• Published 20th Mar 2014
  • 344 Views, 1 Comments

A Thunderlane Trip - Thundery

A human to pony story with a twist, about guys who make a wish when shopping.

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Chapter 4

Trotting inside, we noticed there wasn't that many people, then again, we got here close to ten-thirty and Toys R' Us opened at ten, so yeah.

Looking to my right, I noticed a few workers at the Customer Service Center staring at us with the usual look of surprise, like most others.

Me and Thunderlane waved at them. "Don't mind us! Just some human-turned ponies here to buy ponies, call it 'Ponyception'!" I gave a stupid grin.

That got the workers murmuring to each other and finally one spoke up. "Can we take some pictures with you and get some brohoofs before you two leave?"

I looked over to Thunderlane, who nodded and we both turned back to the group. "Sure, we'll be happy to do that."

A round of cheers was met with that response as I grabbed a shopping basket with one hoof and walked to the 'My Little Pony' aisle on three legs, which was surprisingly easy with Thunderlane walking at my side. Moving from the door rug and onto the tile floor, our hooves made the loudest clops which could probably be heard over at the other end of Babies"R"Us also which is connected to Toys R' Us as we finally got to the aisle, which surprisingly was fully stocked of pony merchandise. Yep, nothing like two stallions in a pink aisle full of pony.

"Holy Mother Celestia and Luna..." I whispered, setting the basket down. "This is awesome! Good thing we came on the right day, because wow... a whole aisle full of ponies! Then again, the last few times I came here as a human on random days they were always fully stocked. Now to see if they have what we came here for." And started looking up and down the aisle.

Thunderlane took that moment to speak, "Make sure you get a set each for me too, I'ma go check out their trading cards section to get some CCG decks or pony tins that interest me." And walked off.

"Alright!" I yelled back. "Now... where would they be? I'm sure they're around here somewhere... AHA! They really do have it here!" If my eyes could get any bigger, they would as I took in the sight of two sets I've been trying to find for so long; the Daring Pony Story set which of course has Daring Do in it and the Soaring Pegasus set, which had Thunderlane in it. "Oh sweet Luna's Moon Pies! Today is our lucky day!"

Flying up to it, I grabbed two of the Soaring Pegasus sets and dropped them into the basket and slowly reached out a hoof to the Daring Pony Story set, which I saw there were only two left, my grin getting bigger, "Perfect... Come to Bandy..." And touched it, only to notice a hand reach out of nowhere and also touch it. "Huh?" I mentally said and glanced over to my left to see a woman touching it, staring at me. I also noticed a little girl who looked like she was going to scream in joy at the sight of me... A mother and daughter. "I was so happy to find these that I'm surprised I didn't hear them coming at all."

The woman decided to speak first. "While I am surprised that there's a pony here, I came to buy this set for my daughter, since she loves Daring Do so hands off the merchandise. Or this case, hooves off."

"Um..." I thought about that for a moment. "Really? I'm only getting that reaction out of her? Well there's only one other hope, lets just see how well I can pull this off."

Flying back down and landing in front of the little girl, I was ready. "Hey, um ... Daring Do is my favorite overall pony, so I really need to buy the only two that's left... I'm sure you can say yes to a pony right? Preeeeety pleeease?" I made the most adorable puppy dog eyes I could make, hoping she'd agree.

She seemed unfazed though. "But I love her too! And I want this. Also, there's two of them, so we can both buy one each, won't that be better? Preeeeety pleeease?" And gave me her version of the puppy dog eyes until I finally gave in. "Damn it! I thought I was going to win this round of adorableness... I just didn't try hard enough."

Knowing that I was beat, I let out a sigh as my ears drooped. "Alright, fine. You win. As badly as I wanted both, I can't say no to that face." Flying back up and taking one, setting it in the basket and started moving down the aisle to see what else might interest me.

"Hold up a moment!"

I turned back around to see the mother and daughter duo come closer to me. "How come you need both of them?" The mother asked with a curious tone in her voice.

"Well, I was buying one for me and the other was for my coltfriend who is also in here."

"Wait, there's another pony here? And.... coltfriend?"

"Heeheehee ... well ya know, love ... so much love so much 'two guys turned into stallions love'... Erm, anyway, yes there is another pony here shopping."

The little girl quickly got in my face, eyes sparkling, "Who is this other pony?"

"He's Thunderlane. He's over at the checkout section, looking at the My Little Pony collectible cards."

"Yay!! Can I go see him mom, please?"

Her mother just shrugged. "Yeah, sure."

