• Published 11th May 2014
  • 1,331 Views, 9 Comments

Happy Mother's Day - Pizzema Forte

Rainbow Dash sends a letter to her father on Mother's Day.

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The Letter

Author's Note:

Some parts of the letter are based off my headcanon displayed in Raising Rainbow, but it's not necessary to read before viewing this. And to those who have read Raising Rainbow, there are some minor spoilers in it for future chapters. Also, thank you guys so much for getting this in popular!

Dear Dad,

Before anything else, I’d like to say Happy Mother’s Day. I guess it may be something kind of… weird to say to your dad on mother’s day, but I really don’t care. That’s not important.

What’s important is why I’m writing this. I’ve never exactly been good with words, so I thought if I wrote them out, I could tell you more of what I wanted to. Just to start, I love you. There’s absolutely no denying that. I know I didn’t say it a lot when I was a teenager, but I always did. Even when would fight, argue, feel upset, or go through a tough time, I always loved you. You were an amazing father, and I love you for that. I’m sorry for not realizing that some of the time. I know I didn’t appreciate you enough at times, but it was mostly because I hardly knew what other parents were like.

When I first met Gilda, I remember thinking she was pretty cool. She was a griffon, for peace sakes! She looked cool, acted cool, and was pretty awesome to hang out with! I know, I know…you never really liked her that much, but you were still nice to her! I mean, even after she got me in a crap load of trouble, you gave her a second chance! I mean, it took like, two years, but you still did!

Anyway, I remember the first time I went to her house for a sleepover. The place was pretty neat, pretty organized. There were some broken picture frames and stuff, but I didn’t really think anything of it. It wasn’t until later that night when her parents got into an argument that I realized how crappy some parents are. I heard the shattering of glass, yelling, crying, and even some hitting. I was terrified, and I’m never scared of anything! I was even more afraid when Gilda claimed it was typical behavior. I remember getting all my stuff and flying home that night after Gilda fell asleep. You weren’t pleased at all to have me coming home at nearly three in the morning, but the moment you answered the door I remember throwing my hooves around you and saying “I’m sorry” over and over again. I don’t know what I was apologizing for. I think it was mostly because I thought I didn’t appreciate you enough. I saw how other households were, and it just reminded me even more about how easy-going and caring you are. It’s kind of funny… When I first started apologizing, you thought I’d done something awful and were flipping out a bit! It was pretty funny, to be honest.

Anyway, I think we should maybe steer away from the bad memories and get to some better ones. Do you remember that one time for your birthday I tried to cook you breakfast? I can’t remember how old I was, but I must’ve been eleven or twelve, maybe thirteen. I thought I was responsible enough to handle using the oven! I tried making a cake from one of your old cookbooks, because I thought I’d be able to. Turns out…I wasn’t as ready as I thought I was. We were clearing the smoke out of house for hours! We even had to throw away a couple pans that cake batter burnt into them!

Yeah, you were a little upset, but you got over it. I think it was awesome of you when you took me out to buy a cake afterwards! It was pretty good, but it I bet it would have tasted better homemade. The year after that one, we did make a cake together. That time, no accidents happened, and everything was good. It didn't turn out as good as I'd hoped, but I guess a lack of culinary skill runs in the family.


Speaking of birthdays, how old are you know? Like, forty or something? You’re getting pretty old… It’s a shame you weren’t at my last birthday party, though! It was a blast! It was thrown by some party planner that wondered into town and Pinkie Pie! Poor girl got pretty down in the dumps about it, though. Competing with others that have a similar talent to you isn't easy, I know...

Speaking of talents, remember the first time you saw my cutie mark? Your jaw dropped to your knees in shock! If I had the energy, I'd probably tell the whole story again through this letter, but you know, you've probably heard the thing a hundred times by now! Still... the day I got it was awesome. I don't think you'd ever been so proud of me in your life. You took me out for ice cream and pretty much annoyed half you family boasting about my achievement. Even though you didn't really buy the whole "Sonic Rainboom" story to start, you were still proud nonetheless, and you'd have been just as proud to this day if I hadn't actually done a sonic rainboom. Hey, maybe when we meet up again I'll show you it. It is pretty spectacular, and I think you'd gain even more pride in me (if that were even possible).

Ugh, we really need to get together again....

