• Published 1st Apr 2014
  • 2,491 Views, 36 Comments

Why Am I A Technicolored Pony Tinkerbell? - Too Manestream

Okay, seriously I don't know how but I somehow woke up in Equestria as one of the annoying breezie things. This won't end well.

  • ...

Going where the wind takes us.

Author's Note:

Looks like I have to add adventure to the catogories. Can't believe I forgot that. Ugh, sad chapter! V_V I don't know how to make this funny.

Song lyrics used from:

In the last chapter, our 'hero', or Hailey, as she calls herself, met an adorable breezie, but unfortunately, she is forced to watch over it for the day. But how will she be able to get back with this problem on her hands, erk- hooves? I guess she'll have to take it with her on her quest! How will they get to Ponyville? Will the Elements of Harmony even be able to help? Will I ever get paid for narrating? I hope so because this is extremely boring! All this and more answered in this chapter! But probably not, that's just in the script. Who the fuck wrote this crap anyways?

- Just read it!

Fine, fine! But seriously isn't that alot for 1 chapter? I mean, we aren't really going to have that in this chapter right? Anyways this is taking way too long, so onto the story!

I woke up- wait didn't this happen already? Oh, okay here we are- I down looked at the infant breezie I was cradling in my forelegs. What a cutie, sound asleep. "Looks like you're coming with me for a trip," I paused and looked around the house. "Say, ya know, I don't even recall where we are in the first place. Where was it the breezies lived?" I poked my head out of a round window, and my eyes quickly widened. Did I wake up in Equestria, or Oz? It was beautiful, there where waterfalls rushing in the background, giant mushroom, made into houses (that's probably what I'm in now, actually), shimmering stone walks- it was just maginificant. I think I'm gonna cry- but no time for that now.

I opened the door, a bit startled when I saw no path, but then again, breezies seem to float and flutter everywhere they go. I saw a gathering of breezies in the center of town, I'm guessing would be the plaza. 'Hm, some kind of gathering or some shit like that? Well maybe that would be a good place to start. I bet I could figure out where to go if I go over there.' I floated down to them, and casually inserted myself into the crowd, between a breezie with a mushroom hat, and one with long, and must In add luxurious, purple hair.

"So, what's up here?" I asked, attempting to act casual. As long as it isn't a funeral I shouldn't draw too much attention.

The other breezies started speaking some other language I couldn't understand. It just sounded like "Hinger dinger danger." If you ask me, but what do I know,

"Uh, does anyone speak english?" I got some stares, wait do they call it english here? "Oh sorry I mean, poninish..?"

One of the breezies came out f the crowd and looked at me. "I do. What do you need? My name is Swirly, I've seen you around but hadn't gotten a chance to say hello," She, I assume because their wearing a dress, looked down. "Why are you holding a baby? It could get dangerous delivering pollen, so you should leave him here." (Oh it's a he.)

"Hey don't tell me how to fucking raise my kid!" Anyways, are we going to be passing by Ponyville, by any chance, on this... Er, pollen route?" I asked. "I... Want to, uh, visit a friend."

Swirly sighed. "I don't think so but we'll have to see. We're going where the wind takes us, literally." After she said that the breezies all started piling out of a portal in the rocks. I figured there wasn't any other option, so I joined them. The portal lead to a cave, a small one, it was actually more like a tube in the side of a mountain, but it was okay. When reached the outside, I was happy to see the bright skies and grass. There where some butterflies and ladybugs, which reminded me how small breezies where. Guess it was time to go. The other breezies said it could take a few days, but I'm okay with that.

Oh boy, when Swirly said literally, she meant literally. It isn't like we where trapped, (we could get out any time we wanted to just by flying out,) but we kind of all just left our wings open and followed the breeze. The baby stayed asleep for a long time. It woke up once in a while when it was hungry, but after I gave it some milk, (NO, not tit milk, we got packs of supplies,) it fell back asleep.

It's been about 4 hours now, and we where getting close. Swirly told me that if we where going to pass through Ponyville it would be soon. She was right, but that doesn't mean we went through it. The fucking wind wen't right around it, seriously, when the town came came into vision, we ended up turning, and going around the right of it. Well, I didn't come all the way here for nothing. Nope, I slowed down, and waited for the others to get ahead of me. Swirly of coarse wouldn't leave me as easily. She looked at me, when she noticed I was behind the others, and fluttered over.

"What are you doing Seabreeze? You aren't going to sneak off to Ponyville, are you? You're fucking insane!" She shouted at me. I was a bit surprised she said 'fucking', I didn't think ponies here could curse honestly. But, what did I expect, this ain't no dumbass gen-3.

"Yes, you don't understand-"

"Oh I think I do! You are willing to put yourself and that foal in danger, just to see an old friend? Whats wrong with you!?"

"No," I started. I didn't know her for a while now, but I think she desearves to know the truth. "I'm actually going to Ponyville for help. I'm not who you think I am, I'm from another universe, my name is Hailey, and I woke up in the body of Seabreeze. I don't know how it's possible, but I need to get home. And you're right, I'll go by myself. It's okay if I get hurt, but this baby, this sweet innocent baby, disearves no harm. I want you to take him back for me. I don't care if you believe me or not, but I'm going to get back home," I held out the foal to her in my forelegs. She lifted her's and took him from me. I couldn't help but shed a tear. "Fuck you, you little cutie, now you've got me crying." I said to him before I left.

Swirly smiled a little bit. A tear drop, swiveled down her cheek. "Good luck." She said, waving me off. I waved back to her, and flied towards the town.

-Play us out, Greenday!

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone