• Published 24th Oct 2011
  • 21,103 Views, 409 Comments

Number One - Whirring Gears

[2nd Person Perspective] A tough pony from the city moves to Ponyville.

  • ...

EXTRA: Years Later

This is an extra scene, taking place after the events of Number One.

This scene has no ties or relevance to the rest of the story.



You blink your eyes open, the loud scream disrupting your slumber for the fifth time this week. And it is only Wednesday. You turn your head to look at the other side of the bed you sleep in. Empty. As always. You don't know why you look over there anymore.

Your eyes glance over at the clock. "Two in the morning. Always has to be so freaking early with that little brat..." You push yourself upright against the mattress and fumble to the floor as another screaming sob travels down the hall into your bedroom. "Why does he do this?" you ask as you walk out the door. "Is he really stupid enough not to learn when I tell him the same thing over and over?"

Of course you don't really mean that. It just rubs you the wrong way whenever he would cry, wake you up, and then say the exact same thing almost every night. Still, you can't help but love him with all your heart. Every time you hear him sniffle late at night, you remember the times he smiles. Every sob is met with a memorable laugh. It's what made you get up and walk out every single time.

It doesn't make it any easier, however.

You walk into the child's dark room, his crying now a near ear-splitting volume. Going over to the child's crib, you sit on your haunches, reach down, and pick him up with your forelegs. He was a pegasus, orange with a multi-colored mane. Starting from red, going to a light orange, and then yellow down the back and tail.

"Shhhh... I'm here. Little Heat, I'm here," you say, rocking him gently back and forth. He looks up at you with those soft, tear stained magenta eyes. Closing them again, he resumes crying to which you resume your comforting shushing.

"I... I w-want Mommy!" he cries.

It's your turn to close your eyes. "Mommy's not here..." you say, giving him a little bounce in your forelegs. "Would you like a story?" you ask, reaching for the Daring Do book on the dresser next to his crib.

He doesn't respond. He just keeps crying.

"Would you like your bottle?" you ask, going through the list of what he could need. "Are you too hot? Too cold?"

It was the same every night. He'd cry for his mommy, something kids were known to do. The problem is, he always cries for his mommy, and his mommy is never here. Every time he woke in the night it's the same. He'd cry and cry for his mommy until he cries himself to sleep.

You wish you could be his mommy. Or bring his mommy here. But you couldn't, and that is what truly made this process hurt the way it did. It has nothing to do with interrupted sleep or the loud noises. It was the fact that you couldn't do anything. You could only hold him until he tires himself out.

"I-I want Mommy!" he cries again.

You hold him close, trying to stifle a sniffle. "I want Mommy, too..."

You feel something slip over your shoulders. You open your eyes to see a pair of light blue hooves draped over you. You look up, turning your head and see another pair of magenta eyes staring at you along with a small smile. A colorful mane drapes over her shoulders along with a Wonderbolts uniform.

"Mommy's here."

Little Heat stops crying instantly, reaching out for his mother. She drops the dark blue outfit on the ground before taking the child from your arms. She hugs him tightly as the child smiles, tiny wings buzzing happily, and tries to wrap his little forelegs around to hug her back.

"Dash..." you say, almost unable to believe what you are seeing. "I... I thought you still had another month on your tour."

"The next show is in Cloudsdale," she explains. "It's only a couple hours out the way, and... I couldn't wait. I just couldn't wait."

You slide over, putting a hoof around her shoulders as she nuzzles the little pegasus in her forelegs. Leaning your head down, you rest it against her neck.

You just can't explain how happy you are at the moment. You give a slow nuzzle every now and again as she holds the child she dearly missed.

"Does... does he cry for me a lot?" she asks.

Suddenly, doubt passes where once was relief. You don't know how to answer. You don't know if you should answer. You simply sit there in silence. A few moments pass before you hear Dash's voice again.

"Oh, dear Celestia..." she mumbles.

"Dash," you say, hugging her closely.

"I... I..." she begins, shakily.

"Shhhh..." you quietly say, rubbing her shoulder and gently rocking her back and forth. You are still in full child-comfort mode, so these are the only tricks you could think of at the moment. The only difference is it seems to be working with the blue full-grown mare. More time passes in silence as the family slowly rocks back and forth with the ticking of the clock against the opposite wall.

