• Member Since 13th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 18 hours ago



This story is a sequel to Black Queen, Red King

Once, many years ago now it seems, I was like you. Quiet. Normal. Mundane. Ordinary. Human. But that was a long time ago. Now, I am Changed. I am Connected. I am different. I am a Gatekeeper. And I have a destiny to fulfill.

Something is coming. I can feel it deep in my bones, and hear it in the whispers of the Void. Great and Terrible and Hungry, it comes, and nothing shall stand in its way. It will consume us all.

But I am a Gatekeeper, and I am not powerless. I have been given many gifts, and with them I have founded an empire, and one day soon all the world shall know my name. One day soon, my power will will extend to the corners of the earth. One day soon, I shall become as a god among mortals.

And it will not be enough. My power will never be enough, and I cannot face what is to come alone. I must seek out those that are like me, those with power, those whose souls span to worlds beyond our own, those who Keep their own Gates. Only together will we stand a chance, only together will we survive. Only together, will we live.

It began with a dream, and will end with a nightmare. Let That Which Hungers come from beyond the veil, for I shall stand ready for it. I am the Prince of Darkness, Keeper of the Gate of Shadows. I am a Gatekeeper, and I fear no evil.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 37 )

Well the synopsis got me interested enough to pt this into my read later pile. Hope this won't disappoint.

neat, so the only gatekeeper that knows of the possible apocalypse is sombra and Co?

your story is nine million nine hundred ninety-six thousand six hundred eighty words short of the 10 million word group.

So far, it seems so. Though, if they have anything to say about it won't stay that way for long. Winter is com-- er, The End is coming, and all the Gatekeepers will have a part to play, even if they don't know it yet.

~Signed, InfiniteBrony

You're a bit late to the party. The 10 million word group is for users with at least 10 million words read.

~Signed, InfiniteBrony

I should sincerely hope it doesn't dissappoint either. :twilightsmile:

~Signed, InfiniteBrony

Well, here goes nothing!

I can't wait! If we're lucky, it might just take off. Hopefully, the Cover Art and Description are suitably epic.

~Signed, InfiniteBrony

4124697 Well description is certainly epic. Cover art on the other hand. Something else would definitely be better.

I definitely tried to find something better, but after far too long trawling the internet that was the best I could find, everything else was too specific or had nothing to do with the events in the story. I might have made something myself, if I weren't so god-awful. But alas, cest la vie.

~Signed, InfiniteBrony

Yes, but people don't post their 6000 word story in there. Notice the stunning number of stories?
Same with the 1 million word group, your story is the only one in there below 1 million words.

First: Dat description!

Second: This makes me slightly giddy. Can't wait to see how it pans out.

I suppose the groups just aren't quite what I remember them being. Oh well, if it really peeves you that much, I'll take it down.

~Signed, InfiniteBrony

Thanks for your thoughts. I can't wait to see how it pans out either, but it's sure to be exciting.

~Signed, InfiniteBrony

4125167 Don't do it! This is the only way I'll be able to find your story, because I won't remember the title(sadly).
Please, leave it there.

Sorry, but I've already taken it down from those two groups. Since from your amounts of stories followed it seems that you a strange sort of aversion to star-shaped objects, why don't you just use my user page? I've only got a few stories there.

~Signed, InfiniteBrony

I'll be watching you, shithead. (Favorited)

You got into the popular stories box on the homepage. :pinkiehappy:

I have art for you! (Just a rough sketch.)

I'm planning to draw a better copy soon.

P.S. In the image, he's naked...

That was an interesting start, I'm looking forward to seeing more.

I wonder if Rex would survive being in the same room than Umbra... King of Terror, hatred, fear and other bad emotions vs King of the Changeling. It's kind of unfair :pinkiehappy:

There are a few typos here and there, and a few times near the beginning where you suddenly shift from past to present tense and back again, but otherwise it looks good.

so i assume that thing is creating gate keepers, which means that a gate keepers death is not a good thing.

i like how you are the one that wrote guardian (k)night when i have that story saved which as it turns out i havent even read yet i need to do that

hmmmmm, hard to determine if this new sombra is evil or not. he hasnt done anything yet.

4205407 I don't get the feeling that he's evil, or at least not completely evil, but he is definitely willing to do things that are immoral. What I want to know is whether or not the actual King Sombra has really changed, and if he still intends to conquer the Crystal Empire. Rex seems to believe that there will be a Gatekeeper transported human army to aid Sombra, and both Sombra and Victor seem to be seriously into world domination, but things may not happen as Rex thinks they will.

Huh, i look to things like this, and see just how far things are.

New Sombra is still technically imprisoned in ice, so there hasn't been much of a chance for him to show off his alignment.

Oh god, this is going to be good.

so far king umbra is far less evil then rex, and rex is playing all sides! eesh.

Goddamn but Rex is an idiot and an asshole.

Or an actor with a thousand masks. Who says we've seen the real Rex... ever?

-Wille179, author of Black Queen Red King.


Fair enough, I guess i should say he's acting like a idiot and an asshole. It just seems like a very bad idea to provoke an incarnation of rage whose anger is literally toxic to your entire race.

both of these stories are getting far more complicated. the only constant i know is that rex is clearly the bad guy and inadvertantly sombra and victor are the good guys.


You stole my new world order idea. Lol I'm working on a cannon story for the universe where the real New world order exist.

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