• Published 14th Feb 2014
  • 2,702 Views, 18 Comments

Rarity Sprains Her Hoof Apple Bucking - SuperPinkBrony12

The title says it all. Rarity sprains her hoof while attempting to applebuck.

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Don't Try This At Home!

Applejack was worried. She had a bad feeling about this. "Now Rarity, you be careful." the farmpony warned "If you don't get the buckin' just right, you could sprain a hoof."

Alas, her pleas fell on deaf ears. "I am perfectly familiar with the apple-bucking process, thank you very much." Rarity replied, paying no attention to Applejack's warning "But while you seem to rely on raw power, I believe a certain amount of style is in order. It's really more of a dance if you ask me."

"Rarity, I'm warning you! Don't do it!" Applejack pleaded. But it was too late. Rarity happily hummed a small tune, all the while performing what appeared to be some sort of dance. Then she reared up, and kicked the nearby apple tree as hard as she could. A loud "Crack!" echoed through the orchard. Both Applejack and Trenderhoof gasped with shock.

An apple fell from the tree, into Rarity's basket. But Rarity took no notice. For at that very moment a sharp pain began spreading out from her back hoof. It did not feel good, and Rarity was obviously straining to hold back the urge to scream in pain. To no avail as the pain quickly became too much to bear. Rarity shrieked so loudly that all of Ponyville could hear her. The loud noise made Applejack and Trenderhoof cover their ears. "Horseapples! This hurts!" Rarity shouted.

"Are you okay Rarity?" Applejack asked.

"No! I am NOT okay!" Rarity said "This is the worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life."

"Well, I hate to say I told ya so, but I told ya so." Applejack said. She was worried about Rarity, but she couldn't help laughing.

"What's so funny? Can't you see I'm in pain?" Rarity asked.

"Of course I can, but I warned you what could happen if you messed up." Applejack said "Looks like you learned your lesson the hard way."

"Just shut up already!" Rarity said "You would not believe how much this hurts!"

"I'm sure it's pretty painful." Applejack said "Now, perhaps I could a bit of a 'damage report'. If you'll allow me that this."

"What are you going to do?" Rarity asked.

"I just need to see how badly messed up your hoof is." Applejack said "Hey Trenderhoof."

"Yes Applejack?" Trenderhoof asked. Rarity's condition had snaped him out of his love strucken trance, at least for now.

"Think you can help me out here?" Applejack asked.

"What do you want me to do? I don't know any first aid spells." Trenderhoof said "I'm not the most talented with magic."

"I'm not asking ya to fix Rarity's hoof. I just need your magic to hold Rarity's hoof so I can get a good look at it without making things worse." Applejack explained "Think you can do that for me?"

"I'll try." Trenderhoof said nervously. Taking a deep breath he lit up his horn, and tried to concentrate on Rarity's hoof.

The instant Rarity felt her hoof move she cried, and moaned in pain. It hurt so badly, and she wanted nothing more then for it to be over already. But despite fighting Trenderhoof every step of the way she was unable to stop his magic, and it wasn't long before her hoof was no longer pressed up against the apple tree. It now lay firmly on the ground.

Applejack examined the injured hoof carefully. She was no stranger to hoof injuries, having smashed up both her front and back hooves on several occassions. Most of the time from landing wrong after a rodeo stunt. "Oh my. This isn't good. It's just as I feared." she said with concern.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Trenderhoof asked.

"She should be, but she's sprained that hoof of hers pretty badly." Applejack said gravely "I've gotta get her to the hospital ASAP!"

"Well then, I guess I shouldn't stop you. Take care." Trenderhoof said.

"Not so fast!" Applejack said "I can't carry her on my own, and I doubt Rarity can wait for somepony to pass by. I'm gonna need your help to carry her to the hospital."

"But what do you need me for?" Trenderhoof asked "Aren't you friends with Princess Twilight Sparkle?"

"That may be, but this is an emergency, and you're the closest pony with magic." Applejack explained.

"You can't possibilty expect me to hold her with my magic." Trenderhoof said "Even the most powerful of unicorns couldn't do that."

"Who said anything about holding her?" Applejack asked "Look over there! Do you see that empty cart?"

"Yes." Trenderhoof replied "I don't see where you're going with this though."

"It's simple, I'll go fetch the cart. And then when I come back, I'll need to lift her up onto it." Applejack said "And I'll need you to ride with her, cause she's probably going to need to hold onto your hoof quite sternly. She's gonna be in a lot of pain."

"I understand." Trenderhoof said, already dreading it. But he was not going to let an innocent pony suffer on his watch. Besides, he'd do anything for Applejack.

"I've got the cart! Hurry up and load her onto it!" Applejack instructed, already having hitched herself to the empty cart.

"All right." Trenderhoof said nervously.

Rarity did not like being lifted into the air by Trenderhoof's magic, especially when it made her pain even worse. "Put me down this instant!" she demanded.

"Just take it easy Rarity, he's only trying to help." Applejack said.

"And who says I need his help?" Rarity asked "I can manage just fine, thank you very much."

