• Published 11th May 2014
  • 1,135 Views, 5 Comments

Shadow of the Colossus - zoruatrainer66

A man who's despair is dark as night, finds on his way a sword of light. In the darkest of night, he finds the valley of beginnings, a voice from on high tells him of a way to save the one he holds dear. But to do so requires no mercy or fear.

  • ...

The Legend of Dormin and The Wanderer

In the beginning, there were three gods. Each choose to reside over different realms, Deity would watch over the Earth, realm of humankind, and guide their souls in life, Faust would watch over the land of Equestria, realm of Ponykind, and guide their souls in life, Dormin would watch over the Valley of Beginnings, the place of birth and death for all souls. Dormin would guard these souls as they died and were reborn, leaving their experiences for others to learn from. And together they watched kingdoms rise and fall, disasters take thousands and millions, and other-worldly creatures decimate their charges. Over time their charges forgot about them or let them fall to myth.

For millennia they watched and guarded, protecting them without their notice. They only interfered when it was needed, Equestria was always in danger of destruction by evil forces, Faust created the first Alicorn who would guard the realm from the smaller threats, she told the Alicorn that her name was to be her own, as well as her duties. She then thought to erase herself from the Alicorn's memory and so it was done, Faust left the now unconscious pony as she repeated what she said. She then left the realm to its own devices as she watched and guarded against evils so hungry and dark, they were as a void.

Deity was lenient with the smaller threats to his realm, he would let the smaller threats roam free, these monsters tested the humans resolve to live, and each was bested and forgotten, Kept in memory only in myth and legend. His name became associated with gods and world-creators. He would watch and guard the humans, always testing them by letting in a monster from time to time.

Dormin would watch over his realm and keep the souls of mortals as they were welcomed and reborn. He had no need to guard his realm for it was a sacred place where they were born, as well as the birthplace of the demons they fought, none of them would dare to desecrate this place of beginnings. Dormin created thirty two guardians, each created to look like a different creature from either of the worlds. Along with two blades that could destroy these guardians, one was placed on each world, the guardians would reincarnate as different creatures after being defeated. This place was forbidden entry by the mortals fore they were not to learn of the world across from theirs. The forbidden world was the bridge that connected their worlds, the doorways were at the ends of the world. This kept any who entered from knowing of the other world, as there were harsh deserts and raging seas in between them.

Over time, after millennia of watching and waiting, Dormin was stirred from his waking slumber by the arrival of a human, he sensed much hate and need for revenge in his soul. Hate for things that were out of his control and need to kill those who wronged him. Sensing this mortal in his realm, Dormin contacted Deity.

"Yes, Dormin, what ask you?"

"There is a mortal human in the valley..." Dormin said.

"WHAT! Why did I not sense this!?"

"His soul is filled with hate and need for revenge... He is also sad and rife with grief. He also carries the ancient blade."

"Agh... This complicates things. Dormin, can you do anything? Anything to stop him from crossing over?"

"I can only see what he wants and give it to him, if he seeks to cross I will set the guardians on him, if not I will assist him and send him back, unless he asks too bring a soul back. Then it will be interesting, which seems likely as he brings a body with him." Dormin explained.

"I see, well I'll leave you to it, oh and tell me of his desire and if he wishes to bring a soul back tell me of his progress."

"That I will do, until the next time Deity."

"Until the next time Dormin"

"And so with that two went their ways, Dormin sent the man into the fray. Against giants of stone, magic and flesh, many a time he faced certain death. Until in the temple did he see six-teen statues fallen at his knees. The task complete, and the man deformed, he went to the Dias where he looked on with pride, for before him his goal took form. A soul of white light, against his of black. Took shape in the air above a lady fair, his wife of twenty taken back, revived and waking anew. A sound from behind was all he heard, before he felt wind in his face at the gods words." Zecora paused for breath after the long telling. She saw a yellow hoof raised and smirked." Yes Applebloom, you have a question I presume?"

"Miss Z'cora? I noticed you were talking different durin' the story. 's there any reason?" Asked the mass of huddled red mane and bow.

"Ah, so you noticed my deflection, allow me to make the correction. I spoke the way I did because the story was passed to me in that way, so for then it is okay too stray from my rhyming way." She explained.

"Oh. Ok, is there anymore miss Z'cora? Did he get to see his wife again? What happened?" She fired off the questions after a pause.

Smirking at her eager audience she leaned in close... The clearing darkening as one could imagine a sound of dread in the silence.

"I do not know." She said simply.

The mood instantly went from fore boding to normal as the birds started chirping again and the area brightened up as the cloud moved away.

"B-but how could ya not know?!" She sputtered."That's like saying a baker doesn't know when to take out the cake! It jus don't work like that! All you'd git is a burned cake!"

Giggling at the fillies antics, Zecora shook her head."I tell you only what I have heard, if I were to lie and deceive, I'm sure something so absurd would happen you wouldn't believe!" She waved her hooves a little for emphasis, earning a giggle out of the filly."Now, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, What do you think of the story I had to tell?"

"Huh? Oh! Sorry Zecora I was imagining the man fighting the monsters, it must have been awesome!" Said the purple headed filly to the right of Applebloom.

"I thought it was nice that he would go through all that to help his wife, it's like one of those books rarity always talks about. But it seems so much better!" Said the filly to the left of the yellow one.

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed the story you three, but now you must say goodbye to me, it's getting late now, you'd better get back before you're timberwolf chow." She finished with a grin as she waved them home. She walked into her tree home, placed herself on her bed and promptly fell asleep.

Comments ( 5 )

I am very ambivalent about this story, does this mean I don't like it no. Does this mean I do like it, no. I'm going to keep an eye on this story until I give my opinion.

Any thing with Dormin is okay in my book

Why does it say incomplete when it looks like it's already done?

zecora the troll
continue this please

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