• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 3,654 Views, 947 Comments

TiM: Best of Intentions, Worst of Results - Twidashforever

TiM #3: The cost of inactions is often higher then the cost of action, yet who pays the price? Sequel to The Truth in Meanings

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As a Titan slowly continued dragging its bulk up from the Everfree Forest, Twilight quickly took flight. She wanted to end this quickly, before anypony else could get hurt. The memory of seeing Fluttershy like ‘that’ was still fresh in her mind. The longer the fight lasted the more likely she would lose more of her friends, not to mention the fight itself. If that happened, there was no doubt in her mind that the destruction of the world would soon follow. A Titan was a child of the Gods Tartarus and Gaia. These creatures were such a threat to the world that the Gods themselves could not allow them to continue living on it. As such, Gaia and her brother Tartarus sealed them away using Tartarus's body as their prison. Originally, there had been twelve such creatures. However, in an effort to gain even more power, and the ‘favor’ of their parents, they turned on each other, only three remain. Right now, Twilight was watching one of the last three Titans pull itself out of the Everfree Forest.

‘How did this happen? How did it escape from Tartarus?’ Questions kept replaying in Twilight’s mind, whatever had happened; it was bad, very, very, bad. She would have to get answers on how such a creature could have possibly escaped, and why Tartarus did not immediately stop it, later. With the exception of her conversation with Chaos just now, she had not seen or heard from any of the Gods in almost forty years, not since the incident under the Crystal Palace all those years ago. In truth, she wished never to see them again, especially Tartarus; after all, he was kind of a prick.

Twilight made her way to Fluttershy’s abandoned cottage. Fluttershy had moved out of it ever since the changeling incident. She took to living with Applejack before AJ’s passing. It hurt to think of that, Applejack was the first of their friends to pass on. Logically, Twilight knew that she would have to watch every one of them die, eventually. Now, she had not only watched Applejack die, but Fluttershy was gone too.

Twilight quickly changed gears in her thinking; she would need to deal with that later, not now. Now, she had other concerns, bigger concerns, Titan-sized concerns.

Twilight had selected this spot on purpose, any creature of ‘that’ size would be overconfident, assure of itself, not believing that it could actually be harmed. At least, that was what her previous experience with the Titan she had seen before. She had taught it a lesson in humility. She cut off its left arm and spilt its right in twain. As such, she did not believe that this was the same one. This one had both arms still intact. Unless they could grow back that is…

Using her magic, Twilight lay down an enhancement ritual. Normally, she would not have even bothered with such a spell. Normally, she was not so exhausted. The day’s events had not been kind, as such; she needed all the advantage she could get. Only a hoof full of ponies knew about this spell. She had developed it with Dayspring as a way of practicing new magic, when a talented unicorn or alicorn stood in the center, he or she could use the runes inscribed on the edge of the circle drawn on the ground to boost the power of their spells. It was an incredibly useful tool for developing new magic. Under normal circumstances, trying new spells would drain the caster for a week afterwards. Allowing only one such attempt at a time. If it failed, you were done for quite some time.

This allowed the user to make several attempts a day. If you failed, you could make a quick adjustment and try repeatedly as needed. However, because of the uncertainty of new magic it was very dangerous. There was no telling what result such a miscast could cause. As such, Twilight and Celestia both agreed that it would never see mainstream use. Therefore, as of now, the only ponies that knew about it are Twilight, Night, Day, Celestia, Cadance, and Luna.

Of course, developing new magic was only one thing it could do. Enhancing spells was it purpose after all, and right now, Twilight needed a spell enhanced, an attack spell.

As the Titan stood upon the ground for the first time in a million years he paused to bask, it had been a long, long, time since he had seen the sun. The lesser races had taken control of the surface. He would have to fix that. Looking around, he could spot several odd structures in the distance. On the side of a mountain were numerous strange spear-shaped objects. Definitely bigger than any of his bugs could use, although, they might be the perfect size for him. Closer were some strange box shaped objects. They seemed arranged in a pattern of some sort. That did not matter to him; they were something he could crush, something he could use to vent his rage. That mattered to him.

