applejack upon their arrival at the farm was both stupefying and unsurprising. Even from the front gate to the farm, the contraption that was belching the smoke was visible. As the paired ponies got closer, it immediately became clear that the machine had been of the Crusaders’ creation. Various rods and poles stuck out from what looked like the merged remains of a record player, a hand-cranked pencil sharpener, and various discarded farm equipment, each ligament having a different object at each end. A boot, gardening shears, a hammer, a wig, a horseshoe magnet, and a sponge were among the items Sunset could make out. Surrounding the smoking device were five fillies, all of whom appeared to have been too close to the thing when it exploded, and had in turn themselves exploded into arguing.

“Where did we go wrong?”

“I don’t know, it was working earlier!”

“It was? But we just finished it, this was the testing, wasn’t it?”

“How should I know? It was her idea!”

“GIRLS!” barked Applejack, metaphorically, “What in tarnation is goin’ on here, and what is this…thing?”

At once, the Crusaders all looked at the one pony among them who could really even begin to describe what they were circled around. Apple Bloom sighed. “It was supposed to be a machine that would help gather apples, since Big Mac isn’t able to right now.”

“Huh, I wasn’t aware that apples were naturally…magnetized…when they’re ripe,” sarcastically commented Sunset, fixated on the horseshoe magnet.

“No, the idea was that the moving rods would just knock the apples to the ground,” corrected Silver Spoon, “then, when all the apples are on the ground, we fillies would just run around and toss them into the box.” She then gestured to a half-charred object at the front – or what looked like the front – of the machine. Sunset immediately frowned in annoyance when she recognized the red exclamation point that marked it as the same box she’d been using earlier.

“Uh, okay, that much Ah got,” said Applejack, scratching her head in confusion over another detail, “but how exactly did you power this thing? Ah hope you didn’t use-“

“We couldn’t,” interrupted Scootaloo, knowing exactly what Applejack was talking about. “After all, isn’t the whole reason you keep ‘the garage’ locked up that tightly is to keep us Crusaders away from the truck?”

“Hold on, did you just say truck?” asked Sunset. “As in, ‘has four wheels, a driver’s seat, a cargo bed, and a self-powered engine’ truck?”

“Uh, yeah, I guess you’ve seen it, then?”

Sunset shook her head, then turned to Applejack. “You have a truck? How in the world do you have something that the technology for doesn’t exist here?!”

Applejack chuckled. “Well, Ah’m guessin’ you really are outta the loop. There’ve been huge leaps in technology here in Equestria over the last few years. Parade floats, the industrial strength pet hairdryer…”

Sunset nodded. “Yeah… wait, what?! What is an ‘industrial strength pet hairdryer’ and why do you have one?”

As Applejack struggled to (quite unsuccessfully) hold in her laughter, Sweetie Belle piped up. “Oh! We got that when we were trying to be ‘Cutie Mark Crusader Pet Caretakers for Spike.”

Sunset gave the filly a deadpan stare. “That literally explained nothing.”

Apple Bloom snorted. “Do ya know how hard it is to dry clean a dog?”

“Uh… no?”


With some effort, Applejack managed to reign in her uncontrollable guffaws and did her best to don a stern, serious face.“For real, now, how exactly did you girls try to power this thing?”

“Coal,” said Diamond, nonchalantly.

“Coal?” Sunset repeated, trying to understand. “How exactly does that work?”

“The same way coal is used for the steam engines on trains, of course,” answered Apple Bloom. “You put th’ coal in a box, then you set it on fire. Then that drives the locomotive.”

“Uh, girls…” said Applejack, rubbing the back of her head nervously, “that’s not all there is to a locomotive. Ah mean, they call ‘em steam engines because that’s what they run on. The coal burnin’ is to heat the water into pressurized steam. Then the steam goes into the pistons an’ drives the wheels. That’s why steam comes out from the bottom of the engine, but smoke from the top.”

“Oh. Ah guess we sorta forgot the water part.”

Applejack’s hoof went from behind her head to facehoofing it. “So y’all pretty much just lit a coal-powered fire under a contraption made of wood.”

“That explains the fire, at least,” said Sunset, “but what about the explosion? Coal doesn’t violently explode.”

“Maybe it has something to do with the bags of sand we used to try and anchor this thing?” suggested Silver.

“Sandbags?” asked Applejack, “but we don’t have sandbags on the farm right now.”

“Then what were those bags filled with behind that one building you all call ‘the garage’?”

Applejack’s composition grew pale. “Those were bags of fertilizer. Specifically the ones Ah accidently ran over with the truck a couple of weeks ago and leaked a little of the fuel on.”

