• Published 5th May 2014
  • 2,573 Views, 126 Comments

Dead Loyalty - Darksonickiller

Weeks ago, Rainbow Dash was murdered and now her 5 best friends are left to find her murderer. Will they ever find the culprit?

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Dead Loyalty
Chapter 5: Truth

''S-Stop! Please just stop!''

''Why? Had enough?''

Lightning Dust said with an evil smirk as she delivered one last hard punch to Rainbow's snout, making her cry out in pain as fresh blood poured freely from her nostrils.

Rainbow Dash was tied up on a chair, the ropes digging into her flesh tightly, making her limbs numb. The room she was in was made of wooden logs, and the flooring was that of oak wood planks. To the left of the room was a metal tray with medical bags of all sizes and on the one next to it lay an assortment of equally deadly tools and supplies.

Lightning Dust looked down on her, seeing her scared, bloodshot eyes meet with her golden eyes. She chuckled at how weak and pathetic she currently was. The once strong and fearless Rainbow Dash was now a scared and fearful Rainbow Dash. Her body was battered and bruised in several places, her left eye had a heavily bleeding gash beneath it and several small and large cuts around her hooves and upper body and face let her blood run freely down onto the floor.

Lighting Dust came closer to her, placing her hoof to her chin and raising her head to meet her gaze. Dash groaned and coughed lightly, letting some blood dribble out her mouth and down her lip.

''W-W-Why are you d-doing this?'' Dash croaked.

''Ha. Why am I doing this? Did you really forget the reason as to why I'm doing this? Because of you, I was banned from the Wonderbolts Academy! I lost my dream, and it is all thanks to you! Do you even know what I do for a living now? I work in the Celestia-damn weather factory! I have to repair the machines and go around checking things all week! And because of what you made me become, I'm going to do the same to you!''

''Dust, listen...''

''No! You listen! I've had enough of living like this! I hate living like this and I sure as hell hate you! You ruined my life, and I want payback!''

''It wasn't my fault, Dust! It was yours! You created that tornado, and it nearly killed my friends! If I didn't save them, they'd be dead because of you! You've only got yourself to blame!''

''Do I? You help out, remember? You helped me create that tornado!''

''Yes, I know, but even I make mistakes, and that one was helping you!''

''You know what, Rainbow? I'm actually surprised you managed to get away when you were beaten as badly as you were, but I'm gonna make sure you won't ever again...''

Lightning Dust walked towards one of the metal tables trays and looked through the assortment of tools that were spread across it. After a few moments, she came back towards Rainbow and what Dash saw made her eyes shrink to the size of pin tips.

It was a pair of hedge clippers.

''I'm going to make sure you never fly again.''

''No! DON'T!''

''Pfft. Do you hear yourself cry, Dashie? You sound like a filly who just had a lolli taken from her.''

With an evil grin, Dust moved behind Dash's back and opened the razor-sharp blades and gave them a test cut in the air, making Dash flinch a bit. She chuckled at Dash's jerky movements.

''Hehe. Say goodbye to flying, Dash!''

And with that, she placed the blades above the joint of Rainbow's wing and cut through the muscle, making Rainbow let out a blood-curdling scream as tears flowed down her face and her cut muscle bled fiercely, sending a warm feeling down Dash's side. Then Dust moved to the next joint and cut through her tissue and muscle.

Rainbow's body cringed and jolted with pain and in mere seconds, the pain was becoming too much for her to handle, and she fainted, dropping her head low and lifelessly.

''Fluttershy! Fluttershy! Please just come to the door!'' Twilight said as she pounded softly on the door of her friend's cottage.

No response. Just more weeping noises from inside.

''Fluttershy, I'm sorry! I'm not mad!''

''Leave me alone, Twilight.'' Fluttershy responded, followed by a sob.

''Fluttershy, please! I'm sorry about earlier, can we just talk?''

Within moments, Twilight heard the door unlock and open slowly, revealing a messy-maned and saddened Fluttershy on the other side. Twilight didn't say anything, but pull her into a comforting hug as she caressed her mane.

''I'm sorry, Fluttershy. I guess I let Rainbow's death get to me...I-I shouldn't of taken it out on you.''

''Its alright, Twilight. I guess its been messing with all of us. I'm sorry, too.''

''Oh, Fluttershy, you have nothing to be sorry about. Your my friend, and I'll always love you like family, no matter what happens between us.''

''I love you too, Twilight.'' Fluttershy mumbled as she snuggled into Twilight's mane.

''C'mon. I think we should go and see Applejack. Once we tell her about all of whats happened, maybe she could help us out. I'll go and get the others. I'll be back, Fluttershy.''