I know you live in Cloudsdale and stuff, but I’d still like to visit you one day… I think that’d be real nice. Maybe we could go for a nice, long fly, go to a park, or that one museum in Manehattan you like, if they guards don’t recognize us… I’m still sorry about accidentally getting us kicked out of there when I was seven. It’s not something I’m proud of…

I’m getting off track again, aren’t I? It’s sort of easy with these kinds of things. All this reminiscing has got me sidetracked. I barely remember what I was originally going to tell you…

Oh, yeah…

Alright, Dad, you know me very well, and you know I don’t like getting all gooshy with you, but, there are some things I’d like to say in this letter that wouldn’t be able to say to your face without losing my pride.

Dad, I love you. I was a rambunctious, clumsy, and a real hoof-full to care for. Thank you, though… Thank you so, so much for always being there for me. You mean the world to me, and I wouldn’t exchange you for anything.

Not even a mother.

I know being a single father wasn’t easy for you, but you always managed to pull through somehow. You had to keep up with bills, necessities, work, me, and anything else the world just happened to throw at you, yet…you managed. You always came around for me, and comforted me in my worst of days. You held me when I was upset and cared for me when I was ill, and you did it all by yourself. You were the best dad I could ever ask for, even if I wasn’t the best filly at times.

You know it wasn’t easy for me either. When I was really little, I’d get picked on at school for it. I struggled with different stages of life when I didn’t have a mother to turn to, and yet you helped me through it. You helped me through absolutely everything, no matter how sad, awkward, or strange it was. You played every role a mother should. Dad…you weren’t just a father to me… You were my mother, too. You were amazing in everything you did.

Anyways, because of everything you’ve ever done for me, and all the joy you’ve brought to me over the past years, I dedicate this mother’s day to you. You were more than a father, friend, or mother. You were much, much more, and I promise, I’ll always love you more than any other stallion that comes along in my life.

Another thing, I’m sending this a bit early, so maybe you could write me back and give me the okay to come visit you on Mother’s Day? I know you’re busy quite often, but I’d take off of work to come visit you next Sunday. Maybe if you’re up to it, I could take you to The Museum of the Fine Arts in Canterlot. They’d be ten times better than that dingy little arts museum in Manehattan! Also, we’re not banned from this one!

Also, since I never really had a mother, I never really knew what you’re supposed to do for your mom on Mother’s day, so I just sent you flowers like most of my friends are doing. I hope you like them, and you’re not too masculine to put them in a nice little vase next to your windowsill.

Sorry if I sounded kinda gushy through this whole thing… It’s nothing I’d say in real life, but you know deep inside, I mean every word.

With lots of love this Mother’s Day, your loyal daughter,

Rainbow Dash.

Comments ( 9 )

You are my favorite author, I will read anything you put out. :twilightsmile:

beautiful. but it got me thinking? What happened to Firefly? Hmm...

4374226 In my own personal headcanon (which you don't have to believe and can go by any you prefer) Firefly abandoned the family shortly after giving birth, because it was too much pressure and she wanted to pursue her dreams.

4374166 Thank you very much:twilightsmile::heart:

Very sweet. I particularly like how, even though this is for your own headcanon Rainbow Dad, it's easy to substitute my own because they're quite similar.

I know being a single father wasn’t easy for you, but you always managed to pull through somehow. You had to keep up with bills, necessities, work, me, and anything else the world just happened to throw at you, yet…you managed. You always came around for me, and comforted me in my worst of days. You held me when I was upset and cared for me when I was ill, and you did it all by yourself. You were the best dad I could ever ask for, even if I wasn’t the best filly at times.

This summed it up quite nicely.

Rainbow's dad appearance in season 5 is still on my wish list. Beautiful letter by the way.

4374686 Yeah, it's been on my wish-list since the day the episode aired. We've seen Twi's parents 3-4 times, Pinkie's 2 times, Rarity's once (Only hers got bucking dialogue), and now Rainbow's once. It's not likely he'll ever get dialogue/large amounts of screen time, seeing the way they've treated other parents of the mane six, but we can always hope.

4374384 Thank you:twilightsmile:

4374240 pfft only to become a prostitute :rainbowlaugh:

Aww, this is so sweet! :pinkiehappy: This made my day so much! My only nitpick is that there are minor grammar mistakes, but other than that, I loved this!

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