Eventually, you hear a quiet, steady stream of breathing. You look down to Little Heat who is now snoring peacefully in the embrace of his mother. You glance over at Dash who was now looking down at her foal. Glancing up at the clock, it was now quarter past three. It was the fastest Little Heat has ever gone back to sleep.

"Go back to bed," Dash whispers. "I want to stay here a while longer."

You sit for a moment before giving her cheek a small peck. Slowly dropping your hoof from her shoulder, rubbing it down her back, you turn away and leave the room, down the hall, and back into your bedroom. The lights still out, you walk the familiar path to your side of the bed. Laying down in the sheets, now cold from your absence, you lay your head against the soft pillow, your body instantly relaxing and drifting into the sleep you were in before the interruption.

A while later, you hear a small thump from the base of the bed and some light cursing, waking you again. You have to suppress a small chuckle at the pegasus now sliding into bed with you. She wraps her forelegs around your shoulders and snuggles up close, the warmth of her fur spreading against you.

"Did I wake you?" she asks.

"I'm glad you did," you say, wrapping your hooves around her as well.

You lay in each other's warmth. You try to fight off the oncoming sleep to stay in the moment; the embrace which you had gone so long without and sorely missed. Suddenly, you hear a little sniffle from Dash, who was rubbing her muzzle against your chest.

"I... I don't know if I can keep doing this," she says.

"What do you mean?" you ask.

"Just... the Wonderbolts. I think I should quit."

You almost can't believe what you are hearing. "But this is your dream."

"I know... but now there's you guys, and- OH NO, I didn't mean that!" she exclaims, hushing herself before she gets too loud.

"I understand, Dash. That's not what you mean," you say, giving her a little pat on the back.

"Thanks..." she says, calming back down. "But it's just... Little Heat needs me."

You aren't quite sure how to answer.

"A kid needs his mom, right?" she asks.

"You..." you begin, not quite knowing where you are going with it. "You... do a lot for Little Heat."

"How so?" she mumbles more than anything, as if not believing you.

"Well, with the Wonderbolts..." you start, rubbing a hoof up and down her back. "We already discussed this," you say, giving up trying to form a coherent thought at this hour.

"Yeah, but... what kind of mom am I being away from home for so long?"

"You were going to be the cool mom, remember?" you say with a little chuckle. "Little Heat gets to say his mom's in the Wonderbolts and brag and brag to all his friends about his super cool mom, and-"

"I don't want to be the cool mom!" Dash cries out. "I want to be the good mom!"

You are a little taken back by this. "But... you are a good mom, Dash."

"How!?" she exclaims.

"Well..." you start again, looking for any sort of point to grab onto. "All the money you bring in. You provide for us."

You listen for any sort of argument against this. When you hear none, you assume you're going down the right path.

"Because of you, we have this house big enough for Little Heat to grow up in. We have food, shelter, and when the time comes, he won't be going to some dead-end school."

You feel Dash snuggle up closer to you.

"He has his favorite breakfast cereal. He has all of the latest toys. The full collection of Daring Do books on his shelves. He wouldn't have that living off my meager repaircolt profits."

"Actually, I had the books before I became a Wonderbolt..." There is a small giggle before you hear another sniffle from Dash. "But... he cries for me. I stay up late worrying so much and he... he actually cries for me when I can't be here and..."

"And he has me," you finish plainly. "I can take care of him, and he gets to see you when you're off tour, and don't worry, Dash..." You nuzzle the top of her head. "I'll let you wake up in the middle of the night every time he cries when you're here."

This actually gets another little giggle from her.

"But for now... you have to be strong. For Little Heat."

All you hear is a long sigh. Eventually, you feel her pull herself up, her lips connecting against yours. You push back against her soft lips as you smell a bit of something salty on her face. She was crying, but she seems past it now. After a while, she pulls away.

"Thanks..." she says, adjusting herself in a more comfortable sleeping position. "Hey... I'm afraid I'll have to leave really early to make it back for morning drills. I'll probably be gone before you wake up."

"I understand," you say. You feel another soft kiss briefly against your lips.

"I love you," she says.

"I love you, too," you say, closing your eyes.

