• Published 19th Apr 2014
  • 3,041 Views, 52 Comments

Call of Pony: Zombies - ShobieShy

Our four heroes are transported to equestria with no way to escape, can they make a new non-violent life in this new pony ridden place of friendship? Or will they all share the same fate of insanity their German friend already suffers from?

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Chapter 1

"Oh my, how fascinating!" Fluttershy said in a tone of awe.

She jumped up and hovered next to the group which, to everyone's surprise, seemed to frighten Takeo a bit.

They had stopped and confronted Takeo, demanding to know his reasons for being scared by the rather adorable pegasus.

“A warrior is never scared! But fright should not be possibre for such a creature. Her rings are too small. It is… Unhory” said Takeo with a slight grimace towards Fluttershy.

The pegasus flinched at Takeo’s words, then dropped and hid behind her mane at the look he gave her.

“Oh, I-I’m sorry. M-my wings are smaller than a n-normal pony’s b-but my friends all told me it wasn’t that noticeable.” Fluttershy said, beginning to tear up.

“Good job ‘Mighty Warrior’, you made girl cry. So honorable...” The Russian said in the most sarcastic tone he could muster in his drunken state.

Takeo gave him a look of pure hatred. “You know nothing of honor, Russian!”

Nikolai just rolled his eyes and reached for his non-existant bottle of vodka. Upon feeling nothing there he just groaned and looked towards the still weeping pegasus.

“We almost there?” Nikolai asked in a rushed tone.

The butter-colored mare just hid further in her mane and continued sobbing. “I c-can’t believe my f-friends lied to me like that...” she said.

“Hey there, remember we aren’t from here.” Dempsey said kneeling down and reaching an arm around her comforting her. She pressed into his side as he continued. “Tak just means that in our world there are different physics it seems, when it comes to flight.

“I’m sure it isn’t noticable by pegasi standards, it’s just different to us.” Dempsey finished smiling down at her.

Fluttershy stopped shaking and took a deep breath, looking up at him. She smiled and nuzzled his side.

“Alright, now can you please take us to the bar so we can get Nikolai some vodka?” Dempsey asked as he rose, much to the mare’s dismay.

Nikolai looked at her with pleading eyes.

“Sure, let’s go!” she said walking towards where she knew the town was.

They came up to the top of a small hill with a sign that read “Ponyville City Limit”.

“Here we are, the bar is right there in the town square.” Fluttershy stated happily. “I’ll show you there just so you don’t scare everypony.”

“Ponyville? Everypony? Ah, ze puns are so wunderbar!” screamed the insane doctor.

Fluttershy flinched a little at Richtofen’s sudden outburst then continued forward a few steps before stopping.

“Oh, my. You’re new, I forgot.” Fluttershy said turning around to face them. “Brace yourself for impact when you step forward, I-I mean if thats okay with you.” The yellow mare trotted away a bit then covered her face with her hooves.

The four looked at each other, then around at the environment. Seeing nothing suspicious Nikolai stepped his right foot into the city limit. Then came the left foot stepping next to it. The Russian shrugged then yelled as he ran towards the town.

“FOR VODKA!” Nikolai shouted as he ran towards his alcoholic target.

Then out of nowhere he was tackled to the ground and pinned by a pink ball of energy.

“Oh my gosh you’re new here I have to throw you a welcome to Ponyville Nikolai party oh my gosh you have friends I need to throw them all a welcome to Ponyville Takeo party and a welcome to Ponyville Tank party and how could I forget the genius himself Edward Richtofen I need to throw a Welcome to Ponyville Eddy party!” she took a large 5 second inhale and smiled down at Nikolai. All everyone could do was stare at the pink pony.

“Get off of me thing! You’re too hyper! Like seventh wife… Ugh, I need a drink.” Nikolai said tossing her off of him and dusting himself off.

Pinkie’s mane deflated a little, but poofed up in less than a second. “Well why didn’t you just say so silly?” She said, grabbing a bottle of Everfree brand vodka out of her mane and handing it to the Russian. He gave her a look of question, then quickly took the bottle and drank down half of it. He sighed and smiled as he looked towards the pink pony.

“I like you, you cool with me.” He said downing another swig of the odd tasting vodka. “Tastes different, but it is vodka so I don’t care!”

Fluttershy then walked over from where she was hiding. She looked Nikolai up and down, checking for any injuries. “Good to see you didn’t get hurt.” She then looked over to Pinkie, who was smiling at her new alien friends. “You don’t have to tackle every new pony who comes into town.”

“I know Shy, but I’m just so happy that I get to make new friends!” Pinkie said.

“Now zat Nikolai has his drink, ve should figure out how ve got here und how to get back.” said Richtofen.

“Twilight should be able to help! She’s smart like that!” said the hyperactive party pony.

“Wunderbar, take us to zis ‘Twilight’.” said the doctor.

As the group traveled through Ponyville, they received numerous stares, gasps, parents shielding their children, and even a mint green stalker. Dempsey wanted to thank that creme colored mare with the dark blue and pink mane who finally dragged her away.

They arrived at a giant tree with windows and a small door in front.

