• Published 23rd Apr 2012
  • 18,815 Views, 951 Comments

Scorched - Kody910

[2nd Person] You, a thief, winds up working for the Apple Family.

  • ...



You step out of the bathroom only to be greeted by the booming voice of Applejack. Stepping into the hallway, an orange blur streaks past you, frantically scouring the house in search of her beloved headgear.

"Er, AJ?" You ask concernedly. "Something wrong?"

She runs up to you and puts her hooves on your shoulders. "I can't find my hat anywhere! You didn't take it, did you!?"

"Oh, come on. I benched that whole thing months ago, you know that!" You say, rolling your eyes.

"Oh Celestia, if I lost it..." She runs of into another room in her dire search.

Genuinely curious, you try to remember where she last put it. As you think, a giggle from down the hallway interrupts your thoughts. Knowing precisely who that giggle belonged to, you had a pretty good idea of who the hat-pilferer might be.

It had been several months since the fire. Life on the Acres had returned to normal since that day. Well, mostly normal, anyway. Reconstruction on the barn went smoothly, and you gladly offered to help. Of course, your free time for helping was cut down after you managed to get a small job helping out at the First Bank of Ponyville.

Applebloom had recovered nicely. Despite her injuries, she didn't seem so shaken by the whole ordeal. Perhaps it was because she had been unconscious during the blaze. She felt awfully guilty over being one of the primary causes for the fire (and still does), but you reassured her it was alright. As long as she was fine, that was fine by you.

You have since started living in your own home again, but ever since you and Applejack made your relationship official, you made it a point to visit whenever you could. Especially during the later part of the day. You and AJ had made it a sort of ritual to view the sunset. However, it wasn't quite so bittersweet anymore.

Trotting down the hallway, you turn into Applebloom's room. She lies on her bed in an uncharacteristically cool manner. Her forelegs are folded behind her head, and one of her hind legs is propped up on the other. Her eyes are closed.

"Hey Applebloom," you start. "You seen AJ's hat anywhere?"

"Nope. Course not. What makes you think I have it?" She responded way too quickly for it to be anywhere near believable.

"Really? No idea at all?" You say, trying to prod her.

"Yup. No idea." She keeps her eyes closed as she talks.

"Huh. Strange. I just got this feeling you know where it is." She nervously shifts. "Perhaps you just forgot."

"Sure, I-" Her eyes shoot open and she sits up. "Uh, I mean-"

"So you do know? You just can't remember?" You tease.

"W-Well, I-"

"Perhaps I should help...jog your memory." You take a sly look on your face.

"What do you-" Before she can finish her sentence, you press your hooves onto her ribs and begin to tickle her. Her speech is cut off and replaced with jovial bouts of laughter. "H-Hey! Haha, quit it! S-Stop it! Hahaha!" She falls onto her back in her fit of laughter. She feebly pushes against your hooves, trying to stop you.

"Are you sure you can't remember where it is?" You prod her more, trying to get her to admit.

"O-Okay, okay! Just s-stop it!" You release her, and she sits up. She takes a moment to catch her breath before continuing. "I just hid it under her bed. I didn't do anythin' to it."

"Thank you, but please." You step back and take a more serious tone. "Don't get into stealing. Trust me, it's not a field you want to get into."

"What're ya talkin' about?" She takes a very confused look on her face. You simply give her a knowing look, and leave the room.

Trotting into Applejack's room, you quickly lower yourself to the edge of her bed. Looking beneath, you quickly spot her hat, and drag it out from it's location. You were about to stand up when something else caught your eye. Under her bed was a large case. It looked like a guitar case.

Curious, you stand and call for AJ. "Hey, Applejack, I found it!"

Within seconds, she arrives in the room and breaths a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank goodness! Where was it?"

"That ain't important." You decided not to rat out Applebloom, for whatever reason. Handing the hat to her, you ask. "Hey, is that a guitar case under your bed?"

As she sets the hat on her head, her ears fold back, and she suddenly looks very bashful. "Er...yeah, it is."

"I had no idea you played guitar! You never told me, and we've been together for how long now?"

"A...few months..." She nervously rubs her foreleg. "B-But I ain't any good at it."

"Nonsense! I'm sure you're wonderful at it!" She doesn't seem to buy it. You trot up and wrap a hoof around her shoulder. "I'd like to hear you play it sometime."

"R-Really?" She looks incredulous.

"Would I lie to you?" You give her a small kiss on the lips to prove your point.