Sweetie cocked her head. “But…how does fuel-soaked fertilizer explo-“

“Because you combined fire and what I’m guessing was ammonium nitrate fertilizer with gasoline!” shouted Sunset, horrified at the literal bomb that the five fillies had unintentionally set off in their faces. Granted, there was no way to know. Sunset herself only knew about what was more conventionally known back home as “ANFO” after reading an article in a newspaper. Officials were cited as blaming a fuel leak fire for a freak explosion at a fertilizer plant somewhere in Texas.

Yet, ironically, the fillies had managed to accomplish their goal: Every single ripe apple on the farm had been knocked loose and was waiting for collection on the ground. However, while they weren’t going to get their cutie marks in improvised farming techniques, their tempers were beginning to flare up.

“Why am I not surprised that we nearly killed ourselves by overlooking the obvious?” grumbled Tiara.

“Hey, it was your idea to use the ‘sandbags’, Tiara!” retorted Scootaloo.

“Yeah, well, it’s not like I’m the one who thought of trying to build a coal-powered steam engine without the steam!”

“Hey, come on, girls, take it eas-“ interjected Apple Bloom, trying to calm things down, only for Tiara to cut her off next.

“And this whole stupid thing was your idea in the first place, I might add!”

The yellow earth pony narrowed her eyes. “Well, ex-cuse me for tryin’ to find a way for us to be helpful on the farm here.”

“Yeah, well, a butt would be more helpful”

“Are you callin’ me a butt?”

“What if I am, butt?”

“Don’t you know it takes a butt to know a butt, butt?

“Only butts would say something like that, you BUTT!

Sunset glanced nervously at Applejack. “This could get ugly,” Sunset said as the two fillies continued their butt-themed back and forth.

“Eeyup,” agreed Applejack, who moved to intervene. She was too late, however, as Diamond Tiara escalated matters.

“Oh yeah?! Well, you’re the biggest, stinkiest, gaudiest butt there is in all of Equestria!

Apple Bloom gave Diamond a look that could kill. “Well, at least this butt never betrayed her best friend and helped an undead maniac try to destroy Ponyville!”

Silence reigned over the setting, so much so that somehow even the broken machine spontaneously stopped burning as if in shock at Apple Bloom’s words. Then, as if in reversal of their old dynamic, it was Diamond who broke into tears and scampered off.

“Oh, Ah shouldn’t have said that…” said Apple Bloom, dropping her head in shame.

“No, you shouldn’t have,” admonished a disappointed Applejack. “All of you stay here while I-“ Sunset’s outstretched foreleg prevented AJ from chasing after the filly. “Sunset what are ya doin’?”

“Let me go after her, Applejack.”


Sunset merely gave a small smile, though tinged with a hint of sadness. “Because she won’t think I’m biased toward your sister.”

Applejack raised a hoof as if to object, but thought better of it. “Well, can’t see any harm in it. B’sides, somepony’s gotta deal with this mess now anyway.”

“I won’t be long.” With that, Sunset dashed off in pursuit of the crowned filly. Based on Apple Bloom’s finishing blow in their argument, Sunset had sensed she and the filly had more in common than it would seem. Now the only problem was trying to track the filly down on what was proving to be a very large span of farmland.

“The old masons would cry out if they saw what has become of their once grand masterwork,” lamented Celestia, she and Twilight continuing their journey into the depths of the castle. While the majority of the castle was intact, that was more a testament to the structural engineering work devoted to ensuring the castle would forever stand. The same could not be said for the furnishings and decorative work that had been unfortunate enough to be in the western “rear” of the castle, which had seen the greater part of the first battle between Celestia and Nightmare Moon.

“I don’t recall ever having visited this part of the castle before,” commented Twilight, noting how she didn’t recognize her surroundings despite having visited Castle Everfree’s ruins many times since first coming to Ponyville. “Plus, I don’t see what this place was originally. The castle’s layout is nothing like Castle Canterlot’s.”

“Back when these ruins were the capital of all ponykind, these areas were the living quarters,” Celestia answered. The way she looked around as she spoke indicated she could still see what these halls were in their prime. “Specifically, I believe we’re walking through what used to be the old guard barracks.”

“The barracks? But…but what are they doing this far in the back of the castle? And I thought the guard wasn’t formally created until the EUP Guard was formed after-”

“Well, this wasn’t so much a barracks as it was an armory, since back then the guard was just any common pony on-hoof when needed. But this place did house ponies who were needed to tend to the armor and weapons They were housed away from the main social areas such as the throne room, the library, places where the gentry wouldn’t have to be ‘exposed’ to the less savory aspects of how guards used to live. Such as what passed for internal plumbing.” Celestia motioned with her head to a doorway, through which was a large room partially occupied by what had once been the second floor. From what Twilight could see, however, the room was lined with one continuous bench, with holes in the seats spaced evenly apart.

