• Published 20th Mar 2014
  • 2,274 Views, 19 Comments

Marevel Civil War - ssjgokillo

Celestia and Luna pass a law requiring masked heroes to register with the royal guard and reveal their secret identities. A bit silly considering there's only two masked heroes in Equestria. Whose side are you on?

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Civil War Issue #1

There is one moment in Equestrian history where everything changed. Where the good ponies who lived in the land of harmony drew lines, and stood their ground.

That moment began one somber night in Canterlot Castle, when the Princesses Luna and Celestia were discussing the choice that would change everything.

“Luna!” Celestia threw her forelegs in the air in exasperation, causing the papers she was holding to fly behind her before drifting to the floor. “You are being absolutely ridiculous! There is no need for this.”

“We are not being ridiculous sister! It is thou who does not see the seriousness of the situation threatening our land!” Luna slammed her forehooves against the table, causing Celestia to wince as a crack formed on the antique.

“Situation? What situation? There was one instance even worth mentioning, and everything ended well. I hardly see how this could be seen as a threat to Equestria.”

Luna shook her head, seemingly at Celestia’s obliviousness. “One instance that ended well does not excuse the actions that were taken! Our subjects could have been hurt. And what of next time, hmmm dear sister? What of the next time a untrained pony takes the law into their hooves? Can you guarantee that it will end well?”

Celestia opened her mouth to respond, but Luna continued on, unfinished in her tirade. “The royal guards undergo years of training before being allowed to serve the public, and are held fully accountable for their actions. This is all we want sister, for ponies to be held accountable, and not hide behind shadowy masks.”

There was little Celestia could say to that. Luna was not wrong in her assertions. It just seemed silly to go through all this trouble for… but perhaps her sister was right. Besides, surely it couldn’t hurt anything to let Luna have her way. It would be a silly law that ponies would simply wonder the origin of. Much like that one in Manehattan that stated it was illegal for a stallion to buy his special somepony a box candy that weighed less than fifty pounds.

More importantly though, it would allow them to move past this issue, and onto more pressing matters. So with a nod of her head, Princess Celestia sealed Equestria’s fate. “Then it shall be as you wish, dear sister. We shall pass a law that states that all masked super-ponies must reveal themselves and register with the royal guard.”

Luna smiled at her elder sister, and relaxed back against her cushions. “Thank you Celestia. I’m glad thou saw this was the proper course of action.”

Celestia finished penning the announcement of the new law before floating it over to her sister. Luna signed it with a flourish, before affixing it with the royal seal. Feeling a touch on the dramatic side, Celestia placed her forehooves together and rested her muzzle against them. “I hope you’re right, Luna…”

-Marevel \ / Civil War-

The next morning Ponyville was abuzz with gossip over the new law. The passing of the Super-Pony Registration Act had somehow even made the front page of the Foal Free Press, although recently re-instated editor in chief Diamond Tiara refused to reveal her sources. She instead focused on how this new act would finally force the vexing vigilante, The Chicken, to reveal her identity or finally face justice.

Ponies all around Ponyville found themselves polarized by the argument. Fathers and sons fought over the responsibilities of these masked miscreants. Friendships were tested as arguments broke out over the responsibilities these ponies had to the public. Everywhere somepony went, sides had been chosen.

Before long ponies found themselves protesting the act, while others found themselves protesting the protesters. One group tried to use the mob-mentality to protest against ponies who wore socks, even though that clearly had nothing to do with the situation at hand. Even the citizens of Ponyville realized that was silly and simply nopony else’s business, so that unnamed and easily forgotten group faded back to wherever they came from.

Yes, the SPRA (pronounced spay, not sprah, because that simply sounds silly) had truly divided the once harmonious town of Ponyville. Of course, even our heroes found themselves at odds with each other over the SPRA. But how could they not, true believers, when they were at the center of the SPRA.

