• Published 26th Mar 2014
  • 12,363 Views, 84 Comments

A Queen's Lament - Crystal Static

After Canterlot, Queen Chrysalis has had a lot to think about.

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Part Two - Pains of Birth

A Queen's Lament

Part Two

I am less than two weeks away from the birth of my foals, Princess Celestia, Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle, and Princess Cadence are all going to be in the delivery room with me. I am just glad that Celestia has offered her personal doctors, and I will be in a state of the art medical facility in Canterlot Castle.

Aside from expecting mother issues, the general public has been informed of the circumstances behind the invasion. I am just glad that the investigation of the Dodge Junction guard was fruitful. Changelings will be integrated into pony society, and my chosen diplomat to handle changeling relations has an office in the castle. Things are looking up.

I talked to Twilight Sparkle with the orbs the other day, she hasn't talked with her friends about the situation, but she has no hard feelings about Canterlot. She understood the circumstances behind it, and she even said that, in my position, she would have done the same thing. She also has the perfect house picked out for me for when I move to Ponyville.


I am now in Canterlot Castle, in one of the rooms reserved for foreign dignitaries. The foals will be born any day now. We decided to name the foals after they are born, I have some ideas, but we will need to see. Twilight has offered to teach the foals magic if they have horns, I am glad that she will be there for them.

Changelings have begun integrating into pony society, I have explained the laws that they will be subject to over the hivemind. They know that any transformations that they use must be unique, no copying other ponies. A few of my changelings are quite brave, they are forgoing creating a pony persona, and are instead using their transformation to change aspects of their natural bodies to make it easier to tell who is who. All changelings are registering their natural self, along with any alter-egos that they have, and they have been informed on proper feeding. I am proud of my changelings.


"Push! I can see the foal's head!"

With a yell, Chrysalis pushes the foal out. A loud crying is heard, the doctor hands the nurse the first foal. The nurse shows Chrysalis the foal, a white filly with insectoid wings and a unicorn horn.

"Her name is Radiance, my little light of hope…"

The nurse takes the foal to the other room to measure and weigh. The birthing process continues with the second foal.

"There's something wrong here! The other foal isn't coming out right." the doctor announces.


"It is angled wrong, it is going to be coming back hooves first. Don't push, we will have to go in with some minor surgery."


The doctor applies anesthetic, then pulls out a scalpel. "Hold still, I have anesthetized you, but moving could hurt the foal."

Before Chrysalis could respond, the doctor cuts her open and removes the foal. No crying could be heard, and the doctor is silent for a time.

"The foal… it isn't moving… it didn't make it…"


"That's just it, it doesn't even have a pulse…"

"My foal… let me see it…"

The doctor shows Chrysalis the second foal, a light grey colt with a changeling horn and holes in his hooves.

Chrysalis lets out a choking sob, "…Dancing Shadow, his name was Dancing Shadow…" Chrysalis breaks down and starts sobbing into blanket wrapped foal.

"Chrysalis, I am sorry… the nurse here is going to clean up Dancing Shadow… I will go tell Shining Armor the news…"

The doctor hands the colt to the nurse, then walks out of the room. After a few minutes, he returns with Shining Armor. The nurse come back in with Radiance, and gives her to Shining.

"Chrysalis named her Radiance, a beautiful name for a beautiful filly."

"Thanks nurse."

Shining Armor gives Chrysalis the little filly, then pulls her into a warm embrace. The others enter the room to the sight of Shining and Chrysalis broken down with the one foal.

Celestia is the first to speak, "Chrysalis, I am so sorry. I know not what you must be feeling right now, but you mustn't be sad in front of your little filly."

Shining Armor gets up and turns to the princess, "Celestia, when you know the pain of losing one of your foals, you will understand. Until then, just back off…"


We buried our little colt today, the pain still hasn't gone away, but it is manageable now… Cadence and Twilight have been taking care of Radiance while Shining and I mourn. At first they didn't understand why, but I explained how the negative emotions could harm the filly if she is exposed to too much of it. Tomorrow we will all be going to Ponyville with Twilight, and I will be moving in.

The colt was buried with the rest of the Sparkle family, and the headstone has a nice message engraved on it. 'Dancing Shadow, holding the hope of what could have been. We will always remember.'


I moved into my new house in Ponyville. The welcoming party was nice, I had some trouble with Rainbow Dash, but we got it worked out. Pinkie Pie is a walking headache, but I am glad to be friends with her. Applejack was skeptical but accepting. Rarity wanted to make me an entire wardrobe. Fluttershy was terrified, but then she saw Radiance and immediately opened up.

The ponies of Ponyville are surprisingly accepting of me, and things are good, but I still feel like ash inside. How is a mother supposed to get over the loss of their newborn colt? I love Radiance to pieces, and Cadence is surprisingly accepting of the whole thing, but I cannot yet be completely happy.

Changelings have been accepted without much fuss, there were a few protests for a few days, but the princesses put an end to that. Changelings that have been residing in Equestria have been registering everywhere. It turns out that there were about one changeling for every hundred Equestrians before we integrated. Now the numbers are about one in thirty. Changelings are integrating fully, registering for education, going to trade schools, taking on different jobs. There were about a thousand changelings hidden in the Equestrian population, but our race is still considered endangered, but things are looking up for the changeling race.

Author's Note:

I am bad at pacing sometimes, the feels section is a tad rushed...