“Th-that’s disgusting! Did everypony have to do their business like that?”

Celestia chuckled. “Not if you were in the gentry. The more ‘formal’ alternatives weren’t actually all that better and frankly I’d rather not go into that. Let’s just say that one of the things Luna was angry about when she turned into Nightmare Moon was how terrible the restrooms were back then, and I can’t exactly fault her.”

“It wasn’t,” suddenly came the voice of the younger ethereal-maned alicorn, who appeared to have been waiting for her royal counterparts on the opposite side of a doorway, “but I will admit one of the best things about coming back to Equestria was learning I would have my own private water closet, or ‘bathroom’ as they had since been called. The poor maid staff was so confused when I kept gushing about how novel it was to have running water that I could change the temperature of without the need for magic!”

“Funny, that’s like how the crystal ponies responded when Canterlot sent plumbers to aid in building the Crystal Arena,” said Twilight.

“I’m not surprised, not being able to take a bath whenever you want without having to wait for the water to be brought in by servants or yourself is something nopony misses.” Luna then cleared her throat, desiring to change the subject. “Anyway, while you were down there, I did some looking around myself in the grounds where the nobility used to live.”


Luna took in a deep breath before replying, “There’s something still here, something powerful… and dark. It’s one of the houses in the far back, two stories up, but the front’s caved in. However, the back might still be standing. I couldn’t see right away, but there’s signs of somepony having teleported around there, possibly to that overlooking edge of the castle.” Luna gestured to a part of the ruined castle where the external path once patrolled by guardsponies remained aloft, though part of the portcullis edging had crumbled away.

Twilight immediately teleported over, the feeling of another pony’s magic becoming clear the moment she reformed at her location. Thankfully, it was still recognizable enough to be identified as Sunset Shimmer’s magic.

“Yeah, this is Sunset’s magic I’m feeling,” Twilight called back, “and if I remember correctly she said she teleported out of the room where this mirror is, so….” Lighting up her horn with a tracing spell, Twilight’s eyes followed an illuminated path only she could see all the way to the back of the old residence Luna had mentioned. Then, something glimmered in the sunlight.

“Twilight, what do you see?” said Celestia, having teleported herself next to Twilight, Luna following suit.

The youngest princess squinted her eyes. “It’s…definitely a mirror, but there’s something about it I can’t make out. Give me a sec.” Twilight quickly summoned a pair of binoculars, which she used to enhance her vision. She immediately regretted it. “Uh, Princess? You’re gonna want to see this, though you won’t like it.”

Wordlessly, Celestia levitated the binoculars from her protégée and held them up to her own eyes. She indeed did not like what she saw, but of course nopony could fault her for that. After all, seeing a mirror with a gem caricature of herself in chains, along with her own mother and two – two? - Lunas, all enslaved by the laughing form of Sombra was not a pleasant sight to behold.

About five minutes of searching led Sunset to the base of a tree in a secluded part of the farm. What made this tree so special was that there was a treehouse in it. Rather, a very elaborate treehouse. While Sunset had seen quite a few treehouses back in Equestria County, especially after her living situation changed to be in an actual residential zone, most of those were little more than one room box-like shacks with a ladder for access. In comparison, this treehouse was fully decked out with a ramp leading up to the balcony, which wrapped around the house itself. It even had what appeared to be a second floor, as she could make out a telescope poking out from the upper window. Though judging from the size of the upper level it wouldn’t fit anybody larger than a filly.

But she also could make out the sound of crying from within. Cautiously, Sunset made her way up the ramp to investigate, cursing under her breath when the wood creaked loudly halfway up.

“G-go away!” shouted the filly. “Nopony’s home!”

Shimmer elected to not point out the contradiction in the filly’s words, instead choosing to speak gently. “This is a pretty nice treehouse. Can I come in and have a look?”

The sniffing stopped, the pink filly inside recognizing the voice of the unicorn who had been with Applejack. “Wh-who do you think you even are? You’re certainly not somepony from around here, are you?”

Sunset took the lack of a “no” as a signal to walk into the treehouse proper. The filly was slouched in the far corner, the tiara she’d been wearing discarded on the ground next to her. When she saw Sunset enter, the filly sat up straighter and hastily wiped at the tears in her eyes.

“No, I’m not. I’m just here visiting a friend. My name’s Sunset Shimmer, by the way.”

