• Member Since 6th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen June 4th


A brony who's constantly traveling around


Excited for a long awaited flying lesson from Rainbow Dash, the lone Cutie Mark Crusader Scootaloo hates to admit that she's disappointed when Rainbow never shows, again, for the seventh time.
Wandering in a saddened state, she doesn't even realize how far she's gone until the blackened sky opens up and starts pouring down rain, leaving the trail back to Ponyville impossible to follow home.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 33 )

Keep up the good work :)

I wonder where she is. .

I have this gut wrenching feeling she's in the flood somewhere...really heartwarming.

Aside from the technical errors, this is turning out well enough.

Good so far. By the way i really hate rainbow dash right now. That's big for me to say.

There's a lot I really like about this story. It could use a bit of polish, but overall you're hitting a lot of good notes so to speak.

This is really great so far, can't wait for more!

Well, if you slept 3 days, reasoning is thrown out the window for survival. Intrusive spells are intrusive.

I can't wait for more this is a wonderful story and so heartwarming I loved it, I really hope RD and Scoots become closer in the show tho it would be awesome but anyways keep up the fabulous work and I'm sure you won't disappoint in coming chapters :twilightsmile:

Hey, thanks! I really appreciate the comment, a well as everyone else's.
Right now my new chapter is just about finished, and I should have it up by tonight. :yay:

Scoots should learn to speak bird

Awww another fabulous chapter I loved it . The part with Sweetie was adorable and it was so sad :pinkiesad2: anyways awesome job keep it up

Scootaloo seriously is very bitter about everything. I can see why. Though-this chapter is sad, tragic. I sense there will be something even sadder....I mean, she's in dangerous areas and hurt! The chances of dying is doubled! LUNA WHY CAN'T YOU HELP?!

Though, RD, while you did go there....with broken wings....you didn't need to. If you JUST kept your promise this whole time then maybe.

There needs to be more of this ASAP!

"It's all smooth sailing from here!"

That was classic fate tempting right there! Obviously, she must have died and risen as a Zompony during her trek.

Also.. Can't ponies eat grass and such? And I was really hoping that the lake was named 'Crystal Lake'. For reasons.:pinkiehappy:

Awww poor scoots and yeah I hate those lectures why would you draw out a problem when you want it to end? Anywho this was awesome and I can't wait for more keep up the fabulous work! :raritystarry:

About getting the "You did something wrong, we were so worried about you" when I was younger? Ohhhhhhh, yeah. I got a few of those growing up.

The worst one was when I was around 8 or 9 (I think. I was old enough to know better, anyway), and I went exploring down a l'il creek not very far from where my late grandparents on my mom's side lived, and where Mom and my three (surviving) aunts grew up. Now, that might not sound like it would call for a lecture, but what happened with me was, that creek opened out onto a cow-pasture...a pasture that, unbeknownst to me, besides having a herd of cows in it, also had a very mean and nasty bull in it. And my mom and one of my aunts caught up to me and found me just as that thing started to paw the ground and, well, get generally pissed. Lucky for me, Mom knew just what to do, and she got me out of there before something really bad happened to me.

Needless to say, when we got back to my grandparents house, I got one hell of a lecture and the mother of all scoldings (one of my youngers sisters called it a major butt-chewing). But, fortunately for me, I didn't get my posterior blistered like you'd think I would have for pulling such a stunt. Years later, I asked Mom why she hadn't given me a serious butt-whoopin' on top of the lecture/scolding, and she said, and I quote, "I was just too scared and then too happy that you weren't hurt to do that, honey", end-quote.

That was the worst lecture/scolding that I ever got, though, and I think you can understand my mom's reasons for that.

Didn't mean that I didn't get a repeat performance from my dad when he found out about it later himself. But I still didn't get a spankin' from him, or anyone else in the family, after it was all over. Even, as I'll admit even to this very day, that I probably should HAVE.

Wow, so young, yet, so wise.

What a wonderful ending! I must say I'm very happy with the way things turned out! Terrific job!

I agree with the first poster. She's so young, but her intelligence proves beyond age. I'm amazed by her rationality.

Wow... that was some amazing story to read, indeed!

Okay, I've got mixed feelings about what happened to Rainbow Dash here. First, she got what she deserved! Second,

she was the one with the biggest chance of finding Scootaloo before something really bad happened to her!

When Rainbow Dash said "She's just a fan, and I can't spent all my time with just one fan who really likes me." I felt like the following video. Not about Rainbow Dash, but about the author of this story:

. That being said, I feel that I might upset some folks if I don't explain myself so I will do so now. Rainbow Dash has done the following things to show that her friendship with Scootaloo goes much further than Scootaloo just being her fan: 1st, she has willingly agreed to take Scootaloo under her wing as a big sister figure and not only does she do that in the episode, but she also comforts Scootaloo after finding out that Scootaloo is having nightmares about the scary stories that Rainbow Dash told, and if you don't remember this happening I suggest rewatching season 3, episode 6, "Sleepless in Ponyville". 2nd, she has gone out of her way to make sure that Scootaloo knows just how awesome Rainbow Dash thinks that Scootaloo is and if you aren't sure why this is important I recommend rewatching season 4, episode 5, "Flight to the Finish". The author said nothing about this story happening before those two episodes, or about this happening in some weird alternate reality where these events never happened. So, this story is getting a thumbs-down. Yay for CANON! If you aren't going to commit to making a story an alternate universe story, or at the very least making clear that it happens before important events in the series (such as the aforementioned episodes), then you should leave your personal opinions out of the story. :pinkiehappy: King of Kings, away! However, if this story was published before either of those two seasons came out, then I am so very sorry, as I didn't see that. and if that is the case than I feel like a gigantic jackass. However, if that isn't the case...

So does that mean that Twilight was flying around? if it does, then I REST MY CASE! Now on with the show!

Those lectures, while annoying, were a favorite part of my childhood actually, as it meant that I at least had one biological parent (not to mention my stepmother) that cared about me enough to give me that lecture. My real mother, who I refer to by her first name, as I feel that she is no longer my mother, left me and my sisters for a person who had been in jail for doing something terrible to one of my sisters. Unfortunately, that sister had a mental condition called schizophrenia, so even though she told the police what that person did, the police weren't able to do anything about it. I've actually had to deal with that type of person more than once in my lifetime, actually.

The way that Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy were talking made sense to me. I expected the Element of Honesty to be a bit more honest about just how badly reality sucks though, seeing as how she has lost her parents.

Comment posted by Bromad deleted Oct 6th, 2015

5335559 I don't think Sleepless in Ponyville was a thing when this was around. I think it was made before the episodes.

5335559 Yeah, canon didn't exist for this yet. If it helps, Faust said that RD WOULD make a shitty sister..

Applebloom and Applejack trotted along side together for a few minutes in silence, but Applejack's frown stayed firmly attached.
"Once we get back, I gotta apologize to her, she didn't deserve all of that. Cause, right now Rainbow is in that room feeling cast out and..." Her head dropped, "Alone."

She deserved every last word you said, AJ, but you're right. You don't berate someone then leave them out when they wanna make up for it. It's hypocritical, no matter how injured they are.

Sad but great

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