"I'd love to see you try, but you're in no condition to be moving at all." Applejack said "You so much as try to trot on that thing and you'll be in pain. Do you mean to tell me that you'd rather limp all the way to the hospital with a sprained hoof?"

"Well, when you put it that way, I guess not." Rarity said. She stopped fighting, and allowed Trenderhoof to levitate her onto the cart. Trenderhoof then hopped up beside her.

"Hang on tight Rarity! I'll get you to the hopsital or bust!" Applejack shouted, and took off as fast she could. All the while trying not to make the ride too uncomfortable for Rarity.

Trenderhoof was amazed at how calm Rarity seemed to be. But the calm didn't last long. Rarity suddenly shrieked again, and grabbed Trenderhoof's hoof tightly. Trenderhoof fought the urge to pull it away.

Rarity, for her part, shouted and cursed all the way to the hospital. Her cries of pain could be heard everywhere.

At last, after what seemed like forever, but really wasn't, Applejack arrived at the hopsital. "Stay here while I go get a doctor!" she instructed Trenderhoof. She then unhitched herself from the cart, and ran inside.

"This is so embarassing." Rarity said, not long after Applejack left.

"It's okay Rarity." Trenderhoof said "We've all done stupid things at some point in our lives. I've actually hurt myself a lot worse."

"Really? Ow!" Rarity said, her sprained hoof still making itself known.

"Yes. In fact, I once broke all four of my hooves on a journey to Los Pegasus." Trenderhoof said, and he told Rarity all about it. By the time he had finished a team of nurses came rushing out the front door, moving Rarity onto a stretcher, and carrying her into the hospital.

"Well Miss. Rarity, I must say. I never would've expected to see you of all ponies end up in the hospital." Nurse Redheart scolded as she wheeled Rarity down the hall.

"I know. But I guess today is a day for surprises." Rarity said. The nurses had already given her an IV to numb the pain from her sprained hoof.

Rarity's sprained hoof turned out to be nothing serious, but she was forced to travel around in a wheelchair for a few days. The doctors warned her to take it easy, and not to try applebuck again without proper instruction. Thankfully, her injury wasn't anything serious, and the Ponyville Days festival still went as planned.

But Rarity learned two valueable lessons. The first was that you shouldn't change who you are, just to impress someone else. And the second, apple bucking was dangerous, and best left to the Apples.

She just hoped her friends wouldn't tease her too much about her "accident". She had been humliated enough as it was. Especially in front of Trenderhoof, who quickly apologized for getting so fascinated by Applejack. As he believed that was the reason why Rarity had attempted apple bucking in the first place. And he was right.

Author's Note:

I can't be the only one who was expecting this to happen when Rarity attempted to apple buck.

Comments ( 17 )

3945697 Yeah. I actually was expecting Rarity to sprain her hoof apple bucking in the episode. It would've been hillarious, but I guess had that happened it would've resolved the Trenderhoof issue.

This story made me laugh out loud twice. Very fun and the premise could have worked in the series.

Writing was a tiny bit awkward in places, and indentation in the beginning is a bit weird (looks like you hit the space bar after indenting). Other than that, pretty smooth read :eeyup:

I can't be the only one who was expecting this to happen when Rarity attempted to apple buck.

No, you wasn't the only one, I was kind of expecting that too...

Couple of bits of over-explanation, but otherwise, rather funny and enjoyable. :pinkiesmile:

Well I was expecting no apples to come down due to a flaw in technique and sprain her leg. Rarity is physically very capable if you think about lifting Tom, so she probably could brute force it.

This story caught my attention because it was the first to have the Trenderhoof tag after the site introduced it. I'm glad I finally found the time to read it, that was a good mix of serious and funny.

Not a bad story and it's definitely closer to what I thought would happen than what actually happened.

Author Interviewer

Tagged comedy, but it seems to be played totally straight. :/ I'm not sure what the point of this was.

5176725 How exactly is it played totally straight? There's at least some comedy in here.

Author Interviewer

Just a little with AJ taunting her and whatnot at the beginning. But then it's just "off to the hospital", with Trenderhoof trying to avoid being helpful. It's essentially what would happen if someone hurt themselves doing something like this. It's not bad, it's just not funny.

Not bad, but I don't think that hooves can actually be sprained; later in the episode, we see Rarity's hooves cracked, and she's not screaming in pain then. And we see horseshoes everywhere in the show; if they weren't used (as in, nailed to the hoof) currently and in the past, then why are they displayed so much?

5815477 Maybe not front hooves, but back hooves appear to be the equivalent of legs.

I can't be the only one who was expecting this to happen when Rarity attempted to apple buck.

Actually, quite a few expected that scenario to occur. Well, this is one of those stories that makes great use of Rarity's comedic talent, at times hilarious and touching, not unlike an episode of CBS' M*A*S*H (1972-83). I wonder if its comic style was on your mind when it was written as those of us who actually saw that show might agree that its style applied very much here.

6642623 I did not have M*A*S*H in mind when I wrote this.

:raritycry::raritydespair:Thepain! It hurts!

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