“Honestly, Rainbow Dash!” Twilight Sparkle, personal protege of Princess Celestia and ex-criminal mastermind (See Mare Do Well vs Professor Nightshade Issue #1!), was clearly upset. “How many times do I have to ask you not to eat cookies at my desk? There’s crumbs everywhere!”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Sorry Twi, but you were researching for like, ever! I got hungry.”

“So why couldn’t you eat them at the table?” Twilight said as she levitated a small cleaning brush and a dustbin over to her desk. With a few quick swipes of the brush the offending crumbs were cast away into the dustbin, from which they’d never be seen again.

Rainbow Dash quickly went over her options. Thinking on her hooves was something she had gotten even better at after her time spent as the Mysterious Mare Do Well (See Mare Do Well #1 or the upcoming Mare Do Well Annual #1 for more details!). On one hoof, she could just admit to being lazy and not wanting to walk all the way to the table. That would inevitably end with a lecture from Twilight about the proper eating etiquette expected of her. On the other hoof, Rainbow Dash could say something sappy. Sappy always got Twilight flustered, and more likely to nuzzle her, rather than lecture her. The pegasus would take nuzzling over being lectured any day.

So Rainbow Dash kicked one hoof against the ground, while folding her ears back against her head, trying to look as contrite as possible. “I… I just thought it was nice leaning against you while you were reading. I didn’t want to move.”

Twilight’s reaction was instantaneous and exactly what Rainbow Dash had hoped for. Within a second the brush and dustbin were vanished with a pop, and Rainbow Dash suddenly felt herself wrapped up within the warm embrace of her marefriend.

“Oh, Rainbow Dash.” Twilight said, nuzzling against Rainbow Dash while blushing at her words. “I’m sorry, I guess I was researching a bit too long last night. And, just for the record, I like it when you’re snuggled up against me while I’m reading.”

Plan backfired! Rainbow Dash felt that squirming feeling in her gut for misleading her marefriend as Twilight looked up at her with shining eyes. Even worse, she could feel the heat blossoming on her cheeks as she found herself getting lost in Twilight’s stare.

Twilight noticed Rainbow Dash’s look and smiled. She closed her eyes, and tilted her head slightly. She leaned forward, but not enough to actually make contact.

The heat on Rainbow Dash’s cheeks felt like liquid fire now. Twilight always did this to her. Always made her come in for the kiss, like she needed proof that Rainbow Dash wanted it just as much as she did. She knew how hard it was for Rainbow Dash to discard her mask of “coolness” to do something sappy like that.

It was one of the things Rainbow Dash loved about her.

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and leaned in, eager to feel the soft texture of Twilight’s lips.

“Have you guys heard the news?!” The door to the library slammed open and Rainbow Dash and Twilight leapt away from each other, both blushing as though they had been caught in an act far more intimate.

Spike ran into the room, clutching a newspaper in his claws. He looked at the two ponies, seeing the flustered look and blushing faces, and immediately decided he didn’t want to know. He had more important things to worry about.

“Well?” He asked, waving the publication around. “Did you guys see the news?”

“What news Spike?” Twilight asked, her blush fading as her curiosity began to take over.

“The Foal Free Press!” Spike held the paper out in front of him, so the two mares could read it. “The Princesses just passed a new law that requires super heroes to reveal their secret identities and register with the royal guard.”

“SPRA passes? Masked menaces forced to reveal true identities?” Rainbow Dash read the headline out loud.

Twilight looked at the paper unsure how to react. “Is this some kind of joke? Why would the princesses pass a law like this?”

Spike shrugged. “Who knows? You should see the rest of Ponyville right now. Everypony is picking sides like it’s some super serious issue. It’s kind of silly if you think about it, I mean the only two masked ponies anypony knows of is The Chicken and…”

A sudden gust of wind blew the paper out of Spike’s hands. Twilight and Spike turned to see the chromatic trail of Rainbow Dash’s departure, through the open window and out of the sky.

“Huh, wonder what got into Rainbow Dash?” Spike asked. The little dragon shrugged his shoulders, and went to pick up the newspaper.

