• Published 4th Mar 2014
  • 8,446 Views, 174 Comments

My Little Twiny April Foals Day - Rated Ponystar

(Set in the story Celestia's Tiny Student by CommanderX5) The tiny student of Princess Celestia decides to take part in April Foals Day and use her skills and size to prank all her friends and family

  • ...

Part 6

Twilight nearly finished one third of the glass of water, drinking restlessly before sighing in relief as her fur and mane was wet, and so was the giant pillow she was now laying on. Celestia levitated the cup away before gently petting her apprentice who whimpered, coughing a bit. One weak heat spell later, she looked away from her now dry student and turned her attention to the others in the room while Steel Blade, Overwatch, Spike and Blueblood stared back silently with worry and pity. After releasing her breath, Celestia asked with curios tone, “Would somepony please explain to me what kind of events lead to…” she pointed at her coughing student, “this.”

The others explained everything. How they started a prank war, and how Philomena and Twilight split up after it had gone to far. Blueblood admitted, while blushing, that the whole hot soup prank was his idea on the nobles; Philomena apparently had wanted to do one final prank but this time on Celestia.

The princess rubbed her forehead. She was going to have a serious conversation with Philomena the moment the guards found her pet. “Don’t worry, I don’t blame you for Twilight’s condition,” said Celestia as she looked upon her little student. If it wasn’t for the protection spell, the damage the liquid rainbow could have done would have been far worse. Thankfully, all that came from this was a very badly burned tongue that would prevent her student from speaking for another hour or so, and a small... gas problem that had passed quickly, thankfully.

“Your Highness,” asked Steel Blade, stepping forward. “Permission to kill your pet over and over again until she gets the message?”

“Second,” added Spike, raising his claw.

Celestia sighed. “No, we’re not going to kill her. I’ll punish her for what she did, trust me, but I’m more concerned about Twilight.”

“Mphhh!” Twilight cried out with her tongue out. The others turned to her as she waved her hoof and then pointed to a nearby piece of paper. Getting the idea, Overwatch lit up her horn and levitated both it and a quill which Twilight took with her own magic.

She began to write, with everypony waiting patiently before she showed them what she wrote:

We’re not gonna hurt Philomena. We’re gonna get even.

“Even?” asked Spike, scratching his head. “Uh, Twilight? I don’t think a bird whose element is fire is gonna be affected by a super hot soup.”

Twilight rolled her eyes before writing something else:

I meant, we’re gonna prank her.

“You want to prank her? Twilight, hasn’t there been enough? Besides, this bird hurt you! Celestia can just deal with her!” pointed out Steel Blade.

Twilight shook her head and wrote something else:

Philomena was trying to aim for Princess Celestia, who, apparently, could have dealt with that hot soup easily. I only drank it out of curiosity so it’s my fault. However, I do want to end this day with a prank on her for all the trouble she’s caused. But I can’t do it alone. I need all of you to help me out!

The others looked at each other before nodding. Twilight smiled.

Okay, does anypony outside of this room know of my condition?

“Only that it’s serious,” answered Celestia.

Good, here is what we’re gonna do...


Philomena had done many pranks over the years. She had targeted guards, nobles, business-ponies, even the occasional maid or two. And yes, her pranks had sometimes given into physical harm, but nothing serious or anything that would draw blood. Now she had, inadvertently, caused serious internal harm towards a little pony who happened to be her owner’s personal student.

She was beyond screwed.

Philomena had been avoiding the guards, knowing they were obviously looking for her, as well as the hospital wing. From what the rumors were going around about Twilight's condition, it was serious to the point where some feared she wouldn’t survive the night. Philomena didn’t know what to do. She may not have been on best terms with Twilight, at least until today, but she never wanted something seriously bad to happen to her.

Flying towards the highest tower in the castle, Philomena sat down on the top and let out a depressing “coo”. She knew she couldn’t avoid this forever. Celestia would never forgive her for what she had done if the worst comes to her student, and if she ran away, she would be hunted down to the ends of the world. Philomena cursed with a screech, she never wanted this to happen. It was suppose to be a prank on her owner, nothing more.

