• Published 24th Feb 2014
  • 3,720 Views, 117 Comments

Pirates of Equestria: Dead Stallion's Chest - The Phantom Joker

Captain Rainbow Dash must seize the fabled Dead Stallion's Chest or else be sent to Spike Jones' Locker. Meanwhile, Shining Armor must find Rainbow Dash or else he and Cadence will be hung.

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Currency of the Realm

Shining Armor, having been made to swim all the way from the ship to shore for some unknown reasons, walked around The Black Pearl, which had run aground on the pale white beaches of the small island.

“Rainbow! Rainbow Dash!” called Shining Armor as he reached the bow of the ship. “Scootaloo! Cotton Fluff! Anypony?”

“They’re not here,” came a voice from above him. Shining Armor turned and searched for the voice. He found Dash, the monkey, climbing on the rigging of the ship.

“Well, where are they, then?” asked Shining Armor.

“Well… they went into the jungle a while ago and I haven’t seen them since. Something happened, though, I’ve seen the mute’s parrot flying around… minus the mute.” said Dash, nodding her head towards the great expanse of green behind Shining.

“Thank you, Dash,” said Shining Armor, before venturing towards the jungle. As he reached the very edge of the jungle, Cotton Fluff’s parrot landed on a nearby rock, looking terrified.

“Ah, another familiar face!” said Shining Armor, making his way towards the multicoloured bird.

“Don’t eat me!” begged the parrot, jumping back from Shining as he neared.

“Why would I eat you?” asked Shining Armor.

“Don’t eat me!” repeated the parrot.

“All right, look, if you see Rainbow Dash, Applejack, or anypony from the crew, tell them Shining Armor’s looking for them…aaand I’m talking to a pidgeon- er, parrot, great..” Muttered Shining Armor as he continued deeper into the jungle.

As he journeyed into the jungle, Shining soon came across a familiar-looking flask.

“Applejack…” whispered Shining Armor, noticing a cord of some kind attached to the neck of the flask. 'What’s this?' He thought as he followed the cord further into the jungle, before he came to its end.

'What the heck…?' thought Shining Armor, right before a ritualistic-looking changeling appeared out of nowhere, letting out a shrill sheriking sound.

“Yaaah!” yelled Shining Armor, jumping backwards… right onto an ankle rope trap, which hoisted him high into the air.
Out of the jungle came more Barbarian Changelings, each holding spears and other assorted tribal weapons. Each was aimed directly at Shining Armor, who started swinging his sword wildly around.

“Come on! Who wants some?! I can do this all day!” Yelled Shining Armor.

With a look from one of his fellows, a Barbarian Changeling shot a dart at Shining Armor, who lost consciousness almost instantly…

About an hour later…

Shining Armor woke up to find himself hog tied to a long pole that was being carried into what was, without a doubt, the Barbarian Changelings’ village. Sitting on a throne wearing a feathered tribal hat of some sort and with ritualistic paintings on her face was on all-too-familiar sky-blue pegasus mare with a rainbow-colored mane and tail.

“Rainbow? Ha ha! Rainbow Dash! I can honestly say I’m glad to see you!” said Shining Armor.

Rainbow got off her throne and walked around Shining Armor, glaring down at him with little interest.

“Rainbow! It’s me! Shining Armor!” said Shining Armor.

Rainbow then began chittering in the same language as the Barbarian Changelings. She walked towards Shining Armor’s private area and said what sounded like, “...unichy, snip, snip.”

“Ahh… Unichy,” said the Barbarian Changelings as one.

Shining Armor, not having a clue what was going, saw Rainbow’s compass hanging from her neck on a string. “Rainbow, the compass!
That’s all I need! Cadence is in danger! We were arrested for helping you! She faces the gallows!” said Shining Armor.

Rainbow stopped walking for a moment and seemed thoughtful. She then spoke to the Barbarian Changelings in their language, saying what sounded like, “...savvy? For licky licky.”

“For licky licky!” cried the Barbarian Changelings.

Before the Changelings started carrying Shining Armor off, Rainbow Dash whispered, “Save me! Please!”

“Rainbow! What did you just tell them!? Where are they taking me?! What about Cadence?! Rainbow! RAINBOOOOW!” Yelled Shining Armor as he was taken further and further away from Rainbow.

Meanwhile, at the Port Royal prison...

