• Published 3rd Apr 2014
  • 8,801 Views, 974 Comments

The Rock Farmer's Daughters - Sketcha-Holic

In an AU where Pinkie barely misses the Rainboom, neither she nor Cheese Sandwich are party ponies. However, Cheese ends up working at the Pie family rock farm.

  • ...

30. No Excuses

With each stroke of each bow, the fiddles rang out their jovial tune across the field. Banjos and guitars strummed along, washboards were stroked to create a rickety sound, and a harmonica was thrown in the mix. Ponies all around were stomping their hooves to create a beat, and the active trots and lopes that everypony was doing made up the dancing.

Many groups were made up of two rows of ponies--a row of stallions and a row of mares, both rows of equal numbers. They faced each other on the grass, and stomped their hooves along with the beat. They started off their dance by bowing to their partners. Then, each pair of partners trotted forward and circled each other in a do-si-do, and when that was done, the partners locked front legs, and spun each other until they let go, and found themselves opposite of their original spots.

The hooves began to stomp again as a pair of ponies cantered together in a rhythmic spring between the rows, from one end to the other, and then back again. After their turn, the partners continued to canter behind the rows and at the back of their respective lines, leaving the next pair to do the dance.

Pinkamena and Cheese were grinning at each other as they awaited their turn, still stomping to the beat. Beside their sister, Marble and Limestone were glancing at them, and then back to their nervous stallion partners. Whether it was because they were partners of two of the Pie sisters or if they were just lousy dancers was unclear, but their moments were ever drawing closer.

Marble and her partner went on first, and the poor colt ended up tripping halfway through the row. Marble had to pick him up, and dragged him through the rest of the motions. By the time they were at the back of their lines, the colt was beet red from embarrassment.

Limestone and her partner went next, only this time, it was Limestone who tripped. Her partner kept on going, and with a snort, she hopped back onto her hooves, and raced to where her partner had cantered. When she had caught up, she didn't hesitate to give him a kick on the leg--though soft in Pie terms. It still left him limping while going around to the end of the stallion line, and at the end of the mare line, Marble gave her a scolding glare.

Pinkamena sighed and shook her head at Limestone's action. But it was her and Cheese's turn, and off they went into their happy canter. She looked at Cheese's bright, smiling face, and for a moment, they locked eyes, a mutual sense of joy and energy being exchanged. They reached the end, and then loped on back to the other end, laughing as they did so. They separated at the other end, and went around to the end of their respective lines.

Once there, Pinkamena gave a hard nudge to Limestone and whispered, "Don't kick your partner."

Limestone pouted. "Excuse me, he didn't help me up!"

"That's no excuse to give him a limp."

Once a slow dance had come around, Limestone and Marble sat on the sidelines, holding Bean the puppy and Bunny the tarantula close. They watched all the couples that were engaged in the steps of a waltz, with the sweet pitch of violin strings stroked by a bow ringing over their heads.

They were mostly searching for Pinkamena and Cheese, but could spot neither of them. The pair had stayed behind while the gray sisters had taken the opportunity to rest, so the two wondered if there was something romantic going on, and that they didn't want them to see.

"Hello there, girls."

They snapped their heads in the direction of the voice, which belonged to Bluejinx. The unicorn, holding some cotton candy in his magic, sat down and offered some of his treat to them. They declined, explaining that Cheese had already given them some, and that they had enough junk food for one night.

Bluejinx shrugged and took a bite out of it. "I didn't think I'd see you girls here. Cheese told me your father denied his request to come here. Did he change his mind?"

The two mares looked at each other and bit their lips. Twiddling her hooves, Marble mumbled, "Well... you see..."

Bluejinx raised an eyebrow. "You snuck out, didn't you?"

Both nodded. He shook his head. "What are you girls going to do if your parents wake up and found out that you disobeyed them? Okay, how many of you are here?"

Limestone sighed. "There's us... and there's Pinkamena and Cheese."

"What, no Tomato?"

"He couldn't come. He was busy."

"Busy? With what?"

"I dunno; ask Cheese, he's the one who got the letter. Tommy sure gave a disappointing reply after our two-week wait."