Twilight stood staring out the window, as the rainbow trail left behind began to fade. There could only be one reason why Rainbow Dash would suddenly take off without saying a word after what she had heard. But there was no way she would do that. Not after what had happened.

No, Twilight absolutely refused to believe that Rainbow Dash would ever put on that costume again, and become…

“The Mysterious Mare Do Well!” The excited cry of a filly echoed from down the street.

Twilight sighed and rubbed her forehead. This was shaping up to be a long day.

-Marevel \ / Civil War-

Word quickly spread across Ponyville that the vanquisher of Professor Nightshade had returned. While some ponies wondered where Mare Do Well had disappeared to for the last couple months, all knew for certain what had drawn her out of seclusion.

The only question on everypony’s mind was: Would Mare Do Well reveal her identity?

“Of course I’m not going to reveal my secret identity!” Mare Do Well’s gravelly voice spread across Ponyville, thanks to the sound system Mayor Mare had set up when Mare Do Well had asked to speak with the town. “That’s like super hero 101! If I reveal who I am under the mask, then everypony would know! That’d would be totally uncool!”

“Mare Do Well is right!” A stallion in the crowd called out. “If she revealed her identity, then any criminals she fought could go after her family!”

“Uh… yeah, that’s exactly what I meant!” Mare Do Well breathed a silent sigh of relief.

“Those enlisted in the royal guard face the same threats! What makes you vigilantes so special? Tights and a mask don’t put you above the law!” This surprisingly enough, came from a mare Mare Do Well recognized as Rarity’s mom. Her outburst brought murmurs from the crowd. Many of the ponies gathered were beginning to glare at Mare Do Well.

“Mare Do Well! Silver Spoon with the Foal Free Press.” A gray filly pushed her way through the crowd, holding a pad of paper. What really surprised Mare Do Well was the filly that followed after her. Scootaloo stood behind Silver Spoon with a camera around her neck. “Is it true that one of your recent acts of vigilantism caused the explosion at Sugarcube Corner?”

Mare Do Well’s body tensed at the question. “What? What explosion at Sugarcube Corner? Is Pinkie- Er, I mean are the ponies who work there alright?”

“Oh we’re all fine silly-billy!” Mare Do Well visibly relaxed at the sound of Pinkie’s voice, as the pink mare bounced to the front of the crowd. Her usually poofy mane was blackened at the edges, and her fur was covered in soot. The pink mare looked as cheerful as ever, despite the fact that she looked like she’d just crawled through a fireplace. “I was trying a new recipe for this candy that pops in your mouth, but I think I might’ve put a little too much *pop* in it!”

With that, Pinkie Pie skipped off, humming a happy tune. Her bubbly mood wasn’t shared by the crowd she left behind. Ponies were beginning to argue, some siding with Mare Do Well and her decision to protect her secret identity, and others beginning to call her a criminal for not adhering to the new law.

“Enough!” Mare Do Well flew into the air, ensuring that everypony was looking at her. “Look, I’m going to protect Ponyville and Equestria just like before. But until this stupid law goes away, I ain’t taking this costume off!”

The masked mare quickly flew off, but not before Scootaloo snapped some choice pictures of Mare Do Well. The orange filly couldn’t help but wonder if Mare Do Well was making the right choice. More importantly, it made her wonder just what she was going to do herself.

Hundreds of ponies had gathered around town hall for the big event. There was a nervous excitement in the air, as everypony recognized the changes coming.

Finally, a filly dressed like a chicken walked on to the stage. The crowd grew silent as she stepped up to the podium and tapped the microphone, causing a slight feedback to come from the sound system.

“Ummm, I know there’s been a lot of debate recently about the Super Pony Registration Act. After giving it some careful consideration, I decided that it is time for those of us with these powers to be held accountable by the public. That is why, today I am going to share with you all my most closely guarded secret.”

With that said the filly reached up to the hood of her costume, and pulled it back. There were gasps of shock, and a couple ponies fainted at the sight.