"Well...maybe some time." She takes a small blush on her cheeks.

"Great. Now, I've got to get running. Got to get to work!" You say, strangely enthusiastic.

"Alright, have a good day, Honeybun!" She replied. She had started calling you that quite a while ago.

Exiting her room, you begin for the First Bank of Ponyville.


Wow, today sucked.

It wasn't a particularly spectacular day for you at the bank. You walk in only to be greeted with a piping hot cup of coffee in your face within minutes of arriving. Not much else to get excited about happened after that.

It didn't matter, you were just happy to be back at the Acres, heading to your spot. It was later in the day, and you were going to end it in your favorite way possible. Though the sunset still held a bittersweet memory for you, you still loved it. Moreover for the 'sweet,' rather than the bitter. You'll always have a place in your heart for those memories...There are just some things you can't throw away.

Trotting up to your usual spot, you find that Applejack hasn't arrived yet. Strange, she was usually up here before you were. Perhaps she had a few extra errands to run.

Shrugging, you plop yourself down next to the tree you had grown fond of for being your backrest. Leaning back, and folding your hooves behind your head, you relish in the serenity you loved so much. The cicadas were playing their usual melody, and the birds with their usual song. A cool breeze flowed through the area. Taking a deep breath of the crisp, country air, you simply wait for her to arrive.


"Howdy, Honeybun."

Right on cue, as always. You turn your head to see the country mare approaching. She was carrying a large, black object on her back, connected to her via a strap around her chest.

She came up and sat right next to you, lifting the object over her head. She sets it down on the ground, and you can now identify it as the case she had beneath her bed.

"Your guitar?" You ask.

"Ya wanted a performance, right?" She asks, sounding slightly nervous.

"Only if you're up for it."

She smiles sheepishly and begins to unpack her instrument. Opening the case, you find inside is a standard acoustic guitar. It looked rather old, as it had quite a few scratches and scuffs here and there, but it looked good nonetheless.

Lifting it out of its case, Applejack lifts her hooves to the standard playing position. "Gimme a minute, it's been awhile since I played fer anypony."

"Take all the time you need." You say as you wave a hoof dismissively.

She takes a few moments to get reacquainted with the instrument. During that time, you can't help but admire her in all her glory, shining under the suns subdued rays. You can't help but feel like the luckiest colt in the world for having a mare like her. She truly had no equal.

After a bit, she turns to you. "Alright, I'm ready. Now, what to play..." She taps her hoof to her chin, and her face suddenly lights up. "I got one ya might recognize."

With that, she readjusts herself before playing. She brings her hooves over the strings, and begins to play a rather familiar tune. Listening close, you recognize the melody. It was a song you had heard, years ago, on a cute, little radio. Your mind filled in for the other guitar, as you recalled the lyrics. You even surprised yourself when you began to sing.

The world was on fire and no one could save me but you.
It's strange what desire will make foolish ponies do.
And I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you.
And I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you.

No, I don't want to fall in love.
No, I don't want to fall in love.
With you. With you.

You look over to her, and she looks as though she is completely entranced by her instrument. No time to ogle, you recall the next verse.

What a wicked game to play, to make me feel this way.
What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you.
What a wicked thing to say, you never felt that way.
What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you and,

I don't want to fall in love.
No, I don't want to fall in love.
With you. With you.

Her eyes are fixated on the instrument in her grip, her gaze unfaltering. One hoof glided across the neck of the guitar, while the other delicately plucked at the strings, producing the melody.

The world was on fire and no one could save me but you.
It's strange what desire will make foolish ponies do.
And I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you.
And I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you.

No I, don't want to fall in love.
No I, don't want to fall in love.
No I.
No I.

Nobody loves no one.

With the song complete, you can practically hear the applause of an audience. It wasn't bad, if you do say so yourself.

Looking over to Applejack, you can see her smiling, a wistful look in her eyes. She sets the guitar back into its case, and snuggles right up to you under the tree. Planting a soft kiss on your lips, she gently rests her head against your chest.

"But I wouldn't mind if ya did."

The two of you bask in the fading sunlight, merely enjoying the view.

If there was ever a personal heaven for you, this might be it.

No, scratch that.

It was definitely your heaven.

Comments ( 226 )

Beautiful ending to an awesome story!:pinkiehappy:
I hope you do more stories like this.
Maybe one with Pinkie Pie?:trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

WHY DID IT HAVE TO END!!!!!???:fluttercry:

To tell the truth I kept thinking his cutie mark was going to change into something else. But anyway great story I wish it didn't have to end :fluttercry:.