Celestia watched as the gigantic mountain took its first step towards Ponyville. She had studied history books, as the ruler of Equestria it was useful to know a little about everything. These beings, these Titans, they were unlike anything she could have ever conceived of before. It was one thing to read about them, quite another to see one in real life, especially one that was currently walking over to attack Ponyville.

“Celestia! What is that?”

“Night, what are you doing here?”

“When that.” Night gestured with her hoof to the towering mountain walking to her hometown. “Showed up, they all stopped attacking. It was almost like they were afraid to be there once that arrived.”

Celestia nodded at that, in truth, she was afraid of the exact same thing.

“It's a Titan young one, one of the children of the Gods. They should have been all locked up in the deepest depths of Tartarus; I'm unsure how this one got free.”

“What are we going to do about it?”

“There is little we can do. Don’t fret though; your mom is working on it.”

“But, she can’t handle one of these alone.”

“She has before.”

Shimmering Night looked stunned at that, “Nice joke.”

“It's no joke, surely Twilight Sparkle told you about her time in Tartarus?”

Night thought back, “Yeah, but she never mentioned anything like that.”

Celestia laughed, “I see she skipped over a few details, while your parents were in Tartarus one of these creatures, I believe it was called, Cronus, attacked them. After it severely injured Rainbow Dash, Twilight cut off both of its arms.”

Night thought about this for a while, she had heard the stories of how much power Twilight had back then, but that was a long time ago. Now, Twilight was nowhere near her power from all those years ago. Suddenly a realization overtook her, the full implication of what Celestia had implied weighed down on her. “Wait; there are MORE of these things.”

“Two more, if what Twilight told me is true, and I have no reason to believe otherwise.”

A large buildup of magical energy interrupted the conversation they were having, one glance over told them the direction it was coming from. It was coming from the direction of the Everfree Forest, more specifically, the direction of Fluttershy’s old cottage.

“Mom, please be ok…”

Twilight concentrated as hard as she could, the magical buildup was amazing. She could feel the energy coalescing around her, the more power she gave out; the more the circle would amplify and return to her. It was condensing, becoming real, and substantial. Anypony looking at it would be able to see the magic buildup. She had to be careful. This circle had its limits. Too much and it would cascade out of control and explode. Dayspring had found that lesson out the hard way. The next six months he spent in the hospital had taught all of the value of control over power.

She amplified the power in her horn; the Titan was getting close, very close. She wanted to time her attack just right. Her target was its heart, or at least where she thought its heart would be, she resolved on a direct, intense blow straight to the middle of its chest. Two more steps and it would be in optimal position, one more step, now!

Celestia and Night watched as Twilight released the energy that she had been building. The dome of power that was coalescing around Twilight gathered at the focal point in her horn and shot out at unimaginable speed, her aim was true. The purple energy beam struck the Titan dead center in its chest, passing right through and out the other side. The force of the impact knocked the titan off its feet. Blasted backwards by the force of the collision, it went crashing down into the Everfree. The resulting shock waves flattened every tree in five miles, destroying several homes in Ponyville that had been weakened in the attack. The Titan lay, unmoving where it had fallen.

“MOM!” Shimmering Night took off before Celestia could stop her. She flew straight to the source of the beam that fell a Titan, straight to Twilight.

Night landed a few hooves away from Twilight. “Mom, are you ok?”

Twilight looked up from where she had collapsed, on a good day that was a LOT of energy to use, and today was anything but a good day. “Did… did that do it?”

“Yes, you got him…”

Twilight visibly relaxed, the circle around her was close to breaking, literally, she could see cracks forming in the lines she had drawn. It would not be usable again. Even if it had been, in her state, she questioned whether or not it would do more harm than good anyway.


Thanus laughed as he raked his claws across the fly’s flank yet again. It was almost too easy to rile this one up. Sure, she had speed and power over him. However, he had experience and the terrain on his side. He had set this up beforehand for this very purpose. It also helped that he knew her weakness. He knew how to get under her skin. All he had to do was talk about the one called Twilight; this fly seemed to have a weakness for that one. He liked such weakness, they were easy to exploit.

