• Published 23rd Nov 2023
  • 338 Views, 1 Comments

Repercussions of the Past - Fantasia

Taking place three years after the events of Winds of the Past, Rainbow Dash and Twilight struggle to hold onto a relationship that had long since been forgotten.

  • ...

In It for the Long Haul

I just have one question.

Hm? a lackadaisical voice responded in slight interest to the inquiry. Don't you have all that sertraline pumping through your veins for the express purpose of inhibiting your... darker emotions?

Just humor me, okay? I've had this on my mind for the past few days, but I just wasn't sure whether I wanted to speak to you again after... everything.

But you've changed your mind, huh? Hmph. Between standing up to me that night in the burning woods, and joining up with this ragtag group of pirates... you've really grown quite the backbone. The voice snorted, falling silent for a long moment before eventually responding. Shoot.

How... did you survive that night? I expelled you from my mind, I... sealed you within the other me's subconscious! So, how...?

I told you already, didn't I? the voice replied snidely. Your best friend's—

—Never far behind. Yeah, yeah... I remember. I meant the real reason. The reason why, even after sealing you away, a part of you still remained within me. I... I know I didn't spawn you; I was at peace. I felt no anger. So... how? How'd you do it? How'd you... survive?

The voice sneered. I was beginning to wonder if you were ever gonna ask. After a moment of unamused silence, the voice continued undismayed. It's not about the destination, but the journey, wouldn't you agree? Why ruin the surprise? You'll find out eventually, it added dismissively. And by then, well... it'll already have been too late.

So... let me see if I've got this right. You coming back, repossessing me, keeping me alive... is all predestined, and is all part of some grand master plan... right?

Mmm... more or less. So I'll let you keep pretending that you're the one in charge of this body, just like how you're playing pretend at being a pirate. Then, after you've surveyed this world, and set out to accomplish everything you wanted... will you come to realize that it was all for nothing.

A steam whistle sounded, cutting the conversation short, and bringing the two back to reality.

Doors swung open, and a loud voice barked out. "Alright you scallywags, time to get a move on!" The demanding tone traveled quickly, making its way over to our protagonist.

"That includes you, new recruit 'Cy-Twi'. Snap to it! Our next stop is swiftly approaching, and I don't have any room on my ship for freeloaders who don't pull their weight 'round here."

Twilight Sparkle's doppelganger, in response, turned around swiftly, saluting her superior with a hoof to her forehead. "A-aye aye, Captain!" she stammered out nervously, gazing up at her bipedal, avian captain.

The feathered, female captain's scrutinizing gaze bore down on the young mare, somewhat unconvinced.

"Then now's the time to prove you've got what it takes to be a part of my crew," Celaeno declared, talons on her hips. She turned from Cy, redirecting her attention towards the rest of her crew. "That goes for the rest of you too. Don't any of you go slacking off on me now! We're nearly upon our next destination!"

The other crew onboard all swiftly saluted their commander, replying in unison, "Yes, Ma'am!"

Cy let out a light snort in amusement, before turning away, turning to look over the starboard side. Calm waves brushed up back and forth against the bow and starboard sides as the sun shone brightly above them on another, partly-cloudy day out on the ocean.

Seagulls flocked overhead, and the scent of the salty ocean air wafted through the cool breeze. Creatures from all backgrounds and walks of life gathered by the starboard side of their ship to admire the oceanic view off the coast of their soon-to-be destination: Farasi, the regional homeland of zebras, abadas, and kelpies.

A dark shadow quickly grew, beginning to encompass the ship's deck, and the passengers below, who spent no time at all taking note of the growing shadow above them.

Clouds? they unanimously thought, but as their gaze turned upwards, what they saw were no clouds.

Ninety tons of oak, steel, cedar, and the finest ornithian engineering to ever grace the Equestrian seas soared overhead.

Cy-Twi leaned on the starboard bow of the pirates' airship, peering down with a slight grin at the stunned onlookers.

The wind picked up, blowing back the hood from around her head, incidentally deterring her attention away from the sights below and reminding her of the current hustle-and-bustle currently happening behind her.

Celaeno got behind the wheel at the helm, steering the ship further to the left from the fixed trajectory they were on already, and once again entering cloudy territory.

"Alright you lot! You know the drill," Celaeno commanded, stepping away from the helm. "All of you, into position! Grab your rappelling equipment, sacks, weaponry—for show of course—and get ready to descend! We've done this dozens of time before, and I expect this operation to go just as smooth. We go in, grab what we need, and get out. Any objections?"

"No Captain!" her crew shouted enthusiastically.

"That's what I like to hear!" Celaeno cracked a slight grin. She unsheathed her sword, swinging it high into the air above her head. "Birds of a feather...?"

"Flock together!" her crew responded in kind, cheering as they held their swords up high.

Celaeno smiled, putting her sword away, and walking over to Lix Spittle, her pink-feathered, chief cook of the crew.

"Man the ship for me while we're gone, Lix?"

"Always, Capt'n," her longtime companion replied with a dutiful nod.

"Right then. That just leaves..." Celaeno looked back to where Cy had been standing.

Cy leaned over the starboard railing, hooves dangling overboard, tracing lackadaisical lines through the moving clouds.

"Hey!" barked Celaeno in Cy-Twi's general direction. In turn, the young mare jolted slightly at the sudden, annoyed tone of her superior. "New recruit! What did I tell you about pulling your weight around here?"

Cy-Twi turned around swiftly, bearing an apologetic expression. "S-sorry, Captain," she apologized profusely with a slight stammer. "Got my head lost in the clouds there... y'know?" She let out an awkward chuckle, being met with a wry look from the avian captain.

"Well it's time to quit daydreaming, and get your head out of the clouds," Celaeno commanded, talons square at her hips. "We're about to depart, so grab your gear, get in position, and get ready to—!"

"Actually," Cy interjected nervously, bearing a sheepish smile. "I think I may have an idea on how to reach to reach the ground a whole lot faster."

"Oh?" Captain Celaeno raised an auspicious eyebrow back at her young recruit. "And that would be...?"

Cy grinned, and instead of answering, turned away from the captain and her crew, breathing out as she psyched herself up mentally.

Then, without missing a beat, jot forward, leaping through the clouds, and over the starboard side.

Celaeno and crew stared, beaks agape at the brazen maneuver.

Is she nuts? Celaeno thought, incredulous, being the first to snap back to reality, and running over to the side of the ship. She looked overboard in an instant, heart beating away sickeningly in her chest as she stared into the thick layer of clouds, and the still-visible gap the pony had made in her descent.

"She... did know we're still hundreds o' meters above the island, didn't she?" asked a green feathered shipmate, sporting an eye patch and bronze hook in place of his right talon. Celaeno swiftly recognized the voice as belonging to Boyle, her right-hand mate.

"H-how am I supposed to know?" Celaeno replied anxiously, her gaze unwavering, talons gripping the starboard railing. "M-maybe ponies' sense of elevation are off—?!"


The joyous exclamation drew their attention as a purple blur sped upwards at an incline, tearing through the clouds and creating a huge gust of wind in its wake.

Celaeno clasped a talon over her pirate hat, watching in astonishment, her eyes narrowing in on the purple object, and casting aside any doubt in her mind of what—or who—she was staring at.


Cy-Twi grinned, crouching forward with all four of her hooves planted firmly on the surface of a tuff of cloud large enough to support her. Her horn aglow with magic, she steered the cloud with ease as she looped back around towards the airship.

"This is amazing!"

She slowed as she neared the side of the ship, calling out to Celaeno, "See you on the ground, Captain!"

With that, Cy turned her attention towards the ground as her cloud began moving once more, circling back before delving lower, beginning her descent towards the island.

Celaeno reacted immediately, holding out a talon after her.

"H-hey, wait...!"

But her plea fell on deaf ears as Cy ignored her direct order, seemingly determined to do things her way.

Stubborn little pony, Celaeno silently fumed, crossing her arms. If this mission succeeds, you are so getting an earful—


Celaeno perked up, turning to look at Boyle, who stood puzzled, lightly scratching the back of his head.

"Did you know ponies could surf on clouds like that, or...?"

Celaeno deadpanned, looking back ahead as she leaned over the railing, letting out a sigh.

I don't trust magic.

Like, I seriously don't.

It's unpredictable. Case in point: my newest recruit up and jumps off my ship without my say so, and nearly scares me half to death! Then, she goes and surprises us all by riding on an actual cloud.

A cloud.

Since when can ponies control the weather? Out in these waters—outside of Equestria that is to say—weather operates entirely on its own—clouds float, the air currents flow, it rains, thunders...

But in Equestria, I... suppose things are a little different. I suppose that's part of the reason why I don't trust it. It's unpredictable, sure... but it's precisely that reason that makes it something else entirely.

It makes it scary.

A pony—heck, a being with that much power being able to control the very weather itself? The thought terrifies me to my core. Ever since I was young, and dreamt of adventure on the high seas... I've always recalled an old sea shanty about a 'Storm King.'

But that was always nothing more than folklore—a 'boogeyman,' spread by word of mouth, to spook the uninitiated young sailor, or deter the foolhardy adventurer in pursuit of treasure beyond their wildest dream, only so more seasoned, and... less gullible treasure seekers could swoop in and take it for themselves.

Like me an' my crew, for example.

And I'm well aware that some folklore stems from history, but... in all my time at sea, neither I, nor anyone I know has ever crossed paths with such a beast.