“My name is Scootaloo, and I’ve been The Chicken since I was fourteen years old.” Scootaloo said proudly. “Any questions?”

“Yeah, just one. Do you really think a blank flank could ever be a hero?” The taunting voice of Diamond Tiara called from the crowd. This was followed up by laughter and more calls of “blank flank” and “ridiculous”. Scootaloo wilted under the mocking gaze of the public.

Nopony took her seriously anymore. Criminals outright laughed at her whenever she appeared. They even attacked Rainbow Dash! Calling her things like “uncool”! All because she had revealed her secret identity!

There was only one thing she could do. She made a deal with Discord to go back in time and change the fact that she had ever agreed to join the SPRA. This of course caused a whole new set of problems that took forever to resolve before everything finally returned to normal.

Scootaloo shook her head, coming back to her senses. Her head still swam with the images it had projected, but she felt sure of one thing now. There was absolutely no way she was going to reveal her secret identity!

-Marevel \ / Civil War-

Mare Do Well had spent the rest of the day making sure she was in the public eye. While she would normally watch over Ponyville from the shadows or a cloud, today she stalked the streets, or stood gallantly on rooftops.

It was after a tiring day of passively fighting the “power” that she winged her way back to the library. She landed on the balcony that led to the living quarters of the library, happy to finally have a chance to relax. Taking a stand for justice sure was hard work!

She was about to open the door when she froze in place. Looking through the little window on the door, she could see Twilight inside, talking to a royal guard.

Of course! They would send the royal guard after her after her dramatic stand, she just didn’t think it would be this soon. And the royal guard would definitely check in with Celestia’s student to see if she knew anything about the rogue vigilante.

Mare Do Well quickly flew away, but not before casting a longing glance at Twilight. She knew the unicorn would never betray her identity. Twilight was way too cool to do something like that. But until this whole SPRA thing blew over, she’d have to stay away from her marefriend. She wouldn’t get Twilight wrapped up in all this.

-Marevel \ / Civil War-

“And why are ya staying in my barn again?” Applejack asked Rainbow Dash, who insisted on only being called Mare Do Well while she was in costume. The mare had apparently slept in the barn the night before, with Applejack stumbling upon her while doing her chores the next morning.

“I told you! I can’t stay at the library or else Twilight will get all mixed up in this SPRA mess!” Mare Do Well may have been a bit more grouchy than she needed to be, but she wasn’t used to being woken up shortly after dawn. Sometimes shortly after noon was too early.

“Right, but you don’t mind gettin’ me and my family mixed up with this SPRA nonsense.” Applejack shook her head in disbelief, tossing more baskets into the back of the cart. “And why can’t ya just stay at your house?”

“Because the royal guards are looking for me! If they found me at my house, it’d be a pretty easy guess to my secret identity.”

“Uh huh.” Applejack finished loading the baskets, and hitched herself to the cart. “Well, I wouldn’t feel right turnin’ ya away and all. Just keep in mind though we’ll be in and out of the barn all day. And that we’ll be wakin’ ya up at sunrise.”

Applejack smirked as she heard her friend take off through the window. “Works every time.” She chuckled to herself, heading out to the fields to begin her daily chores.

-Marevel \ / Civil War-

The next few days were much the same for Mare Do Well. Standing proudly vigilant in her costume, letting the ponies of her town know that she would protect them, but that she was not going to compromise her ideals. She’d spend the day patrolling the town, while trying her hardest to stay out of sight of the royal guards who would appear now and then.

During the nights she’d find some cloud to sleep on, always making sure to never pick one in the same area twice. She never removed her costume, only pulling the mask up passed her mouth so she could eat.

However, as the days passed, Mare Do Well began to remember that there wasn’t exactly a whole lot to do as a masked crime fighter in Ponyville. Patrolling the town got boring when there was nothing worth patrolling for. The closest thing she got to seeing some action was helping Rarity get her cat, Opalescence, down from a tree.

That had actually been more dangerous than her fight with Professor Nightshade. There was no way she would ever go near that demonic cat again!