“Ahh, just think, once I finish with you, Twilight will be all by herself. Easy enough prey. I wonder how she will taste.”


Another outburst, another blow she failed to block, another sweet feeling of blood staining his claws. ‘Time to run.’ He thought. Yes, he could get the advantage, but he had to capitalize on it. This meant he had to keep her frustrated. Nothing was more frustrating than an opponent who would not sit still, who would not face you directly in combat. He had to be careful though, one slip up and it would be over, he would lose, and the fly would return to the battle. His mission would fail. He did not fear death. He only feared failing, again.

The shockwave nearly cost him everything. When it hit, the force took him by surprise. Dash did not have that issue, one of the few advantages of succumbing to your rage was that you tended to be single minded in your pursuit of it, as such, Rainbow Dash did not care about the sudden earthquake; she did not care about what had caused it. All she cared about was the creature that had tried to kill Twilight. When the opportunity presented itself, she took it.

Thanus clutched at his missing left arm. Cursing himself for getting distracted, another injury, another lesson. He took off deeper into the forest, yes this set him back. However, it changed nothing; there were still several more locations to have this fight. He would enjoy teaching this fly another lesson.


Celestia caught up with the two, she had to admit that Twilight’s power was very impressive. This proved beyond her last shreds of doubt the reports that Twilight had given her had been true. Even she was a little ‘unsure’ about some of the more fantastical details. Now, now, there was no denying it.

“Shimmering Night, is she ok?” Concern was evident in Celestia’s voice over her friend and former protégés condition.

“Yes, she's just exhausted.”

“I can only imagine.”

“Will you two stop talking about me like I'm not here.”

Celestia looked at her friend in shock; she had not expected Twilight to be conscious. “Sorry Twilight, I didn't know you were still awake.”

“Trust me; I don’t want to be… Night can you go find Rainb…”

Twilight’s question was killed mid-sentence. A loud rustling noise was coming in the direction of the Everfree; the sound caused a sense of dread to overtake the three assembled ponies. Only one thing could be making it. The Titan was getting up.


Spike did his absolute best to ignore everything going on behind him. He flew straight to Manehattan as he clutched Aurora tightly to his chest. Celestia told him to take her there, Ponyville was not safe, and while she was able to close most of Aurora’s wounds, the pegasus still needed medical help. Ponyville was no longer safe and if they failed, Canterlot would be next.

He hated this, he hated leaving Rarity behind, he hated leaving his Daughter behind, and he definitely hated leaving Twilight behind. He hated Dayspring for the position he put him in. He hated how selfish Day had been; he hated how evil he had been. However, mostly, he hated how noble he had been. Tears began falling from Spike’s eyes at that thought. He hoped… he prayed… that when his time came, he could meet his end with half the honor Dayspring Gleam had shown. It was hard to hate somepony who gave up everything for those he loved.


“Mom… What do we do?” Fear was evident in Shimmering Night’s voice as she looked back and forth from the Titan to Twilight.

Twilight looked up and examined the situation from every possible angle she could conceive. The Titan was definitely hurt, and while the hole left in his chest was small, it was slowing him down. Worse than that, he was now enraged. Rage would make him sloppy; however, Twilight did not have the power to capitalize on that. She was out of options. “Celestia, get Night out of here. Keep her safe.”

“I have a better idea, Twilight.”

Twilight stared up at her with a confused look on her face as Celestia leaned down and touched horn to horn with the fallen princess. Power began transferring from Celestia to Twilight.

As the transfer stopped, Twilight found herself able to stand. She was nowhere near a hundred percent, however, she felt better than before this started. “Celestia, what did you do?”

“I gave you what energy I could. I'm sorry, it's not as much as you normally have, but it should help. With the wound you caused, it should put you on an equal footing as that creature.”

“Let me give you mine too, mom.”

“No young one, it is a very advanced spell, one which I do not have time to teach you, and besides.” Celestia stumbled a bit. “I'll need you to help me out of here.”

Twilight nodded at that, “Night, take her and get to safety.”

“But mom.”

“No buts! Now do as I told you.”

“Listen to your mother. Besides, we'll just be in the way.”