Awww... It really bites when a good story finishs up but hey, what can you do?
Besides, the ending was great though and you finished strongly in my opinion. :pinkiesmile:


better to end strong than to drag it too far.
Hm, i wonder that the music poster is going to say once he gets a lot of notes saying 'ponies brought me here' lol

Good, no write one with Fluttershy. :trollestia:

755032 The writer did, Before this one.


D'awwwwww cute ending.

Wrapped up faster than I expected but still a great story!
Edit: Wow its featured AGAIN!

Tears fell after I finished this story. Manly tears of Joy. It was simply put, beautiful. Thank you.


You are a beautiful person/pony


755068 Its nothing, really. I read most of this the other day, before the last two chapters were released, wondering 'Did he write anything other then this in this type of format? No way hes this good without practice.' and I looked and there it was. It is different, the plot, and the characters, but its a 2nd person one, like this one.

I like being called beautiful, the first four letters are the name of my cat. :rainbowlaugh:

755031 Probably on the lines of WTF or "What the hell are ponies" is the guy has no idea. (Though I'm highly doubtful) :twilightsheepish:
EDIT: Yep! Certainly WTF


I couldn't help but think "How does a pony play guitar?".

Great story, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Wish it was longer but the ending is very well done.

Beautiful ending to a great story.

Just gotta say that that was the second best story I've ever read (after "Memory Pending") on this site. This story is taking place over "My little Dashie" on my must read list of favourites!

that was a great story I don't know if you can make a sequel to it but that would be awesome if you could cause this was my favorite story ever and I'm serious great job man

it... was so beautiful...:pinkiesad2::heart:

other than that, no words explain how much i love this story.


I hate you. Teared up when that scene aired all those years ago, now here I am, tearing up again, because I hear Iroh singing.

Confound these animated persons! They make me have feelings!

755047 Minor squabble, the fifth line begins with "Little". Otherwise it was a good reference and I commend you for it.

wow that ending was great truely an awesome ending to a great fic

This was truly a great story. pity it had to end but you came off strong, loved it

755166 Hah, expectations.

The thing about the internet is that I have no expectations for it. Something good comes up and I'm all "Whaaaaat" and then I try to make it better.



I aim to please.

And I look forward to the next installment on your story as well!

755129 Dude, you just made my heart explode from that pic. :rainbowkiss:

This was an AWESOME story. :twilightsmile:

Again I post this.


I APPROVE... YOU GET TO LIVE ANOTHER DAY... For now.:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

After my humanized fiction with Applejack has it's next chapter, I'm actually planning on a Pinkie Pie story. Not humanized and rated T for sexual humor.
In case the great and powerful Kody :trixieshiftleft: doesn't answer your calls, I shall :pinkiesmile:

No fair I was gonna post that D:

Please bring us more stories like this one.:fluttercry:


So it's finally done.

I enjoyed following the story. Applejack is my second favorite pony, after all. Good work all around.

The Brony Patrol salutes you!

If I could rate five stars again, I'd do so. Instead all I can offer you is one thumb up. :fluttershysad:

Yeah, this pic is kind of how I feel too. Still, it ended well. I have to wonder what he did with the money he'd already accumulated from his thefts that were in the chest, though.

A beautiful story, this just like some sort of a light novel, anyway I hope you can do something like this to other mane 6, personally I want rainbow dash.

or you can do something about Scootaloo?

Clop clop...
Wait, rewind. Clap clap clap clap clap!
Much better!

40,000 words (About an 80 page tale you've spun!) and a wonderful story. Thank you for writing and sharing it.

755129 You... You... *Eye twitch* YOU WHAT?! NO! Come ON! I ALWAYS use that pic! No bloody fair! *Goes to pout in the corner*

755073 ... Oops. Too late! :trollestia:

I gotta say that's one of the best fanfic endings I've read by tunder.

Hope you continue to make stories for our enjoyment boy.

for some reason i feel like sly cooper

Perfect ending to an amazing story. I could visualize that ending so vividly it felt like I was watching a movie. Perfect choice of song too!!:rainbowkiss:

Favorited, rated, and looking forward to more stories from you!

"... The two of you bask in the fading sunlight, merely enjoying the view.

If there was ever a personal heaven for you, this might be it."




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