It does make for quite the sob story though! If someone catches you committing piracy, just be sure to tell them how your home was attacked, and that you're all just a ragtag band of survivors, looking to make ends meet.

It's even better when they're not from around these parts.

Afterall, it's like I say: never trust a pirate, and still, Cy was willing to believe that.

I had hoped she would never find out, but... well, let's just say that this mission didn't go exactly as we planned...

Cy-Twi rode through the sky with ease, graceful in her movements, and skillfully steering the cloud beneath her hooves. She smirked, kneeling forward, and garnishing a determined look as she picked up speed.

She tore through a second layer of clouds, giving her head a quick shake to rid herself of the residual fluff, before closing her eyes and leaning her head back... relishing in the feeling of the sun on her face, and cool breeze against her fur.

Well, you're certainly enjoying yourself, the voice inside her head snarked.

Cy smiled. How can I not? she thought in response. swerving in and around clouds, before ascending upwards and around into a downfall loop, feeling her stomach do a flip. This is exhilarating... liberating. It's the most fun I've had since... She fell silent, her expression briefly turning pensive by the train-of-thought.


Cy cleared her head of any reminders of the past, and forced a smile to her lips as she instead looked to the future.

I'm about to investigate the very first rift in the space-time continuum! A portal to another universe. Just one of many on this voyage of mine. She grinned giddily to herself, unable to help but do another little loop-de-loop in anticipation. And if this portal is inactive—ergo, I can't enter through it—that just means I've made it. My home world, my friends... Rainbow Dash...

Ugh, do not say her name, the voice again remarked, grumbling. You know I despise that mare.

Cy rolled her eyes before slipping back into thought. Then, I'll complete the spell come the Autumn Equinox, and the inknorance that has left its mark on this world will all but disappear! This world's me, and her Rainbow Dash will have their lives restored... It'll be like we never interfered in the first place!

Don't you remember what I told you earlier? the voice inside her head snapped callously. I am inevitable. There's no stopping what's coming.

And I'm resilient, Cy thought back in response. Besides, other me... She grinned in determination. The future has yet to be written.

As she neared the ground, the clouds behind her that she had been weaving in and around of, pushed and pulled in different directions and trailed behind her indecently took the shape of several letters in the sky: W-O-T-P, proceeded by a numerical number two.

Whether or not the cryptic assortment of characters had any real meaning was anypony's guess, but as Cy made landfall and glanced over her shoulder, up at the sky... she made a wry smile in observation of her incidental skywriting.

She was sure it meant something to somepony.

Now that's how you make an entrance! she thought excitedly, getting pumped up. Her heart raced as she turned to look ahead, when she froze... noting that she was already in the center of several passerby equines.

She instinctively shrunk back, brandishing a nervous smile. They're all staring at me... she thought, momentarily intimidated. Okay, okay... just breath, she told herself, exhaling shakily. In, then out...

She closed her eyelids for a moment, mustering her courage before her gaze peered back open, bearing a whole new look of confidence in her violet-colored eyes.

"Ahoy ye maties!" she announced, doing her best to both sound like a pirate, and intimidating. "I be a pirate, an' I be 'ere to plunder this here town o' yours of yer goods, an' any other treasure ye may 'ave 'idden away. Savvy?"

Urgh... her inside voice groaned in detest. You sound like a foal on Nightmare Night.

The zebras, abadas, and kelpies... All the bystanders standing idly, and watching Cy-Twi in confused silence, briefly exchanged looks with one another, before promptly bursting into laughter.

"What a... w-what a c-cute little pony!" one kelpy remarked between laughs.

"A-aren't... aren't you... a l-little o-old to be playing pirate?" another zebra mocked.

See? her inner voice chided mockingly. There isn't a threatening bone in your meek little body. Now, if I were in charge of this vessel...

Cy narrowed her eyes, letting out a snort in frustration.

In an instant, she conjured three magical constructs before her in the shape of cannons, to her left, right, and center. With a devilish smirk, she went ahead and conjured a fourth construct: a long, menacing-looking saber with a curved edge.

She aimed it towards the crowd directly, their laughter immediately silenced, their limbs all of a sudden growing very tense as they stood rigidly in place with bated breath.

She crouched forward, her horn brimming with magic.

"I meant what I said," she stated coldly, sending chills down the spines of her onlookers. "Don't get in my way, or I will make you regret it."

Though her warning registered well within the minds of those around her, not a single one of them could bring themselves to budge an inch, too paralyzed with fear by the sight of weapons being pointed directly at them.

Cy deadpanned as she came to this conclusion.

"Hey!" she shouted into the crowd, loud enough to snap them back to reality. They all turned to her as she formed a slight, amused smile.

"This is the part where you run away," she remarked, almost teasingly... and as if on cue, the nearby abadas and zebras hightailed it away, while the kelpies dove into the nearest water they could find.

Hmph. Cy-Twi straightened up, giving herself a mental pat on the back upon seemingly clearing out the little villa of any and all locals. How was that for threatening? she asked the voice in her head, sounding just a tad bit smug.

Three out of ten, the voice replied dryly, without missing a beat.

I'll take it! Cy replied in an upbeat tone. Because that just goes to show... Her smile softened as she lowered her now-pensive gaze. That I'm nothing like you.

She looked on ahead, putting the thought aside as determination burned fiercely in her eyes, snuffing out any lingering self-doubt.

Now let's get to work.

By the time Celaeno and crew made their way to the shores of the island, they were met by about two dozen or so sacks, stacked in a neat, pyramid-like pile... and a rather impatient looking Cy-Twi.

Cy stood tapping a hoof, when she caught sight of something out of the corner of her eye, and when she turned to look, saw Captain Celaeno and a few of her crewmates descending on ropes from their ship in the sky.

Their airship now hovered around fifteen meters above the island as the crew made landfall, before walking further inland up to Cy, both apprehensive and curious at the deserted scene.

"Well, it's about time you guys showed up," Cy remarked, a little bit of sass in her voice.

Celaeno sighed, shaking her head. "Yeah, well... not all of us have the power to fly, or move clouds with our minds." She stopped before Cy, looking down at her annoyed, her arms folded. "Also, I'm the captain here, remember? Okay? Me." She pointed her talons inwards at her chest. "Don't use that tone with me."

Cy grinned meekly, shying her gaze away. "R-right... S-sorry, Captain."

Celaeno nodded, accepting her apology begrudgingly as she placed her talons on her hips. "So, what's all this then?" she asked, motioning towards the large pile of sacks filled to the brim.

Cy perked up, hastily explaining, "Treasure, Captain! I surveyed the local eateries, bars, shops... and grabbed everything they were throwing away."

Celaeno and the others paled, growing a little apprehensive.

"Er... trash?" Celaeno questioned in a wary tone.

"Mhm!" Cy nodded enthusiastically. "Don't worry though; a lot of it's still sealed, or the packaging was damaged slightly. You'd be surprised just how much some places are forced to throw away. But hey! That just means more for us, right?"

"Right..." Celaeno nodded along, beginning to ease up.

"So, anyways..." Cy carried on. "I was hoping you guys could load these onto the ship while I... y'know, take care of some personal business." Before Celaeno could object, Cy beckoned her captain to lean down to her level. "Remember when I said I had my own reasons for tagging along with you?" she asked in a hushed voice.

"Yeah, I remember," Celaeno reaffirmed, folding her arms. "I remember that map of yours... and how you said you were supposedly looking for something here."

"Right, well... you see... That thing I'm looking for... if I end up finding it here, then... this will most likely be the last time you see me. I'll have accomplished what I set out with you to do, so... if that ends up happening, I... wanted to say goodbye—j-just in case."

"Huh." Celaeno's brow raised in slight surprise, taken aback by the news. "You know you could have mentioned that..." she remarked, Cy brandishing a sorry smile in response. "Well, no matter. If that truly ends up being the case... then it's been nice knowin' ya, Kid."

She held out her hand, Cy raising a hoof of her own, and shaking her captain's hand.

"But," Celaeno went on to say, as she posed a sudden question. "If you don't end up finding what you're looking for... what then?"

Cy hesitated, biting her lip as her expression turned pensive. "Then... I'll hurry back here as fast as I can, and join back up with you guys if you'll still have me. That's why I was sorta hoping that you guys could maybe load the cargo for me—s-since that would buy me enough time to get back by the time you're ready to shove off," she finished with a small, hopeful grin.

Celaeno relented, letting out a sigh. "Fine. I suppose you already have done more than your fair share to earn at least that much..."

"Great!" started Cy, turning halfway. "Then I'll just be on my—"

"Hold on a sec, Cy-Twi!" commanded Celaeno, Cy stopping in her tracks midstep. "If you aren't back by the time we shove off, we're leaving you behind. You're here to serve us, remember? Not the other way around."

Cy shrunk back, smiling meekly back towards her superior. "Aye, aye," she replied plainly, before looking back on ahead, and continuing on her way.

Celaeno sighed, bringing a talon to her forehead. "Unbelievable..."

Mullet came up beside her, looking around at the surrounding villa scenery. "So where do you suppose the villagers are?"

"Hiding, I'd bet. Scared 'em away with that magic of hers. Well, either that," she mused, "or alerting whatever authorities this island has to offer..." She turned around hurriedly to address her crew. "Alright, listen up! Once the ship docks, we get all of this cargo loaded, then prepare to shove off!"

"But... are we really not going to wait around for that Cy pony?" Boyle spoke up a little apprehensively.

