• Published 13th May 2014
  • 16,581 Views, 1,175 Comments

Because Ponies Are the Size of Cats and They Love to Cuddle - shortskirtsandexplosions

In the future, we'll colonize the solar system, cure cancer, clone the human genome, and build trans-dimensional hoodies that can summon tiny talking horses from an alternate universe. It's pretty snazzy.

  • ...


Applejack hums. She swivels to the left. She swivels to the right. Then, with a bright and beaming smile, she shoves her hoof off the desk's edge and spins, spins, spins in the desk chair. "Hmmmm-heee hee heee..."

I sit on the edge of the buckets I carried back from the closet and stacked on top of one another. I rub my chin, then proceed to type the second half of an e-mail across my office keyboard.

Applejack spins to a stop, her mane flouncing as she teeters left and right. "Duaaaaaah..." Her emerald eyes rattle, then blink to a stop. She smiles, freckled dimples and all, and rolls the sleeves of the hoodie up her hooves. Then, licking her lips, she slides down onto her rump and kicks the desk's edge with both rear legs.

This propels the office chair—and her—across the thin space of the cubicle. She collides with the other side, rattling the bulletin board and sending a few thumbtacks falling to the floor. "Whoops! Heehee! Sure does glide, don't it?"

I bite my lip, sweating slightly as I struggle to get through this dense e-mail that is supremely important... for some reason that's presently lost to me. I lean forward, rubbing my chin with two gloved hands. I spot the shapes of heads out of my peripheral. I glance to the side and spot co-workers craning their faces over the walls of their cubicles, gazing towards my part of the office and grinning while murmuring curiously to one another.

"Hey! Reckon I can make it glide and spin at the same time?" A tiny guffaw. "Here goes!" The cubicle wall behind me wobbles as I hear the grinding of wheels over the plastic carpet guard.

"Applejack—" I turn around, only for the chair to collide with my shoulders. "Ooof!"

"Whoah nelly!" The spinning seat launches Applejack like an orange missile. I expertly catch her, cradling her in my grasp. She shakes her head and blinks up at me with legs curled. "Heheh... howdy, partner! Nice catch, there!"

"Applejack, I'm glad you're having fun and all, but I really gotta work on this."

"Work on what?" Applejack crawls down and sits in my lap, squinting at the computer screen with a scrunchy face. "Y'all meanin' to tell me that this is what ya do all day?"

"It's part of it, yes."

"And what's the other part?"

"Managing the schedule for the Viki—I-I mean my boss. I mean..." I face palm with a sigh. "Darn it..."

I hear a passing giggle as a secretary walks by the cubicle, pausing to smile at the sight of the tiny pony sitting in my grasp.

"Whew-wee! She's got herself a purdy getup!" Applejack glances up at me, her golden mane tickling my chin. "Bet yer jealous, huh?"

"Maggiethatcher's been doing temp work here for over ten months, AJ. She and I are nothing more than business professionals—"

"What's this gizmo, anyways?" Applejack nudges the keyboard around in front of us. "It looks just like them glowy thangs you make appear."

"Applejack, please, don't—"

"Ooooh!" Applejack coos, running her hoof along the home-row keys. "I can actually feel 'em too! And I dun even need to be wearin' yer gloves!"

"Sometimes the old-fashioned way of doing things can never go away."

She looks up at me with a beaming grin. "Can I just give it one tap? I won't mess yer work up. I promise."

I sigh through a weary smile. "Fine. Go ahead. Just don't hit the 'enter' key."

"The what key?"

"That big bulky thing right there."

Pensively, almost as if afraid that the thing would explode, Applejack leans forward... then finally slaps her hoof over the left side of the keyboard. We both watch as a glaring 'hdgfchgstx' appears in the e-mail field.

"Hah!" She cackles, her tail flicking against my chest. "Didja see that?" She giggles again, pointing at the monitor. "I made a human word! A people-paragraph, as it were!"

"Heh..." I reach over her head and quietly backspace through the butchered text. "Not quite. Still, I'm sure St. Beacon would approve of your charisma."

"Ya really think so?"

"Why not? The holo-construct became self-aware and promptly died while defending the Vatican from Brazilian Terrorists."

"Ooooh!" Applejack reaches toward the far end of the desk. "What's this thang do?" ClapClapClapClap. The desktop is covered in collapsed staples. "Looks like the floor of a farrier's workshop! Heheheh—Whoah nelly!" She slips from my lap.

I catch her just in time and plop her back onto the desk chair. "Applejack, just what's gotten into you today?"

"Well..." She fiddles with the hem of her hoodie, avoiding my gaze. "I'm just plum happy to see ya, sugarcube." She then tilts her head back up and smiles at the ceiling. "Plus, this whole place is new!"

I giggle. "Applejack, all things considered, everything about my world is 'new' to you."

"Yes, but this place is newer!" She says, spinning in a circle as she tries to take in every detail. "And there're people here—people who're your friends!"

"They're... not exactly my friends."

"Don't be silly." She smirks at me. "You work and labor with 'em, don'tcha?"

"Well... uh... sure..."

"Then they might as well be kin!" She winks. "After all, those who sweat together..."

"Eheh... but my job isn't exactly apple bucking, AJ."

"Yeah? So? To each their own, darlin'."

"Ennngh..." I rub my temples, gazing lethargically at the e-mail. "I'm never going to get anything done at this rate."

"Oh." She gulps, then wraps her tail around her lower legs as she stares down at the floor. "Reckon yer right. It'd be best if I headed on home and left ya alone to yer chores."

"What? No!" I wince from how loud that outburst was. "Please, Applejack. It's alright. These last few days have been..."

"Yeah?" She stares up at me.

I stare back. I fidget. "... very very... boring without you."

She blinks. "Oh."


I feel my stomach gurgling. I smirk. "Tell ya what..." I crouch low to the ground and turn the back of my neck to her. "You wanna see more new and exciting places?"

"Uhhhh..." Applejack instinctively trots forward and props herself onto my shoulders. "Yeah?"

"How about I show you where humans around here go to eat, hmmm?" I stand up with her legs wrapped around my neck. "Then you can finally tell me all about your 'amazing' weekend. Now wouldn't that be fun?"

"Hmmm... yup. I reckon." She clutches my head and rests her chin at the top of my scalp. "Just promise to warn me in case we run into that nasty thang you told me about once."

"You'll have to remind me. What nasty thing?"

She gulps and stammers, "'Meat loaf.'"

"Girl, trust me." I chuckle. "I'd be warning myself in the process."