“D-Diamond Tiara,” answered the filly with a sniffle. Sunset immediately recognized the filly’s mane colors, lavender-and-white, as being the same as one of the eighth graders who sometimes visited Sugarcube Corner Café, usually with a silver-and-gray haired girl that had a hair braid exactly like the other filly Sunset hadn’t recognized earlier. “But what should it matter to you? Why do you care?”

The unicorn smiled a little. “Because… you remind me of myself a little.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Sunset moved to sit in front of Diamond. For her part, the filly had stopped crying and was now looking at Sunset with curiosity.

“Let me guess: This isn’t the first fight you’ve had with Apple Bloom?”

“That’s an understatement…”

Sunset made sure to speak gently as she continued. “You used to bully her - and her friends - didn’t you?”

“Yeah, how’d you know?” Diamond’s curious gaze shifted to one of suspicion. “Are you reading my mind right now?”

Sunset couldn’t help but laugh. “Of course not! That kind of magic’s forbidden anyway. You wanna know my secret?” Diamond nodded with childlike wonder. “I know what you’re going through.”

Diamond simply looked down and scowled at something on the floor. “Yeah right. That’s what they all say. My dad, my therapist. All of them,” Diamond’s look hardened, and it seemed as though anything at the end of her gaze would combust. Tracing Diamond’s eyes, Sunset realized that the object of her heated fixation was the tiara idly lying on the floor.

“They all say that because they think it’ll make me feel better, but do you really know what it’s like? To spend your whole life thinking you’re the most special, important pony in Equestria? To believe it so strongly you’re willing to trample anypony who gets in your way? Even the ones you really care about?” Tears started to appear in Diamonds eyes again, but the filly rubbed at them viciously, as if they were the ones causing her strife. “Do you know how hard it is to prove you’ve changed when everypony who looks at you just sees the s-same… monster from before?”

“Yes. I do,” Sunset answered with such quickness and such conviction that Diamond looked up through teary eyes with renewed curiosity. When Sunset looked at her, she found herself thinking back to some of the first memories she had as a filly. Of a lonely door in the midst of a rainy night. “I was like you once. I was an orphan before I was taken in by… a very important pony.”

“What, like a noble or something?”

Sunset thought it best not to mention her status as the former favored pupil of the princess. “Something like that. She took me in, taught me to be a powerful mage, and became my mother in all but name. She gave me everything, but somehow… it wasn’t enough. I wanted more, to the point that it led me to hurt my mother in the worst way possible. I ran away. Far away to a place where I only got worse. I mercilessly bullied a group of friends, tore them apart…” Sunset gave the filly a slight grin. “Sound familiar?”

Diamond Tiara simply listened to Sunset with wide eyes, hanging on her every word. “What happened?”

Sunset leaned forward as if to share a great secret, and whispered, “I got my butt kicked!” at Tiara’s perplexed head tilt, Sunset laughed and leaned back. “By the same group I used to bully, no less. Everything just kinda… got put into perspective since then.”

“What did you do?” asked an enraptured Diamond Tiara.

“I became friends with my former victims. Ever since, I’ve done nothing but try to be better. I won’t lie to you: it was really hard. Painful even,” Sunset rubbed the part of her stomach where she’d been stabbed by Gilda, “but now, I have a family that loves me, and the best friends anyone could ask for.”

Sunset glanced over at the discarded tiara Diamond had been scowling at earlier. Lighting up her horn, Sunset levitated up Diamond’s trademark headgear and tenderly placed it on the filly’s head. “If I can do it… so can you.”

Considering her job done, Sunset turned to leave, but Diamond Tiara went after her. “Hey, ‘Sunset’ right?” Sunset stopped to look back, and the filly smiled. “Thanks. That really did make me feel better.” Diamond’s ears suddenly stood up. “Hey! You should talk to Raspberry!”

Sunset froze. “Why?”

“To be honest, she’s the reason I’m no longer a monster. Figuratively and literally,” Diamond must have noticed the look of skepticism on Sunset’s face, as she continued. “I know her dark magic may seem scary, but she’s actually a nice pony. Talk to her. She helped me. Maybe she can help you.”

Sunset wasn’t sure what to think. Was this filly under the warlock’s influence too? Or was it possible that Raspberry wasn’t a bad pony after all? As Sunset made to respond, the pair heard a voice call out from outside.

“Diamond! You up there?” Apple Bloom called out.

With a single motion of her head, Sunset told Diamond Tiara to follow her outside. The pair emerged from the treehouse to find Apple Bloom standing on the grass below.