You hold onto each other again, the darkness of the night eventually overtaking the both of you. Sleep dividing you again, but there would only be so long before you got to be in her loving embrace again. Until then, you would care for the greatest gift she's given you, who you know will also be eager for her return.

Comments ( 95 )

Surprised I got both of these done within 24 hours. Thanks to both Slashe and Eights for prereading.

Not sure if this chapter fits, but quite good.

Added a little disclaimer to the beginning because I can see how people might be confused when reading.

Awesome chapter. that's all the input I can do right now.

Phew. For a second there, I thought that this story had taken a severe dark turn, and that Dash had died or something.
An awesome addition to an already awesome story, Whirring.

Hah, you almost got me there at the beginning.
Anyway, I like this chapter more than the previous one. Damn it, you and your open endings, always making me wish for more! :P

Same... I was pretty sure she got killed by that "reformed" crackhead in some accident.
I'm a horrible person.

fav chapter so far. CONTINUE THIS WAY!!!

Urdreth: " I thought that this story had taken a severe dark turn, and that Dash had died or something."

I thought the same thing.... i was about to flip on you. but it was great!

I really enjoyed reading this story! I can't wait to see more stuff from you! Great work Gears!

I was just re-reading this story, to see that two new chapters were up! AWESOME! :rainbowkiss:

BTW, at the start, I thought that RBD died, :fluttercry: but I was happy to see that she just a Wonderbolt! :pinkiehappy:

Awesome story mate, loved it! :heart:

Peace out - Jolting8

Well I cant lie to anypony here, I'm doing too friggin' many of these but I enjoy it, so here goes once again with my long as buck reviews.

The following contains a review which is long as crap so if you are comment impaired, read no further.

*Review start*

I'm not gonna beat around the bush here, I usually do not read 2nd person perspective fan fiction, and I was very skeptical about this at first, and even though it had a strong start, I couldn't shake the feeling that it was going to be a total clusterbuck, and only now after finishing, can I say that it was phenomenally good, and you completely changed my opinion on these types of stories, to the point that I will start giving them a chance and for that I thank you sir/madame.

I appreciate how you added the mental insecurities and sensitive side of Rainbow Dash, as well as representing her element and pride very well throughout the story.

The inclusion of a very dark, mentally scarred, self reliant main character from a shady background, into the My Little Pony universe is always a risky endeavor, you tossed the dice with this one, and managed to get a favorable roll of the die.

Now the execution of your idea for this story, was as well done as the initial idea for the story itself, and I can only pray that you get the recognition you deserve for this amazing story.

Now the entire concept of the story is ..... original and I thought it was one of those "originality does not always equal success stories" but I'm glad you proved me wrong, and i will be sure to check out other works of yours.

Concept: 9.0/10. :trixieshiftleft: ( Very unique, Trixie approves)

Story: 9.0/10. :twilightsmile: ( Excellently done, Twilight Sparkle approves)

Characters: 9.5/10. :pinkiegasp: ( Surprised at how well you pulled off everyone's personality's)

Story Engagement Factor: 9.0/10. :raritystarry: ( My face throughout the entire story)

Now comes the dreaded grammar score :twilightoops:

Grammar: 9.5/10. :twilightblush: ( Aside from a few grammatical errors here and there it was perfect)

Overall Score: 9.5/10. :rainbowdetermined2: ( A solid story with a very talented crew behind it)

This has been my honest review DEVILBLADE out :coolphoto:

Max approves:rainbowkiss:

This was a very sweet chapter. I thought it was a nice addition. Not many complaints.

I'd like to see some fanart of Little Heat, though.


I would be utterly dumbfounded if someone actually drew that.

Jesus, don't scare me like that. I thought Dashie had, y'know..."gone."

But I liked this nonetheless! I suppose "I" matured a bit from what I was, explaining the somewhat different personality, and I felt it fitting. Bravo!

349245 I know right? I'm not a douche anymore! :pinkiehappy:


Awesome. Just awesome. :moustache:

I can just imagine the situation when Little Heat is asleep and Dash is home from her latest tour...

Dash, in her Wonderbolts outfit, complete with goggles: "Do you want the costume on or off?"
"Me": "Off, please."
Dash: "Too bad." :rainbowdetermined2:
"Me": ...

