• Published 23rd Mar 2014
  • 20,659 Views, 941 Comments

My Little Villains - HiddenUnderACouch

It was supposed to be a normal day in Ponyville. But, as it is known, there are no normal days in Ponyville. Due to Twilight's failed expirement (another one), Fluttershy has to deal with a problem. Three of them, to be exact.

  • ...

(Un)Just Retribution

"Now now, children, stay close to me and don't fall behind," Fluttershy said, trying to cheer her companions up. "I don't want you to get lost here."

"Oh, yes, because I am definitely going to lose my way after taking three steps away from your house." Chrysalis cynically noted, turning her head and looking at Fluttershy's house in the distance. "Yep, totally getting lost in the forest. One hundred percent."

The sun shone brightly, its warm light causing the trees to glimmer verdant green. The morning dew yet had to fully dry and the light that reflected from it caused the ponies to squint.

"Oh, Chrysalis, don't be like that. Maybe there are dangerous monsters in this forest, like frostwolves or dragons," Sombra said, keeping up with the changeling.

Fluttershy flinched at the word 'dragons' but kept her cool, didn't allow the worry and the thoughts of the possible threat to swoop down from the sky and overtake her mind. She had a clear mission: to find the herbs and help Nightmare as fast as she could.

The thought of Moon being all alone in her house, sleepless and still feeling the pulsating pain from her burns caused Fluttershy to increase her pace, for she couldn't bear the thought that the little filly was ill and lonely.

"Where is Nightmare Moon, by the way? I haven't seen her ever since we got outside," Sombra whispered to Chrysalis. He couldn't gather enough courage to ask Fluttershy. He still had a few doubts about her.

"Moon? Meh, probably crying in the corner, the cry-baby," Chrysalis snickered. She still couldn't forget the look on Moon's face when she’d burst into tears. It reminded her of her own face, when she accidentally swallowed a rock.

"Chrysaliiiis! Don't be so mean! Moon is not a cry-baby," Sombra replied angrily. Chrysalis only chuckled in reply.

"Sure, of course she's not." she amended and continued to watch Sombra. For a moment it seemed his faith in Moon was shaken.

"If she's not a cry-baby, why isn't she with us, then?" Chrysalis continued to pressure Sombra. "Don't you think it's a little... strange?"

"Maybe she just didn't want to go..." Sombra replied, but Chrysalis interrupted him.

"She didn't want to go because she's scared! Don't you realize? She's a sissy little princess!" She decided to talk bluntly. "All her thous and thees! Ew! Why can't she talk like a normal pony, like you and I do?"

Sombra stumbled and didn't say anything. Chrysalis hid her evil smile away from the unicorn, turning away and baring her teeth at the ladybug who was sitting on the leaf, near the road. She just couldn't keep the smile back.

Ooh, how she would cherish the moment that dumb Nightmare Moon would realize that Chrysalis had bested her! To see the expression of despair and disappointment on her face would be such a delight!

Talking about despair and disappointment, she should get Moon a fitting gift from her forest trip, to see what she had lost. Like gather a pile of tasty berries and eat them all in front of her. That would be priceless!

Finally, the trio exited the green depths of the forest and entered the field. The bright sun bit Fluttershy's eyes, and she quickly covered her face behind her hoof, blinking to clear her sight.

The field greeted them with a kaleidoscope of beautiful and bright colours. The green expanse of the grass, the white puffy dandelions and the yellow chamomiles created an illusion of a beautiful blanket covering the whole field. This 'blanket' looked like a multi-coloured patchwork fabric.

If Rarity were here, she would definitely get new ideas for beautiful and creative dresses, Fluttershy thought. But she was here for a different reason. She needed to find those herbs.

She turned around, looking at Chrysalis, who was smiling predatorily, and Sombra, whose jaw had dropped from the amount of colour the field had.

"Children, I need to find some plants here. You can play all you want, but please, stay where I can see you, okay? I don't want you to get lost in the forest... because it's scary at night, trust me," Fluttershy warned the foals. Sombra was about to say something, but Chrysalis quickly pushed him out of the way.

"Of course! We are going to play our board game, if you don't mind!" she said, baring her teeth in what seemed like a travesty of a smile. Fluttershy felt her soul shrink at such a terrible lie but felt she could do nothing. So, she decided to stick to her strategy of non-involvement, so Chrysalis would get acclimated to this new environment quicker.