Celaeno met her compatriot's worry with uncertainty.

"N-no," she relented after a long moment. "W-we will, we will... We'll wait until, and only if backup arrives. After that however, she's on her own..."

She peered off in the direction Cy ran off in pensively, lifting a talon, and tilting her captain's hat back a bit. So I really hope you know what you're doing, Kid...

Alright, if I calculated everything correctly... then I should be able to find the interdimensional portal in this area, and if, Celestia forbid, the portal isn't the one I'm looking for... well, then I should still have just enough time to make it back to the ship.

She smiled in determination as she bolted through the outskirts of the villa and into the wild blue yonder.

Her hooves darted faster and faster until they lifted off the ground itself, her limbs transmuting into a sort of smokey substance.

The smoke carried her upper body with ease, carrying her towards the destination her horn pointed her in.

The scenery changed swiftly, going from a lush, tropical jungle paradise, to a harsh, unforgiving desert as far as her eyes could see.

Her horn's aura flared, forcing her head to the left. That way... right. She rolled her eyes, before veering in that direction. Pinpointing otherworldly magic really is going to take time to get used to...

"So, Twilight..."

Cy looked up inquisitively at her mentor and guiding principal, Princess Celestia.

Not her Celestia, however... but rather, the Celestia from this current dimension Cy found herself stuck in.

"A long, long time ago... when I was no older than a teenage filly, Luna and I were mentored by none other than Star Swirl the Bearded."


Cy's eyes widened in amazement. "You—! Er, the other you... never told me that..."

The two strolled casually through one of the castle's main halls, some several days after the cataclysm that shook the city of Canterlot to its core. The hall itself was adorned with several large stained glass murals, depicting heroic ponies of yore.

Celestia smiled meekly. "Sorry, Twilight. Opening up about certain things... isn't exactly my strong suit. But it's true," she continued; "Star Swirl taught me and my sister a great deal about magic, and how to control the very forces of our world..."

"Whoa..." Cy murmured in awe. "Awesome."

"More importantly, however... he taught us how to stay on the straight and narrow, and use our powers for the betterment of—not just ponykind... but every creature. In a way, he was sort of the only real father Luna and I had. Unfortunately, even with Star Swirl's teachings and guidance... Luna still faltered..."

Celestia... Cy looked up at her with a sorry expression, bearing a soft smile. "If this world is anything like mine... then I know in my heart that Luna will be saved. After all," she added in a more lighthearted tone, "your Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle are one heck of a deadly duo even without the Elements. Ugh, believe me, my body still aches."

Celestia chuckled lightly in response, looking down at the young alicorn with a warm smile.

"Thank you, Twilight."

Cy peered away bashfully, sporting a slight blush. "N-no prob... So, uh... as you were saying..."

Celestia nodded, looking back ahead, and returning to the matter at hoof.

"As I mentioned before, Star Swirl initially discovered the existence of worlds outside our very own. Not only did he write the spell to traverse time, he also developed a spell to traverse the very walls that divide our worlds by means of opening portals between them."

Huh... Cy thought, listening intently.

"Upon journeying into these other worlds, his magic changed. It became attuned to both magic that was not of this world, as well as the existence of naturally-occurring portals all across our vast continents. Ones that weren't created by some spell, but had seemingly always been around since the dawn of time, hidden in the most unlikely of places. When he informed me of such a discovery... we sought them out together, documenting their existences, and barring them from being discovered by some wandering pony or creature."

The two reached the end of their walk, stopping before a closed off room, inconspicuous as any other.

"What's in here?" Cy asked, cocking her head as she peered up at Princess Celestia in confusion.

Celestia remained silent for a moment. Then, as if about to speak, hesitated, rethinking her answer.

"I suppose... regrets," she responded vaguely. "Among other things..." she added in a whispered afterthought, before proceeding to turn the door knob.

Cy watched as Celestia stepped inside the dark room, flicking the light switch on with her magic.

The room appeared as though it hadn't been touched in ages, coming off to Cy like a dusty, old storage closet. In the center of wooden crates, pots, vases, and other castle décor... was a tall mirror positioned upright.

"This is a portal, Twilight," Celestia explained, stopping before it. "One that's been tethered to another reality by means of two different objects. In our case, Star Swirl had used mirrors from our world, and tethered them to objects from the corresponding worlds. They could have been anything: a tree, a mountain... a monument. So long as the two objects were solid and maintained their connection, then the portals were always guaranteed to lead to the same destination every time."

"I see..." Cy mused, nodding along. "So, if they weren't tethered, then... if you entered one of these portals, you could ostensibly end up in a whole other area from where you last entered. You could end up becoming separated, or unable to find your way home even..."

She pursed her lips as she stood beside Celestia, gazing into the mirror. "So... what's so special about this one?"

"This one, along with one other, are the only ones left that remain," Celestia confessed after a long pause.

Cy instantly turned to look at her. "The only ones that remain...?"

Celestia nodded solemnly.

"The rest were smashed, their connections severed, by sinister forces not of this world..."

"Not of this world?" Cy repeated in surprise.

"Shadowy beings, with gleaming red eyes. They swarmed us, attacking us from several different portals all at once." Celestia briefly fell silent as her thoughts lingered on the memory. "In the aftermath, Star Swirl theorized these monsters had already spread to several worlds, intent on destroying all of existence..."

A cold chill ran down Cy's spine upon hearing those words.

She swallowed hard. "H-here I thought my... other self was the only malevolent, and... otherworldly invasive threat you guys ever had to face," she remarked quickly, and in a lighter tone, all in a pressing manner to change the mood.

"Well, I suppose you were the first doppelganger of somepony I know to have breached the barrier into our world," Celestia replied, receiving the nonverbal message loud and clear, and smiling back at her softly.

Twilight chuckled awkwardly, averting her eyes. "Yeah..."

"Twilight. The reason I'm telling you all of this, is because these portals—and the worlds they lead to—can be filled with unimaginable horrors, and the likes of which that wish to see our world burn."

"Well, with all due respect, Princess," Cy cut in, looking up at her with a serious expression, "I witnessed my own world go up in flames, and my own friends perish before my eyes." She forced a bitter smile to her lips, in contempt of the royal's words. "I think I can handle whatever's out there."

"I... I'm sure you can, Twilight," Celestia said, momentarily taken aback. "F-forgive me, I... forgot the circumstances of which you lived, a-and... I truly did not mean to offend—!"

"It's fine," Cy replied with a roll of her eyes, jestering with a hoof for her to relax. "Let's just move on, alright? As you were saying..."

"Erm, r-right..." Celestia agreed, gathering her composure. "W-well, what I was trying to say, Twilight... is to just be careful. Even though you're not my Twilight... you still remind me so much of her, and... I can't help but worry."


"You're venturing into unknown territory, Twilight. The reason why Star Swirl and I never attempted to repair the connection to many of these worlds, is because of the dangers on the other side. At least this way, the gateway between our worlds would materialize at random on both sides every thirty moons, as well as be invisible to the naked eye."

"B-but wait!" Cy cut in urgently. "If the portals are constantly materializing in different places, then how will I know if there even are any outside of Equestria?" Her demeanor swiftly turned anxious. "What if they're here in Equestria, a-and... and there's nothing truly out there? What then? And what do you mean, 'every thirty moons'?" She lowered her gaze as her head and shoulders drooped despairingly. "Who I am kidding? This is hopeless, isn't it?"

"No, Twilight, it isn't."

Cy let out a startled breath, feeling the touch of a cold, yet gentle hoofshoe lifting her chin.

Her ears perked up, meeting Celestia's calm and reassuring expression.

The royal alicorn smiled, drawing back her hoof before lifting it up above her own head, and pointing it at her very own horn.

"Our magic is special, Twilight. Not simply because we are alicorns... but because we have crossed the barrier into other worlds. Doing so attuned my magic, and enabled me to pick up traces of otherworldly magic. It may start out faint, but the closer you get, the stronger it'll become." She gazed off in reminiscence, explaining, "You see, Twilight... Magic does not exist in every world. Some worlds are completely devoid of it."

Cy blinked, stupefied. "They are?"

"It is unfortunate," Celestia went on to explain, "but some worlds lost touch with their magic due to constant conflict... or perhaps never had it to begin with. After all, the origins of magic itself are dubious to say the least, but there always remain one constant."

"Constant...?" Cy titled her head.

"It is a gift," Celestia assured the young pony. "One meant to enrich our lives, giving us horns and wings so we could evolve from one race of steeds, to three... and create true harmony with our combined powers—through friendship and unity that is."

Cy stared up at Celestia, mouth agape, in complete and utter awe of what she had just relayed.

"Is... i-is all that true...?" she finally managed to ask in a low mumble. "Is that really the origin of ponykind...?"

"Well," giggled Celestia, getting a good laugh out of Cy's expression, "it's what Star Swirl theorized anyway. Even I don't truly know myself..."

Cy pursed her lips, glaring up at the princess playfully.

"Twilight," Celestia continued, her laughter dying down, "I know I only spoke for myself earlier... but I believe that you too now possess the gift to become attuned to magic from other worlds. You see, Twilight... magic—putting it plainly—is a source of power. Power... that sends out a signal, a frequency... Most ponies have no idea that magic exists outside our own world, and are simply attuned to this world's magic..."

"But you and I are different..." Cy concluded, nodding her head softly in understanding.