"Yeah, that does sound disappointing..." Bluejinx looked around. "Say, where is Cheese? And Pinkamena for that matter?"

Limestone waved a hoof in the direction of the dancing couples. "Somewhere in there, being all mushy or something."

"Um, what?"

Marble tapped her hooves and looked away. "Well... we've been noticing them acting kind of weird, and we've come to the conclusion that they're falling in love."

Bluejinx blinked. "Really? You truly think they are?" When both Marble and Limestone confirmed with nods, Bluejinx smirked and chuckled. "...I knew it."

Up on the hill overlooking the field where the dancers waltz, Pinkamena and Cheese laid on some cool grass, looking up at the stars. Cheese had his hooves crossed on his chest, Boneless and his hat right beside him, while Pinkamena had her forelegs spread out wide, and they chatted and laughed as they pointed out silly constellations they had created when little.

"Still laughing at that toothless alligator one, I see... oh! Oh! There's the one that Maud created!" Pinkamena squealed, pointing at a cluster of stars.

Cheese rolled his eyes. "Let me guess... it's a rock."

Pinkamena smirked. "Somepony seems to know Maud well..."

"Ehehe, I learned a few things about you girls while I was here." Cheese pointed to another bunch of stars. "Oh, Tommy would see a big fat slice of pizza over here, and it'd always make him hungry, and ask if we could go to Grandma and Grandpa's pizza place."

Pinkamena giggled. "No kidding. That pizza stuff you gave us was pretty tasty."

"Hehehe, yeah..." Cheese frowned, still staring at the pizza constellation. He sighed. "It would have been great to have made amends with Tommy already, and he could have had fun with us."

Pinkamena sat up. "I'm sure he regrets not being able to come. I'm sure that he'll be happy to visit when he gets the chance."

Cheese sat up as well, and picked up Boneless. "Still, it's been far too long since I've seen him. I can't help but wonder if he had problems that would have been easier to handle with me around. Meanwhile, I was avoiding going back out of anger and shame."

Pinkamena scooted closer to him, taking his hoof and lifting it up to pat it. "Don't worry. I'm sure he'll understand once you two finally see each other face to face."

Cheese turned to her and smiled sadly. He would have to ask Tomato about the dirtiness apparent in that letter, but he felt that Pinkamena was right. He squeezed the rubber chicken that she gave him, and just watched her smile to comfort him.

He reached forward to run his hoof through her curls. They were soft and silky, unlike his wild hair, and they made the perfect complement to her smile. Her eyes sparkled like the stars above them, and he could feel the warmth emanating from her. His heart swelled just gazing at her, and all he wanted to do was grab her and hold her close, feeling her soft fur against his, and to let her do the same, because it was much warmer when both parties were willing.

He imagined her with the straight hair, the grayish tone, and the scowl that were characteristic of her when he first met her. Even then, she had been beautiful, and it was no doubt that it was part of the reason why he had been so curious about her. Even if she hadn't shown him her softer and more vulnerable side, he was sure he would have still loved her as much as he did.

Their muzzles touched, and he could see her soft gaze. "I bet Granny Pie and Nana Pinkie are watching you girls from the stars. They would have loved to see the way you were having fun tonight."

Pinkamena giggled. "I can't help but wonder... you mentioned your grandparents. Do you suppose they would have been friends with mine?"

"I bet they already are. My grandparents died years ago, and if anything, they'd have easily made friends with yours."

"That's good to hear." Pinkamena gave a blissful sigh. "I'm so glad I met you, Cheese."

"Me too, Pinkamena."

She closed her eyes. "Just call me 'Pinkie.'"

Cheese's hoof was now on her cheek, and he was so close to her that he could feel her breath. He warmly gazed at every little strand of pink fur on her face, and every eyelash. With their noses touching, he was quick to be curious about the feel of her lips, and it surely hit him that that was what she was waiting for. He glanced away, reluctant to even try it in case Igneous was invisible and was surely watching.

