• Published 19th Apr 2014
  • 1,376 Views, 61 Comments

Woe And Cornettos - Br0nyb0y123

The three protagonists from The Three Flavors Cornetto Trilogy end up in Equestria. Prepare for madness, ponies

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Chapter 5: The Iron Hotel

"No, get the hell off my land!" Big Mac shouted at our heroes.

"Listen, mate. Calm down, your sister said we can stay at the tree-house for the night and.." Nicolas began.

"I don't care if....wait, how do ya know my sister?" Big Mac asked.

Gary shrugged, "We just chatted I guess? Besides, you shouldn't hurt me, I'm a King"

Nicolas closed his eyes tight, slightly aggravated by Gary's so-called "King-hood",

"A King? King of what? I've never heard of you before" Big Mac told him.

"Well, I'm King of.." Gary began.

"He's King of the Humans, big brother" A southern female interrupted Gary, it was Applejack.

Applejack went over towards her brother and our three heroes,

"Oh thank fuck. Applejack, tell your brother you let us stay in the tree-house" Shaun said.

"Is this true, Applejack?" Big Mac asked his sister.

"Yes, I was going to tell you later, Big MacIntosh, but I guess I left it a 'lil too late" Applejack replied.

"Great, we're all happy. Now, Applejack, is it possible we can get more ci-" Gary started.

"Sorry, Your Grace, but you have to go" Applejack told our heroes.

"What?!" Shaun, Nicolas and Gary all questioned in unison.

"That noise was absolutely terrifying, you said it was wooden dogs?" Applejack asked.

"Yes" Gary replied.

"Those were Timberwolves. Now, I don't know what that noise was back there, and I don't want to know, but the kids were scared and it seems dangerous for you to be sleeping in the tree-house" Applejack told them.

"But they won't be able to get us up there" Shaun said, "Won't they?"

"Some of them are good climbers" Big Mac told him.

"We can't risk it" Applejack said, "Ya'll need to find somewhere else to stay, I'm sorry"

Our heroes were defeated. Not in combat by timberwolves, but were defeated by words, by a pony, a talking pony. Seriously, your humble narrator cannot stress this enough, Nicolas Angel was talked down by a freaking pony! But I'm sorry, your humble narrator is losing track. As our heroes stood there, with their blood still pumping from the fight with the stick canines, they realized that they once again had no place to sleep and no alcohol,

"Well, thanks for your hospitality, Applejack" Nicolas nodded.

"And for letting us stay in the tree-house" Shaun added.

"And the cider" Gary finished.

"You're welcome, Your Grace, and fellow disciples" Applejack replied.

Our three heroes walked away, as they approached the dirt path that led back to Ponyville, our heroes were in fact being observed, not by Applejack or Big MacIntosh, but by three little fillies back at the house,

"Hmm" pondered little Applebloom as she watched the trio walk away.

"I wonder what beings they are?" Sweetie Belle squeaked.

"I did hear Applejack call one of them 'King of the Humans'" Applebloom replied.

"The Who-men?" Scootaloo asked.

"No, the Hu-mans" Applebloom corrected her Pegasus friend.

"We should help them, I think" Sweetie Belle said, "They were just wanting a few bottles of cider"

"We can't sneak out at this time" Applebloom told her friend.

"When has that ever stopped us from going out after curfew before?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Yeah, c'mon Applebloom" Scootaloo said.

Applebloom gasped with an idea, "Cutie Mark Crusaders Human Helpers!"

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo burst with excitement,

"That's a great idea" Scootaloo said.

"I'm in" Sweetie Belle added.

"Okay then, girls, here's the plan..." Applebloom began.

Shaun, Nicolas and Gary walked along the dirt paths of Ponyville. Thinking of a place where they could stay, that tree-house was their only good option and now they had nowhere to go,

"We can't go into a hotel, because we have no money" Nicolas said.

"We can't go back to the tree-house because of the timberwolves" Shaun added.

"And worst of all..." Gary began.

"...We have no cider" The trio spoke in unison.

They continued to walk on the dark streets of Ponyville, they were bored, tired and thirsty. They walked in circles around the town, thinking of a place where they could sleep,

"We could try sleep in a large dumpster" Shaun optioned.

"Why?" Nicolas asked.

"Well, back in London. There was these big massive dumpster bins, they were full of foam rubber so it was comfortable to sleep in" Shaun told him.

"Nicolas, it really does seem like our best option, come one, when was the last time any of you have slept in a nice bed?" Gary asked.

Shaun and Nicolas stayed silent after Gary asked that, and it was true, they haven't slept in a bed in fuck knows how long, they couldn't think of a time when they slept in a comfortable bed,

"I thought so" Gary said.

"Bollocks, guess we'll just have to find a bin then" Nicolas sulked.

And so, our heroes scoured to find the last thing they would have think to find, a dumpster bin. It took them a good five minutes before they were able to find a dumpster to sleep in, they found one at the back of a bowling alley/pizzeria. The dumpster they found was about eight feet long and about five feet high, and it's breadth was also five feet,

"Well, at least it's big" Gary shrugged, feeling optimistic about sleeping in it.