"When we draw upon magic, Twilight... we do so without even thinking. It occurs naturally—just like absorbing sunlight into your body. However, Twilight... magic is all around us, during all times of the day. What you need now is the ability to sense it, and... you know what? Maybe you would benefit more from a visual demonstration."

Celestia walked back over to the light switch, returning the storage room to its once, darkened state. "Watch this."

Cy furrowed her brow from within the darkened room, struggling to make out what she was supposed to be seeing... when a soft, golden aura ignited around the elder alicorn's horn, dimly illuminating the princess's features. Her brow was knitted in concentration, and just as Cy was about to speak up... a bright, glowing blue luminescence began to appear throughout the room. Cy stared up in awe of her surroundings, likening the strange, shimmering, opaque light to that of a dozen or so moving clouds, or bubbly blobs even.

Heck, she would have said they reminded her of floating lanterns had it not been for their varying sizes and shapes.

Instead, it felt more as though she was currently in deep space, floating freely among several clouds of stardust, from both their color and way that they shimmered.

She lifted her hoof tentatively, reaching out to touch it in wonder, and it passed through effortlessly. No resistance, unlike clouds or even the wind... like it wasn't even there.

She withdrew her hoof, drawing with it a tingling sensation that faded almost instantaneously upon bringing it closer. "Magic...?" she wondered breathlessly, her eyes slowly growing bigger as she glanced back at the luminescent cloud, then back again at her hoof. "T-this is real, naturally-occurring magic, isn't it?!" Cy asked, bounding her head towards Celestia eagerly. "M-magic is usually only ever visible w-when we harness it, or... or when it's a part of some spell—!"

The Princess of the Sun herself jestered for the young mare to settle down, chuckling at her enthusiasm.

"It is indeed, Twilight," she replied, much to the latter's excitement. "Once you learn how to sense magic, it'll reveal itself to the naked eye."

"That's incredible," Cy mused in amazement, her gaze lingering on Celestia as something new dawned on her. "You're glowing..."

"Hm? So I am," remarked Celestia, glancing down at her chest, and the blue luminescent light radiating from deep within. She smiled, returning her gaze back to Cy. "You're glowing too."

"I...?" Cy's heart skipped a beat as she peered down at herself in an instant to see that, she too, was indeed radiating her own shade of blue. Albeit a much lighter, and paler shade. "This is the magic within me, isn't it? And... it's different than yours because I'm not a resident of this world, right?"

"Correct, Twilight."

"So, then... does all magic come in different shades of blue, or is this just one heck of a coincidence?"

"Not necessarily a coincidence, Twilight," Celestia hypothesized. "It could very well be because of the magic you absorbed from this world's you... as well as a side effect of drawing upon this world's magic. It could also be due to similarities between our worlds. In either case, magic comes in all different colors and hues," she concluded, ending the spell, and with it, the magic vanished out of sight in an instant.

Her horn flickered a second time, and with it came the lights to the room.

Cy grimaced briefly, taking a moment to adjust her eyes to the sudden change in lighting, before noting that the magic permeating throughout their bodies had faded as well.

"The spell I'm about to teach you will allow you to sense the magic around you, both near and far. That's how I personally will locate the portals here in Equestria. However, in your position, Twilight... it may take time for you to master it completely. So for the meantime, try relying on your horn to sense the magic's presence instead. Once the spell is active, your horn should be able to pick up magic far beyond that of what is made visible to the eye."

Twilight nodded, breathing out shakily. "Okay," she replied. "Okay, I think I'm ready. Oh, but first!"

"Hm?" Celestia looked down at her curiously. "Is there more you would like to know?"

"Just a couple things," Cy reassured her, before thinking back. "Earlier, you said something about every thirty moons...?"

"Ah, that I did," the elder princess acknowledged with a slight, embarrassed smile. "Well, in layman's terms, every thirty moons—er, days, whichever you prefer—is when the walls between our worlds are at their weakest. That's when the dimensional rifts, or... portals, appear."

"I see..." Cy murmured, listening intently.

"After which you will have approximately three days before the barriers that divide our worlds once again strengthen... and the portals disappear for another thirty moons."

"Oh," remarked Cy with a defeated sigh. "So basically, if I don't guess the right portal straight away..." She hung her head low in dismay. "I'm gonna have to wait an entire month before I'm given another opportunity to seek out another..."

"I'm afraid so," Celestia replied in a soft voice. "I never said this would be an easy task, never mind a short one."

Twilight breathed out a dreary sigh, nodding begrudgingly in response to Celestia's words. "Guess I better strap myself in then for the long haul," she joked, bearing a halfhearted smile as her right hoof unwittingly clutched the satchel strap across her chest a little too tightly.

Something Celestia was quick to note.

"Please try not to feel anxious, Twilight. I... know that it may not be something you can control... but if it helps to put your mind at ease, if only a little, just know that I believe in you."

Huh? Cy's eyes widened and her ears perked up curiously as she raised her gaze to meet the elder alicorn's.

"I've seen what you can do, and how resilient you can be... defying your own inner darkness the way that you did..." Celestia knelt down in front of her, setting a hoof on her shoulder, her eyes staring firmly into her own. "You've already made it this far, Twilight. I know you can find your way back home. So, are you really going to hesitate now, when the ending is finally within reach?"

Cy sniffled, feverishly shaking her head no. She looked confidently into Celestia's eyes, blinking away a few tears. "N-no, Ma'am!" she declared, standing defiantly. "You're right, Princess. What's a few months—or even years—when I am this close?"

"I'm glad to hear it." Celestia smiled, standing back up. "So then, what was your other question?"

"O-oh, uhm... right." Cy pursed her lips, turning away from Celestia, and towards the mirror-tethered portal they currently shared the same room with. "What's so special about this portal? You said many of the portals were destroyed previously, and that you never tethered them again because of the threats that may lie on the other side... So, why this one? A-and the other one you mentioned too?"

"Ah, right... Very astute, Twilight. I'd expect no detail, however small, to get past you." Celestia smiled fondly, turning to face the mirror herself in reminiscence. "Well, the aforementioned mirror is home to somepony near and dear to me who has managed to keep their world safe from harm. So, as long as it remains safe, then there remains no reason to untether it from our world. As for this world, well..." Celestia's own smile saddened, falling silent for a brief moment. "I leave this one open... in case she ever decides to come back home."

Cy looked up at Celestia inquisitively. She...?

"I-in either case..." Celestia snapped out of her reverie, turning to face Cy directly. "What say we start practicing that spell?"

Cy furrowed her brow. "Oh, o-okay..." she replied, slight hesitation in her tone... seeing clearly through the princess's façade. She wanted to press, but who was she to demand answers? It's her business, she decided. Still... she...? A pony Celestia knew traveled to another world? Huh, she mused with a slight snort, wonder what led to that...?

"Alright now, Twilight. Let us begin by memorizing the magical incantation needed to first activate the spell."

Celestia's horn ignited, and in an instant, a scroll of parchment materialized, unraveling itself before Cy's eyes.

She accepted it from the elder alicorn into her own magic's aura, looking it over curiously. Well, the words seem simple enough... It's the inflection and intent that's going to be tricky...

As she looked it over, a questioned lingered in the back of her mind, making it harder to focus on the words.

"Hey... Celestia?"

"Yes, Twilight?"

Cy bit her lip, her gaze unwavering from the piece of parchment. "Earlier you said that Star Swirl theorized that unicorns and pegasi evolved from earth ponies..." She gazed up both suddenly and eagerly towards Celestia with a sparkle in her eyes, and a thirst for knowledge. "Did he ever theorize how alicorns came to be?"

The initial look on Celestia's face told Cy everything she needed to know.

"He didn't," Celestia replied solemnly, Cy recalling her words in recollection. The elder princess's expression morphed into a deadpan look. "Now please, Twilight... No more getting sidetracked. We don't have all day, okay?"

Cy pursed her lips as the memory faded from her thoughts, and focusing once more on the present moment. I wasn't getting sidetracked, I was just... curious, she thought stubbornly. I doubt she was even telling me the whole truth—!

Her horn's aura grew in intensity, swiftly and quite literally yanking Cy from her thoughts, as her body was suddenly thrust in a whole new direction.

She let out a startled yelp at the whiplash, wincing briefly as her horn progressively grew hotter. Must be close, she surmised, her fore and hind legs rematerializing as she lowered herself to the ground.

Her hooves touched down upon the soft, sun-soaked desert sand, stopping briefly to wipe her brow of the few beads of sweat from the harsh sunlight bearing down from above.

"Okay..." she muttered with a weary sigh. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, then looked around at her surroundings. I should be close enough now to sense the...

Her eyes grew larger, her thought trailing off.


The floating blue pools of magic weren't what captured her attention—those had appeared all around her sporadically since she first activated the spell. No, what truly took her by surprise was the rippling, spheroid-like shape, emanating a soft, golden hue... and floating around several or so feet away from where she stood.

"Whoa..." Cy uttered breathlessly, in awe of what she was seeing. I guess I hadn't noticed it at first because of the desert surroundings... She snorted at the coincidence. What are the odds that a world with a yellowish magical signature would have its portal appear in the desert of all places?

She rolled her eyes before running up to the portal, getting as close as she could before dismissing the spell.

Relief washed over her horn, the burning sensation swiftly fading away.

Cy stared into the portal, no longer able to make out the emanating magic, but close enough now to see the lines rippling across its surface—like that of a puddle of water.