The worst thing of all was having to spend time away from Twilight. She’d catch glimpses of the unicorn around Ponyville while on her patrols. Those were the only times she’d hide from the public. If Twilight saw her, she’d look up at her with those big sparkling eyes that always made Rainbow Dash’s mind freeze up. She’d ask her to quit all this super pony nonsense and come back to the library. She’d nuzzle up against her, and Mare Do Well would be able to feel the gentle caress of her fur through the costume. Then Twilight would play her ace, a night of cuddling together while reading the new Daring Do book that had just come out.

Mare Do Well slapped a hoof across her muzzle, quickly dispelling the fantasy she had built up in her head. She couldn’t just give up! She was standing up for her beliefs! She loved Twilight, but she couldn’t just give up on this.

Unless, of course, Twilight was willing to dress up in that Daring Do costume again…

Mare Do Well groaned in frustration, and stuck her head in the cloud she’d been sitting on. Hopefully the moisture would clear her head a bit.

Grumbling about “stupid, sexy librarians”, Mare Do Well did not hear the flapping of wings approaching.

“Ah! Mare Do Well. There you are, I’ve been looking all over for you.” The sound of a stallions voice cut through Mare Do Well’s muttering. She quickly pulled her head out of the cloud and whirled around.

It was a pegasus stallion, wearing the armaments of the royal guard. They’d finally found her.

Well, she wasn’t going to go down without a fight! Not that she was going to fight the royal guard. It wouldn’t make much sense to have good guys fighting each other. Still, there was no way she’d let one of the princesses’ cronys catch her!

With a burst of speed that dispersed her cloud, Mare Do Well took off. The stallion gave a surprised yelp, before shouting at her. She couldn’t hear what he said, all she could hear was the wind whistling in her ears as she flew as fast as she could.

Where could she go? She needed a place to hide, but she couldn’t go to any of her friends’ houses. Maybe she could hide out at the schoolhouse, or the theater. Though she didn’t really think breaking and entering was a very heroic thing to do.

“Mare Do Well! Please, I just need a moment of your time!” The stallion again! Mare Do Well gave a huff of annoyance, realizing she had slowed down while trying to figure out where to go. Now the royal guard had caught up to her.

She always had her trump card. One sonic rainboom and she could be all the way to Canterlot in seconds. Still, that would be a pretty dead giveaway to who she really was, since she was the only pegasus who could perform such a feat.

Deciding to save the rainboom as a last resort, Mare Do Well prepared to make a break for the Everfree Forest, hoping she’d be able to lose the guard within the trees.

Her flight was violently stopped as she crashed into a violet wall. Luckily the wall had quite a bit of give, it was more like crashing into a pillow, but it certainly disoriented her. Mare Do Well felt panic well up in her chest as she began to fall from the sky, but her body was then wrapped in that same violet light, lowering her to the ground.

Mare Do Well knew she’d been caught. There was no way she’d be able to escape the magical aura that surrounded her, because she knew who it belonged to.

The masked mare soon found herself floating in the air in front of a very bemused Twilight Sparkle.

“There you are! Where have you been the last few days?” Twilight sounded tired. It didn’t take Mare Do Well long to realize that the unicorn had not been sleeping well. Large, dark circles around her eyes, and her whole body was bent with fatigue. Had Twilight not been able to sleep because she’d been worried about her? The thought made Mare Do Well’s chest tighten up, guilt creeping through her.

“Finally!” The royal guard landed next to them, huffing and gasping for air from the fast flight. “Thank you for your assistance Twilight Sparkle.”

The guard marched up to Mare Do Well, who resigned herself to her fate. She still didn’t believe it was right to give up her secret identity, but one look at Twilight convinced her it was for the best. There was no way she was going to cling to some stupid belief when it was obviously worrying her marefriend.

Ready to face the music, Mare Do Well straightened up and tried to look as proud as she could. The guard approached, and then reached into the saddlebags he was carrying. Mare Do Well tensed, ready to spring into action of he pulled out a weapon.