Philomena never understood why so many ponies complained about her pranking, but now she could see it. She was dangerous and had no self control. Now it was clear to her why not many ponies liked her. Philomena wiped away an uncontrollable tear from her face and nodded her head firmly, the decision to turn herself in forming in her mind when suddenly she heard something from behind her.

“Don’t move!”

The phoenix sighed and turned around, noticing pegasus guards glaring at her, one holding her fireproof cage. She didn’t even resist when they put her in.


Philomena hated two things in life. The first was kiwifruit, she never liked the taste of it. The second was waiting. She wasn’t a patient bird, by any means, and she was used to having things go her way. Just because she was ageless, didn’t mean she could wait forever. What she was waiting for was her own owner, Princess Celestia, to storm into the room and give the scolding of a life time. Or worse, announce that their relationship as master and pet was over.

Just the thought of it made Philomena’s heart nearly break. Celestia had raised her since she was born, and the alicorn was the one true friend she ever really had. Yet she couldn’t blame Celestia if she never forgave her for seriously injuring her student. She knew that the bond between her owner and Twilight was strong, almost like a mother and daughter, to the point where she was a bit jealous of the tiny mare.

She had to admit, the unicorn had her charms.

The door finally opened and Philomena gulped as she saw the cold, unforgiving eyes of her owner. The intensity behind them was so great that Philomena felt herself sweating, a near impossible feat for a phoenix. Celestia stopped before Philomena’s cage and was silent for a bit before speaking.

“Do you have any idea what you have done?” demanded Celestia.

Philomena slowly nodded.

“Let me inform you anyway. Your little ‘prank’ has put Twilight in critical condition. Her organs were nearly put on fire thanks to the intensity of that soup you prepared and she has an intense fever. We’re doing all we can but...” Celestia lowered her head. “... she might not survive the night.”

Philomena lowered her head in shame and gave out a few cries and coos. Celestia looked up, her eyes a little less glaring. “I know you didn’t mean it, but how could you have been so thoughtless. What if anypony else had drinking that soup? Let alone somepony as small as Twilight.”

Philomena lowered head in dead silence as Celestia sighed. “If you really are sorry... the least you can do is apologize to her... it might be the last time you get a chance to do so...”

Celestia picked up the cage with her magic as Philomena sat down patiently, nervously thinking of what she was gonna do when she met Twilight Sparkle. She traveled down the halls, her mentor not saying anything. Deciding to show how sorry she was, Philomena began a song, a song of mourning and sorrow. Celestia only stared at her for a bit, but some of that previous anger began to wane.

It wasn’t long before the two of them made it into the hospital wing. There were four other ponies besides the doctor looking over a medical scan: both of Twilight’s guards, Spike, and Prince Blueblood. They were all looking at the pillow on the bed, but their height blocked her view. The moment they turned around, Spike growled, “What is she doing here?!”

Philomena winced at the tone as Celestia replied, “She’s here to speak with Twilight. She wants to apologize.”

“Apologize?! I’ll give her something to apologize! She’s gonna—” Spike looked ready to charge until Overwatch stopped him with her magic. Despite having a neutral expression on her face, Philomena could still feel Overwatch’s eyes gazing over her like a hawk.

“Princess, with all due respect, we’ll be leaving. None of us can guarantee we won’t do something we may or may not regret if we stay here with your pet,” muttered Overwatch as she walked towards the door, the others following her. Each of them muttered something under their mouths when they passed Philomena who didn’t respond to any of it.

When they were gone, Celestia opened the cage and nodded towards Philomena. The phoenix flapped her wings and headed towards the pillow where a sweating Twilight was resting on, a tissue used as a blanket for her. The regret and guilt that she had been eating inside her came back full force as Twilight weakly opened her eyes and smiled. “Hello... Philomena... I must say...” She coughed a bit. “You... you got us real good...”