This is it, she thought, swallowing hard. Her heartbeat grew faster, chills ran through her body, and reluctance in her step ultimately preventing her from moving forward.

Well? the cynical voice in her head chided; what are you waiting for?

I-I'm just psyching myself up, alright? Cy argued defensively. I mean, I'm about to journey into the unknown. I... just need to mentally prepare is all.

Uh-huh, the voice replied dismissively.

Cy's breathes quickened, her limbs trembling in anticipation, as she slowly lifted a hoof.

Oh! a sudden thought dawned on her, halting her movements briefly. Celestia had said that the portals could manifest anywhere on the other side. I'm guessing that includes the sky, the seas... or even outer space...

She paled at the possibility, feeling her stomach drop. The sky shouldn't be a problem... but as for the other possibilities...

She stepped back, igniting her horn, and in an instant, cast a magical bubble around her head. There, she thought proudly. Now then... back to the task at hoof.

She breathed out deeply, easing her nerves and mustering her courage as she made direct eye contact with the portal.

"Here goes nothiiiinngg...!" she shouted, squeezing her eyes shut tight, leaping forward, and disappearing into the portal completely.

The very first thing she felt upon entering the rift was her body being pulled and twisted in every which direction, colors swirling and meshing around her as her body was thrust through the interdimensional void between worlds.

Then, in an instant, her body fell forward as if coming to an abrupt stop... the scenery disappearing as quickly as it came.

Her mind in a daze, she weakly opened her eyes amidst the woozy feeling in her gut... and her sinking heart.

I passed through the portal... Guess that means this isn't my home world... Great... Looks like I'll be at this for another month after all...

She sighed, shaking the dreary reminder from her thoughts. Wonder where I am anyway? she mused, opening her eyes up fully, blinking away her blurry vision. It feels like I'm floa—

Her mouth fell open, her eyes widening at her surroundings.


A cosmic landscape, stretching out as far as her eyes could see lay before her, with a rather stunning array of auras and huge nebulae shimmering in reds, blues, purples, pinks... With and around them were stars, moons, and countless planets so far away, that to Cy, felt somewhat akin to marbles, suspended deep within the vastness of space.

Beyond that, at the far, opposite end of where she herself remained floating, was an enormous and bright sun, burning brilliantly, and contrasting nicely against the otherwise black backdrop of space.

Marvelous... was her only thought, as she couldn't help but admire the once-in-a-lifetime view. A grin slowly parted her lips, as her face positively beamed in amazement.

Good thing I thought to cast this dome around my head, she mused in slight amusement, at long last coming back to reality. She committed the view to memory, knowing deep down that she couldn't afford to linger... however unaware of something swimming effortlessly through the void of space behind her... already having taken great interest in her lingering presence.

Or rather, the light blue magic radiating forth from her body... it drawing the attention of anything that could sense it closer, like a moth to a flame.

Well, Cy internally supposed with a slight exhale, guess I should make my back to the ship—

She let out a startled gasp, as, from the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of something closing in rapidly from her left side.

She reacted swiftly, conjuring up a majestic and dazzling white shield, characterized by a crest in the shape of the six-pointed star in her cutie mark.

She knew it as the Shield of Wisdom, and for a while now, had appeared on her foreleg whenever she felt her life was at risk.

Moments... such as this.

The unknown object slammed into Cy and the Shield of Wisdom with tremendous force, swatting her like a fly, and knocking her back through the rift in the blink of an eye.

Cy reemerged on the other side screaming, falling through the air, limbs flailing... before getting a face full of sand as her body made contact with the familiar, desert landscape. She ended up creating a trail through the sand as her body slid to an eventual stop.

She groaned wearily as she lifted herself up, giving her head a good shake, and wiping her face with the sleeve of her hoodie, spitting out some sand from her mouth as she sat back on her haunches.

Urgh... what hit me...? she wondered, her mind still in a daze. She brought a hoof to her head, and breathed steadily in hopes of easing the throbbing pain.

Well, the voice inside her head scoffed, that went well.

Cy silently fumed, irritated for but a mere moment before a loud, thunderous sound erupted behind her, a stray bolt of magic—akin to lightning—hitting the sand not far from where she sat.

She nearly jumped out of her skin, her heart beating wildly within her chest as she scrambled to her hooves. Spinning around, she faced with the portal with a dreadful, sinking feeling.

Oh, I never tire of this part! the voice sneered. Watching your actions backfire right in your face never gets old!

Cy gulped, apprehensively moving closer as she inspected the sparking portal with trembling hooves.

The rift warped and twisted, and more stray bolts of magic shot out from somewhere within, crackling as they struck both the air and sand around Cy.

She ducked her head, covering it with a foreleg. Wh-what the hay's causing the rift to go all haywire?! she thought incredulously. It c-couldn't have been my magic... was it? Celestia never mentioned this would happen...!

She shrieked suddenly, feeling the ground shift slightly under her hooves. The sand shifted, and began to shake, a low rumbling swiftly growing faster and louder, until a fountain of sand erupted beneath her.

A draconian, snake-like monster burst forth, its maw coming up directly underneath her, and raising her high into the air as she let out a frightened scream. Its jaw opened wide, spreading Cy's fore and hind legs wide as she clung onto the creature's face for dear life.

The creature growled out, exhaling hot breath against her underbelly, giving her goose bumps. Her heart raced a mile a minute as the monster proceeded to release a deafening screech, forcing her ears to flop and her eyelids to reflexively squeeze shut.

She chewed her lip, igniting her horn and imagining anywhere but her current predicament as magic swiftly enveloped her body.

Cy reappeared on the ground with a stumble, reappearing a short distance from the monster, and the familiar sandy texture once more warm against her hooves.

Staving the wobbly feeling in her legs, and steeling her nerves, she turned swiftly towards the monster, taking in its terrifying appearance in its entirety.

Standing at least a couple stories tall, it towered over her, bearing sharp fangs, and yellow eyes with draconian-like pupils. Spiked fins extended from the back of its head, and two scaly arms extended from shoulders... A red, v-shaped crest spanned from shoulder to shoulder across its otherwise pale-yellow underbody.

The creature bore no legs, instead propping itself up upon a single, serpent-like tail, with a pointed tip at its end.

Cy gulped, reflectively taking a step back as her pupils shrunk under the imposing visage of the monster.

Wha... w-what t-the hay is that?!

A grootslang, her inner voice answered simply.

A what-slang?! she shot back, exasperated. H-how the hay do you even know what it is if I don—?

The monster let out a second terrifying roar that shook her to her very core, its eyes boring down on her as it loomed closer.

Well, I know this much, the voice replied tauntingly. The magic that shot out of that rift and struck the ground? It must've aroused that thing's slumber... and now it is peeved.

The grootslang—as her other self had put it—swiped its right claw at the spot where she stood, Cy narrowly leaping to safety in the nick of time. The webbed claw raked through the sand... incidentally creating a wave of sand that rained back down over the nearby environment.

T-that thing's too worked up... too fierce, she realized, scrambling back to her hooves as she wracked her brain. Fighting it will be of no use... and my magic's probably not strong enough to contain it, at least, not for long...

Sweat dripped down her fur as she contemplated her options in the matter of a couple moments.

It was all the time she knew she had before the grootslang would try and attack again, and as she raised her gaze... saw that she was right.

The creature indeed reared its arm back, preparing to take another swing, and Cy knew she had all but option.

Well, one option that wasn't completely terrible.

I'm gonna have to run, she concluded to herself, hurrying as she cast another teleportation spell on her body, warping it away seconds before the grootslang's fearsome claws tore through the landscape.

She reappeared a short distance away, and immediately kicked her hooves into high gear, galloping away as the grootslang took but a moment to notice where she had disappeared to, and charged after her.

Even if I unfurl my wings, or... or use my shadow pony magic to fly out of its reach, well... it would still see me. It would continue after me, and even if it didn't... in its enraged state, who knows what it might do? Take out its anger on Farasi's inhabitants? I can't afford that, she thought in determination, dashing up and across sand dunes, and over the dusty plains. I've already taken longer than I initially planned... so the ship may already be getting ready to depart without me. It's a long shot, but everycreature from the villa should still be in hiding. If I can just lead this grootslang thing through the part of Casabronco where we docked, I can maybe... just maybe... trick it into going into the water—!

She shrieked, teleporting further ahead in a swift instant as the grootslang narrowly ensnared her within its jaws.

She stumbled a bit, breathing out in relief as she carried on undeterred. T-that is to say... if I survive!

"Aaand that's the last of 'em."

Celaeno let out a huff as she loaded the final burlap sack onto the deck of their airship. Their ship had descended to the nearby shoreline since the moment she and her crew initially made landfall, due to the congested nature of the docks already being taken up by several ships

Due to the geographical landscape of Farasi—with mountains, a volcano, and desert terrain lying further inland—the port city of Casabronco had been built in a rather tightknit space, with houses, buildings and shops rooted along the docks and forest.

Celaeno rested a talon on her hip as her free arm wiped the sweat from her forehead... the clouds having long since drifted away, leaving the harsh sunlight to bear down on her and her crew.

She looked beyond the shore, in the direction Cy-Twi had ran off in, further inland.

Her brow crinkled in worry, her emerald pegleg tapping unwittingly against the ship's deck.

C'mon, Kid...

"Uh, Capt'n?" Boyle spoke up, giving her quite the surprise, breaking her concentration.

She spun around swiftly, sporting an embarrassed blush in her cheeks. "W-what it is, Boyle?" she asked irritably.