Night looked from one alicorn to the other, she did not want to go, she wanted to stay and help. However, this was not the first time she had found herself in this situation . She knew that no matter how much arguing she did, they would win in the end. After all, trying to argue with one alicorn was bad enough; when you had two breathing down your neck, your chances went into the negatives.

“Fine… But promise me you will be ok.”

“I promise.”

Shimmering Night nodded to that and leaned down to help Celestia on her back. As she took off in the air she turned back to say one last thing to Twilight. “Hey Mom, one more thing.”

“What’s that?”

“Kick his butt!”

“You got it.”

Twilight smiled as Night took off, Celestia holding onto her back. ‘Kick his butt… if only it were that easy.’ She turned to face the giant as he finally regained his footing and glared angrily at the one who had caused him such pain.


Bright Dawn was trying to help. The battle had caused injuries to many in the royal guard. He knew he could not help his wife. Not with ‘that’ anyway, however, he thought he could do something for these brave stallions. Suffice to say, he was largely just in the way.

“Move please!”

He took several steps back as a pair of doctors took another pony from triage to intensive care. There seemed to be no end to it. He logically knew that they had gotten off lucky. The royal guard had acquitted themselves well. For every one of them that fell, four of the Shadowbeings had fallen. Of course, the issue was they were outnumbered ten to one. It was a losing game any way he looked at it, and he was very grateful when they pulled back. His gratitude left him when that 'thing' emerged from the Everfree Forest. Whatever that was scared the hell out of him.

Shimmering Night had flown straight for it; she had not even blinked twice. She knew it was where her mom would be; she knew it was the greatest threat, so she knew that's where she would be needed. Dawn supposed that was part of his issue right now. That he knew the reason why he kept getting in the way around here and could only help by changing bandages, his wife was braver than he was.

A grab from behind quickly interrupted his melancholy. “What the…” He never got to finish that sentence as Shimmering Night spun him around and planted a kiss on his lips.

“Miss me?” she asked with a playful look on her face.

“…” Dawn was left speechless as he looked into his beautiful wife’s face.

“I would ask if the cat had your tongue but as it just got done playing with mine I know that’s not true.”

“Of course I missed you.” He grabbed her and went in for a longer kiss. One he was prepared for this time around.

“Is it over? When did you get back?”

“Just now, and no it’s not over. I had to bring Celestia back…”

“What happened to Celestia?”

“I was getting to that, she gave her power to mom, and it kind of exhausted her. Don’t worry, she's fine, just tired.”

“What’s going on?”

“Come, look for yourself.”

Shimmering Night led her husband outside to view the fight personally. Several miles away a Titan was swinging his arms around madly. It would have almost been comical. Such a huge creature, throwing around his arms like a little foal threw a tantrum. However, the purple energy beams that struck him repeatedly gave truth to the situation. It was trying to kill his mother-in-law, Princess Twilight Sparkle.

The two ponies watched in grim fascination as the monster continued to try to hit Twilight. For the most part, Twilight seemed to be the one doing the damage. Several times, energy beams would lash out and strike the monster on his most vulnerable areas. Already, he was blind in one eye and clutching at a wound on his neck. Unfortunately, he had strength on his side and only had to get lucky once, that and Twilight was getting slower.

Night gasped as the fateful blow finally landed. Even at this distance, she could make out the purple shield that had protected her mother get hit and then pop. She watched in distress as Twilight plummeted to the ground with the force of a meteorite.

Night turned to Dawn with a pleading look in her eyes, after casting a quick spell she took off, straight to her mom. Bright Dawn tried to stop her. If he felt comfortable with one thing, it was his speed. Eight years of hard training to beat Rainbow Dash in a race had paid dividends in that regard. If he had one thing over Night, it was that he was faster than his wife was. However, he suddenly found himself unable to fly. Looking back, he saw the reason. His wings would not open. Judging by the glue that he found holding his wings to his side, he now knew what spell Night had cast. She did not want him stopping her.

“Good luck.” Was all he could say as she flew off to Celestia knows what fate.


