• Member Since 26th Nov, 2011
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Rated Ponystar

"You think you know me..."


Applejack is facing a dilemma. She's been asked a question by her best friend that she doesn't know how to respond to:

“Applejack, do you want to go on a date?!"

She decides to ask her friends for help, one by one, and learns more about herself and the connection she and Rainbow Dash share together.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 58 )

From the description:

Applejack is facing a delima.

'dilema' should be 'dilemma'.

how to respond too

'too' should be 'to'.

She decideds

'decideds' should be 'decides'.

i will be reading this later. right now I'm still reading the Great and Adorable Twixie

I don't even like this shipping, but you pulled it off! You are definitely getting a like and favorite, my friend.:pinkiehappy:

so far left field that I have no comment yet:applejackconfused:

I had a really hard time reading this story.

First off, and most obviously, this story has a really, really, really bad case of Ahtism - where you try and represent someone's accent overly phonetically. The problem is that, first off, it is incredibly distracting, secondly, it makes it a lot harder to read, and finally, in this case, it actually makes no sense.

The story is being told from the first person perspective, but she doesn't refer to herself as "Ah" - she refers to herself as "I". Likewise, my, not mah (and mah is really stretching it anyway; heck, Ah is already a bit of a stretch if you think about how we pronounce words spelled like that), and all of her accent doesn't really make sense from her OWN perspective. Just because you speak with an accent doesn't mean that you write with one, and while she would probably write using her own words, or tell a story with her own words, it makes little sense to transcribe her accent while doing so.

This had a major negative impact on the story.

Secondly, the story felt just... way too obvious, and not really very interesting. Rainbow Dash asks out Applejack, Applejack thinks about it and talks about it... but it is all just too low-key and slowly paced. There's nothing wrong with it in and of itself, but it takes way too long and it just... drags.

The dialogue wasn't very strong either, and the story wasn't very funny, lacking the sort of charm that the show has. Just because it is a more serious subject matter doesn't mean it should lose all of its charm and humor.

Sorry you didn't like it, but thanks for reading anyway and for your honest review

^appropriate response

I am surprised by Rainbow's backstory on how she was raised by tribalists, but at least it adds as an important aspect to her Loyalty.

Also, I do like it on how Applejack asks her friends as she retraces her memories regarding with R.D. and discovering the ultimate answer for herself.

Either way, I've enjoyed it! Too bad we don't see them going on their first date at the end of this. Oh well, the journey was nice enough as it is.

I commend you sir. Bravo!

I remember reading this on google docs and to this day it's still a wonderful read! Applejack's journey to understanding her relationship and feelings for Rainbow Dash wasn't corny or cliche. I enjoyed your twists such as Applejack almost dying, the way Rainbow was raised, and just how they both interact with each other.

I just really love all your stories.

Thank you for another wonderful piece! :twilightsmile:


Not sure if I read this fic already or not...

All I can say about this is 3 things:
1. I want a fanfic with Rarity judging flanks at a sleep over. :rainbowlaugh:
2. I'd like the tribalist thing to be expanded into a fic. :trixieshiftright:
3. This is a awesome cool fun story and I like it a lot. :rainbowkiss:

That is all.

*Reads description*
this could be pretty good.
*checks author*
oh, this could be really good!

This exact fic was already posted once before, :derpyderp1: may I ask why you reposted it? not that it isn't good, I loved most all of the story :rainbowkiss: but it's just a tad odd to repost the same fic.

“Continue, Rainbow Dash. Just let it all out.”
Clever Rarity.:raritywink:

1. I want this too!:twilightsmile:
2. Me too. As long as it involves Rainbows parents being bucked in the face by Applejack.
3. Completely agree.

It was a google drive link for a thread

No. Nononononononono! I THOUGH I GOT RID OF YOU, HARVEY!

Anyway, yeah, this was a fantastic story. I'm glad I took the time to read this. On Valentine's Day, of all days!

Applejack's accent was so annoying I gave up on this fic. Only got as far as the meeting with Fluttershy.

That's fair. I knew some people where not gonna like the way I wrote it but thank you for reading anyway

3943730 Ah I remember now, thanks for the clarification. :twilightsmile: I too thought that AJ had a bad case of the "Ahs" :ajsleepy: (Ah-tisim if you will) but it really didn't detract from the fic all that much, it's a big hang up point for some people but it's also easy to overlook. It works the same way as this it's not necessary and can pull you out of the story in bad cases but it's also not a big deal. That's my two cents anyway. :derpytongue2:

The whole internal debate thing has been done to death of course, so has pretty much everything else in this fic. It was basically an ok read, up until the whole "in one sentence" thing. That was a delight. After that, it was ok again. But the set-up for that one line is what made it so enjoyable, even if that's not that original either. Then again, it is hard to be original at this point.

In general, decent story with one great scene. Enjoyed reading it.

“I would give up flying for her."

I have to admit, the entire scene outside of the Boutique made me cry. It was a wonderful scene. Yes, the accent was thick and distracting and the story was nothing out of the ordinary, but the characters were well played out, so it really engaged me. Well done.

To this day dude I still think you should have won but I guess the over doing it on AJ's accent may have prevented you from winning but who cares I enjoyed this one the most.

After four months, the two of ‘em were as close as could be. Ah’d be lyin’ if Ah said Ah wasn’t a bit jealous that Pinkie had found somepony special, but Ah was more than happy for her.

Is it Cheese Sandwich? Please say yes!!!

"...And the author should have really come up with a better title than this one! Am I right?”

Yes, you are right, Pinkie.

Should Ah go out with Rainbow Dash or should Ah not?

Bitch, the answer is YES!!!!!!!!!

I love this story! Keep up the good work! :pinkiehappy:

I'm sitting here, before reading, wondering "What about that other AppleDash story? The half-finished one?"