"Sure... have fun, you two," Fluttershy said, took flight, and flew away to look for the herbs. When the distance between Fluttershy and the two foals was big enough, Chrysalis dropped the facade and smirked evilly.

"Sombra, it is time for us to play a game!" she drawled. The unicorn looked at her, feeling a little uncomfortable because of her strange attitude.

"You mean... whack-a-hen?"

"No. A new game: find-a-beehive-and-drop-it-in-a-coop." Chrysalis giggled.

"I've never heard of that game before," Sombra noted, rubbing his chin. Chrysalis turned to him, looking a little annoyed by his remark. However, restraining her anger, she gently, but reproachfully, patted him on the head.

"Of course you haven’t, silly-head," she said. "I just came up with it. Now come on. We need to find a beehive."

"What do beehives look like?" Sombra asked, trying to see through the green thicket. Chrysalis gritted her teeth, unable to comprehend how she, a changeling, who spent so much time in a dark cave, knew more about outside world than this dodo.

"It's a round, yellow thing with bees flying out of it. Do I need to describe bees as well?" she hissed at him, and flapped her frail wings, preparing to take flight. It would be easier looking for the hive up there than on the ground.

"No... I know how they look like," Sombra replied, while Chrysalis disappeared in the thick foliage. He really couldn't understand what was wrong with this pony.

She wasn't nice at all. In fact, he could honestly say that she was a meanie. But there was something about her that made him want to stick to her and follow her orders. She had this... aura that made him feel dependent and duty-bound. Her commanding voice just had to be obeyed.

Sombra couldn't explain or understand it, but the aura Chrysalis had was an awesome idea. He quickly imagined what he could do if he had one like that: he would command his own army, or even have his own empire!

"Are you going to just stand there?!" Chrysalis's angry-looking muzzle popped out of the foliage. "Get up here and help me look!"

"Oh, yes, of course!" Sombra exclaimed, took a steady stance, flapped his wings, and...

Somehow, he kept forgetting he didn't have any. He frowned at himself, grumbling something under his nose while Chrysalis chuckled.

"Maybe one day, Sombra, maybe one day," she drawled, smiling lopsided.

"And how am I supposed to get up there without wings?" He looked up at her. Chrysalis only shrugged thereto.

"Beats me," she said and disappeared into the foliage once more. However, her voice still reached Sombra’s ears.

“Don’t take too long to get up here,” she shouted, “or you’re a legitimate chicken!”

“I am not a chicken!” Sombra shouted as his horn coruscated in red flames. The magical flame quickly engulfed him and, with a single flinch of his head, he started rising up.

“Haha! Can you see this?! I bet you can’t do things like I ca—” His prideful boast was interrupted when he lost focus and slammed himself into the tree. Chrysalis’s hearty laugh resounded through the trees.

“Oh sure, please, teach me how you do that!” she begged sarcastically, giggling and snickering as Sombra struggled to keep himself aloft. Trembling and shaking, he barely managed to land on one of the branches, and, the instant he touched it, he wrapped his hooves around it as if his life depended on it.

“Woo… Chicken!” Chrysalis concluded, descending on Sombra’s level and giving him a taunting smile. He turned away from her and grumbled something.

“Aw, don’t give me that look, I am just kidding,” Chrysalis said, reaching out to him with her hoof. “Come on, Sombra… It’s okay for friends to call each other names sometimes. Don’t be such a grump.”

Sombra didn’t want to reach out to her, but the mention of the word ‘friend’ made him reconsider. He still couldn’t figure out this pony, but one thing he knew for sure: he did not want to be left alone.

Their hooves touched, and Chrysalis’s expression suddenly changed to a tender, softer one. The edges of her mouth went up, forming a smile, not a toxic one like before, but a kind, caring one.

The smile lingered for a split second and then it disappeared, Chrysalis’s usual smirk taking its place.

“I’ll help you. But don’t lean on me too much: I’m not used to carrying weights,” the changeling warned him. Moments later, he loaded his body onto her. The poor filly barely managed to hold herself aloft and the fact that he wrapped his hooves around her to get a better grip didn’t help one bit.

“In the name of all that is changing, how much do you weigh?!” Chrysalis uttered, barely managing to swing her wings. “You look much lighter than you actually are!”

“I’ve got heavy bones. That’s why they’re so strong!” Sombra noted with pride. Chrysalis smirked and tried carrying them both somewhere. Barely managing to keep herself airborne, the ground looming right under them and threatening to get dangerously close in seconds, they slowly drifted through the air, avoiding any trees.