At Sweet Apple Acres, Fluttershy, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rarity sat together in the farmhouse in the living room. Applejack didn't know how to take in the news that she'd heard from Twilight and Fluttershy. Consequently, neither did Pinkie Pie or Rarity.

''So let me get this straight. Scootaloo now knows for true that Rainbow Dash was murdered and nopony ever found her body after it went missing because Fluttershy accidentally said something 'bout it?''

Applejack said, earning a nod from both Fluttershy and Twilight.

''Well, to be honest, girls, I dunno what all the fuss is about. Its not like its a joke or something, and I do admit its been toying with our minds since her passing. ''

''Not a joke?! Our friend is dead, Applejack! Its a very big deal. She's the Element of Loyalty, for Celestia's sake! Without her, the other Elements have no power! Its one of Equestria's most important means of defense!'' Twilight snapped at Applejack, making her etch towards the door a little bit.

''Jus' calm down, Twi. This is what I meant when I said its been toying with our minds. We need to try and hold it together before one or all of us loses their minds.''

''Pinkie? Rarity?''

''Well, I really don't see anything bad coming from Scootaloo knowing about what happened to Rainbow.''

''How about you Pinkie? Don't you have anything to say about this?''

''No, not really. The only thing I know is that we'll never see Rainbow again. She was my best friend!'' Pinkie said as she began shedding tears.

''Pinkie, I know she was your best friend, but we're just gonna have to face it and move on with our lives. We won't ever see her again, its saddening, I know, but we have to hold it together, girls. Would Rainbow want us crying over her?''

Everypony in the room shook their heads slowly in response.

''Pinkie, I know this is especially hard for you, but I think we should all do something so we all remember her forever. I think we should hold a memorial service for her. Its what she'd of wanted.''

Early morning set in Ponyville, and already awake (well partly) was Twilight Sparkle. Her mind was racing, but even though she was tired, she couldn't rest until this one got out. She paced back and forth at what she had just found out. Those feathers, those mint-green feathers. The Pegasus they belonged to was one she hadn't seen for a long time! They belonged to Lightning Dust.

''No,no,no,no! This cant be right! It just can't be!'' Twilight breathed heavily, pacing faster around her library. ''How could she do this?! Why would she do this?! Was it because she had something against Rainbow Dash?

So many horrible thoughts swam through Twilight's head, puzzling her as to why somepony such as Lightning Dust could do such a terrible thing. She knew she had to tell the others, but how would they react? How would everypony in town react to the news of the crime? The only one who she knew she could think of to tell first were her friends, but something stopped her. She could tell the princess, but what devastation would that cause? How in the world will she react to it? She was royalty, but that doesn't mean that she would actually do something about this whole situation, but yet again, maybe Twilight was just being stupid due to her lack of sleep.

She did the only thing she could do for the time being: write a letter to Princess Celestia and hope they could work something out.

Later that morning, Twilight had called all of her friends to her house, the lot of them unaware that there were in for a shock. The first thing Twilight did is tell them to take a seat and wait while she went downstairs to get something. The friends all exchanged glances, clueless as to why they were there. It wasn't normally something Twilight would ask them to do out of the ordinary. Normally it would just be individual time together to catch up on various things. Minutes later, Twilight came back upstairs with a few mint-green feathers encased in a see-through bag. Upon seeing the feathers, Fluttershy and Applejack shared an expectant look. Has she finally identified who got Rainbow?

She put them down on the table in between the six of them, and Applejack was the first to speak.

''Well?'' She asked, fixing her gaze on Twilight's. ''Whats all this about, Twilight?''

''Those feathers were brought to me by Fluttershy just after the memorial service.'' Twilight explained. ''She asked me to see if they belong to a suspect...''

''Twilight? Something wrong?'' Fluttershy asked softly.

''They um...they belong to...''

''Belong to who, Twilight?'' Rarity asked, growing slowly impatient for an answer.

''....Lightning Dust...''

The friends all let out a surprised gasp, their blood going cold at the news.

''L-Lightning Dust..?'' Fluttershy said quietly. ''She did this?''

''I'm afraid so, girls.''

''But...how could she do something like this? What does she have against Rainbow? I hope it was nothing bad...''

''Twilight, what do you suppose we do about this? We can't just let her get away with murder!'' Rarity said, anger running through her.

''Don't worry, girls. I've written a letter to Princess Celestia. I'm sure she'll send a letter back at some point. We've just gotta wait for her orders.''

Author's Note:

I know you are all waiting for another chapter, but I just had to fuse these two together. It did make a lot of sense, after all. The only thing I can say to you is sorry for the LONG wait. I've just been feeling ill lately and barely had much time to write chapters to add to the story. Hopefully you can all understand...