Twilight tried three times to shake her vision back to normal. That hit hurt. Quick thinking had caused her to cushion the fall. She was not badly injured, but there was differently going to be some bruises. After her fourth attempt, Twilight’s vision finally cleared. What she saw horrified her. Shimmering Night was buying her time to recover by engaging the Titan directly.

Shimmering Night fell back on years of training and endurance runs. No pony with wings in Rainbow Dash’s family would be anything less than a great flyer. In addition, since Rainbow was the only judge of what qualified as a ‘great’ flyer, she was put through the ringer. While Night would never be as good as Rainbow or Aurora was for that matter, she was easily more capable than any Wonderbolt she had met. Once they even asked her to join, she had thanked them, but declined the offer. It was never something she had wanted for herself.

All that meant diddly right now as this bastard was fast, faster than anything of this size should have been able to move. She quickly understood how Twilight had been having such trouble. Night could barely dodge its attacks, much less counterattack with any degree of accuracy. The fact that Twilight had been able to avoid these for this long, and launch attacks that wounded this thing was a testament to just how good she really was.

Night used her wits, he was injured, and she was relatively fresh. She stayed in his blind spot. Forcing him to turn and twist to try to hit her. Her magic blasts struck repeatedly at his arms and chests. She could not manage to hit anything more valuable. Not with his arms swing about, she soon experienced a stroke of luck as her next blast caught him in his blinded eye, causing a bellow of pain to emerge from the monster mouth. “Success!” she shouted.

Unfortunately, such success led Night right in the path of his mouth. Something she did not know, something she had no experience with the threat that it represented. Twilight knew, Twilight remembered how Rainbow was felled by a Titan’s breath once before. The wind speed one could blow would cause anypony to lose their capability for flight. She had watched as Rainbow suffered from that blow. She would not allow her daughter to suffer the same fate, not as long as she could prevent it.

The Titan blew with all his might. Night had no prep time, no indication that he was sucking in air. He simply forced it out. The airspeed quickly grew beyond one thousand-wing power. Night was ill prepared for such an attack. It took all her concentration and magic to stay in the air. She lost track of what the titan was doing next. The Titan brought up his left fist and swung it at Night as hard as he could. He smiled as he felt the force of impact.

While he did hit a pony, it was not the pony he aimed for.

Twilight flew in front of her Daughter and threw every last shred of magic energy she had into stopping that fist. However, at her current level, it just was not enough. The blow shattered her shield in a million pieces and set her careening into Ponyville town hall. She could not stop herself from landing badly this time.

The force of the shock wave hitting Twilight’s shield blew Shimmering Night out of the sky. She could only look on in horror as her mom landed in the center of Ponyville. Smashing through the town hall’s roof.

Night tried to stand; however, an immense pain shot through her wing. Looking back, she could see that it was broken. She could only watch with tears falling down her face as the Titan followed Twilight into town, intent on finishing the job it had started.

For the second time that day, Twilight tried to shake her vision back to normal. It was easier this time; however, when it cleared she looked up to see the Titan’s fist coming straight for her. She did not have the power left to cast even the most basic teleportation spell.

“Sorry Rainbow, Night, I… I broke my promise.”


Rainbow was tired of this cat and mouse game, especially as it became very apparent that she was not the cat. Drastic times called for drastic measures. She took wing; going into a spin, she increased her wingspan to the maximum and shot out magic energy, which cut down every tree in a one-mile radius.

Thanus suddenly found his position VERY revealed. “Well, somepony's tired of playing our little game.”

“Your damn right I am… Why are you smiling?”

“'Cause the game is over, little pony. Take a look.” He gestured with his one remaining hand in the distance.

At first, Rainbow thought this was a trick, some little ploy he was using to try to get another piece of her, however, she was currently flying in the air. There was no way he could reach her. Therefore, she turned her head to look at what Thanus was pointing at. There, in the distance, some several hundred miles away was a creature she never wanted to see again. A Titan was in Equestria. She watched in horror as it swung its left arm about. While at this distance she could not make out whom he was swinging at, the purple energy shield popping was more than visible. She knew of only one pony with magic of that color. This Titan had just hit Twilight, and judging by his walk into town square, he was moving in for the kill.

“Looks like I win the game after all.”