“I think I can see it!” Sombra pointed ahead, fighting back the desire to shout ‘Go forth, my trusty steed!’, knowing well that if he said that, he would receive a one-way ticket down to the ground. Chrysalis raised her eyes and noticed the yellow thing she had been looking for.

“Yes! This one fits perfectly for my totally awesome plan,” she exclaimed triumphantly. “Now, we just need to bring it down.”

Together, they landed on the ground, just under the tree where the hive was hanging. The little bees were flying in and out, ignoring the two foals completely, just as Chrysalis had planned. Having a swarm of bees chasing them wouldn’t help, would it?

“So, here’s my plan: we get the hive and drop it into the coop!” Chrysalis sat down on the ground; her butt was still quite sore from that peck. “The stupid chickens will try to investigate… and anger the bees, which will fly out and torment them until the end of days! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!”

She threw back her head, bared her fangs and cackled so loudly and evilly it made Sombra shudder. Her demonic laughter echoed throughout the forest, letting the animals know that there was a new overlord around here.

“Oh, yes, how delightful!” she chirped.

“Uhm… do you really need to do that? That sounds like a very mean thing to do,” Sombra piped up, but Chrysalis reminded him of his place with an angry glare.

“My little pony, you don’t know life as I do.” She made a tragic, tearful expression, approached Sombra and put her left forehoof on his shoulder. “It’s that moment when a rooster’s beak connects with your… soft parts, you realize the true bitterness of life.”

She feigned tragic face for a moment and then suddenly gritted her teeth and shook her hoof at the sky.

My butt demands retribution!

Sombra could bet his tooth that he heard a lightning strike in the distance.

“Now, let’s get this hive,” she continued as if nothing had happened. Sombra just opened his mouth to protest, but she immediately shoved her hoof, blocking the words.

“No more words. It’s time to act!” Chrysalis exclaimed proudly. The game of find-a-beehive-and-drop-it-in-a-coop had begun. Now, they just had to get that hive on the ground without disturbing the bees.

Chrysalis was a smart pony and already knew what to do. They needed smoke to send the bees to sleep. That way, they could safely grab the hive and be on their merry way. One problem still persisted, though: they needed smoke.

“Sombra, do you smoke?” Chrysalis asked the young colt, turning her head to him. He replied with a confused look.

“Do I smoke? What’s that supposed to mean?” Sombra asked, scanning his mind for any knowledge of the word ‘smoke’ used as a verb.

“What, you don’t know what smoking is? It’s when you put a round paper tube in your mouth, lit it up with fire and it emits smoke,” Chrysalis explained patiently, looked around, and lit up her horn with green energy.

“Let me show you,” she said as the energy formed the said tube, burning bright green on the end, emitting stinky smoke.

“For an illusion… that’s some realistic magic,” he commented and Chrysalis smiled as the illusion disappeared.

“Thanks. So, I guess there’s no point in asking whether you have any cigarettes,” Chrysalis deduced and made a thoughtful expression. “They would be great for our situation, but, since we can’t obtain any, let’s burn something.”

Chrysalis looked around in search of fallen branches or anything else that could burn. Several minutes had passed, and she had found enough fuel and dumped the ‘treasure’ under the tree beneath which the hive was hanging.

“Whew. Now, we can start!” she exclaimed, grabbed a small, dry branch, and turned to Sombra. “Gentlecolt, would you be so kind to light the lady’s cigarette, please?”

Sombra stared at her, completely lost in the meaning of her words.


“Grrrr, nevermind!” She hissed in frustration and threw the branch back into the pile. “I get the feeling that it wasn’t me who spent most of her time in the dark cave. Seriously Sombra, you need to get out of your basement from time to time.”

After finishing her lamentation, she took a deep breath and pointed at the pile.

“Can you at least set it on fire?” she half sighed, half asked, and Sombra’s horn quickly lit up in red energy.

“Wouldn’t that be dangerous? I mean… we could set the whole forest on fire,” he said, and, by the sound that Chrysalis made, it was clear that she wanted to choke him.

“Aaah! Worried about the critters, you…. Fine!” She backed down, took a deep and relaxing breath and sat down. “What other ideas do you have?”

Sombra wrapped two branches in the red energy and lifted them high into the air, so high they almost touched the hive. Then, he forced them to rub against each other as quickly as his magical prowess allowed. Chrysalis watched with interest as the sticks started to emit smoke, and, eventually, gave away a small flame.

