• Published 6th Mar 2014
  • 3,498 Views, 105 Comments

Dead Heart - Leila Drake

Now Priest is stuck in Equestria, an Undead in the midst of colorful ponies. And then there are rumors of a ghost...

  • ...

Level 24 - Debriefing

The situation turned a little awkward when everyone present looked at Mara's flank for a few moments, including herself.

Finally, Spirit broke the silence by saying, "Congratulations!" and grinning at Mara.

"Thank you", mumbled the embarrassed pony but could not help but grin as well. "It sure took me long enough..."

"So... what does it stand for exactly?", asked Priest. "I've read a book on Cutie Marks but since each pony has a different one, I am kinda at a loss here."

"Oh", beamed Mara, "I think it represents my ability to see auras and communicate with spirits!"

"It is certainly looking rather impressive", observed Rarity, stepping a little closer.

Twilight, also smiling, said, "I've never seen any Mark like it. Congratulations, Mara!"

Mara's Cutie Mark was the picture of a flame, dark blue on the outside and light blue in the center, with tiny sparks surrounding it. The flame's shape was irregular, as if a gust of wind was upsetting it.

"It's pretty cool", agreed Derpy. "Don't you think this means we should celebrate? I mean, I've been reunited with my mom and since there hasn't ever been a Cuteciñera for M-"

"Did somepony say party?"

The high-pitched voice of Pinkie Pie made everyone jump and Priest assume a defensive stance until he realized who it was and relaxed. His chest was throbbing, a weird sensation he couldn't place.

Mara's grin became even wider when she registered Pinkie's green aura was bubbling in a bright orange at the egdes, indicating that the pink pony was excited and happy for her.

"Light, Pinkie, scare the crap outta us, will you!"

"Sorry, Priest, I was just walking by to check if anypony is still celebrating because I heard some explosions and thought, hey, that might be a party cannon or something like that and then I saw the bush in front of the library had been turned to ash -"


"Oh, didn't you do it, Twilight? ...So anyway, I wanted to knock at the door but then I saw those strange blue lights shining out of the library window and some weird noises as if Princess Luna talked into a rusty pipe in a reeeeally loud voice, now that was kinda scary but if it is something scary you have to look after your friends, right? When I came inside, the light was already gone again and then you were all so happy but obstructed the view but now I can see you have got your Cutie Mark, Mara, congratulations, this is neat, we so have to celebrate this but maybe tomorrow when everypony is rested, there's still lots and lots of leftovers from today so it won't be any trouble at all, what do you say about three o'clock at Sugarcube Corner?"

There was a moment of silence until Mara had registered what Pinkie had been saying at that trademark speed of hers, then she agreed, "Sure, why not. But please don't call it a Cuteciñera, that would be kind of awkward..."

"Oh", mused Pinkie, "then how about 'Cutienitiation'?"

Mara winced and Priest and Spirit exchanged amused looks.

"Cutesday? Cuteuation?"

"Those actually sound worse", commented Spirit.

"Yeah, maybe we should just call it a party", suggested Priest.

"Okie dokie lokie!", beamed Pinkie Pie. "See you tomorrow then, I can feel my sugar going down with every second, it's really time to hit the hay, byyye!"

She hugged Mara, then waved at the others and bounced outside with slightly less energy than usual.

Mara shook her head. "Any reason for a party will do."

"She's Pinkie Pie, she just wants us to be happy", said Twilight and smiled. "Anyway, I guess we really should go to bed. I'm still surprised how we managed to get through this relatively unharmed... but it's almost two in the morning and there's been way too much excitement tonight."

Nobody objected.

- - -

Five minutes later the bit dropped and Priest realized that it had been his heartbeat that caused the pulsating sensation. He sat down on the couch, curiously feeling his wrist.

Yep, there it was.

lub-dub lub-dub lub-dub lub-dub...

Weird. Weird! This would take some getting used to...

He shook his head and got ready for bed.

- - -

Spike sloppily descended the stairs, his eyes half closed. He knew the way down so well that he didn't really need to look where he was going.

As the baby dragon passed Priest who was snoring on the sofa, he smirked a little.

The human's right leg was dangling off the side of the couch, his foot touching the ground and twitching a bit.

He looks like he's dreaming, thought Spike.

A narrow ray of sunshine shone through the curtains and Spike could see the tiny smile on Priest's lips. The human mumbled something and shifted his weight a little.

Spike's smirk grew wider as he entered the kitchen. Better to keep the curtains closed. It had been a long night but most likely longer for the adults.

He opened the fridge, looking for some milk. There was still half a gallon left in the ceramic milk jar. Spike reached for the milk and frowned. Why were there so many leftovers? Didn't Twilight usually give another round of snacks to everypony around midnight?

It was weird... but maybe something had come up.

Spike shrugged and prepared some cereals, spiced with gem powder. Today it was going to be rubies. The light pink ones, of course, Twilight may be a princess but she wouldn't spend hundreds of bits just on her assistant's breakfast. Spike didn't really mind – they had some inclusions but were still really tasty. A bit like brown sugar, actually... not that you could see the inclusions in a fine powder like this.

He sat down at the kitchen, not waiting for Twilight or Priest to join him. Spike was used to having breakfast on his own on the morning after Nightmare Night.

He munched quietly, comtemplating his tasks for the day when he heard a familiar voice.


"Oh, morning, Owliscious! You okay?"

"Who," said the owl who had settled down on the kitchen counter next to the cookie jar. The times when Twilight had to hide it on the top of the cupboard had been over for a while now.

"Good, me too. Is Twilight awake yet?"


"Thought so. Oh well, I better get started with cleaning up. The only problem is: Priest is still sleeping..."