But I'm not actually complaining. More stories to read, good enough for me.

EDIT: First part of the story just makes me think of the love letters in The Apple Tree, when AJ sees that her letter is written with pronunciation instead of grammar. It's not that I can't read it or understand it...but it's not like I need her accent written out. Especially not in the non-speaking, internal narrative.

Aside from that, well written. Not much else to say.

Absolutely charming. Glad you had it on FIMfiction otherwise we never would have seen it. Liked & Faved :eeyup:

I would give up flying for her.

Oh...my sweet Luna. That is...that's got to be the best thing I've ever read, as far as Rainbow describing how somepony makes her feel.

A pretty typical ship, but one of my favorites. And this story captures precisely why! Well done! Very well done! Fav'd!
:ajsmug: :rainbowkiss:

Oh, and here: have a moustache~! :moustache:

Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah

That was so endearing to read.
I rather liked the accent it made it real easy to read in Applejacks voice.

Wow. All these whining pricks.
Not sure I'd want to read AJ's thoughts without her accent. Just wouldn't feel authentic, especially in my head.

Also gettin' real tired of people complaining about cliches or overdone. That doesn't mean something is bad or gets docked points. "New" "innovative" "creative" is not the goddamn norm and expectation, it is the extreme outlier, it is a rare bonus. We judge stories based on their execution, not on how many times we've seen something similar. That's not fair to the story or the author.

All this aside, Rarijack is my AJ OTP. But I can recognize a good Appledash when I see one. Good job. I liked the looks back into her relationship with Rainbow most of all.

This didn't win? That sucks because this was really good! I really hope you make a sequel to this as I am very interested in seeing where this is headed.

A nice story overall, with a few technical issues here and there. Such as:

But you have to show her just how much you mean to her. Why don’t you say it right now, in one sentence!”

you mean "how much she means to you"

I realize this has been said before, but I'll say it anyway. One major problem, for me at least, was that you've overdone the accent. It just made it jarring and harder to read. It's as if you were insistently hammering in that "Hey Look, Applejack has an accent!"
I wouldn't go as far as to say it broke the story for me, but it definitely took a bit out of it.

And while I understand that this is meant to be a one-shot with little backstory and all, I felt you introduced a few too many "new" elements into the world. That Pinkie had a coltfriend came out of nowhere and was a bit too convenient, not to mention that bloody reception was just pointlessly... grim.
Saying this as someone who usually reads stories with more build-ups and foreshadowing, but the frequent flashbacks seems almost a bit weak, in that you introduce new stuff practically out of nowhere to justify something happening in the present.
That is not to say you shouldn't do this kind of thing, but again, I felt it may have happened a little too often. And they weren't always needed. That part with the tribalist was good for universe-building, yes. But this is a one-shot story. There's very little point in bringing that up. Not to mention it's bringing up a few too-convenient facts.

So yeah, long-story-shot, you've overdone a few things.

Nice Rated very nice.:yay:

What's this I think I have a pulse again *checks* yep this melted my frozen heart, now I feel warm and tingly

Dammit, I'ma have to favorite thus aren't I?
Holy Toledo! It's finally happened! Favorite story #100
Thank you for the beautiful story. While the accent made it a little hard to read at times, it was sweet and enjoyable.

I've never been a big fan of AppleDash, but this just made the ship for me. A fave for you!

Hearin’ Rarity sigh, Ah listened to her say, “Rainbow Dash, Applejack is your friend. Even if she rejects you, she will not hate you. But you have to show her just how much you mean to her. Why don’t you say it right now, in one sentence!”
Mah eyes widened, and Ah realized that Rarity had seen me. Before anything else happened Ah heard Rainbow Dash say, “I would give up flying for her.”

Omigosh, It Thawed My Frozen Heart.Sooo Beautiful That i could Cry :raritydespair: :fluttercry:

Tell Me HOW did you get these Beautiful Words for Rainbow to say :rainbowhuh:

AppleDash 4 Evur
:ajsmug: :heart: :rainbowdetermined2:


Is there any chance for a sequel? :rainbowkiss::heart:

Although I loved the story... This is entirely my fault but... I sort of whisper stories to myself... And I'm British... :ajbemused: Yeah. :twilightblush: But that's completely my fault (why do I even do that?) and as I've already said, I loved the story. Like!

And with every like comes a free moustache! :moustache:

A little bit different, but in
a funny sort of way

I loved this story. Very well written, and full of feels. :rainbowdetermined2::heart::ajsmug:
One minor note: every time Applejack says "Ah" it's capitalized, even when it's not at the start of a sentence. Did you use a find and replace on the word "I"?

3954460 I want to thumb up this comment again. Couldn't have said it better myself. Which is a really condescending compliment when you think about it... Anyways.

Beautiful. Seriously, incredibly beautiful. There were a few parts that really, really got to me, but the way you delivered Dash's line with Rarity... :pinkiesad2: I had to wipe my eyes a bit. That one got me good, complete with a prickling wave of goosebumps. The line itself and the delivery, so perfect. Well done indeed.

I didn't encounter anything that really jumped out at me, other than one moment where everything being written as AJ would say it became... apparent? I just became super aware of it for a sentence, which is mostly just me being weird, and didn't have anything to do with the story. /shrug

Please keep writing, I'll keep reading!

''And the author should have really come up with a better title than this one! '' ,there I lost it , and Pinkie broke the 4th wall again .
“I would give up flying for her.” , damn , too much liquid pride :raritycry: ,I am a really ,really , REALLY BIG FAN of AppleDash and I think I felt the same as AJ at that sentence .

Liked and Faved :rainbowkiss: :heart: :ajsmug: AppleDash forever ! :raritywink:

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