Slowly, but steadily, the noxious air filled the hive and all of the bees fell asleep. Seconds later, Chrysalis pulled the hive off the branch it was hanging on and carefully put it on the ground.

“That was actually quite clever. Where did you learn such a trick?” she asked, looking at Sombra, who turned red as a tomato.

“Well… I had to make fires at times back home,” he replied and Chrysalis smiled at him.

“Ah, going to have to remember that.” Chrysalis noted. “Nice job, Sombra.”

Her remark made Sombra blush quite noticeably. He quickly covered his face, suspecting that he would earn another gibe from Chrysalis if she were to notice.


“Now, let us carry this baby to the coop. The fun starts now!” The changeling sung. "Just find something to wrap this thing up with... I think I saw a leftover picnic blanket not far from here. Let's go get it."

Finally, the last flower was plucked and its root was thrown into the basket. It was just enough to make at least one bottle of the healing salve for Nightmare Moon.

Fluttershy took a deep breath and sat down. This had exhausted her far more than it should have, perhaps because it was so hot, or maybe because her mind constantly kept worrying about Sombra and Chrysalis. She didn’t know why, but she just had this feeling in her gut that those two, especially Chrysalis, were planning something.

Chrysalis’ constant lies really hurt Fluttershy. It was clear the filly didn’t trust her in the slightest and still thought about running away or causing problems in any way.

“Hey, Fluttershy, are you done?” Chrysalis’ voice reached her ears and she turned around. The changeling filly was waving her hoof at her, Sombra standing near her with a strange construction on his back. “Because we’re done!” she added.

“Oh, I’m ready as well. How did your game of whack-a-fool go?” Fluttershy asked, approaching the foals and landing in front of them.

“It was great. Sombra won by a mile!” Chrysalis exclaimed, which made Sombra blush. “So, he won a… err…. a ball!”

Sombra turned even redder and sat down, trying to hide the oval construction that was tied to his back. It didn’t look like a ball at all, more like something round wrapped in cloth.

"A ball? Where did you..." Fluttershy wanted to inquire about the ball's origin, but Chrysalis' glare, full of fake honesty, quickly reminded about acclimatization process. The little changeling must not be put on edge, she just needed to unwind, do some damage. After that, she would relax... probably.... most likely....

At least, Fluttershy hoped so.

"Nevermind... I’m all done here. Let’s go home!" Fluttershy said, trying to sound excited, but it came out a little forced. Chrysalis didn't appear to notice anything and welcomed the idea with a smile.

"Then go home we shall!" she declared. "I wonder what Nightmare's doing—probably having loads of fun."

She turned away from Fluttershy and quietly whispered: "That snobbish cry-baby!"


"’Tis a great pleasure to meet thee, Lady Nightmare Moon," Nightmare Moon said in a grumpy, serious, stallion-like voice. "I have always dreamt of seeing thee in thy full glory!"

She crawled to the opposite side of her bed, assumed a ladylike stance, put her right forehoof behind the left, and smiled shyly.

"Oh, thou art such a flatterer, ser knight—" she said in her usual voice. Suddenly, she gasped loudly and fell on the bed.

Thanks to her strange magical powers, her wounds healed up quite quickly. She didn't feel any pain, only a slight inflammation on her back and that was about it. The headaches were gone and, just as she’d promised, she didn't have to use that bucket at all.

Moonie sat down and thanked Fluttershy once again in her mind. She imagined what could have happened to her if she hadn't saved her out there.

Stupid sun, Nightmare thought. Why needs it be so mean to me? I never did it any woe!

The filly sighed and looked around, hoping to find some sort of visual entertainment. However, nothing caught her attention and her thoughts returned to the knight in shining armour. What would her prince look like and how awesome would he be?

But even the thought of her future groom couldn't entertain the young filly for too long. Finally, she decided she had enough of sitting and doing nothing, so she jumped off the bed and stretched out her wings. She felt the tension in her muscles relax, sending a spasm of pleasure through her whole body.

"Ah, that felt good!" she exclaimed. Being a very tidy filly, she decided to make her bed before leaving, so she turned around and accessed her magic.

Her horn spewed out a tiny spark of dark-blue energy, and refused to bring forth more. Nightmare Moon raised an eyebrow and tried once more. This time, she managed to emit a weak light, which dissipated quickly, like a shade exposed to sunlight.