"Sweet! Oh, before I forget, here." And she passed me the other Daring Pony Story set which I took and set it in the basket.

Looking back at her, I can only wonder. "What made you change your mind?"

She only smiled. "As much as I love Daring Do, seeing you here was just so worth it, and I can also tell that you really need it more, so I'm willing to wait and try again."

My eyes got slightly watery after hearing her speak, and I hugged her, "Thank you, just thank you so much, we might be ponies, but we're softies too and this means a lot to us." I let go of her and backed up, wiping my eyes with a forehoof. "Silly me, I didn't even get your names."

"I'm Lotus and my mom's name is Mary."

"Lotus huh? Hehe just like that Spa Pony... say, Lotus, wanna hear something awesome?"

"Yes yes yes!"

"Haha, alright. Since you helped me out, I want to also. Tonight, go outside and wait to see a shooting star, and make a wish to be a pony like us, that's how we're here right now and I'll make sure to mention you to the princesses when they come to visit me and Thunderlane later."

The expression on Lotus's face was priceless. "Really, you mean that? And Celestia and Luna are going to visit the two of you later today?!"

"I sure do! And yes, they really are coming. I'm speaking the whole truth here, I also can tell that you would have so much fun if you do become a pony."

Her expression turned into pure happiness as she jumped around her mother. "Yes! yes! yes! yes! yes! yes!! I get to be a pony! I get to be a pony!" And came to a sudden halt. "Oh right, I gotta go see Thunderlane! Heeheehee! Maybe I can scare him! Bye Thunderclap!" And ran off.

I looked over at Mary and smiled. "In three... two... one...!"



I snorted, trying to hold in my laughter. "I knew that was coming."

"Right.... right." Mary said holding in a laugh of her own. "So all you said was actually true?"

I pointed at myself. "Well, the proof is right here. I mean, I didn't really believe in magic and neither did Thunderlane, but, last night we star gazed. We saw shooting stars and we just went along from there, and now we're ponies. For me it just felt right to say that when we saw it and I'm sure Thunderlane felt that way too, either that or it's just a brony thing. But at least we're getting answers from the princesses later."

"I see... and how has your day been so far like this?"

"Craziest morning ever! From a lady wanting us to be her pets to guys who wanted to beat us, and the hassle of trying to get a bus which we finally got on one that was filled with fans. Overall, when two ponies just appear on this planet from a show, it's gonna draw a lot of attention good or bad."

"I can imagine. Well, it's been nice talking to you, Thunderclap. Maybe we'll see each other again soon. Time to go get Lotus and hope she didn't bug your coltfriend too much, and have a talk about what you had said." And winked and walked off.

I took that moment to think about what she said at the end there. "Is she really considering joining us? I assume that if her daughter really wants to be a pony, then she might agree with it also...but what about other family members? Her husband if she has one? Well, only time will tell and after this day is over, we'll see how many ponies appear come tomorrow. Now to continue shopping." And turned back around to continue scanning the merchandise.

The whole aisle was covered with pony sets, figures, costumes and various other pony related merchandise, including Vinyl Collectibles, though all I saw were ones I already had, so I didn't bother with that. There was some other stuff I wanted to buy, but, I decided that I can just return tomorrow get them, although I did pick up the 'My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Through the Mirror' book by G. M. Berrow, because I like reading and I'm totally an egghead that Twilight would love (and no, not that kind of 'love' because I don't swing that way, I'm all sexy and coltcuddly™). Setting the book in the basket, I heard the tell-tale sounds of hooves on floor as my handsome coltfriend returned, looking slightly unamused while holding the 'Rock N Rave MLP CCG' decks, setting them in the basket. "That girl gave me such a scare, I probably jumped ten feet into the air from that."

"Yeah, I'm sure the whole store heard you. I know her mother and I did. So, I guess we're done here?"

"I guess so, yeah." Thunderlane nodded. "I can't think of anything else to buy from here right now."


Picking up the shopping basket, we walked back over to the checkout, setting the basket up on the counter. Looking at the cashier, I could tell he was shaking in excitement at seeing two ponies in the store shopping, while he started scanning everything.

"Please, contain your 'fanboy orgasms'." I grinned. "We'll give you and anyone else brohooves before we leave."

"I'm sorry! It's just that MLP:FIM is just a show, who would've thought that ponies would really appear? This is really my best day in work. Anyway, your total for today is fifty dollars and seventy-five cents."

"Got it." Opening up the right side of my saddlebag, I took out the debit card, swiped it, put it back inside and wrapped my hoof around the stylus, and put in the pin.