“Here you are Mare Do Well, your first government stipend for protecting the town of Ponyville. If I could just get you to sign this receipt saying that you’ve received your payment.” The guard pulled out a pouch, jingling with bits, and a piece of paper and a pen.

“Huh..I… what?” Mare Do Well stared at the pouch she’d been given, feeling the weight of the bits contained inside.

“Uh, I’m delivering your salary this month for being Ponyville’s guardian. Your registered with the SPRA as this town’s hero. As such, you’ll be paid each month for those services.”

Mare Do Well couldn’t believe it. She was already part of the SPRA? How? When? She mechanically signed her name on the paper when the stallion handed her the pen, not even realizing it when he thanked her before flying off.

What had just happened?

-Marevel \ / Civil War-

“What do you mean I was the first hero to be part of the SPRA?” Mare Do Well asked, or rather, Rainbow Dash asked, as she had stopped using the deeper voice once they’d reached the library.

“I’ve been trying to find you for the last couple days to let you know!” Twilight said. She yawned, blinking her eyes sleepily before shaking her head. “Princess Celestia sent me a letter the day you made your speech that she had registered you herself, that way you wouldn’t have to.”

“But… but how did she even know?”

Twilight leveled a sleepy stare at Rainbow Dash. “The whole Nightshade incident remember? I told her everything that happened, of course she’d know you were Mare Do Well.”

“So this whole time I’ve been standing up against the SPRA for nothing?” Rainbow Dash couldn’t believe it. All those days she could’ve been sleeping in a comfortable bed, or spending time with Twilight.

“I’m afraid so. But hey, look at the bright side, now you’re officially listed as the hero of Ponyville, and you’re getting paid for it!”

“I guess.” Rainbow Dash groused. Twilight gave another yawn, bringing Rainbow’s attention back to the drained stature of her marefriend. “Sorry if I worried you with all this, Twi. I just… thought I was doing the right thing.”

Twilight smiled, and trotted over to Rainbow Dash. She quickly wrapped her forelegs around the pegasus, pulling her in close for a hug. “Oh, it’s not your fault Dashie. I’ve just been having… a hard time getting to sleep the last couple days.”

Rainbow Dash didn’t pick up on the way Twilight changed what she had been about to say, something Twilight was grateful for. After all, she knew that the nightmares were simply due to memories of the last time Rainbow Dash had worn the costume. They would pass, probably sooner now that Rainbow Dash could finally take the costume off.

“Heh, well let’s make sure you get plenty of sleep tonight.” Rainbow said, hugging Twilight back just as tightly. “Come on, it feels like it’s been forever since the last time I slept on a bed.”

Twilight quickly pulled away from Rainbow Dash, her muzzle wrinkled. The sleep was gone from her eyes, which were starting to water. “Rainbow Dash? Have you been wearing that costume this entire time?” She asked, her voice sounding a bit nasally.

“Uh, yeah?”

Twilight rolled her eyes, and Rainbow Dash suddenly found herself surrounded in a globe of Twilight’s magic. “C’mon featherbrain, you need a bath, and that costume needs a wash… or burned…”

“Oh come on Twi! I don’t wanna take a bath!” Rainbow Dash moaned as she was levitated within the orb. She lifted one of her forelegs and gave a sniff, her muzzle instantly crinkling up at the odor. “On second thought, I think I’ll take you up on that bath.

-Marevel \ / Civil War-

Meanwhile, in Canterlot Castle, Celestia was receiving some good news of her own.

“You’re sure then? There’s no chance of this happening again?” She asked.

The stallion she was speaking to nodded his head. “I’m one hundred percent sure your majesty. There are no traces of this “Professor Nightshade” character within your student’s psyche. While she has some very… interesting mental tics herself, there is nothing there for you to worry about.

Celestia sighed in relief. “I am very glad to hear that. Thank you, Dr. Hurt, I really appreciate the time you’ve spent working on this with Twilight. And your willingness to keep it a secret.”