"What is this travesty?! Why refusest thou to work, horn?!" She talked out loud to her own body part. "Stop... not-working!"

The filly held her breath and calmed down—getting angry wouldn’t not help the matter. She needed to stay focused and calm. Only that way she could succeed.

Nightmare concentrated all her inner reserves and tried to wrap the edge of the blanket in the magical aura once more. But no matter how much effort she put into this, the only thing she was able to achieve was a pathetic dark-blue sparkle. Her hooves started to shake, and she finally fell on her backside, asking one silent question.

"What has happened to me?" she asked herself. The answer came to her quickly, when she looked through the window, where the sunlight was seeping into the room.

"Grrr, thou again! Wherefore dost thou hate me so, sun?!" she growled at the window, keeping away from the sunbeams. The giant yellow star in the sky didn't reply.

"Well, in that case, I hate you too!" she spat, jumped back into her bed, wrapped herself in the blanket, and closed her eyes. Several muffled sobs escaped her mouth as the hurt in her young soul wanted to pour out through her eyes.

"Stupid sun..." she whispered before she shoved her muzzle into the pillow and cried, realizing just how weak the star made her. No walking outside, no playing, no magic... What kind of an alicorn was she if she couldn't use magic?

And all because of the stupid sun.

Fluttershy was relieved when she entered her yard with the two foals on her heels. Even though their travel had been short, she was still afraid that one of them would get lost in the forest, or hurt, or something worse. She was happy that everything went fine.

"Now, children, you can resume playing," Fluttershy informed the two.

"Yay! At last!" Chrysalis raised her hooves to the sky. "The great deity allows us, so let us play!"

Fluttershy sighed, hearing a muffled snicker from Chrysalis, and headed straight for the door. She felt her patience wane at Chrysalis's constant provocations. She knew the filly just wanted her to become angry, but all her troubles were for naught. Fluttershy was still calm and collected.

"Come, Sombra. Let us finish the game!" Chrysalis said and dragged Sombra somewhere, while Fluttershy entered the house.

"Moonie? Are you up yet?" Fluttershy asked quietly, gently closing the door behind her. She slowly looked at the bed and turned pale when she saw the little filly sobbing into the pillow.

"Moonie!" The pegasus gasped, quickly flying up to the crying alicorn and wrapping her hooves around the filly. "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Stu- stupid su-aaan!" Nightmare Moon replied. "I hate it! I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!"

Fluttershy felt great terror when Moonie muttered those words. For a second, it felt like the wicked cycle was going to repeat itself again.

"Moonie, don't say that! That is a very bad thing to say." Fluttershy said, rubbing the filly's mane. "Please, calm down. There's no need for anger or hate. Calm down and let me help you."

"How canst thou.. heeeelp meee? This stu... stupid sun burns me... and takes my magic as well! Why does it hate me so much?!" Moonie continued to cry.

Fluttershy didn't know what to say. Her knowledge of magic was nil, so she really couldn't explain why her little friend here was so allergic to sunlight. First, the burns, and now the lost magic, too. Everything was getting worse.

Suddenly, a bright idea came to Fluttershy's mind. She couldn't explain why the sun caused Moonie so much pain but, she could prevent it!

"Moonie, listen to me," Fluttershy carefully helped the filly get up and looked into her swollen eyes. "We are friends, right?"

"R- right..." Nightmare replied.

"Friends have to help each other, and I can help you deal with your little problem."

"Thou say’st... I will be able to play outside?"


"Even in the sunlight?"

"Of course!"

"And use my magic?"

"Ehm... don't know about that but, you'll definitely be able to go out during the day!" Fluttershy said.

"Was that... was that a promise?" the little alicorn asked. Fluttershy gave her an assuring nod.

Moonie screamed with joy and hugged Fluttershy's muzzle.

"Thanks so much! Thou'rt my new best friend! I love thee!" she declared.

"I- I love you too, Moonie," Fluttershy said, feeling all fluffy inside. She couldn't help but hug her back.

She would help Moonie. She already had an idea how, and, right now, at this very moment, Fluttershy thought by herself: Moonie will be able to play in the sunlight, whatever the cost!

Suddenly, all the fluffiness and tenderness of the moment was gone, when loud and impatient knocks reached her ears. Fluttershy quickly sprung up, her heart beating like a drum.

"What is it? What is wrong?" Nightmare Moon asked.

"Moonie, you should hide right now. Please, run upstairs and hide, I beg you!" Fluttershy pleaded.