"How are you doing that?"


"The whole 'holding your stuff with hooves' thing. It looked hard."

"Oh that?" I said as I looked at my hoof and back to him. "It's just magic, not sure how else I can explain it.

"I guess I won't question that further then." He shrugged. "So, would you like a bag, or are you going to use your saddlebags?

"Saddlebags will be fine." I said as we both got our things and set them inside. "Oh, I have another question."

"Okay, shoot."

"Think me and Thunderlane can gain access to the roof to practice our flying?"

The cashier thought about it for a moment, tapping his chin. "Sure, that can be arranged."


After about twenty minutes had gone by with a bunch of brohoofs, pictures, remembering their names and us telling them about how we ended up as ponies, we were finally on the roof. We were finally going to attempt long distance flying. Looking over to Thunderlane, I tried to give him a confident smile, but in reality, I was kind of nervous about this. "Ready to fly? This really shouldn't be hard. If what Celestia said in the letter is true, then this should be a piece of cake...I believe in her."

Thunderlane nudged me and smirked. "Good, then you go first." And pointed a hoof over at the other end of the parking lot. "We fly off this roof and try to get to that other roof of Ikea and back again, got it?

"Okay fine..." I backed up some, taking a deep breath, spreading my wings and galloped off the roof. I flapped them hard, taking flight. "I can do this! I know I can!"

At that moment, a certain song decided to play at the worst possible time.

" ♫ And I'm free, free fallin', fallin' ♫ "

"Wait, what?" I looked down and noticed that I was actually falling straight onto a parked car with a guy standing next to it.

Quickly flapping my wings to try and slow down, I said the only thing I could think of at that moment, "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!"


"Ow... I really didn't see that coming." I groaned, noticing I left a pretty good sized dent on the roof of the car. Looking over at the owner, I can tell he was surprised, because who wouldn't be if a pony dropped onto your car?

I hopped off and waved to him awkwardly, "Sorry about that sir, I was just trying to get some flying in. That didn't go so well, as you can see." I then chuckled nervously.

The man shrugged. "No worries, I have 'Pony dropping on your car' insurance, I'm completely covered for the damages you caused."

"What kind of insurance is that? You know what? Nevermind, that's just Celestia's and Luna's magic at work."

Hearing laughter I looked around and noticed that I didn't get that far away from the roof and looked up and glared at Thunderlane who kept laughing, "Looks like I win that bet of you hitting a car first, now pay up!"

"But we never bet anything to begin with you idiot!"

He stopped laughing, "Oh, right...well shit."

I rolled my eyes, "Look, just go and do your attempt, I'm sure you will get farther than me."

Thunderlane smirked and winked at me, "Will do!" And repeated the same steps I did and flew off the roof soaring right on by.

"Shit... he's gonna really make it isn't he?"


I winced. "Or not." As I saw that Thunderlane crashed into the 'I' of the Ikea sign.

"I'm okay! I'm not hurt much..." he shouted.

I facehoofed. "This is gonna take a while, and I'm sure the princesses are laughing it up right now seeing this."


About an hour and many more attempts later, which luckly we didn't hurt ourselves too bad. We finally got to fly for much longer, which would come in handy right now.

And if you were wondering, yes that pet pony lady made another appearance but, Thunderlane scared her off by throwing a rock... such an amusing sight that was.

"Alright Thunderlane, this is it! Even though she said we will get used to our bodies soon enough. That certainly took a lot longer to learn that I thought. But anyway, time to fly on over to Hot Topic!"

Thunderlane grinned, "Lets do this!"

With our saddlebags secured, we both jumped off the roof and flew Northwest over towards the mall. Let me tell you, being able to fly for longer now is the greatest thing ever. The wind whipping through my mane and tail, ears flicking and the cool air against my fur, I'm glad I wished to be a pegasus and looking over at Thunderlane and seeing the smile on his face, I can tell that he was enjoying it just as much as me.

"This sure as hell beats catching the bus!!!" I shouted happily while Thunderlane laughed.

I really can't wait to thank the princesses later because this is the greatest moment ever.


A few minutes later over at the mall.



"What the hell!?"

"Holy crap!"

"Whoa... look! It's ponies from that show!"

"Oh my gosh! They're so cute!"

Looking around us, we waved at everyone, smiling. "I'm loving today so much more now." I said to Thunderlane.

"I couldn't agree more. Now lets go inside and get something to eat first, I'm starving." Thunderlane said as his stomach growled.

I only chuckled as I walked along side him, up to the opened door and inside, hungry for food as well.