The stallion, Dr. Hurt, bowed, his horn almost touching the floor. “You are too kind, your majesty, I was simply doing my job.”

“I appreciate it nonetheless. I had been worried about continuing Twilight’s studies after what happened. Now that I know she has a clean bill of health, I can continue her along her course.” Celestia said.

“Is there anything else you need of me, your majesty?” The doctor asked, straightening from his bow.

“No, not at this moment. Thank you again Dr. Hurt.” Celestia said, though her attention was no longer on the unicorn.

“Oh, believe me princess,” The doctor said, turning to leave the room, a smirk forming on his lips. “It was my pleasure.”

Author's Note:

Yup, this just happened.

I'd been kicking around the idea using Marvel Civil War arc within the Mare Do Well universe, but I was never sure how I wanted to do it. Then, while I was working on my entry for the TwiDash contest, this little idea popped into my head, and I figured I could use it to bridge the gap between MDWvsPN and the sequel. A playful little oneshot that poked some more fun at comics!

Oh, did I not mention the sequel?

Anyways, this makes the first omake to MDWvsPN canon, even if it is a little silly. The second omake does not take place in the Equestria 616 continuity however.

As always, thank you for reading.

Comments ( 19 )

Why would anyone trust a guy called Dr. Hurt? That's the name if a super villain waiting to happen.


I haven't read this yet, and I'm not going to until after I get around to reading the prequel, but the slightly OCD part of me really wants you to find a way to delete one word in there somewhere so there will be an even 5000 words.
Please? :fluttershysad:

Just for you J :pinkiehappy:

:pinkiehappy: YAY! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!
This makes me incredibly happy. Probably more than it should, but oh well.:twilightsmile:


While I was brainstorming names for the character, I came up with Dr. Hurt. I pitched the character idea and name to my brother, who immediately responded with: "Is his first name Butt?"

Dr. Butt Hurt was almost a thing :pinkiecrazy:

Honestly can't decide if that would be better or worse...

I figured I could use it to bridge the gap between MDWvsPN and the sequel.

This pleases me.

*sigh* you just had to pick civil war didn't you I still have nightmares from a particular Spider-Man comic from that arc....

Are you going to implement that chapter from the SDF into this somehow? Coz that would mean adopt and fluffness and d'awww and hnnngggg and spice and everything nice. Wait...:rainbowhuh:

The Sparkle Dash Family omake won't be canon to the Mare Do Well universe. Though I do love some Scootadopt, it just doesn't really feel like the right place for it, at least not for the time being.

I should write more Scootadopt fluff though. Lets see if I can't get an update to SDF soon. :pinkiehappy:


For all it's problems, the Civil War arc is one of the few comic storylines that really got an emotional response from me (mostly rage at Reed Richards). Not sure about what Spiderman comic you're talking about though, I only read through the main Civil War issues. :derpytongue2:

That was a fun little read. Perfect for breaking up the tedium of all this work I have to do. Thanks for writing this!

4112554 Oh well. At least we'll have more SDF sooner or later. I will still hold onto the hope that we see a return of Professor Nightshade as maybe a good guy. Something about a reformed Nightshade, the Chicken, and Mare-Do-Well working together to fight crime just fills me with joy.

4112554 I was referring to one more day although I guess that is technically after the civil war arc

Lol, I kept expecting to see Professor Nightshade show up due to stress. (I would love to see her return in your upcoming sequel.) :twilightblush: Great story! I can't wait to see what happens next! Dr. Hurt... :twilightoops: Googled it to see if it was Marvel. I appreciate your use of OC villains. (Including Twilight's alter ego. Big Nightshade fan.)

Can't wait until a sequel comes out and I hope it has Professor Nightshade in it.

Professor Nightshade. I feel like she's going to become her own physical embodiment. I really want to see a Professor Nightshade comeback.

Sooooo... about that sequel?

When will this sequel you speak of begin? Also, is it just me, or was 'Mare Do Well' acting a but Rorschach?

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