"O-oh uh," Boyle stammered, holding out a hesitant talon partway. "I, I didn't mean to startle you—"

"Y-you didn't startle me," Celaeno swiftly argued, crossing her arms defiantly.

"Er, right..." Boyle submitted, averting his eyes awkwardly.

Celaeno shook her head, letting out a small huff.

"Now then, what was it you were going to say?"

"I-I was just going to ask if you're really serious about waiting around for that pony. I mean, backup's sure to arrive any moment, an', well... what if she ain't coming back?"

Celaeno nodded softly, clutching her left arm in anxiousness. "It has been a while," she admitted, peering off the starboard side, and into the villa. "We're pirates, Boyle, but we're not monsters. We'll hold out as long as we can."

"Well, with all due respect, Captain..." Boyle made a bemused face. "Didn't we lie to her, an' trick her into joinin' us in the first place?"

Celaeno sighed, resting her talons upon the ship's railing. "That we did, Boyle... I guess I just... saw a little bit of myself in her. Young, eager, adventurous, reckless... willing to journey into the unknown..."

"Missing a part of herself?" Boyle suggested affectionately, leaning on the rail besides her and smiling up at her.

Celaeno smiled in turn, rolling her eyes as she gave his shoulder a playful shove.

"I suppose that too," she replied in agreement. "She's frustrating, but... I dunno, Boyle... It's like I said: we're not heartless. We all banded together in the first place because we come from a stuck-up kingdom of snobs who treated us like rejects... You, me, the others... Ocypete..." she reminisced. "We all dreamed of running away, becoming adventurers..."

"You still regret leavin' her behind... don'tcha?"

Celaeno nodded solemnly. "Being a pirate was her idea even. She may have been royalty, but she certainly didn't have the heart of a royal. I guess that's why we bonded so easily... A princess like her, wanting to be friends with a commoner like me, going against the hierarchy, wanting to run away together for the sake of staying friends..." She breathed out shakily, Boyle setting a talon upon his captain's shoulder in sympathy.

Celaeno smiled appreciatively, blinking her eyes clear as she continued. "R-regardless, it's not like we had much of a choice. Her father made it explicitly clear what would happen if I dared leave with his daughter. You know this very ship was given to us if I agreed to leave Ossie behind. No doubt Ornithia as well..." she mused in an afterthought. "Kill two birds with one stone, you know?"

Boyle nodded softly. "Dreadful, that saying... but yes, that I do," he quietly agreed. "Accuse you of conspiracy to kidnap one of the crown? They indeed didn't leave you much of a choice."

Celaeno let out a dreary sigh, lamenting the thought. "Even still... I can't help but wonder though... I left her behind because I was young, an' scared... a coward. So, what would've happened had I been just a little bit braver? I'll never know... but what I do know is that I have a second chance to be brave, and not cave to authority. I already abandoned Ossie... I'm not about to abandon—!"

"Uh, Captain...?"

Celaeno and Boyle both turned to face a meek-looking Squabble: a particularly twitchy and eccentric member of their crew.

"N-not to interrupt," he apologized, pointing over his shoulder at the spot where the loot has been piled. "The goods are all stashed away, safe and secure below deck." He straightened up, saluting her. "We're ready to shove off whenever you say, just give the word!"

"At ease, Squabble." Celaeno smiled, nodding back at her subordinate. More of her crew gathered around as she announced, "We're going to wait just a little bit longer, everybird! We'll give Cy-Twi a few more minutes, and if by then she still doesn't show, we assume that she's found what she was looking for, and only then will we take our leave! All in agreement?"

"Aye aye, Captain!" her crew cheered in unison.

Celaeno grinned, before her attention was whisked away by Boyle, alerting her to the emergence of several newcomers approaching in the direction of their ship.

Celaeno's heart sunk at the sight.

"Oh no..."

Several abadas, dressed in regal, golden armor, stood firmly behind a taller zebra with a rather muscular frame. The imposing figure bore striking purple markings and stripes on an otherwise pale-white coat, his orange and purple mane and tail both flickering likes steady flames.

Prince Abraxas.

One of four princes of Farasi, to be clear. Each in charge of their own territory, aaand it just so happened that Abraxas's hometown... was a part of Casabronco itself.

I was worried about something like this happening.

Before meeting Cy, My crew and I agreed upon targeting ships and other vessels. They were vulnerable, isolated, and would more often than not be filled with unarmed sailors and crewman, and sightseeing passengers on vacation. If any of them put out a distress signal, we'd be gone by the time authorities showed up.

So, I was understandably reluctant when Cy practically begged me to make a stop at Farasi, saying how it was one of the places she intended on visiting, and that 'she would make it worth our while' if we agreed.

So I did, but in turn, she'd have to live up to her word. If we were going to invade an island nation, she'd have to prove herself capable of getting in, nabbing the goods, and getting out before even potentially getting caught.

Well, she made good on the first two, at least.

I thought Prince Abraxas and his loyal squad of goons were going to be the final hurdle. The 'make it or break it' moment of this mission that would determine whether we would succeed or fail. The moment that would determine whether we were going to be forced to leave Cy-Twi behind, and escape with our tail feathers intact... or even worse: face imprisonment.

I couldn't have known it at the time, but those fears were nothing compared to what would soon come to pass...

"Wait here," Celaeno commanded, breathing in deeply, and steeling her resolve. "I'm going to try and stall him."

"S-stall him?" Boyle stammered, the rest of her crew reacting in kind.

"It's the best chance we've got," she replied in a hushed murmur. "Get in position and get ready to take off. Whatever happens next, I'll give you the signal, and when I do, I want you to leave... with or without me.

"B-but Captain—!" Mullet began, in protest.

"Don't worry," she remarked with a confident smirk. "I'm resilient, remember? If it does come down to that, I'll improvise." She turned from her crew, undeterred. "Try having a little faith in your captain, won't you?"

She continued down the plank, her crew remaining silent, respecting her wishes, though exchanging wary and nervous glances between one another.

Abraxas and his troops reached the sandy shores as Celaeno herself stepped off the wooden plank and onto the beach.

"Gentlemen! Prince!" she greeted in a cheery tone, walking up to them. "What can I can do for y—"

She froze in her tracks, her breath caught in her throat as the guardsman pointed their spears up at her.

Celaeno defensively raised her talons, forcing down the nervous lump in her throat. "D-did I d-do something wrong, Your Highness?" she stammered out with a nervous smile.

Prince Abraxas, his face unchanging as it still bore the same, stern expression, looked her in the eyes, addressing her directly.

"I'll make this quick," he stated plainly. "We recently received reports of a pirate attack on this here villa."

Celaeno's smile never faltered, all the while doing her best to retain her calm demeanor as the prince continued.

"You wouldn't happen to know anything about that... would you, ornithian?" he questioned, almost interrogatingly. "Something about a..." He took a short pause, as the incident report still baffled even himself. "Pony pirate?"

Ah crud, Celaeno thought, her heart skipping a beat. Of course that's what they're here about... Cy-Twi, she grumbled, if you're still on your way back... you owe me big for this...

"I'm sorry, uh..." She cocked her head, feigning confusion. "Pony pirate, you say? That's new. I mean, I thought those equestrians hardly ever left that magical homeland of theirs, too wrapped up in their friendship and magic... and too afraid to venture out into these waters, you know? I, I-I mean," she added in with an awkward chuckle, "I've never even encountered another pony—!"

"You're dressed like a pirate," Abraxas stated in a deadpan tone, cutting Celaeno's ramblings short, and causing her smile to finally slip.

Celaeno took a look down at her ensemble, then back at Abraxas, bearing a sheepish expression. "Ah, so I am."

Abraxas and the abada guards remained unamused, instead edging their weapons closer, causing the pirate captain to stumble backwards.

"W-wait, wait, hold up a sec!" she stuttered, holding out a talon beseechingly. "W-what is this, profiling? Just 'cause I'm dressed like one? I-I mean, I-I'm not a real pirate! N-none of us are! We were just... o-on our way to a costume party!"

The guards eased up slowly, remaining auspicious as they looked to their prince, awaiting his next order.

Abraxas himself stood firm, his eyes narrowing. "A... costume party?" he questioned skeptically.

"Uh..." Celaeno tensed, bracing herself for the worst. "Yes?"

"Well what about that pegleg of yours?"

"S-so I'm actually missing a leg. That's why I'm going as a pirate! Makes it more authentic, you know?"

Abraxas's gaze remained serious for several seconds that, for Celaeno at least, felt like an eternity.

"Hmm..." he murmured in thought, his fierce gaze boring into her.

Some of the guards surrounding their prince exchanged worried looks, while others looked up at their ruler curiously.

"Uh... sir—?" one of them began to ask, when all of a sudden their prince let out a hearty exclamation, his expression changing in an instant.

"I love costume parties!"

He grinned, his face lighting up enthusiastically. Celaeno looked at him, dumbfounded... his followers mirroring her confusion.

"So, where you headed? Horseshoe Bay? Mount Metazoa? The Isles of Scaly?"

Celaeno interjected, holding out a single digit of her clawed hand. "Uh... M-Metazoa, actually."

"Ah, I see!" he exclaimed, intrigued. Before speaking any further, he took a moment to quickly address his troops.

"At ease, boys," he commanded, dismissing them with a wave of his hoof as he directed his attention back towards Celaeno. "So what brings you out here to Farasi?"

