• Member Since 4th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


The one German who is lazy for real.

Comments ( 615 )


This story is pretty interesting! More please!

Interesting concept- I look forward to more :pinkiehappy:

Interesting. Keep it up.

Its an interesting start, please continue

I like it. I have no idea what I would do in that situation

That hot pony/human porn hrrrrrrgh

Clearly she forgot about magic

You have peeked my interest. I await more.

Kinky, it is. :twilightblush:

~The lizardman is unsure how he should feel about this story

This is going to be good, I can tell.:yay:

"This is not a clopfic, more a story that contains clop."

So, a clopfic.

why not do actual clop scenes? it would be hot.

ah well, at least someone made a human female in equestria. Bonus points on it being clop related. there needs to be more of this kind of stuff.

4245631 No, it's like the difference between a movie with the occasional sex scene but is meant to be watched for the plot or characters and a porno.

What Camlio said. This story is very, very interesting. Too often its men who wind up in Equestria, never women. Finally a break from the usual Human in Equestria setup.

Interesting subject. I hope she will find father of this "child".

I am interested. I have read too many stories about male characters being thrown into Equestria so it is nice to have a break from that.

This is an interesting concept. I'd like to see it developed further.

There will. Never said there ain't scenes like that.

One question: human or foal?

There is a difference between these two. A clopfic is written like a porno. Everything is leading to the sex scenes, forces them at much as possible. In Germany there was a porno a while back that was so bad, it got famous for that. The dialog was something like this (electrician visits a woman at home, there are going into the basement):

"Hey, why is there hay in the corner?"
"Why are you wearing a mask?" (Some actors wore masks so they aren't recognized.)
"No Idea, why don't you give ma a BJ?"

A Story with clop still has clop, but it's not the primary goal to have as many clopscenes as possible, especially when it doesn't work with the plot. But there will be, just not every chapter.


I take around 1-2 month to plan a story properly. This one is made up on the spot and goes as ideas come to me.

No idea :pinkiehappy:

Alright Intresting start Looking forward to more you Gained me as a follow and Following the story :twilightblush::twilightblush::twilightblush::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

4246982 Writing by the seat of your pants for this one huh? Sometimes I wonder how many, and how often, authors do this.

I know that I can't plan out everything... or much at all lol. Usually just the beginning... and maybe how it ends if I am lucky... Its because of that that I don't write, even when I have strange ideas bouncing around my head.


Agreed. It always seems to be man on mare, never stallion on woman.

I find it amazing that she lives in ponyvill and is even friends with applejack yet knows nothing about anything that happened the last couple years.

This is a story I can get hooked on.

Annnd it's in the Featured box! Good job.:twilightsmile:

I am very much interested in what happens next. Good quality job on the prologue, looking forward to finding out what comes out of her.

I clicked this story because the name Melody Williams made me think of Doctor Who, and the thought of putting River Song in Equestria piqued my interest. Of course, that doesn't appear to be your intention, but I read the prologue to make sure anyway. By the end I knew two things. One, Melody almost certainly isn't River, and two, this is a good story that is going in my favourites.

That name. Do I see what you did there? :rainbowhuh:

this is nice, i likeit. please continue.

Wow! Now this is awesome and original! :pinkiehappy: More please! :twilightsmile:

I'd fave this, but the universe just isn't ready for that kind of anomaly. But, continue, and I have now got another sixty trillion story ideas from reading this one chapter. Thank you, now I have even less storage for important things, like the relative atomic mass of a shoelace... Yeah right!:rainbowlaugh:

Hmm, this is something new... I'd like to read more of it :twilightsmile:

Ignoring obvious cloppige, I found this interesting. The idea of a human living in equestria isn't
T new, but the idea of one becoming so comfortable there that they do as ponies do and god nude and ends up pregnant with a stallion's foal is interesting.

I want to read mor, so please post more chapters:twilightsmile:

Well someone finally had the courage to do this story, I haven't read it yet but I'm curious to see how well this will go. Good luck to you on this story. :twilightsmile:

How is she pregnant, you ask?

I expect a masterpiece. :trollestia:
Seriously, this is a nice change of pace. It will be interesting to see where it goes.

Now that I've read it, I must say this: This is one of the weirdest thing I've ever read, And I wrote Ain't Done!

You may want to check out Females in Equestria in the NSFW tag.
And ignore Keep my Heart asoarin' or whatever it's called, because it got into like every freaking group there is, and it's a guy.
Buuuut, there's also... Ohhh what was it called? Nightmarish Fantasies or something like that.

do it!
do it, do it, do it

ich schreib das hier in deutsch weil mein englisch nicht besonders ist
Ich denke deine (eure?) Geschichte hat wunderbar viel potenzial, sie könnte die einzelnen typen mit denen sie es hatte aufsuchen, oder vielleicht nen neuen finden mit dem sie das Kind großzieht, viel Spielraum für traurigen kram (Themen wie Abtreibung und so was) Konflikte (sie ist schwanger, schwangere Frauen sind schlimm) und dann noch so viel mehr!
Ich hoffe wirklich das ihr die Geschichte fortsetzt


4247796 I was waiting for this...

4247965 Die Resonanz ist positiv genug dass da noch was folgen wird.

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