• Published 18th Apr 2014
  • 9,776 Views, 403 Comments

Wings, a Horn and Hooves - Autum Breeze

Lyra and Bon-Bon love each other, but being both mares, they can't have children. one night, they are given the chance to be mothers

  • ...

Chapter 5 - A New Family

Chapter 5

A New Family


“Well, looks like we’re finally free of that flightless Pegasus.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle turned at the sound of the taunting voice of the worst Earth Pony to ever walk on the face of Equus, Diamond Tiara as she and Silver Spoon walked towards them, large sneers on their faces.

It was recess and all the fillies and colts had run out of the classroom to have fun before having to return to their school work.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle had sat near the gate and had been discussing why Scootaloo hadn’t come to school and why Bon-Bon of all ponies had come to talk with Miss Cheerilee about something that had made their teacher cry.

However, their discussion was now on hold, since they had to deal with the gruesome twosome of Ponyville Elementary.

“About time,” Silver Spoon said, glancing at Diamond before leering at the two other ponies. “The less useless blank flanks around here the better.”

“Shut it, you two!” Apple Bloom snorted, facing the two like Applejack would a stampede of... well, anything. “Ya’ll got no right ta say tha’ ’bout Scoots. Something really bad’s happened.”

Silver Spoon huffed. “Like anything bad happened to her that we could care about, right, Diamond Tiara?”

The pink Earth filly nodded. “What could possibly be bad about her not being here? She probably just ditched school to go hang with the pigs, where she belongs.”

“Something bad did happen!” Sweetie snapped, glaring at them. “Didn’t you see how sad Miss Cheerilee was when she came back from talking with Bon-Bon?”

Tiara glanced at Silver, an eyebrow raised in genuine confusion. “She was sad?”

“What’s she gotta be sad about?” Silver shook her head. “With that blank flank gone it’s one less hassle.”

“Scoots is in really big trouble!” Apple Bloom said, her rage barely being kept from showing.

Tiara smirked. “Oh, really? What’d she do this time, smash into another grocery cart while flying?” She emphasized the last word with gleeful malice.

“Ya’ll didn’a see Cheerilee’s face as she was talkin’ ta Bon-Bon!” Apple Bloom almost shouted. “She had tears streamin’ down her face! Something bad has happened ta Scoots. Ya’ll have no right in makin’ fun o’ her!”

“An’ if my big thithter wath the one t’ tell Mith Cheerilee, it mutht be real bad!”

The two snotty Earth Ponies whirled around to see a very angry Twist standing behind them, her nostrils flaring.

“My big tithter has never, never looked tho upthet before. Not even when our grandma died! If the wath tho clothe to breaking down jutht talking to Mith Cheerilee, it’th thomething really, really bad.”

The freckle-faced Earth Pony stomped towards the two and they started backing away, before realizing that Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were blocking them in that direction.

“Whatever my thithter came to tell the teacher, you have no right to thpeak.” She pointed a hoof away, towards a tree. “Go and don’t thpeak about thtuff you don’t underthtand.”

“How dare you?” Diamond said angrily. “My daddy could have your sister fired in a... a... wait. Sister?”

Twist nodded. “Bon-Bon ith my big thithter. You gotta problem with that?”

Tiara and Spoon’s faces went pale and they hurried off, not looking back.

Twist walked towards her two friends, both of whom had shocked expression.

“Is that true, Twist?” Sweetie Belle asked, her eyes wide. “Bon-Bon is really you big sister?”

Twist scratched behind her neck. “Well, thep-thithter, really? Her mother married my dad when I wath jutht a foal. But the’th been my thithter for ath long ath I can remember, tho I don’t think about the thtep thing.”

Both the unicorn and farm filly turned to each other, saying “Whoa!” in unison.

“After thchool, let’th go to my thither’th houthe. Myabe we can find out what’th happening from her.”