"Ohh, you know..." Celaeno smiled awkwardly, thinking up a lie, and quick. "To resupply, take a short break, partake a little in your island's cuisine... After all, it was on our way to Mount Metazoa, and, well, what with your island's five star reputation..." she added in a flattering voice, growing a bit bolder. "The party doesn't start until later tonight, so... how could any of us deny making a brief detour in the meantime?"

Abraxas let out a hearty laugh. "Well, you're certainly not the first visitor I've heard such kind praise from, but it sure never gets old! It warms my heart hearing such glowing praise regarding our humble little nation."

Celaeno nodded along, smiling impatiently as the prince rambled on, his words beginning to register less and less as they passed through one ear, and out the other.

"So, anyway!"

Celaeno jolted back to reality at Abraxas's exclamation, being greeted by his cheery demeanor, and toothy grin.

"I won't keep you or your ship's crew." His grin softened to a smile, lifting a hoof to wave goodbye as he began to turn.

Celaeno breathed out a sigh of relief, herself turning, about to make a beeline for her ship when she froze in her tracks... the prince's voice once again speaking up.

"Oh, but... one more thing."

Celaeno swallowed hard, her heartbeat quickening as she rigidly turned back around.

"Y-yes...?" She smiled politely.

"There's just... something else that's been weighing on my mind... The report I received cited that the, ah, pirate pony descended from the sky, without any visible wings. I was wondering how that would have been possible... until I saw that you fellas owned an airship—one that would make quite the vantage point to drop in from."

Celaeno's heart sunk, her face paling.

He smirked at her with an all-too-knowing look, as if seeing right through her. "Now, I know you folks are heading to Mount Metazoa, and you'll need an airship for that; I understand that. I want to believe you're all innocent, buuut... we're still gonna have to inspect your ship, okay?" he added coyly. "Hey, if you really are innocent, then you should have nothing to worry about!"

Celaeno forced a grin to her face, letting out an awkward chuckle. "Mhm, nothing to worry about," she agreed. "I'm just gonna let 'em know real quick."

She faced away from Abraxas and the others with a tightening, anxious feeling in her chest, and gulped as she motioned to her crew, raising her claws to her beating heart and forming a quick 'heart' shape over it.

The crew overlooking her got the message, and reluctantly got into position, Boyle and Mullet in particular taking the time to discreetly draw the walking plank back onboard.

"No need!"

Celaeno gasped, feeling something heavy fall upon her shoulders.

Abraxas stood beside her in no time, throwing a brawny foreleg around her shoulders, and pulling her down to his level.

"We can explain to them together!" Abraxas declared, cheerily, before lowering his voice and murmuring in a more serious tone, "That is, unless you are hiding something."

"What? N-no," Celaeno stammered defensively, taken aback.

"Good to hear it," Abraxas remarked, smiling, and planting a firm pat upon her back. He withdrew his foreleg and backed up, giving Celaeno space to regain her balance. "Say, uh..." He hesitated, looking up at her curiously. "Were you making a heart with your hands just now?"

Huh? Celestia blinked in surprise, looking down at him. "Y-yeah," she replied, a faint, blush of embarrassment visible in her cheeks. "Love is sort of a big deal in Ornithia. Has to do with our Elements of Love. I assume you've heard of 'em? They're sort of famous."

"I haven't actually," Abraxas replied honestly. He swiftly garnished an apologetic expression, letting out a sheepish laughter. "Guess that makes me rather uncultured, huh?"

"Maybe a little," Celaeno replied with a snort, forming a contemptuous smile, seeing straight through his sorry façade.

He's just humoring us, she deemed, anxiousness setting in. Behind this flaky and friendly act of his, he knows we're as good as guilty... and even if we weren't, he's no doubt itching for an excuse to arrest us.

She gulped, looking past Abraxas as she brainstormed a way out, and fast.

If only I could cause some kind of distraction... but what...?

"Well," Abraxas spoke up, bringing her back to reality. "After you."

Celaeno feigned a grin. "R-right..." She turned with a shaky breath, tilting her hat back as she peered up at her airship, her other hand inching ever closer towards the hilt of her sheathed sword.

Alright, she thought, mustering her nerves. It's do or die time, Cellie—

What sounded like a tree crashing against the forest floor rang out from deeper within the villa, swiftly diverting the attention of everyone currently on the shore.

Celaeno's hand froze, her heart beating heavily against her chest as another loud crash proceeded the previous one, drawing the guards' scrutiny, and Abraxas's ire.

"What in the world—?"

A third crash filled the air, followed by a nerve-rattling and terrifying screech that the Farasi inhabitants recognized all too well.

"Grootslang," Abraxas uttered under his breath. "Guards!" he commanded swiftly. "Leave this to me! Stay here, and make sure she doesn't—!"

His words were cut short, his train-of-thought derailed as, from out of the villa and into clear view, came a purple pony... her hooves carrying her little body as fast as they could.

Celaeno's eyes widened, her beak unwittingly forming a relieved smile.


Abraxas's eyes narrowed. The pirate...!

Both of their expressions changed in an instant, as an enormous, green-scaled beast showed itself, emerging from the tall woods, and barreling through the background before resuming the chase after Cy-Twi.

Celaeno's pupils shrunk, paralyzed with fear for but a moment before she heard Boyle's voice call down to her.


She jolted back to reality, turning her head up towards him to see him leaning over the starboard bow, a looped rope in his right hand.

"Grab on!"

He threw the rope on down to her, the ship itself beginning to ascend.

She nodded at him, taking a firm hold of the rope within her talons when she was suddenly confronted by a furious voice.

"So she was with you!"

Celaeno's breath caught in her throat as she turned once more to face Prince Abraxas in his now enraged state.

His flame-like mane seemed to flicker in both brightness and intensity as he grit his teeth, glaring up at her. "I was holding onto just a sliver of hope that you were telling the truth... that you truly were innocent... But not only did you lie to my face... your cohort went and lured a grootslang into my fair city?!"

Celaeno formed a meek little smile as she raised a single claw, correcting him. "We, ah... actually had nothing to do with that last bit, i-if you can believe it."

Abraxas let out a frustrated yell, about to charge the pirate captain... when another screech of the grootslang reminded him of the more pressing matter.

He snorted, glaring at her for a single moment more, before turning away, ready to face down the monstrous being.

Instead, his eyes widened as the pirate pony came barreling towards him, and to his complete and utter awe, two mighty-looking wings unfurled themselves from underneath the holes on the sides of her sweatshirt.

She bounded off the ground before him, leaping high into the air above, and letting her wings carry her the remaining distance.

The grootslang leapt after her in close pursuit—its senses dulled and unaware of all its surroundings... save for the luminescent, blue glow emanating outwards from Cy... seemingly the cause behind its ravenous and rabid state.

Cy grunted, struggling to keep afloat. My body's so exhausted... Her wings flapped with all her might as the grootslang closed in on her, its jaw parting wide open.

She winced, glancing down below at the water, then smirked weakly, her horn brimming to life.

Fortunately, I think I made it far enough.

Cy disappeared in a flash of magic, leaving the grootslang's jaws to close around the empty air, and descend directly into the ocean with a tremendous splash.

She reappeared high in the air, in reach of the airship's railing. She reached out desperately with her foreleg, furrowing her brow and gritting her teeth. C'mon...!

Her hoof reached the railing, only just managing to clamp down over the outer edge. Yes!

Boyle and Mullet, who stood by the railing, watched as Cy-Twi grabbed ahold of the ship.

"Miss Cy!"

Mullet was the first to react, rushing over to where she hung on for dear life.

Cy bit her lip as she attempted a second teleportation spell, this time with the ship's deck as the destination.

She closed her eyes tight, her horn's magic flaring, about to encompass her body entirely... when the ship suddenly rocked, and she lost her grip.

Her heart skipped, her eyes blinking open as panic set in, disrupting her attempt to teleport.



Mullet extended his hand out instantly upon reaching her, leaning over the deck as his talons only managed to wrap lightly around her hoof... before it slipped out of his grasp.

His heart dropped, and he immediately looked to his feet, grabbing—and nearly fumbling a second rope bolted to the deck that they used for rappelling.

She fell with a terrified shriek, her heart pounding, her mind racing and doing its best to formulate a plan.

What to do what to do what to do? she fretted over and over again in her head in a frenzy. My wings are weak, my body's exhausted... She gulped, watching as Mullet grew further and further away. Is this... how it ends—?


Cy's gaze widened, staring in misty-eyed disbelief at the source of the voice.


Celaeno grinned down at the pony, despite having a slightly strained expression upon her face. The moment she had witnessed Cy about to fall, leaped into action, grabbing her rope with one hand, and using her clawed feet as anchors, ran across the hull of the ship to where Cy fell, grabbing hold of her prosthetic foreleg in the nick of time.

"That was some entrance!" Celaeno remarked. "You find what you were looking for?"

Cy let out a disappointed sigh, shaking her head.

"No..." she admitted drearily. "The only thing I ended up finding was trouble."

"You don't say."

Celaeno grunted, mustering her strength and, with a mighty heave, lifted Cy up beside herself. Here," she urged. "Wrap your arm over my shoulder, and hold onto me tight. I'm about to let go of your other arm, alright?"

Cy swallowed hard, nodding nervously as she did exactly as Celaeno instructed. The pirate captain let go of her cybernetic foreleg, and without wasting a second, Cy threw it around her free shoulder, her forelegs wrapping themselves securely over Celaeno's shoulders, and around her upper back.