Cadence sat far away from the barred side of her cell, where several captured pirates were attempting to reach out and grab her, when her father opened her cell door.

"Come quickly," said Governor Mi Amore, unlocking her cell door, allowing Cadence to exit.
As they moved down the barren halls of the fort, Cadence asked, “What’s happening father?”
“Our name still has some standing with Celestia. I’ve arranged passage to Equestria, the captain is a friend of mine,” said Mi Amore.
“No! Shining Armor’s gone to find Rainbow-” said Cadence.
“We cannot count on Shining Armor Sparkle! Trixie has offered one pardon only. One and that is promised to Rainbow Dash,” said Mi Amore as they arrived at a carriage. “Even if Shining Armor succeeds, do not ask me to endure the sight of my only daughter walking to the gallows, Do. Not. Perhaps I can arrange a fair trial for Shining Armor if he returns.”
Cadence, now in the carriage, scowled at her father. “A fair trial for Shining Armor ends in a hanging,” she said.
“Then, I’m sorry, but there’s nothing left for you here,” said Mi Amore as he shut the door and got into the driver’s seat. After a short trip down to the harbor, Governor Mi Amore found his friend standing there, seemingly lost in thought
"Wait inside," he told Cadence before slowly approaching the pony in question. "Captain Hawkins?" he said.
The pony fell over, having been stabbed and propped up by Lieutenant Mercer, one of Trixie’s minions.
"Evening, Governor. Shame, that your friend here had to die but," said Mercer, before holding up an envelope. "He was carrying this. It's a letter to Celestia… and looky here, it's from you."
"No!" said Governor Mi Amore. He turned around just as soldiers began encircling the carriage.
“Cadence,” whispered Governor Mi Amore as he ran towards the carriage.
Mercer beat Governor Mi Amore to the door, knocking him to the ground. Mercer opened the door, only to find the carriage completely empty.
"Where is she?" demanded Mercer, turning towards Governor Mi Amore, who was in the process of standing back up.
"Uh...Who?" said Governor Mi Amore, before Mercer slammed his head into the carriage.

Meanwhile, at Trixie's manor...
Trixie entered her office with a lantern, having heard noises. She walked up to her desk, and found the box where she usually kept Letters of Marque empty...and she had a feeling as to who took them.
"No doubt you've discovered loyalty is no longer the currency of the realm as your father believes," said Trixie.
"Then what is?" said Cadence, emerging from her hiding place.
"I'm afraid currency is the currency of the realm," said Trixie, turning to face Cadence.
"Then, maybe you and I can come to an understanding. I'm here to negotiate," said Cadence.
"I'm listening," said Trixie. Cadence aimed a flintlock pistol at her head. "I'm listening intently."
"These Letters of Marque, they are signed by Celestia," said Cadence.
"Yes, and they're not valid until they bear my signature and my seal," said Trixie.
“Why do you think I’m still here? You sent Shining Armor to bring you the compass owned by Rainbow Dash. It will do you no good," said Cadence.
"Is that so? Do explain," said Trixie.
"I have been to the Isla De Murta, I have seen the treasure myself. There's something you need to know," said Cadence.
"Ah, you think the compass pertains only to the Isla De Murta and so you hope to save me from an evil fate. But, you mustn't worry," said Trixie, walking up to her partly completed map of the world. "I care not for cursed Everfree gold. My tastes are not so provincial." Turning to face Cadence, she added, "There's more than one chest of value in these waters." She then walked up to Cadence, their faces only inches apart. "So, perhaps you wish to enhance your offer."
Cadence placed the gun directly under Trixie's chin. "Consider into your calculations that you robbed me of my wedding night," she said, leading Trixie over to her desk.
"Ah, yes, I did do that, didn’t I?" said Trixie. "A marriage interrupted...or fate intervenes?" she muttered as she used her magic to sign and seal the Letters of Marque. "I must say you really are going to great lengths to ensure Miss Dash's freedom."
"These aren't going to Dash," said Cadence, snatching the Letters out of Trixie's magic and securing them within her wings.
"Oh? To ensure Mr. Sparkle's freedom then? I'll still want that compass. Consider that into your calculations," said Trixie.
Gun still aimed at the blue unicorns face, Cadence slowly backed away and left.

Author's Note:

Drop a comment, and drink up, me bronies yo ho!