However, upon Pinkamena getting impatient, taking the initiative, and putting her lips on his, he went stiff, and his face grew hot. He glanced around in panic, searching for anypony who may be watching them, but his body steadily relaxed, he dropped Boneless, and he closed his eyes. He went back to stroking her hair as he returned the kiss, and all worries and all doubt had washed away. His heart was racing, he felt as light as a feather, and he felt a sweet taste in his mouth. He could feel her smile, and soon enough their tails were intertwining. Time seemed to stop, and it felt like that they were going to hold that very kiss forever.

They broke apart, but had not broken out of their fantasy. They gazed into each other's eyes, and their sighs sounded like the breaths of angels. There was this gentle bliss between them, and soft smiles graced their faces as they stroked each other's cheeks.

And then there came a sharp, "AHEM."

Both of their eyes widened, and they turned around. All of their bliss evaporated upon the sight of Igneous giving them a cold, hard stare, flared nostrils, and his mouth in a tight line. Maud stood beside him, with her usual lack of expression, but she was merely looking at her father.

Both Cheese and Pinkamena stood up, and they exchanged a nervous, knowing glance. What could they say? That they had been caught up in the moment? That this was a little experiment seeing what a kiss felt like? Or Celestia forbid, that they might actually be attracted to each other regardless of Igneous' rules or resistance on both their parts?

Igneous turned to Maud. "Take Pinkamena, and go find your other sisters. I'll being leading him back to the farm."

Maud gave a single nod, and silently walked past, pausing to tilt her head toward the carnival as she looked at Pinkamena. The latter nodded, and gave a worried glance toward Cheese as she left with her sister.

Cheese watched them part, and sighed. He picked up Boneless and set him on his back, and picked up his hat and set it on his head. He looked at Igneous, still holding that stony stare, and started to follow the older stallion upon his grunt.

With a trembling voice, he asked, "S-sir?"

"It's late," Igneous snarled. "We'll talk in the morning."

Cheese nodded, and followed him to what was surely to be a restless night, due to the dread of the meeting that was to come once the sun was rising. He pulled his hat over his eyes, and they were silent for the rest of the walk back to the rock farm.

Once the Pie sisters had returned home, everything was on lockdown. All doors and all windows were tightly latched shut, and all Cheese did was lay on his bed, a pit formed in his stomach and his eyes heavy, but yet unable to close. With his glasses off, he could only stare into the dark abyss that the combination of his poor eyesight and the time of night created, along with the dread coursing through his body. He squeezed his rubber chicken to comfort himself, but to no avail.

What was I thinking? The very thing that they had hoped wouldn't go wrong did go wrong, and now he and the sisters were going to pay for it. The sisters he was sure that they'd be more or less grounded. But him? He had a feeling that he was not going to be around much longer.

He mentally kicked himself for even going along with it. He should have done more to stop Pinkamena's plotting. He shouldn't even have mentioned the carnival to them in the first place! And now, the price was going to be paid.

The night was long, and Cheese only got winks of sleep. But once daybreak arrived, the door was opened. Cheese sat up and put on his glasses to see who it was. Instead of Pinkamena, as it had always been before, it was Igneous, holding that same stony glare in his eyes. Cheese stared at him back, only with dark circles under his eyes and a pleading look asking for mercy. He shakily crawled out of bed, and then followed the older stallion to the kitchen.

He took a seat as Igneous paced around the room, and recalled the day they had the interview. He remembered Igneous showing him the field outside the window, some of his awkward answers to Igneous' question, and that under no uncertain terms that Cheese wasn't allowed to romance any of his daughters. He sunk in his seat as he remembered that last one.

Finally, as he looked out the window, Igneous spoke with a low voice. "Do you know why we're here?"

Cheese mouth went dry, and he sunk even lower.

"I asked you a question, and I expect you to answer."

Cheese took a deep breath through his nose, and wheezed out, "I was disobedient."

"That's a vague answer, Mr. Sandwich. What exactly did you do?"

Cheese bit his lip and looked at the floor. All of a sudden, whatever type of wood that was used to board the floors was far more interesting than what he was talking about with his boss. He even gazed at one board that wasn't exactly flat.

"Answer me."

Cheese swallowed, still looking at that floorboard. "Went to the carnival without permission... and with your three younger daughters."


"Snuck out past bedtime."


"And... and..." Cheese sighed. "And kissed one of them."

"And who was it that you kissed?"