“Here we are! Now, I have to go plan you guys’ parties, bye!” Pinkie said bouncing off into town.

Fluttershy trotted up to the door and knocked lightly a few times. After a few more tries, Dempsey stepped up and knocked firmly on the rather small door, scaring Fluttershy a little.

The door opened and a small purple and green creature stepped into the doorway.

“Huh, Fluttershy? What are you doing here so late?” he asked looking up and spotting the four humans. His eyes went wide and he slammed the door shut. Fluttershy jumped back and tripped over Dempsey’s foot, falling on the ground with a thump.

The door opened up again, this time a purple pony appeared in the doorway. She was looking back into the tree.

“Spike it’s rude to slam doors in pony’s faces! And why are you so jumpy?” she told the creature who presumably was named ‘Spike’. The purple pony turned and saw the pegasus recovering from her fall. “Sorry about that Fluttershy.” she said sheepishly.

“It’s okay Twilight, I can understand him being scared by my new friends.” Fluttershy said with a smile.

Twilight looked at the pegasus in question then noticed the four figures standing behind her. Her eyes also widened as she leaned in toward Fluttershy and whispered. “What are they exactly?”

“They’re harmless humans.” Fluttershy stated with a smile. “And they can speak for themselves. Um, may we come in? If thats okay with you I mean.”

Twilight looked a bit more calm and nodded. The six of them entered the library. “Well, make yourselves at home I guess. Would any of you like something to drink?” Twilight asked.

“Vodka?” Nikolai asked hopefully.

“I sink ve are all good, sanks anyvay.” Richtofen answered.

The six of them sat in the main room of the library. Nikolai fiddled with his empty Everfree bottle, spinning it, and pretending it was Takeo and making it die in interesting ways. While Richtofen sat between him and Takeo, Fluttershy sat to Dempsey's right. Twilight sat on the other side of the table with Spike, staring at the four humans before her.

“So, what are your names?” Twilight asked.

“My name is Tank Dempsey, U.S Marine and total bada- ahem, awesome guy.” Dempsey pointed to the Russian next to him. “That’s Nikolai Belinski, Soviet soldier and alcoholic.” Nikolai grunted and continued to spin his bottle. Tank then moved his finger to the German. “That is Dr. Edward Richtofen, German scientist working with...” Dempsey snapped his fingers trying to remember.

“Element 115.” Richtofen finished.

“That.” Dempsey continued onward to the Asian. “This guy is Takeo Masaki, Japanese warrior and he kicks a- butt.” Dempsey was getting tired of censoring himself.

“Is there a particular reason you’re here?” Twilight asked.

“Ve vere told by ze pink pony zat you might be able to help figure out vhy ve are here.” Richtofen started. “You see, I built a short range teleporter und ve vere teleporting from ze mainframe to ze receiver visout problems. But zen somesing happened on our last teleport und ve ended up here.”

When Richtofen finished, Nikolai shifted uncomfortably for a few seconds before speaking up. “Um, guys” the Russian began. Everyone looked at him. “You know how that crawler made me drop vodka? Well I kinda dropped it… On the teleporter.” He looked around a bit before continuing. “There were a lot of sparks and stuff, and I think that bottle was almost full.”

“Dammit Nikolai you shtupid drunk! Visout a vorking receiver it vill be impossible to go back!” Richtofen shouted.

Fluttershy hid behind Dempsey as the German stood up and raised his hand at the drunk Russian. Richtofen then closed his eyes and took a deep breath, lowering his hand, and turning towards Twilight.

“Do you mind if I browse ze library? Reading alvays helps me calm down.” he asked.

Twilight shook her head. “Not at all, it’s nice to have someone else here who likes to read as much as me.”

Fluttershy rose from behind the Marine. “Is it over?” she asked.

“Yeah, Richtofen went to read.” Dempsey responded.

“Oh, you don’t have anyplace to stay do you?” Twilight asked.

Dempsey, Nikolai and Takeo simultaneously shook their heads.

“Well, you can stay here until you can find something a bit more permanent.” Twilight said.

“Thank you, we promise not to be too much of a bother” Dempsey said, then looked to Nikolai. “Well, I can’t speak for all of us.”

“Oh, my, it is really late. I should probably head home.” She then stood up and proceeded towards the door before stopping and turning to Twilight. “Good night Twilight, see you tomorrow.”

Twilight waved her hoof in goodbye.

“Oh, um, Tank, I have a spare bedroom you can use, if you want.” Fluttershy offered.

“No thanks, I’m good here. Good night Fluttershy.” Dempsey waved goodbye.

“Night Tank.” Fluttershy turned and walked out the door.

Twilight turned to the three humans sitting at her living room table. “I’ll throw down a few blankets and pillows from upstairs.” she said.

When all of them were ready to sleep, Twilight magically turned out the lights. “Good night.” she called from upstairs. But the only response she got were the snores of four people sound asleep. With the addition of the little baby dragon’s snores. She then crawled into her bed and fell asleep almost as fast as the rest of them.

Author's Note:

Again, any help finding spelling and/or grammatical errors would be much appreciated. :)