• Member Since 12th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Sunday

Noble Thought

I sometimes pretend I have a posting schedule other than "sometime soon."


Sapphire Shores is tired of scalpers buying up tickets and reselling them at outrageous prices. She concocts a plan to beat them at their own game and throws in a surprise for a certain somepony who really only likes show tunes.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

A fanfic with Sapphire Shores in it???

YES! *fangirl squeal* :raritystarry:


Just like Mayor Mare, I don't think she gets enough love. I mean, searching for her tag, there was 1 page. Just 1 (including turning off the mature filter briefly.) No other search criteria. I thought that was a shame. I hope I did her justice.

I like this sort of schemer.:trixieshiftleft:

Wow. This was a beautifully written and paced slice of life story. I absolutely loved how you tied everything together so neatly and made the characters believable. It needs many more views. Well done! :pinkiehappy:

I think you could have gotten away with copy and pasting "Singing in the Rain" as the song to get Sweetie her Cutie Mark. And have the foals roast marshmallows for S'mores around the fire pits. Other than that, a good story that makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

I do too.

Thank you! And I'm happy for the review you gave too. I hope that I was able to help you in return. Feel free to ask me anything. Also feel free to poke about my blogs. I do tend to ramble, but I hope there's some wisdom to be gleaned by reading through my earlier fumblings.


Perhaps, but I think Queen's "Best Friend," was a better fit, given Sweetie Belle's ultimate tipping point. It's blunt, but it's still symbolism.

I liked this one. You took a plot device and turned her into an honest-to-God character. If that's not fanfiction at its best, I don't know what is.


Thank you! I feel like I could have done better with some of the scenes, but I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Dun' mind me. I'm just tryin' to keep one project at a time. :twilightsmile:

This just deserved a favourite! ^^

Great work, bruh. Sapphire Shores gets no love, particularly compared to the other musically inclined ponies. *casual aside glance in Lyra's direction* she's so energetic and full of life! I love the bromance she has with Show Stopper and I like how she and Rarity got some off screen bonding time. I love the scene where Sweetie Belle gets her cutie mark. Wish it was canon!

Also dat Queen reference.

Great story!:pinkiehappy: You did really good on writing Sapphire Shores. (Also, first comment!)

I'm sort of torn on this story. On the one and this was really sweet and I love Sapphire's plan on dealing with the scalpers and helping Sweetie Bell. On the other hand, the idea that she's also doing it to get back at the kid for almost ruining it, really turns my stomach. The idea she'd be fine with potentially humiliating the kid in such a public way, feels excessively unkind.

Still an upvote, though I confess the story description doesn't really fit the fic as it feels like the scalper issue is a minor part.:rainbowlaugh:


I'm not really all that proud of this story. Mostly for it feeling... odd. I think you put a decent finger on why. I rarely come back to this story, and it's surprising to see people commenting on it, still. It's definitely one of my weakest.

5529385 While it's perhaps a weaker story, I still think it has some solid pieces in it. I do love Sapphire's idea of showing ponies they can be happy in sad times. I love the description of her plans and reasons for doing the concert and how she pulls it off with the tents and campfires.

I adore her scalper solution, with giving them to kids. That feels really funny and clever to me. I confess, I'd love to see a poster of her ideal design as it feels very beautiful and evocative to me.

I guess what I'm trying to express is, while this may be a weak story, that doesn't make it all bad. It's weak, but still very good.

Dang! You cut it off just before the climax! That part should have been a powerful and heartwarming underline to the idea you were preaching as Sweetie Belle ran on stage! The story as a whole really suffers for it, because rather than ending on that strong note you have a piece of fluff about accounting. I suppose I can't really blame you though, realizing the potential there would've been pretty hard to do right--but it would have been beautiful.


That was precisely the reason why I cut it off. There was a need to have something powerful there. But, at the time, I knew my talent well enough to know that I couldn't pull it off right.

Edit: At some point in the future... when I have less to write, perhaps I will go back and rewrite this story. It was one of my first, after all.

“Thanks, guys.”

Unless this is a gender swapped fics, that should be 'gals'.

Author Interviewer

This is strange, and I can't quite explain why. It's in the same continuity as Three Words though, isn't it?


Probably not. This was a one-off way before I conceived of Three Words. More a re-use of character names and minor personality traits. I didn't write Three Words with the intent of having it branch off, anyway.

This would have been a spectacular episode.

Oh, and "Thanks, guys" is a perfect fit. Doesn't matter if it's a filly or a colt, just so long as in the end the foals are having fun.

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