Philomena cooed and gently nuzzled Twilight’s cheek as she sighed. “I know... you didn’t mean it... I accept your apology...”

Twilight then turned to her mentor. “Princess? Could you leave me and Philomena alone.. for a few minutes?”

Celestia looked hesitant, but nodded and soon left.

Twilight sighed and raised her hoof as Philomena gently held it with one of her wings. Twilight coughed a bit more, gasped, and laid her head down gently. Philomena cooed and started to sing, but Twilight cut her off by squeezing her wing. “Philomena... come closer...”

The phoenix leaned in closer as Twilight struggled to speak. “There... there is a good chance I might not survive this night. The doctors say it’s all up to fate... but I’m not afraid. I’ve had a good life and... today was kind of fun...”

Tears began to mist Philomena’s eyes as Twilight gave her a small, but sweet smile. “I know you didn’t mean for this to happen, right?” Philomena nodded. “I know... and I forgive you.” She pointed her other hoof to a nearby present laying on the bed. “I have something for you... I’ve already given my last request to the others... inside is mine to you... just in case...”

Biting her lips she added, “Please open it? For me?”

Philomena nodded before opening the present the innocent little unicorn had given her. She didn’t know why, but slowly unwrapping it was the hardest thing ever to did. Philomena glanced over at Twilight who gave her a weakly smile. With guilt weighing on her heart, Philomena swore to herself that if her little friend would not make it, she would never prank again, nor forgive herself. Her crime would last the rest of her long life. And if Twilight did survive, she would do everything in her power to repent her actions.

Turning back to the present, she finished opening it and lifted the box...


... and felt the taste of lemon pie in her mouth. She wiped the whipped cream and cherries from her face before eying the spring that had erupted from the present. Philomena’s mind tired to prosper what had happened before she heard a small giggle. Suddenly, laughter filled the room as Philomena turned around to see Twilight moving as if nothing was wrong, banging her hooves against the pillow while tears of joy dripped down her cheeks. A small smile graced her lips. “Sorry, but I gotcha ya!”

Soon, the door opened and flashes of light nearly blinded Philomena as she looked at Spike, Overwatch, Steel Blade, and even Celestia laughing their tails off. Spike pointed at the phoenix and shouted, “You should see your face! You actually fell for it!” He fell back as his legs began kicking the air while laughing. Even Celestia could not help herself while both guards and Blueblood had to hold each other for support.

The wide-eyed phoenix just stared in surprise as they continued to laugh and take pictures. It finally dawned on Philomena that she had fallen for their act and fell to one of the oldest tricks in the book: the pie in the present prank.

It was so simple. So stupid. And yet so genius. A chuckle erupted from Philomena’s lips. Then following it more and more chuckles until she too was joining in the full merriment. Everypony kept laughing and laughing, even when the phoenix took some of her pie off her and threw it at the others in a playful mood.

After everybody had calmed down and cleaned themselves, Celestia sat down and asked Twilight if she was feeling better. The little unicorn massaged her throat and responded, “Yup, my throat is a bit itchy, but I no longer feel any pain. I guess what they say is true. Laughter is the best medicine.”

“Yeah, this whole bad day just got a lot better after that performance,” said Spike with a smirk towards the blushing phoenix.

Lowering her head, she cooed what sounded like an apology as Celestia nodded in approval. “I hope this was a good lesson for you all.” They all looked at her. “Playing pranks on ponies is fun, and I know some of us got a good laugh. However, there are times when pranks go too far or hurt others either emotionally or physically. We have to know our limits and when going to far is too far.”

She then turned to her pet. “Philomena, I know you are sorry for what you’ve done and that Twilight has forgiven you. However, you still will be punished. For one whole year, you are not allowed to prank anypony and you will be regularly watched for a few months to make sure you behave.”

