• Published 4th Oct 2016
  • 3,808 Views, 161 Comments

Neil - Ferrum Requiem

Neil is stranded in a strange dark forest, alone, with nothing but his school gear and knowledge of the stone age to survive.

  • ...



By Ferrum Requiem

In a knowledge vault, deep within the heart of the Great Library of Equestria in the Crystal Empire, a meeting between the Librarian Magnae of the Ordo Veritatem and a Field Scribe took place in secret.

The summoned Scribe opened the large wooden door to the meeting room. Its hinges creaked as the Scribe entered slowly. She saw the middle aged venerable Magnae standing on the stage overlooking a room filled with empty chairs surrounded by candlelight. Her horn aglow with a yellow hue, the Great Librarian scribbled her thoughts with a magical quill on the podium, whilst writing down more information on the wall spanning chalkboard behind it. The chalkboard had diagrams, measurements, and file numbers for books about the subject in question. A picture of a single planet drawn in chalk was at the center of all this activity. The Field Scribe approached the stage and sheepishly smiled. "You summoned me, Librarian Magnae?"

The Magnae looked up from behind the podium, adjusting her spectacles while looking down at the Scribe. "Ah, Field Scribe first class Glitter Mane. Please, take a seat." She motioned to one of the front row chairs.

Scribe Glitter Mane took her seat.

"Very good." The Librarian cleared her throat, stood at the podium, and levitated a wooden pointer to the chalkboard. "Scribe, you were summoned on such short notice because a pressing matter of dire urgency has presented itself to the Order."

Glitter Mane leaned forward on her chair, paying full attention to the Head Librarian.

"As you well know," the Librarian continued, "since the Great Library was founded by the first Priest King of the Empire many millennia ago, the goal of the Ordo Veritatem and the library is the acquisition of knowledge and wisdom."

"Permission to speak?" The scribe held her hoof up.


"The Order of Truth and this establishment was founded to pursue, record, and protect all knowledge and wisdom involving the universe and her mysteries." The Scribe recanted the Ordo Veritatem's sacred creed. "Through the acquisition and use of truth, all Equestrian life may embody truth and ultimately achieve unity with the universal mind."

"Very well said, Scribe." The Librarian nodded approvingly. "The issue at hoof involves this planet in a star system thousands of light cycles away from us." She pointed to the chalk drawing. "We have good reason to believe the native populous there is going through a great shift in consciousness."

"Permission to speak, Magnae?" Glitter Mane again asked, hoof raised.

"Field Scribe Glitter Mane." The Librarian pointed at her with the wooden pointer. "I would not have summoned you here personally if I did not respect your opinions. Please, speak freely when you feel the need."

Glitter Mane blushed. "Oh, um...how are we certain this is happening?"

The Magnae read her notes at the podium. "Princess Cadance had a vision the previous night of a world where its native species suffered from a great social cataclysm: wide spread famines, global wars, pestilence, corruption, immorality, to name a few. Yet, the Princess sensed a growing light within these beings. She interpreted this light as a coming shift in the state of their being, an emergence of a new knowledge. This knowledge is not born of thought, but of an evolutionary need to grow deep within them, a knowing beyond mind, if you will. This shift will give them an instinctive understanding of the mysteries of nature. With this knowledge beyond mind, they will cure their sick, end their wars, discover a means of creating a universal culture and overall better their lives as a whole."

The Librarian shrugged. "As fantastic as this sounds, the library would not consider this information worthy of investigating, since it came from a dream. However, this was a dream from an Alicorn; the depth of an Alicorn's connection with the magical energies and immutable laws of the universe is yet fully understood. Case and point, the Princess's vision also came with exact coordinates to a habitable world we have visited before. As you can see, Scribe." She pointed to the coordinates written next to the drawing of the planet. "In addition, it is not absurd to assume these beings made some mysterious contact with Princess Cadance as she slept. It is not unheard of for Alicorns to have fits of great insight from time to time; and, there is no recorded instance of these visions ever being incorrect. Again, I point out the fact her vision provided some tangible evidence. Thus, it would be foolish to brush this issue aside as simply being the product of romantic dreaming."

"You said the order had visited this world before." Glitter Mane asked, "What did we find there?"

"The last mission sent to planet 42, as it is called, was over a millennium ago." The Magnae pointed to a quote box on the chalk board next to the drawing of the planet. "A team of Scribes were sent to investigate the first planet discovered in the cosmos similar to our own, a garden world. They reported the beings living there were an evolved form of hairless apes, called Humans. They reported these beings had a respectable intellect and their wise ones held a great grasp of natural law. Although, they were primitive and in the western hemisphere a great number of bloody barbarians were ransacking the continent."

Glitter Mane cocked her head. "Barbarians? What do we know of them?"

"According to this, they were an organized militant group of many ethnicities lead by a warlord called, Alexander the Great. However, there is little more known of this world and these Humans."