Rainbow turned and looked at her quarry. “Sorry, I don’t have time to play with you anymore.”

“What does tha…”

Thanus never got to finish that sentence. Rainbow cut him down from eight separate angles in less than a second. Stuck in the woods, with all the trees and foliage blocking her attacks, he had the advantage. With her in a rage over his attempted assassination of Twilight and constant barbs about all the disgusting things he would do to her when their fight was over, he had the advantage. Now... now with Rainbow’s mind crystal clear on what was important, and with all the trees out of way. Rainbow had the advantage. Her wings sliced him to pieces in the time it took her heart to take its next beat. Then she took off. Straight for Ponyville, Straight for Twilight Sparkle.

Rainbow’s early life had always been one of speed. She spent her years training to be the best, to be the fastest, to be the greatest flyer there ever was. She had succeeded at that dream. She had become one of the best flyers in the entire world. She was never the smartest; never the brightest, but she was the fastest. At this moment, she realized that her entire life was leading up to this. She knew how fast a Titan was first hoof. She was faster than they were, of that she did not doubt. However, just how much faster?

The Titan standing over town hall was already swinging a fist down at Twilight. She was several hundred miles away. That bastard Thanus had separated them; he did a damn good job of that too. She had to move fast. Faster than ever before.

Thoughts began playing through her mind.


The first day she had met Twilight.


Their defeat of Nightmare Moon.


The first (and only) Grand Galloping Gala she ever attended.


The release of Discord.


Stopping the first changeling invasion.


Rescuing the Crystal Empire.


Her death at the hooves of Chrysalis.


Their first kiss.


The twins being born.


The birth of Shimmering Night.


For Rainbow, the world to her left and right seemed to flash by; all she could see was what was directly in front of her. Her tunnel vision focused only on the Titan that was about to kill Twilight Sparkle.

A few years earlier, Shimmering Night had run some tests on Rainbow’s wings. In these tests, she figured out a secret that not even Twilight had found out. Rainbow’s wings were magical constructs that her willpower directly controlled. With them, she flew as fast as she wanted to go. They grew as much as she wanted them too. They shrunk to the size Rainbow needed them to be. The only limit to them and her flight was the amount of willpower Rainbow had at the time. Whether or not it was conscious or subconscious, did not matter.

At that moment in time, Rainbow’s entire existence focused on one thing and one thing only, moving faster.

It is often wondered what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. Unfortunately, the question itself is flawed. For an object to be unstoppable it must be moving and of infinite mass. For an object to be immovable it must be stationary and of infinite mass. As such, two objects of that nature cannot exist in the same universe. As two objects cannot both be of infinite mass in one universe.

Anypony who looked at a Titan would never underestimate its mass. A titan was a walking mountain. Skin as strong as steel, huge gigantic arms, and a bulk that rivaled most cities, however, while there was no doubt that it was massive. It's mass was nowhere near infinite. However, at Rainbow’s speed, she WAS near infinite mass.

Rainbow slammed dead center into the Titans chest with all the speed she had. The impact shattered the Titan, sending pieces of it in every direction. The force of the blow radiated out from where she struck. Expanding in a ring that decimated every building in its range, Twilight had to shield her eyes with a hoof to prevent any debris from blinding her.

The mega rainboom hit next.

It received its name afterwards, after the damage had been done. Unlike any sonic rainboom, this one hit with a force a thousand times more powerful. Every building but one in Ponyville was completely destroyed. The ring of destruction cut a new trench in the earth, carving a pony made river through the center of what used to be Ponyville all the way to both oceans. The mega rainboom split Equestria in two.

Night shielded her eyes and ears from the explosion. When she came to, she did not even register the damage that had been caused, only one thought went through her mind. Only one thing mattered to her at that moment. While she had no idea what had caused that to occur, she only needed to know one thing.

“Mom!” She ran as fast as she could to where the center of Ponyville used to be. In a desperate hope that her mom, Twilight Sparkle, was still alive.