Celaeno breathed out a sigh, looking above her. "Now we just need to wait for the boys to pull us up," she mused aloud. "Good thing these ropes are sturdy... Say," she wondered, looking back down at Cy with an inquisitive stare. "What was that monster anyway... and why was it—?"

A huge splash of water erupted upwards from the ocean below, the monster in question emerging with a mighty roar.

"Well, speak of the devil..." Celaeno murmured as both she and Cy stared at the monster, unnerved.

"I was hoping it wouldn't be able to swim," Cy muttered under her breath, drawing Celaeno's curiosity.

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean," Cy reiterated, "that that thing emerged from the desert, presumably its natural habitat. There's barely any water in the desert, so—"

Celaeno deadpanned. "Y-yeah, I know how deserts work, Cy-Twi."

"R-right. In either case," she continued, "the creature seemed blinded by rage. I thought maybe the water at the very least would help it regain its senses, but..." She watched solemnly as the grootslang advanced towards the shore of Casabronco. "I'm sorry."

Celaeno's brow crinkled in confusion. "Your—?"

Cy ignited her horn, closing her eyes. Celaeno looked at her in puzzlement for a moment more before peering back at the grootslang, and her brow raised, staring in awe and stunned silence at the grootslang's body slowly crystalizing.

Light pink crystals materialized around the serpent's body like a cocoon, encasing its thrashing body from the tail up.

The grootslang reacted in curiosity at first, feeling its body being weighed down. It roared out, swiping at the crystal plates with its claws, however to no avail as the crystals continued to grow.

They spread up to its underarms, causing its arms to stiffen in place, before progressing further, up its neck. It only managed to get out one final, defiant roar, before the crystals encased its body entirely... and it began to sink into the watery abyss like a sinking stone.

A cold shiver ran down Celaeno's spine as her gaze lingered on the crystalized monster, watching as it sunk below the water's surface, and continued to stare even after it disappeared from view, shaken by the sight.

Cy breathed out shakily, reopening her eyes.

"I know this mission didn't go exactly as planned..."

Celaeno snapped out of her reverie, turning to look at Cy-Twi in curiosity.

"I didn't mean to awaken that monster," Cy continued. "I didn't mean for all of this to escalate, or... o-or for any of this to turn out the way it did, I just..." She sniffled, lowering her gaze as her voice broke. "I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused you and the others, and... and if you choose to rescind my position, I—"

"Cy-Twi," Celaeno remarked firmly, in a slightly raised tone that cut Cy off mid-sentence. She huffed, looking at the scared, saddened pony for a long moment... before rolling her eyes and brandishing a sympathetic smile. "Yes, you caused quite the stir back there... but you know what?"

Cy's gaze remained averted as she softly shook her head, sniffling.

"Before you showed up, we were being cornered by Prince Abraxas and several of his troops."

Cy blinked, her eyes opening wide as she turned to face Celaeno in astonishment.

"W-wait... That's who that was?"

"Mhm." Celaeno nodded, unable to help but laugh softly. "I was seriously hoping for a distraction, and was worried I was gonna have to fight my way out of there—at least I was, before you showed up."

"S-so in other words... I helped provide the distraction you needed..."

"Your timing was impeccable, Cy," Celaeno went on to say. "Even if it was an accident, you still seriously saved my skin back there. Combine that with all that loot you snagged for us... and I'll say you're more than welcome among my ranks. Just so long as you don't go acting on your own again," she added with a sly wink.

Cy stared back at her captain with an astounded look on her face, Celaeno's words doing wonders to raise her morale as a slight grin began to spread.

"A-aye-aye, Captain!" she stammered out profusely with a firm nod. Her excitement died down, her grin softening to a content smile. "Thank you..."

Celaeno returned the gesture with a halfhearted smile of her own, before redirecting her attention back up towards Boyle and Mullet.

"What's the hold up, boys?"

"Nngh... Working on it, Captain!" Boyle shouted back at her through strained grunts, as both he and Mullet continued pulling the rappel rope up and over the side of the ship, hoisting their captain and Cy up little by little.

Celaeno let out a sigh in acceptance, lowering her gaze back to Cy and the scenic, ocean view. "So..." she started, silence setting in fast as she searched for something to talk about. "Wings, huh?"

"Huh?" Cy looked back at her in surprise for a second, before peering down at the feathery limbs in question. "Y-yeah. I uh, didn't want to reveal them unless I had to. I'm trying to keep a low profile... you know?" she added with a sheepish grin.

"Low profile...?" Celaeno furrowed her brow, looking at her skeptically with a slight tilt of her head. "Okay, I think it's time you came clean. What's your deal?" she asked. "Who are you exactly?"

Cy stared back into the captain's eyes, unamused. "Ergo, you want to know if my past will pose an eventual threat to you or your crew," Cy remarked knowingly.

"Eh, more or less." Celaeno replied, confirming the mare's suspicions. "But I would also like to know what's up with you having both wings and a horn, as well as all your crazy powers."

Cy-Twi sighed out in defeat, relenting. "Fine," she agreed, averting her eyes begrudgingly. "Fine, just... not now, and... I'd prefer if we could talk in private about this."

Private? Celaeno wondered briefly, before shrugging off the request. "Sure," she agreed. "Whatever it takes."

"Cool, cool..." Cy breathed out in relief, falling silent. "Oh," she added as another thought dawned on her, "and just a heads up... It's... kind of a long, and... rather incredulous story."

Celaeno snorted in amusement. "Yeah, well... Us pirates love ourselves good stories—especially tall tales."

As the two of them nearly reached the starboard railing, coming within arms reach of Mullet and Boyle, Celaeno slipped into thought for a but a brief moment.

Wings and a horn, akin to the sun princess of Equestria... and the ability to crystallize living beings... Who only knows what else she's hiding... Boyle took her right hand—her left hand still gripping the rope tightly as he helped her step aboard. Mullet in the meantime, gently grabbed Cy by her sides, lifting her off their captain before setting her down on the deck of the ship.

Well, whatever the case, one thing remains certain. Magic never... ceases to be unpredictable.

She stepped aboard—her left leg wobbly and hands sore—and gazed down at Cy, all the while thanking Boyle and Mullet, and reassuring her crew that she was alright.

However, unbeknownst to Celaeno, she didn't know how right she was, as back on Farasi, past the mountains and deep into the desert... the interdimensional rift that Cy had abandoned continued setting off sparks, and distorting bizarrely, growing larger in size.

From somewhere deep within the portal, an enormous shape breached the rift, little by little eclipsing the surrounding desert landscape.

The creature floated effortlessly through the portal, letting out a single, ominous, guttural sound—akin to that of a whale's song... before proceeding in the direction of the ocean, in pursuit of a certain otherworldly magic...

Abraxas stood on the shore of Casabronco, watching in stunned awe of the grootslang's crystalized body sinking into the ocean before his very eyes.

"Those were no ordinary pirates..."

"Uh, Sir...?"

Abraxas snapped out of his astonishment, turning to face a member of his royal guard.

"What it is, Stony Steppe?"

"Shall we pursue them?"

Abraxas remained silent, considering the guard's suggestion.

"No," he replied at last, after a couple of long moments in contemplation. He looked out at the ocean, and at the pirate ship slowly fading further and further from view. "Those pirates just killed a grootslang like it was nothing... Going after them would no doubt be suicide."

"Then, with all due respect, Prince... Is that why you didn't just order their arrest on the spot?"

"I wasn't aware they were they were even packing such power initially," he admitted truthfully. "I guess... I just find it amusing, watching criminals try and weasel their way out of trouble. And honestly, I didn't know that pirate pony would show herself like that, much less with a grootslang in hot pursuit... Had it not been for that, we would've had that captain of theirs dead to rights." He sighed out, shrugging off the thought. "Well, no use in fretting over it. Let's just be thankful that none of us were injured. Instead, let us assess our losses, as well as attend to any damages caused by the grootslang's rampage."

"Yes sir!" the guard replied with a firm salute, before growing a little hesitant. "Oh, but... Sir? I'm not sure anything was stolen."

Abraxas looked at his royal guard curiously, his brow furrowing. "What are you saying, Steppe?"

"I'm saying that, when we first entered the villa, nothing seemed out of sort. The markets and cafes all seemed well-stocked, nothing seemed ransacked..."

"So... what? What else could they have possibly stolen? Our trash?"

"Well, I do hear that dumpster diving is a popular hobby among some..." Stony began, before shrinking back under Abraxas's mirthless expression. "M-more so to the point however... Not necessarily trash, just... perishables, foods slightly past their shelf date, and products with cosmetic damages."

"So... trash?" Abraxas reiterated.

"Well, technically speaking, yes."

"Hmph. Well, we'll still have to verify that claim, just to be sure. After all, what kind of pirate steals trash and not treasure?"

As the two turned around, leaving the shore and heading inland to regroup with the others... a huge shadow darkened the land, stopping them in their tracks, and turning their eyes skyward.

This time... it was no airship that grabbed the collective attention of Farasi's inhabitants.

Comments ( 1 )

OH MY GOODNESSSS IT'S HERE!! I'm so proud of you! I am definitely looking forward to reading this sequel. I know your works and they have always satisfied me.

Just want to drop here that I really appreciate the hard work you put out for the fandom, even though I'm not in it anymore. I will continue to support your works because they truly do make me happy. Brohoof! /) :heart:

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