"Because, whenever the Scribes approached a Human, even the comparably more civilized ones, most either attempted to eat or enslave them. Plus, the Human's culture and language was so radically alien to ours, understanding them completely was nigh impossible for the Scribe team without very complex linguistic spells, which were quite limited at the time. Naturally, the team had to abandon the mission only two weeks in. Frankly, it is impressive they managed to obtain any information at all."

"They tried to eat them?!" Glitter Mane recoiled in disgust. "Are we sure these Humans are intelligent?"

"Yes." The Magnae said matter of fact. "Remember, Scribe, intellect has little to do with moral integrity. They must go hoof and hoof through discipline of mind and soul. Without such training, they will remain fractured, like oil upon water.

"Now, if what the Princess saw is as accurate as we think, then the beings of planet 42 are entering a new stage in evolution and grow closer to the universal mind as we speak. The mere prospect of observing and recording such a rare shift of consciousness, especially on a world within our reach, is simply too lucrative for the Ordo Veritatem to ignore. It is our sacred duty to respond to this issue, immediately. Princess Cadance herself has sanctioned this operation, naturally. That is why the Order and the Great Library, indeed, all of Equestria, needs a Field Scribe to witness such an event and record it for future generations." She pointed to Glitter Mane. "That is why I summoned you, Field Scribe first class Glitter Mane; the Order needs you to take on this mission and bring home the oats, as it were." The Magnae's horn glowed and an envelope levitated to Glitter Mane encased in a yellow aura.

Glitter Mane took the envelope. "Do we know exactly when this event takes place?"

"Not an exact date, no. However, we do know it is supposed to happen within this year, about seven months. So, you must expect to live amongst the natives of planet 42 for within that period. As you wait for the event, gather as much valuable data as you can on these Humans while you live with them." She pointed at the envelope. "Speaking of which, everything we know both on planet 42 and the Humans is contained within that document. In addition, you will find your cover identity and the background of said personality."

Glitter Mane asked, "You said these beings are radically different from us-"

"Not to worry, Scribe." The Magnae answered ahead of the question. "We have long since mastered the art of discourse with xenomorphic beings. We have the spells to understand the Humans fluently now."

"And, what if they want to eat me?" The Scribe cocked her eye brow.

"Ah, I forget this is your first mission where such a problem exists." The Librarian thought to herself aloud. "This is also not an issue. The Order has sanctioned an amulet of concealment to you for this assignment. When they see you, you will appear Human. Hopefully, the Humans have since evolved beyond such debase tendencies as eating Ponies. Regardless, do not allow the Humans to see your true form, or the mission will be scuttled. Understood?"

The Field Scribe nodded. "Yes, Librarian Magnae."

"Very good. Also, if the shift does not take place within seven months, your assignment will end. Every two weeks, send a report of your findings to us via a field portal."

"A portal?" Glitter Mane answered wide eyed. "Isn't that a bit risky? Portals give off a lot of rhythmic energy. Can Humans sense such things?"

The Librarian shook her head. "The Scribes made a note the Human's had little actual magical skill to speak of; however, these reports are very old, Field Scribe. The Humans may have completely changed by now and tapped into their natural magic. Yet, only a portal has the power to reach beyond a distance of one-thousand light cycles, as you know. Regardless, you must judge the situation on your own and react accordingly." The Librarian adjusted her glasses from looking down at her notes. "Any more questions, Field Scribe?"

"No, Magnae."

"Excellent." The Magnae levitated the wooden pointer back to its resting place at the podium. "Your mission starts in one hour. Use the time to gather what you need and clear your mind." The Librarian turned from the chalkboard to scribble more notes on the podium. "Dismissed, Field Scribe."

Glitter Mane got up; but, before leaving, she asked, "Um, mom?"

The Magnae looked down from the podium. "Yes?"

"Thank you." She smiled, "For giving me this chance."

"You will do great." The Librarian smiled back. "Go with wisdom and may truth guide your steps, Scribe."

On planet Earth, near the town of Ashtabula Ohio, Neil walked up the steps to the front entrance of his High School. From the top step waved his best friend, Trisha.

"Hey, Neil!" She yelled down to him.

He waved back, finished his climb up and asked her, "Ready for your chemistry final next week?"

She answered with a chipper tone, "Yep! Professor Roseburg has something special planned for me."

"Any idea what?" Neil held the door open for her.

"Thanks!" Trisha entered the school, followed by Neil. "Actually, I have a few ideas. Mrs. Roseburg mentioned that the principal will be involved. You know what that means?"

"You're finally getting that scholarship you always wanted?" Neil turned down the hallway with her towards their lockers.

"That would be great!" She smiled. "But, I don't think it's that serious yet. No, I think they want me on the honors team."

"Honors chemistry?" Neil nodded in approval. "Yeah, I can see you leading there."

"Leading?! No way! I don't want that. I'm in it for the science, not the fame." She laughed. "Fame sucks."

"I hear that." Neil smiled and put his lunch in his locker. "Well, I guess we better get to math class early; or, our seats will get pilfered."

"What are we waiting for then?" Trisha said, taking a head start on him down the hallway.