“Why not stop by her shop?” Sweetie Belle suggested. “It’s closer and we can follow her there.”

Apple Bloom nodded. “Sounds like a great idea, Sweetie. We’ll do it, right after school.”


Bon-Bon sighed as she moved the sherbet lemons to another shelf. The last batch had gone a bit stale, so she couldn’t sell them.

However, her mind was far away from thoughts of any type of candy. They were on her new daughter and all the pain that poor filly had already been through.

After her own father had died, Bon-Bon hadn’t wanted to talk with anypony, even her mother and when her mother remarried, she’d felt like her mother was trying to replace her dad, so Bon-Bon didn’t speak for days after, even refused to eat at the same table with them, waiting until after they'd finished their meals before she'd go and sit to eat her own.

That was until, on the third day after the wedding, she noticed the sound of crying.

She’d followed the sound to a nursery with candy designs. The walls were papered with candy canes backgrounded by pink, the floor was padded, with sugar drops designs and the crib in the centre was covered in all sorts of candy patterns.

She knew her mother hadn’t been pregnant, so it must have been the foal of her step-father. She refused to call him “father” or “dad”, even in her mind.

She walked hesitantly over to the crib and looked in. Inside was a small Earth Pony foal with a white coat and bright red hair and a freckled face.

As soon as she was within view, the foal stopped crying and looked at her with big bright pink eyes.

Bon-Bon couldn’t help but smile, to which the foal smiled a big, toothless smile back.

The young mare had leaned in and nuzzled the small foal, who cooed and gurgled happily in response.

She’d learned shortly after that this was her new sister, Twist. Her mother had died giving birth to her, so Twist had never gotten to know her birth mother.

Upon hearing this, Bon-Bon had felt guilty for how selfish she’d been about her mother remarrying. Her remarrying had given little Twist a mother, something she’d never had before; from the very moment she’d been born.

After that, Bon-Bon had loved her little sister like any big sister would. In fact, years later, it was while Twist had been helping Bon-Bon make a new batch of candy for the store that Twist had gotten her Cutie Mark.

Bon-Bon was pulled from her reverie of memories by the sound of the store bell tinkling.

Knowing her sister, and since school would be out by now, Bon-Bon wasn’t surprised when she turned around to find Twist walking into the store. What did surprise her were the two fillies following her. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

She hadn’t expected those two to come for a while. They normally only came when they were with...

Bon-Bon’s heart sank as she realized why they had come and lowered her eyes to hide the tears. They wanted to know why Scootaloo hadn’t been in school and Twist must have suspected that her big sister had something to do with it, since she’d come to the school.

Twist walked up to the counter, a worried expression on her face.

“Thith?” she asked with her usual lisp. “Thootaloo didn’t come to thchool today. And why were you talking with Mith Cheerilee. Do you know thomething about thith?”

Bon-Bon looked away, not wanting to meet her sister or her sister’s friends’ eyes.

“I... I shouldn’t be the one to tell you, Twisty,” she said softly.

“Did somethin’ bad happen to her?” Apple Bloom’s voice was loud as she ran to the counter. “Please don’ tell me she is in any trouble?!”

“Please, Bon-Bon?” Sweetie Belle asked, giving her puppy dog eyes. “We’re really worried. If something bad happened to Scoots, we wanna know about it.”

The older mare turned to her shelves so they couldn’t see her tears. “Wh-what...? What makes you think I’d know anything about it?”

She didn’t like how this was going. She knew her sister and the two fillies were Scootaloo’s best friends, but this was something only Scootaloo should tell them. Sure, she and Lyra were her mothers now, but this was something personal to Scootaloo and she didn’t feel right telling anypony about it without asking her first.

“Cuz you an’ Lyra were the ones tha’ picked her up, yesterday,” Apple Bloom stated firmly. “Ya’ll were the last ones ta see ’er. What happened after ya took her away.”