“Oh, there you are, Diamond!” she exclaimed, slightly out of breath from running all over the farm. “Look, about calling you-“

“Forget about it,” cut off Tiara. “We all agreed to build that thing; plus, it was our tempers doing the talking more than our brains.”

“Y’know, Ah don’t think Ah woulda believed you were capable of apologizin’ before…you know.” Apple Bloom got closer and stuck out a hoof. “Friends?”

Diamond took the offered hoof in her own. “Friends.”

Apple Bloom smiled wide as she helped her former archnemesis up. “Now, c’mon, we gotta help pick up all the apples we knocked down!”

“Okay!” eagerly agreed Diamond as the two fillies bolted off. But before disappearing into the field of trees, Diamond Tiara turned to give one last silent thanks to Sunset Shimmer.

Applejack was waiting for Sunset when the unicorn finally found her way back to the main grouping of structures on the farm.

“Ah don’t know what you told Tiara, but Ah’ve not seen that filly so happy while doin’ anything here on the farm since that one time when she was done doin’ the bunny hoppin’ durin last year’s zap apple harvestin’ season,” Applejack said, giving Sunset an appreciative smile.

Sunset shrugged. “Yeah, well, it was probably good for me, too, since it let me be more open about things I normally like to keep to myself.”

“Like how you were a total bitch before Twi set you straight?”

Sunset couldn’t help but give a raised eyebrow of annoyance in response. “Sure, be blunt about it, why don’t you?”

Applejack snickered, “Hey, just sayin’. B’sides, you ain’t caused no trouble while you’ve been in town, so Ah can’t complain about that.” Applejack then turned her gaze to the direction of the orchard. “Plus, a lot of the harvestin’ work has been cut down since the Crusaders decided to detonate that bad fertilizer by accident.”

The unicorn scrunched her nose in irritation. “Could do without that smell, though.”

The apple farmer snorted in agreement. “No argument there.”

“Oh, by the way, Diamond almost mentioned something, apparently it had something to do with Raspberry Beryl.”

“Did she now? What was it?”

Sunset shrugged. “Well, she only said part of it, something about Raspberry Beryl preventing her from becoming a monster. You know anything about that?”

Judging from Applejack’s demeanor growing sour, Sunset guessed she knew too well about it. “Ah have a lot to say about that matter, most of it angry, but Ah can’t rightly say to you what Diamond almost told you.”

That annoyed the unicorn. “What, is it like some kind of event so terrible that-“

“Sunset, Twilight told me about the…thing…you briefly turned into, so Ah know you’ll understand when Ah say this matter is something like that. Turnin’ into somethin’ where your self-control ain’t total, your body unrecognizable to yourself…tell me, that monster you turned into, would you want that to happen to anypony you know?”

“Wh-what? No, not at all!”

“Well, let’s just say somethin’ similar happened round these parts. An’ Razz put a stop t’ it. Ah don’t know what you got against Razz – oh yes, Ah figured you’ve got somethin’ goin’ on with her – but mah family can never repay her for the good she’s done for us. You should know that if you do anythin’ to hurt that mare, you’ll bring down a world o’ hurtin’ from yours truly.”

“Uh…er….” stammered Sunset, shocked at Applejack’s sudden outburst.

“Er, sorry ‘bout that,” apologized Applejack, having the courtesy to look sheepish as she rubbed the back of her neck. “If’n y’ couldn’t tell, it’s really personal.”

“And I’m sorry for putting you on the spot like that.”

“Well, now that we’re all apologizin’ and stuff, let’s crack open one of those barrels, shall we?”

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “But we haven’t-“

Applejack just laughed. “What do you think Ah’ve got the Crusaders doin’? They’ll be busy while we’re samplin’ the good stuff, and it will burn their energy so they’ll sleep easier tonight. Now, come on, Ah gotta justify openin’ up one ‘o the reserve barrels with a friend.”

Sunset would later admit that Sweet Apple Acres Reserve Cider was the best cider she’d ever had. Though, her mind lingered on the nuggets of info she’d gleamed about her mysterious dark enemy. Why is everypony so nonchalant about there being a dark magic user in their midst? It’s almost like… Sunset’s eyes widened as she realized she’d seen similar behavior before. Everypony’s indifference to Raspberry’s dark nature was exactly how her parents had acted in the face of Twily’s nightmares. They’re all under her curse, same as them!

Sunset did not sleep soundly that night.

Author's Note:

"ANFO" is short for "Ammonium Nitrate and Fuel Oil".

And that fertilizer plant explosion Sunset mentions? Just more reasons why to hate cows like Earthworm Jim; even their poop is explosive!