"Who", agreed Owliscious. He tilted his head.

"What, you mean I should start anyway? Yeah, I guess you're right, he probably won't wake up. Did you hear his snoring? Sheesh."

Spike cleaned his bowl and returned it to its place on the cupboard. The spoon went into the kitchen sink. He'd clean it later with the other cutlery Twilight would be using.

"All right, let's go. I suppose you want to go to sleep pretty soon, huh?"

"Who." Owliscious flapped his wings, flying into the main room. It seemed that he wanted to show Spike something.

Spike followed him, then headed for the broom closet.

"Okay, broom: check", he mumbled.

"Lights", he went over to the switch and turned it on, "...check. Oh, come on!"

He stared incredulously at the mess in the main room. He didn't remember the party going this far out of hand. Candy was spilled all over the floor. There was a scorch mark on the carpet that could only be fixed by buying a new carpet. For some reason bunches of onions were laid out on the table.

"Twilight, where have you been with your head?", mumbled Spike irritably.


The worst part was a giant circle on the floor. Fortunately, it seemed to have been made with chalk but the sheer size of it promised at least an hour of scrubbing.

Spike uttered a resignated groan and put the broom away. This was calling for more desperate measures.

- - -

A shining city sits on the side of a mountain, its glory visible for miles. It is the home of the two most powerful alicorns in the world, the sisters that raise and lower the celestial bodies. It is also home to thousands of unicorns, earth ponies and pegasi, all adoring and gladly following the Diarchy. Countless spires pointing to the sky, countless arches and almost as many domes, gleaming in the bright morning light.

Princess Luna is sitting on the balcony of the astronomy tower, her eyes on the roofs of Canterlot, when a shuffling sound from behind her makes her perk an ear.

She turns her head to see a human standing next to the balcony doors. Luna slightly bows her head to greet him, then beckons him to join her.

Greetings, Jonathan.

Hello, Princess Luna. Uh... why am I in Canterlot?

You are not.

Oh, realizes Priest, I'm dreaming again, aren't I?

Indeed. I am glad to see that you are unhurt. Did you succeed in vanquishing the spirit? She smiles at him expectantly.

About that... He wrings his hands, unsure what to say.


No. Not exactly. He grimaces, rubbing his neck.

I do not understand. Did you or did you not defeat it?

We... ah, Mara and I drew her out of town and Mara... convinced her to stop haunting Der- um, Ditzy.

The princess frowns. Are you saying that it still roams the Waking Plane. It is more of a statement than an actual question.

Yeahhh... She said she was sorry so we kinda... dropped the issue. Is that going to be a problem? I mean, we couldn't come up with anything else since we were focused on trying not to get burned to a crisp -

As Luna keeps looking at him, he closes his mouth.

Curious indeed.


Luna smiles at him. It is quite all right, she says, rising to her feet. My sister would certainly agree that the two of you made the right choice by not destroying her and befriending her instead.

Uh, we didn't exactly -

Hush! Let me finish. I could sense someone wanted to speak to me. That is why I allowed you into my dream.

Your dream? I thought I was asleep.

So am I, Jonathan. Are you not aware that it is well past sunrise? That aside, I would like to thank you for your efforts. You may not think of yourself as highly as I do but consider this: You went into danger with seeing eyes and succeeded with your mission. Please tell Mara my thanks as well for she is already awake and I really need to get my rest. To be completely honest – Luna bends closer to him and lowers her voice – I ate too much candy. With her normal voice, she continues, Now is there anything you wish to say?

Um, says Priest. I think what you said pretty much covered what I wanted to talk about. Except...


So it's okay for Levinia – I mean the spirit – to stay in the Waking Plane, as you call it?

I need to discuss this with my sister but I will allow it, given that she will not harm anypony.

Ah, good, sighs Priest, because I don't think I'll be able to vanquish anything anytime soon. Thank you, Princess.

Luna nods. You are welcome. I was wondering... Twilight mentioned that you were having trouble with your magic. Has there been any change?

He frowns. That's just it, I don't think I got it back completely yet. But the Light did heal and wake up Mara... so maybe, if I wait long enough, it'll return. I sure hope so anyway.

Oh, I almost forgot!, he blurts out. Mara got her Cutie Mark.

The alicorn's face lightens up immediately. She did? That is most delightful to hear! I will remember to send her a gift and, if I can, attend the celebration.

Priest nods. She'll like that for sure.

Luna smiles at Priest as she circles him.

You seem different since when I last met you, Jonathan. I am under the impression that a weight has been lifted off your shoulders...

I feel different, he admits.

She smiles knowingly. Keep your friends close, then. And feel free to call me shall the need arise, hm? I would like to see you as my friend as well.

Wow. Um, I'll gladly accept that offer, Princess. Thank you.

They share a smile, then Luna raises her head.

Call me Luna... I believe there is someone approaching on your side. Farewell, Jonathan, until next time.

- - -

"GAH!" Priest fell off the couch with a start. "What the hell?"

"Sorry, Priest", said Spike, a wet cloth in his claw, "didn't really want to wake you up but it is almost midday. Don't you think it's time to get up?"

Priest sighed and rubbed his back. "I guess. What's with the cloth?", he looked at the remains of his magical circle that Spike was working on removing, "...oh." He carefully avoided mentioning the artist of the drawing as he wiped some drops of water off his shirt. "Ew..."

The dragon glanced at him. "What was that drawing for anyway?"

"I wonder", mumbled Priest, staggering onto his feet. He was feeling slightly dizzy. "Where's Twilight?"

"At Sugarcube Corner, helping prepare Mara's Cutie Mark party", replied Spike, wringing water from the cloth into a bucket.

"I see... well, I need to take care of something anyway. See you later."