Philomena nodded and held a wing to her heart, signifying a promise. She was determined to control herself next time before she crossed the line again. Celestia continued, “It’s been a long day and I’m sure all of us want to get some sleep.”

Everypony agreed as Twilight teleported herself up onto Celestia’s shoulders and whispered with a smile. “Princess? Would you like to hear more about my April Foals Day experience? It would make a good report on the aspects of pranking and humor! Not to mention all the magic and skills I used to pull them off!”

Celestia smiled and shook her head. Leave it to her student to make turn even a day of fun into an education and learning experience. She made her way out of the hospital wing, bidding the rest goodbye before saying, “Of course, Twilight, I would love to.”

“Okay! So the first thing Philomena and I did was...”


“... and that’s when Spike decided to push me in. I’m just glad the soup wasn’t too hot or else my fur would have turned red,” finished Twilight as she watched Princess Celestia put off her regalia.

“It sounds like your first April Foals Day was quite an adventure, huh?” asked Celestia, slowly getting up for her cushion by her mirror. “And do you intend to prank again come next year?”

“Yup, and I intend to prank again next year. But maybe I’ll just prank one or two of my friends instead of so many.”

Celestia smiled, she was happy that Twilight managed to have so much fun, but she paused upon thinking about “next year.” There was only one year left before Nightmare Moon's return from her banishment, one year before Twilight will have to befriend other element bearers in order to unlock the Elements of Harmony and save her sister. The princess hoped that the next April Foals would not be just for both of them, but also for her sister as well. Luna wasn’t once the bearer of element of laughter for nothing after all.


Twilight’s voice made her shake her head, coming out of her stupor. “Sorry, Twilight. I must be more tired than I thought. I’m going to brush my teeth before heading to bed. Why don’t you go on ahead?”

Twilight nodded before jumping of her mentor’s shoulder right onto the bed while the princess left the room and went towards the bathroom. With another jump, the little unicorn quickly landed on her trusted pillow, quickly sinking in it, only for a foul sounding noise echoed across the room as Twilight quickly blushed and gasped. Did I... did I just fart on my mentor’s pillow?!

The door quickly opened as Princess Celestia came in with a raised eyebrow. “Oh my... Twilight, are you sure you wouldn’t like to the bathroom before me?”

“I... I...” Twilight hyperventilated and started to breathe in and out. Her mentor was sure to punish for this. Maybe I can still teleport and flee the scene, changing my name before she punishes me... or... or... wait....

With a quick scanning spell, Twilight sensed a magical field around the pillow and recognized it as an illusion charm. She quickly and easily removed it and her eyes widen by what it was she jumped on. Several tiny versions of woopie cushion gathered together into a shape of a pillow..

A small chuckle captured Twilight's attention as she turned around, quickly noticing a smirk on her mentor's giant face.

Celestia winked and said quickly, “Gotcha.”

The End

Author's Note:

Well, that's the end. I had fun writing this for my friend CommanderX5. I hope you read the rest of his stories in the Twiliny universe.

I'd like to thank Unknown Pawn and Bakmah Genesis for their editing help.


Comments ( 41 )

Hilarious. Sad to see it's over but at least we still have other stories in twinyverse to look forward to.

lol awesome ending :pinkiehappy:

liked how they fooled Philomena :twilightsheepish:

anyway keep up with the Twiny stories cause they are awesome:rainbowkiss:

and a small... gas problem that had passed quickly

Combo x2!

nothing funny like a fart..:twilightblush:

Now, I thought the prank would be they all pretended Twiney had died, and Celestia would be like "Do you know what the penalty for murder is?" and Philomena would freak out only for Twiney to burst out of her coffin and say "Gotcha!" :twilightsmile:

You know how to write a good story or was awesome to make this for your friend.

*Nods Slowly* :eeyup:

Ok, I just woke up and I actually have the time to do this right now and I saw that April Foals had a new chapter SO LETS READ IT CAUSE I DO LIKE THIS ONE! (Not that I don't like the others more, this one is just so funny, and I love my funny. It's like Cadence casted love spell on my and funny.)