“Thith?” She turned to see tears in Twist’s eyes. “Do you know thomething? What’th going on?”

Bon-Bon sighed. She’d never been able to resist when her sister was like this.

“Okay,” she said quietly, barely a whisper. “Wait a few minutes. Once I’m finished here, I’ll take you all to see Scootaloo.”

The three fillies looked at each other, both with excitement at finding out what was going on with Scootaloo, and worry from Bon-Bon’s reaction.


Scootaloo sat on the couch, looking outside at the rain. It had started a few minutes ago. The weather pegasi were sending a downpour down now, since they’d missed two showers and were planning on getting it all out now so there’d be clear skies over the next couple days.

She watched as the rain poured outside, hitting the windows of her new home at regular intervals.

Her home. It was still hard to believe she was even able to think those words. She had a home. After so many months of living on her own, she had a home.

When her aunt had gone into hospital, she’d been put in a foster home til she got better, or so the doctors had put it. But the family she’d stayed with didn’t really want her there and, to be perfectly honest, she hadn’t wanted to be there either.

So, she’d gone at it alone. She could’ve asked one of her friends, but she hadn’t felt right about it. It was something she’d had to burden and didn’t want to force that on her friends.

Now, however, that wasn’t the case. Her aunt was gone and she’d never be coming back.

Scootaloo touched the necklace around her neck, her hoof resting on one of the feathers. They were her aunt’s pinfeathers. Pegasi only gave these to those they wanted to be with or...

Tears slid down her face. The moment she’d seen the feathers, she knew it was too late. Her aunt wasn’t going to get better.

The sound of Lyra getting something for them to eat snapped her back to the present and a tiny smile managed to appear on her face.

She had a home again. Not only that, she had two loving mothers.

I know I should just say I’m happy, but please watch over me, Auntie Lofty, she thought, looking back out at the cloud-covered sky. Mom, Dad, Aunt Holiday. I miss you all. But I won’t let that hold me down. Heh, or I’ll try, anyway. You know me: tough on the outside, absolute mush on the inside.

She felt a hoof on her shoulder and looked around to see Lyra, giving a sad smile.

“You okay, kiddo?” she asked, though she clearly knew Scooaloo was far from it.

The Pegasus turned and hugged her unicorn mother, not wanting to let go. She’d lost too much already. She didn’t want to lose anymore.

The door banged open, indicating Bon-Bon had returned early from work.

“Guess the storm’s too heavy for anypony to go to the store,” Lyra said as she released Scootaloo and the two of them headed for the front door. “At least it means we both get to spend some time together...”

She trailed off as they saw Bon-Bon wasn’t as soaked as she should be. There was a green magical aura surrounding her and three smaller ponies that were around her.

Scootaloo went rigid at the sight of her three friends, all of whom were staring at her, wide-eyed.

A second later, the Pegasus was pulled into a huge hug by the three fillies, all shouting how happy they were to see her and that she was okay.

“Of course I’m okay,” the confused filly said, pulling away slightly so she could breathe properly. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Bon-Bon said they took you to the hospital last night!” Sweetie Belle squeaked.

Scootaloo turned to Bon-Bon, hurt she’d told without asking.

Lyra glared at Bon-Bon.

The Earth mare looked down. “Sorry. It just slipped out.”

Scootaloo looked down. “What did she tell you?”

Apple Bloom shook her head. “Nothin’ really. She said they took ya ta the hospital, but nothin’ else.”

Scootaloo gave a small smile to Bon-Bon, letting her know she was forgiven, since she hadn’t told them anything but that.

“What happened, Thcootaloo?” Twist asked, looking very worried. “Were you thick or thomething? Why didn’t you tell uth? We'd’ve helped.”

Scootaloo shook her head. “We didn’t go to the hospital because something had happened to me.” She paused, before going on, taking a deep breath. “It was my aunt.”

“Lofty?” Apple Bloom asked, her ears drooping. “Wha’ happened?”