"It's still a dumpster" Nicolas replied.

"Oh come on, Nicolas. It could be comfortable" Shaun said.

Gary went over to the dumpster and opened the lid to it, and inside, it strangely smelt of something tasty,

"Well, fuck me" Gary uttered.

"What is it?" Shaun asked.

Gary dug deeper into the dumpster and then pulled out a flat box,

"This. It's fucking pizza" Gary told them.

"Put that back, Gary. It's probably ro-" Nicolas began before Gary opened the box, to reveal the pizza was fresh.

"Rotten, you say, Nicolas?" Gary started, "I think not, this is a fresh pizza, topped with cheese, there's about five more boxes in there"

Shaun jumped right to the opportunity and dived into the dumpster and got himself a pizza box,

"I guess this is tea for the time being" Shaun said as he took a slice of pizza from the box.

"Why is there just fresh pizza lying in a dumpster?" Nicolas asked to himself.

"Well, it could be prank calls that happened and they just chucked them in the bin after they found they were prank calls" Gary answered his question.

"Can I get a slice, mate?" Nicolas asked him.

"Sure thing" Gary replied.

After our heroes stomached a hearty feast of cheese pizza, they were now all, lying inside the dumpster, trying to get to sleep, but despite some comfortable trash bags they were using as pillows, they still couldn't sleep due to the sharp metal and glass pieces they had to lie on,

"This is bollocks, man" Shaun uttered.

"You're telling me" Gary replied.

"At least the tree-house didn't have sharp objects poking at you" Shaun moaned.

"You're right" Gary said.

"Lads, just try to sleep through it, think about it, we've slept on worse thing" Nicolas told them.

"True" Gary and Shaun said at the same time.

"Right, night guys" Nicolas said.

"Night mates" Gary added.

"Night lads" Shaun finished.

The three rested in the dumpster, they all closed their eyes and began to try to sleep.......right before they heard a knock at the metal of the bin,

"Bloody hell, who's that?" Shaun asked.

"I'll check" Gary told him.

Gary popped his head out the top of the bin, saw who it was who was knocking on the bin, it was the police. Gary went back inside and told his "disciples",

"Em...guys, it's the police"

"What?" Nicolas questioned.

"It's the police" Gary told him again.

"Hello?" The police pony called from outside the bin, "Can you three step out please?"

"Bollocks" Shaun and Gary simultaneously said.

The trio all hopped out of the bin and then Nicolas asked,

"What seems to be the problem, officer?"

"We've heard some complaints from residents about three beings causing a racket over here. Sorry but we need to take you guys in" the officer told them.

"Maybe we can get to sleep in jail?" Gary whispered to his friends.

"What?" Nicolas quietly replied.

"Think about it, it's either sharp objects poking us, or a roof over our heads" Gary told him.

Nicolas and Shaun thought about that, and actually agreed with Gary, the two then glanced at each other, gave a slight nod in agreement. Then the trio all held out their wrists,

"Cuff us" Nicolas ordered.

"What? You guys aren't going to jail" the officer said.

The three looked at him in confusion,

"Then where are we going?" Gary asked.

"A fucking pet pound!" Gary exclaimed.

"Well, you guys aren't ponies, you're animals pretty much, we'll keep you here until we know what to do with you" the officer said before exiting with one of the pound's employees.

"Wait, get back" Gary said.

"Forget it Gary" Shaun told him.

"Yeah mate, get some sleep" Nicolas added.

"But the fucking dogs" Gary replied, talking about the dogs in there, continuously barking.

"Try then" Nicolas said before laying down on the ground.

Shaun laid on the ground as well. Gary sat at a chain fence door, listening to the sounds of dogs and inhaling the smell of shit. He sat there, annoyed at the sounds of the barking animals and then he also laid down and tried to go to sleep, right before he and his friends heard a clanging on the bar windows,

"What the fuck is it now?" Gary asked aggravated.

"Don't know. Let's check" Nicolas replied.

"Fuck's sake" Gary exclaimed.

And so, our three heroes got up, then went over to the bar window and pulled themselves up to see what was making the clanging, they all then saw, three little fillies outside their "cell", if you could call it that,

"Hey, Your Highness" Applebloom called on Gary, "We got you and your friends some cider"

"What? Wait aren't you Applejack's sister?" Gary asked.

"Yeah, me and my friends thought we would help you escape" Applebloom told them.

Our heroes hung from the bars, thinking of what plan of action they want to take. Will they agree to escape? Or will they get some sleep first? And when will Gary soon get peace? Your humble narrator promises it will be soon, I've never gone back on my word, except from that one time in Yugoslavia when I promised Kate Beckinsa-

Well, you don't need to know about what happened back there. This is Shaun, Nicolas and Gary's story, not mine. And we will see more of our beloved heroes soon, and we might get a surprise appearance from a certain character(s) about three chapters time.

Author's Note:

Fun Fact: Every time I write a chapter to this story, one of the Cornetto movies will always be playing in the background.