Getting the idea, Overwatch lit up her horn and levitated both it and a quill which Twilight took with her own magic.

Both it? *Rereads the paragraph* Oh ok, it works.

Good, here is what we’re gonna do...

I do hope that Tia has a little magic tracker on Philomena so she can easily find her.

She was beyond screwed.

Screwed? More like beyond getting yelled at by Tia and thrown, literally, into your cage for a while, a long while.

Philomena cursed with a screech, she never wanted this to happen. It was suppose to be a prank on her owner, nothing more.

Bad birdie, bad

She knew that the bond between her owner and Twilight was strong, almost like a mother and daughter, to the point where she was a bit jealous of the tiny mare.

Wait, just thinking out loud here and thought of something. When Twi had that drop of soup in front of it, and looked like she was about to taste it, Tia had enough time to say "Twilight, no!" but aren't phoenixes like really fast in flight or something? Philomena was hiding behind a plant and saw what was going on so she could fly over to Twi, tap a line in Twi's horn, and stopped what she was doing, and it's not that relative but she could give a threatening look to Twi so Twi gets the message not to drink the soup.

Her organs were nearly put on fire thanks to the intensity of that soup you prepared and she has an intense fever.

So that protection spell was damn useful here!

The phoenix leaned in closer as Twilight struggled to speak. “There... there is a good chance I might not survive this night. The doctors say it’s all up to fate... but I’m not afraid. I’ve had a good life and... today was kind of fun...”

Damnit, now i'm sad..

Twilight moving as if nothing was wrong, banging her hooves against the pillow while tears of joy dripped down her cheeks. A small smile graced her lips. “Sorry, but I gotcha ya!”

But she drank the soup, and she was critical while she was prepping for this! HOW?!
Also, gotcha ya?

“Yup, my throat is a bit itchy, but I no longer feel any pain. I guess what they say is true. Laughter is the best medicine.”

Doctor it's critical
This calls for a serious session of Laughter.
Are you suggesting..?

only for a foul sounding noise echoed across the room as Twilight quickly blushed and gasped. Did I... did I just fart on my mentor’s pillow?!

Trollestia slides out of the bathroom with trollface mask, saying "YOU JUST GOT PRANKED, PRINCESS STYLE!"

Well that's the last chapter of this story time to go read more HOLY SHET there's so many chapters in another Twiny story and I wanna read more so yeah bye HAVE FUN BROS :D

From stories he wrote, this one I am afraid is not to popular when compared to others. But he may write another somewhere in future, who knows.

It probably would end up like this, but i feel that I was holding him down ( he love the death humor, and I tried to keep it from being overused, so yea).

"Twilight, no!" but aren't phoenixes like really fast in flight or something? Philomena was hiding behind a plant and saw what was going on so she could fly over to Twi, tap a line in Twi's horn, and stopped what she was doing, and it's not that relative but she could give a threatening look to Twi so Twi gets the message not to drink the soup.

I think the reaction time failed them both.

Twilight may be small, but she is fast, before Celestia and Philomena noticed the tiny mare to a small slip from the soup, it was to late.

It is like having a mouse who suddenly grab a cheese next to her/him, you just cannot react fast enough to stop the mouse.

Damnit, now i'm sad..

Even if you know it is all just a set up for a prank?

Doctor it's critical
This calls for a serious session of Laughter.
Are you suggesting..?

Celestia: Mother of me!

Wait, what about the bet with Spike and the donuts?


Twilight moving as if nothing was wrong, banging her hooves against the pillow while tears of joy dripped down her cheeks. A small smile graced her lips. “Sorry, but I gotcha ya!”

But she drank the soup, and she was critical while she was prepping for this! HOW?!
Also, gotcha ya?

Whatever floats your goat, right? So why not just roll with it?

I think author can leave it to your imagination.

I knew someone will point this one joke up sooner or later.