Scootaloo looked away. “She... She had cancer. It was pretty bad.”

Sweetie blinked. “She had cancer? Is...? Is she okay now? Did she get better?”

Scootaloo said nothing, just looked at the floor.

Lyra walked over and put a leg around Scootaloo, who buried herself into the unicorn.

Lyra sighed. “No, girls. She didn’t get better.”

Apple Bloom had gone pale. “Ya... Ya don’ mean...?”

Sweetie Belle looked at Apple Bloom, her lips quivering. “Don’t mean what?”

Bon-Bon sighed and nodded to Lyra, who looked down at Scootaloo and felt her nod into her fur.

“She... she didn’t make it, girls,” she said quietly. “Last night... Lofty passed away.”

A dead silence filled the room as the words she’d spoken sunk into the three fillies’ minds. It sunk more into Scootaloo’s mind as well. Hearing it from Lyra somehow made it seem more real. Like, if she’d pretended last night hadn’t happened, she could pretend her aunt just went away to another hospital.

Now, however, she couldn’t do that. It was all too real and her tears dampened Lyra’s fur.

“Who...? Who’s gonna look after Scoots now, then?” Apple Bloom asked, looking down. “Ah ain’t never seen her parents. Or any member of her family, really?”

Bon-Bon shook her head. “Scootlaoo doesn’t have any other family, girls,” she said solemnly. “Her father’s side of the family moved away a long time ago and nopony knows where they went. And Lofty was the last known living member of her mother’s family.”

“Then... what’s going to happen to Scootaloo?” Sweetie Belle squeaked, tears streaming down her muzzle. “She won’t have to go away, will she?”

Lyra shook her head. “No. She’s staying right here, in Ponyville. And, no, she won’t be going to the orphanage either.”

Twist looked both worried and confused. “Then, where’th the gonna go?”

Lyra gave a small, warm smile. “Before she passed, Lofty, Bonny and I talked. We talked about Scootaloo. She signed some papers and gave us the legal right to adopt her.”

Twist blinked, her worried turning to shock. “You and... you and my thithter are gonna be her momth?”

Lyra nodded and could feel Scootaloo giving a smile into her fur. “Yes. Yes, we are. She’s our daughter now.”

Twist turned to her older sister. “Doeth that mean... what I think it meanth? Thcootth ith...?”

Bon-Bon nodded. “Scootaloo’s a part of our family. You’re an aunt, Twisty. Her aunt.”

All for fillies’ eyes went wide, Scootaloo looking up at Lyra.

“Is... Is she right?” she asked, shaking ever so slightly.

Lyra nodded. “We’re both your mothers and since I’m married to Bonny, her family are my family. And, since Twist is her little sister, that makes her your aunt and you her niece.”

Scootaloo looked dumbstruck.

“I’m... an aunt?” Twist asked, her mouth gapping. “But... I’m not even a teenager yet.”

Bon-Bon chuckled, pulling her little sister into a one legged hug. “You don’t have to be an adult to become an aunt, or in a colt’s case, an uncle. If you have a sister or brother that becomes a parent, you still become an aunt or uncle. In your case, you’ve become Scootaloo’s aunt.”

Both fillies stared at each other, their eyes as wide as saucepans.

Suddenly, they both screamed, ran at each other and embraced one another in a hug.

Lyra looked at Bon-Bon and they both smiled. After what Scootaloo had been through, this was a good thing. Probably some of the best news the poor filly had had in a long time.

Soon, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were part of the hug too, all four fillies jumping up and down as they held the hug, squealing with glee.

Lyra turned away from the happy scene in front of her and looked out at the pouring rain through the window.

She frowned. “I’m not sure you girls will be able to get home in this weather,” she said, noticing that it had also started hailing slightly.

“But, what’ll we do then?” Sweetie Belle asked, looking anxious. “Rarity will freak when I don’t come home.”