I had a very strong emotional reaction to this. When dash broke down I felt something really move me emotionally. Thanks for writing this it was a pleasure to read.

that was great

This story... was amazing. And I don't mean that lightly. Definitely best 2nd person fic out there, ranks among the top fics in general. Can't believe I didn't read it until now... Long live Dashie.

I definitely thought she had died, especially when I remembered the "Tragedy" tag. Thank God.
This was SO GOOD. Please write more, I've loved them all so far! :3


I wasn't sure when I started this fic, with the 2nd person POV, but this was expertly well done.

Amazing story, great job!

I'd be lying if I said that you didn't scare the crap out of me with that opening. I actually let out an audible sigh of relief when Dash showed up!
I really like these additions! They really help show even more how much the 'You' character has grown from what they were at the beginning of the story. Also, an epilogue chapter is always fun, it's always cool to be able to see exactly how the characters are doing after a few years, in my opinion.


I put a different two and two together and got the mistaken impression that RD had died in childbirth. :rainbowderp: Glad to see that's not the case!

Excellent story, I'm glad Kody910 pointed me in this direction.

That was a very nice story, and just about the only 2nd person fic i think i've enjoyed (This and the Room 213 one with Octavia, which is also yours). :pinkiesmile:

Have a like, a favourite and a moustache: :moustache:


I thought that too and i almost cried, but then i continued reading and I was like ohhhh! :pinkiegasp:

D'aww that was nice, this whole story was nice :twilightsmile:

I wish I could think of something substantial to say. I mean, you've got a well-developed "you" character, a good story, and some interesting bonus material. I really can't say much else, besides good work and keep it up, and I hope to read more from you.

All of these were really good. I'll be looking forward to more stuff by you.

I gotta say, looking at the description I thought this was going to be silly, but I figured I'd give it a chance and approach it with an open mind. This whole thing ended up surprising me.

I've read up to Chapter 6 so far, and I'll admit, the story's definitely got a nice bit of intrigue, plus the main character is very interesting in his own kinda way. If there's anything you've mastered in this it's detail and character, so much so you could've just made the main character an OC with a 1st person perspective and it still would've been really good. I was particularly fond of interactions between RD and the main character, it made for a bittersweet bit of storytelling.

So I'll hand it to ya, I have high standards when it comes to FanFics, and I've been reading too many with no good pacing, flow, the characters were off, it was riddled with grammatical issues, and such, but I'm happy to report you haven't disappointed in any of those regards. I can't wait to finish this, and I was so impressed, you've earned yourself a new watcher. :twilightsmile:

Only small problem was how confusing just a couple tidbits can be (especially the big reveal of the "neck scar"), it was a tad hard to follow, and there were a few very minor spelling issues in the first chapter. Other than that, it's a great story. :pinkiehappy:

Loved this story and this last chapter made me D'awww :twilightsmile:

:fluttercry: Just read the whole thing, it was great.

loved the story. :D

A truly incredible story.

33015 I have to read that if you post it. LQL. Also, I have to read this later, my time is being spent on coming up with ideas for my own story. Can't wait! :twilightsmile:

I'm so glad I read this story, I just wish it didn't have to end. Love it! :heart:

Wow, this is a really nice chapter! So much emotion.

I do wonder what it says about me that my first thought when he/I said "I want Mommy, too..." was that Dash was dead/no longer around?

How about 10000000 extra scenes? :pinkiecrazy:

Nah, but srsly, this is awesome! I'm also a big dickhead apparently!

try reading this chapter, while listening to A Thousand Years cover by ThePianoGuys

It makes you shed manly tears. But i'm glad "i" changed for the better, one day i'll be doing that IRL, who knows when, but i hope it's the happiest i'll ever be.

I'M IN A MOOD OKAY!? :fluttercry::fluttercry:

That was amazing. Simply amazing.:pinkiehappy:

I loved this story! Great work Gears. :ajsmug: Here have a Whose Line picture to show my appreciation.



This story made me Smile :pinkiehappy: and it made me Laugh, and it also Brought a Tear to my Eye :pinkiesad2:.

So i would like to Thank you for this, This feeling of Joy and Warmth in my Heart (And for Keeping me up all Night; I've been Reading this for 2 and a Half Hours!).

I look forward to you're Future Fictions and i Bid you A Great, No, An Outstanding Day

Falkaga :twilightsmile:

This is my favorite fanfic of all time

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