Pound and Pumpkin Cake both sat over the bed Pinkie Pie was laying on. The mare was sick. They both knew this. Sixty-six years of confectionary delights had taken their toll. Fortunately, Pumpkin had become an expert physician as Pinkie Pie had been kicked out of three different hospitals over the past four years. Despite her heart condition, she still was insistent on having parties. While the patients always appreciated it, the doctors, not so much. Therefore, they brought her back to Ponyville and set her treatments up in the bunker under Sugarcube Corner. That had been Pound’s idea. He reasoned that if they set it up down there they would not have to risk moving her should the alarms go off. Pumpkin agreed.

They were both down there now, with the alarms going off everypony had to get into a bunker. Theirs was empty, as most of Ponyville had been at the wedding. It still broke Pinkie's heart that she could not go, but Pumpkin had insisted she stay in bed. The newlyweds had promised to visit as soon as the wedding was over. However, with the alarms going off and all the noise they heard up top. That was unlikely to happen. Whatever was going on was big, bigger then Ponyville had ever seen before and Pinkie was hurting in a bad way.

Three times already Pumpkin Cake had to lift Pinkie from her bed with her magic as her Pinkie Sense caused yet another combo. These combos identified the worst news and caused the most destruction. Somepony Pinkie loved just died. With the strain they put on her body, Pumpkin Cake did not believe that Pinkie had much longer.

Abruptly, it became apparent that another combo was on its way. Somepony else had just died. Pumpkin Cake lifted her off the bed and held her in her magic as the vibration took hold of Pinkie Pie again; this time was a little different though. This time she rolled over and faced Pumpkin Cake. The vibrations took ahold all the same, but she was reaching out a hoof to something behind Pumpkin Cake. Almost like, she wanted something over there.

When it finally stopped, Pumpkin called her brother from the other room while gingerly laying Pinkie back on the bed. As she closed her eyes for the last time Pinkie Pie’s final words were, “Twi’s going to be so sad… What type of party could bring back her smile?”

Pound grab his sister and hugged her for all he was worth. Pumpkin could not help but look over at the wall that Pinkie had been pointing at. For the life of her, she could not imagine what she wanted. There was nothing more than a bookshelf full of old fairy tale books, an old clock, an out of date calendar and a few knickknacks. “Pinkie being Pinkie.” She started crying as she realized that would be the last time anypony would ever say that.


Night dug frantically into what remained of Ponyville. Her spells disintegrated everything that was not a Pony, everything that was not her mom. She hoped and prayed to whatever Gods were out there that Twilight was ok, that she had been able to shield herself from the worst of it. By some miracle, the Gods answered her prayer.

She found Twilight under the largest of debris. It appeared to Night that Twilight had indeed protected herself with a force bubble; shielding herself from the worst of it. Her broken hind legs were most likely a result of her landing in the town hall. Twilight was staring up at the sky, crying in agony.

Night ran over to her, “Mom, are you alright?”

Twilight merely raised a hoof up to the sky, to the location where the impact had occurred, where the Titan used to be, and spoke one word. “Rainbow…”

The light of the red sun slowly faded back to yellow as the effect wore off. Celestia used the last of the power she had saved to lower it, as it was time to make room for Luna’s moon.


At the edge of Ponyville, a massive red earth pony with a black mane stood in watch of everything that had happened. He was unable to directly assist; he was under a vow not to directly interfere with the lives of mortals. Not that he would, even despite of everything, they were still his kids. No parent could ever bring harm to their own children, not on purpose.

He remarked on this as a macabre scythe made its way back to him. He had work to do. The results of this battle would keep him busy for quite a while. However, he had wanted to see this, to see it with his own eyes. A lot had happened that even he did not see coming, such events were unknown even to the Gods. After the scythe attached itself to his back, he turned and vanished to the next area he was needed.

Tartarus spoke one phrase before teleporting away.

“Only one left.”

Author's Note:

Nine hours, it took nine hours to write and edit that…

Good news, the story is about 25% done.

Now the bad news, I think I pushed myself too hard with these last two chapters. As such (as for now) I will take the next week off from writing.

My hope is to avoid burnout.

That being said, my inspiration might just strike sooner. (depends how bored I get tbh…)

As always, leave your comments below

Thanks goes to Electrostatic for help with Editing.