Lyra put a hoof to her chin, thinking. “It might be hard, but I should be able to send messages to your families, letting them know you’re all safe.”

Apple Bloom blinked, raising an eyebrow. “Ya can? How?”

Lyra smirked. “Did Princess Twilight Sparkle ever tell you that she and I both went to Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns?”

All four fillies’ mouths dropped open.

“Seriously?” Scootaloo gaped. Her new mother had gone to the same school as a princess? No way.

Lyra nodded. “Seriously. And I studied message teleportation there a lot, since she always sent messages via Spike’s dragon flame and I had to find a way to respond.”

All the fillies were staring, wide eyed.

“Wait...” Sweetie said, thinking. “If we can’t go home tonight, we’re stuck here. And if Scootaloo lives here now... and we’re staying over the night...”

The fillies all wore wide grins and shouted, “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS SLEEPOVER AT SCOOTALOO’S HOUSE! Yay!”

The unicorn mare chuckled and turned to her wife, who nodded, having already taken some paper and a pencil out from a draw.

“Now,” Lyra asked, turning to the four fillies, “what should I write?”


Several minutes later, three letters had been written and placed in envelopes. The four fillies watched in awe as Lyra lit her horn, enveloping the three letters in her golden aura, her face scrunched up as she focused her magic.

Suddenly the three envelopes in her aura caught alight, turned into golden smoke and floated away, passing through the walls.

“There,” Lyra gasped, wobbling as she breathed deeply, as if she’d just run a marathon. “The letters should arrive at your homes in a few minutes.”

“That was cool!” Apple Bloom bounced, grinning from ear to ear. “Can ya show us some more magic?”

Lyra chuckled weakly. “Maybe in a few hours. Right now, I’m kinda...”

She collapsed on the floor, panting. She’d forgotten just how much effort it took to send messages like that. She was also severely out of practice. She hadn’t used that spell since she and Twilight had left Canterlot and come to Ponyville.

“Lyra!” Bon-Bon shouted, running over.

“Mom!” Scootaloo shouted at the same time, her and the other fillies hurrying to the unicorn’s side.

“I’m okay,” she said weakly. “Just used too much magic at once. I’m not an alicorn, like Twilight. She could’ve sent a thousand letters at once and still not felt tired. Us normal unicorn’s don’t have that kinda luxury.”

Lyra let Bon-Bon help her up. Despite her exhaustion from the overuse of magic, she was smiling. Scootaloo had just called her “Mom” without a second thought and that made her happier than she could ever express.

Bon-Bon helped Lyra onto the couch, where she lay, her eyes drooping, her body begging her to take a small nap.

“Well, while Lyra’s regaining her strength,” Bon-Bon said, shaking her head as she smiled, “I’ll go get dinner started. Will you girls be okay on your own?”

Scootaloo nodded, giving a small salute. “Don’t worry Bon— I mean, Mom,” she said firmly. “We’ll find something to do.”

Bon-Bon’s smile grew warmer and she nodded. “Okay. Just don’t disturb your mother, Scootaloo. She needs her rest after using so much magic.”

The Pegasus nodded. “You got it. Come on, girls. Let’s explore my new home.”

The other three nodded and the four of them ran off to explore new territory.

Lyra smiled, closing her eyes and letting sleep take her.

Author's Note:

Well, it took almost all day (for what of today I was able to work on it) but I've kept my promise, even if only by a few hours, I still kept it.

Here's chapter 5.

I hope i did good here and it doesn't seem as rushed as everypony has been saying the first four chapters were.

also, if you had trouble reading Twist's line, I apologize. I'm trying to get into a groove with her, since I'm not used to writing Twist.

Next week I'll be editing stuff for others, instead of working on my own, so don't hold out for new chapters to any of my own fics til either Sunday if I'm lucky or next Thursday. not this Thursday coming up, but the Thursday after.

see ya later, everypony.