My imagination sucks. Take a look at my stories for confirmation. ...Yeah, I can't really picture Spike as a pretty ballerina.

4740392 Sure, the potion itself may not be illegal, but I have no doubt that giving it to someone without their consent is.

I don't believe the trio of pranksters were in the park during the genderswap prank, so they wouldn't have known about what Twilight had done...

That's not what I meant. They should have predicted that Twilight had already gotten to them.

Pretty much.

Nope. They didn't knew that Twilight pranked them until after they tried their luck. They didn't even knew what kind of prank was it since Cadence, nor Shining told them.

As for potion itself. It wold wear of on it's own even without antidote.

Ya know, after reading this one, I kinda want to see the opening of The Griffon Brush-Off and how Twiny reacts to Dash and Pinkie pranking her. After dealing with Philomena, I'm guessing that has the potential for a prank war.

It sure would. Sadly it is a far away chapter in my story and will take a loooong time to be uploaded.
All I can say is that Twiny will get personally involved. For better or worse.

No, in CommanderX5's story she is straight.

5473385 Damn it! I would've loved to see Twiny and one of the mane 6 (Except AJ I despise that stupid excuse for the element of honesty) but oh well! Though I wonder if Pinkie is somehow going to appear shrunk in PVTL? Somehow the idea of that happening doesn't surprise me... but then again this is Pinkamina Diane Pie we're talking about.

This was awesome. Loved the pranks.

Phantabulos Ending!

6874434 Rectum? Darn near killed him!

929786 There is only one King I bow to mortal and your definitely not him. Anyway I know what the legal age limits are. But it still doesn't change the fact that those two sound like child beating pedophiles. 9-9

Anyway I've already had this conversation and ousted myself causing mischief as a social experiment. Kindly cease and desist from pursuing this battle. You shall not win Puny Prince.

Vey enjoys wel read and loved it. Onwards

That was a fun interlude. Wish it had less typos and tense shifting, but I was invested enough in this AU to overlook its flaws. Back to the main story.

You should have another chapter or few for Celestia reaction to twilight's pranks especially for Candace and shining armor and twilight being the one oh sent the pictures. And I wonder how those two will get back at twilight?

Hilarious from beginning to end. Best part by far was the gender swap.

Celestia asked with curios tone


Philomena’s mind tired to prosper

tried to process

This was fun!

I just noticed that the ad-hoc horizontal ruling in the story description is breaking the site layout for me.

(Specifically, it's forcing a horizontal scrollbar by forcing the site to be about a third again wider than the available viewport.)

Looks like it's that fimfic is using a CSS "force word-wrap" mode that only Chrome supports, while I'm on Firefox.

I know that this is just my opinion, but the prank on Philomena just doesn't sit right with me. Of course, she certainly deserved a prank like that, but things about death always turn me off from stuff. This seemed... almost excessively cruel. I wasn't laughing when Steel and Spike did it, but I didn't say anything since it was obvious from the get-go that it was just fake. The prank on Philomena here was too real though, to the point that if it wasn't for the context, the reader could actually believe that Twilight was going to die. I'll freely admit, Philomena deserved to be pranked, but doing it like this doesn't settle with me correctly. It's just my opinion though, and I've had some... painful experiences with death, so don't take me as too noteworthy.

I respect your point. However, this didn't seem to be about the joke. It seemed to be more about forcing Philomina to confront the possibility of her recklessness killing someone.

I can respect that, no doubt. The way it was setup though, how nobody even gave her a hint that something might be off, that's what upset me. A joke about death is fine and dandy, as long as it doesn't cross the line, which this does. Philomena already had enough on her plate, believing that she might have killed Twilight, and their actions only rub salt in the wound. Of course, she needed to learn about her actions, but this doesn't seem like the way to do it.

Just now read your story and though it was great. Going to check out more. :twilightsmile:

Thnx for the answer

Just reread. Still awesome! :twilightsmile:

Still excellent.

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