"Okay... if thou wish’st so," Moonie said and quickly ran upstairs. Fluttershy gulped, knowing far too well that these knocks didn't mean anything good.

Oh, sweet Celestia, if anypony discovered the little villains... They were doomed! Doomed!

Fluttershy reluctantly approached the door and touched the handle. She only needed to turn it... Just one turn, and whoever was outside would enter. Then, her life and the three foals’ would be in danger.

"C'mon, Fluttershy! Ah know yer there!" the loud voice with a thick accent spoke. Before Fluttershy could muster all her strength, the pony lost all patience and just opened the door herself.

"Fluttershy! Long time no see!" Applejack exclaimed, giving the pegasus a warm, friendly hug.

"Hi, Applejack... nice to see you..." Fluttershy whispered, smiling awkwardly and turning red as a tomato.

"Ah don't know how long Ah haven't been at your place. Ah think it's been ages!" the earth pony exclaimed, finally letting Fluttershy go. "Sorry Ah didn't inform you. Just thought you wouldn't mind me dropping by for some cups o’ lemonade."

"Oh, it's okay, I'm always happy to see you..." Fluttershy forced the words out of herself, realizing just how much she wanted Applejack to leave. Her soul was torn between saving Twilight, herself, and the three foals, while offending her friend in the process, or just try to play as the situation evolves.

"So, will ya invite me, or do Ah need to invite myself?" Applejack joked, entering the room. Fluttershy faked a giggle and followed.

"Yer place looks... different than Ah remember." Applejack immediately noted, looking around, noticing the small details. Then, she finally noticed the big detail.

"Wait, campcots? Why d’ya need those? — and why three?" she prodded, pointing at the beds, standing in the middle of the room.

"Ugh... you see, the Cutie Mark Crusaders decided to get cutie marks in camping..." Fluttershy decided for the obvious and the easiest way to lie, but her hopes were crushed by the Element of Honesty.

"Camping? Apple Bloom never told me about any camping!" she exclaimed and her expression turned thoughtful. "Maybe she doesn't tell me everythin’ concernin’ her Cutie Mark Crusadin’ business..."

"May...be..." Fluttershy said, turning red and pale at the same time. She could barely stand. Everything inside her trembled as she realized she was lying. She was so bad at lying... so bad.

Applejack would ask more questions, and Fluttershy would have to lie more. This would snowball, and eventually, there’d be a point when she couldn't hide the truth anymore. Applejack would find out... and never forgive Fluttershy. Never!

Thankfully, all of that was prevented. No lies were necessary; the mystery was solved by loud shrieks from the outside.

"Aaaaah! Get them away from meeeee!" Sombra's shriek pierced the air. Fluttershy gulped.

"What the hay was that?!" Applejack immediately reacted. "It came from the outside."

"You must be hearing things..." Fluttershy objected and the earth pony gave her a confused look.

"Are you alright, Fluttershy? Ah clearly heard—"

"Waaaaaaah! Stop biting meeee!" Another shriek resounded.

"Fluttershy, there's something outside yer house! We need to—"

"Huh? No, it's just the wind," Fluttershy's cheeks turned bright red. Applejack started to get angry.

"Alright, Ah don't know what you're trying to hide, but Ah'm about to find out!" she said and tried to walk outside into the yard, when suddenly Fluttershy jumped in her way.

"No! Don't!" she exclaimed. "You won't like what you'll see!"

"Then we'll see it together!" Applejack said, grabbed Fluttershy, and pushed her towards the door. The pegasus closed her eyes, preparing for the worst.

The door creaked, these creaks meaning the end of Fluttershy's life. She could feel the cold biting her hooves. Or was it something else?

"What in tarnation...?" Applejack's jaw dropped as she beheld the chaos that was happening in Fluttershy's yard.

Dozens of bees circled around the chicken coop, buzzing like an angry mob waiting to attack something, or somepony, that was hiding in the coop. In addition, all the chickens, hens and roosters were walking around their home, constantly clucking and screaming angrily, as if trying to call out the one who drove them from their house.

"Oh, my..." Fluttershy opened her eyes and beheld this chaos. "What has happened here?"

"Fluttershy! Help!" Two small heads popped out of the coop, the small heads of a dark colored unicorn and a changeling.

"Please, help! They're going to eat us!" they shouted in unison. Meanwhile, the army of bees and hens charged at their little stronghold.

"Fluttershy," Applejack uttered, barely managing to move her jaw. "Care to explain that?