Cheese winced. "Pinkamena."

"That's right." Igneous went back to pacing around the kitchen, circling the table. "Pinkamena, the daughter of mine who was having the most trouble with a stallion. The one who I was trying to protect the most because of that. The one who despite her hard outer shell is actually the most emotionally vulnerable. I learned that little tidbit when her grandmothers died and she was unable to smile for years after that, despite being the bubbly ball of sunshine as a tiny filly. And you have the nerve to pursue her?"

Cheese twiddled his hooves. "I... I just... I wasn't trying to, it just happened..."

Igneous snorted. "Horseapples. I've seen you getting close with my daughters, but there was an obvious special bond between you two. I could see it clearly with my own two eyes!" He stomped his hoof, and it thundered in Cheese's ears. The tan stallion glared hardly for a few seconds, before his expression softened into a more mild contempt, and he looked down at the floor. "I was just in denial. Until we found that letter."

All the color drained from Cheese's face. "L-letter?"

Igneous took off his hat, and pulled a folded piece of paper from it. As he put his hat back on, he tossed the paper toward Cheese, and it slid to a stop in front of him, opening just enough to reveal the words that his brother had written in his second letter. Cheese stared at it in disbelief.

"H-how did this crawl out from under my bed?! I thought nopony would care enough to look there!"

"I didn't. Cloudy found it on the floor of your room, and it looked like it had fallen off the nightstand."

"Oh, no no no, it was the nicer, less dirty letter I put on the--wait..." Cheese blinked, and then buried his face in his hooves. "Oh, I forgot to check... oops."

"'Oops'?" Igneous shook his head in disgust. "That's all you have to say? 'Oops'?"

Cheese looked up. "Sir, please understand, Tommy has a habit of making bad assumptions!"

"And just how would you know that when you haven't seen him for years? And it seems to me that he was right on the money about you taking a fancy to Pinkamena and being able to slip away without anypony noticing. I wouldn't be surprised if he already is an uncle!"

"He's not! I have never--"

Igneous interrupted him with a hard stomp on the floor. "Are you so sure about that? How do I know that you're not seducing just Pinkamena, but Marble and Limestone as well? How do I know that you haven't kissed all of them? And how do I know that those carnival games and rides aren't the only fun you had last night? I should have known that you'd be like every other traveler I have met, and that you'd keep doing this until you're bored of my daughters, and move on to the next town with unsuspecting mares!"

Cheese stumbled out of his seat and looked up. "Igneous, don't you think you're just a little bit overprotective? After all, your girls are not fillies anymore, and I know that they wouldn't let me get close unless they absolutely trusted me."

"Don't you dare try to change the subject!" Igneous snorted loudly, and his face was turning red. "What do you know about trust? You blindly trusted your brother when his letter smells like a crook! And I know the smell of a crook anywhere."

Cheese's eyes shined with hurt and he continued to gaze mournfully up at Igneous. "Do... do I smell like a crook?"

Igneous sighed. "No... unfortunately, those that don't are the most dangerous. I could smell those crooks that harassed my wife long ago, but I couldn't smell the one who drove my sister out of town."

Cheese blinked, and he got up to his hooves. He looked at Igneous, who was gazing at the floor, and he whispered, "...I'm sorry."

Igneous snorted. "I don't need your pity. What I need you to do is pack your bags, get off this farm, and leave Nickerlite as soon as possible."

Cheese's eyes widened, and his lip trembled. "Does that mean I'm... I'm..."

"Yes, Cheese. It means you're fired."

Author's Note:

Well, I've been involved in those pioneer dances as described in the beginning of the chapter... and I can't really remember the exact details and dances and whatnot--just the whole broad idea and the energy (not to mention it was a whole lotta fun! *squee*). Not to mention I had to adapt the dance to horses. Searching through the net has helped a little...

Uh oh... BUSTED. And just look what Igneous has caught Cheese and Pinkie doing... D8

And thus, the moment you have all been dreading has arrived... Cheese gets fired. If you were all expecting the yell of "YOU'RE FIRED!!!!1!!1!!1!", then you need to sit in the corner--seriously, I think Igneous just yelling like that would have been too comical.