• Published 14th Feb 2014
  • 8,590 Views, 235 Comments

Your Human and You: Dinky and Locke - MadMaxtheBlack

Dinky and her human, Locke, have adventures.

  • ...

Dinky and Locke

It was sunny in Ponyville, and the residents were out, making use of the warm, summer day. The beach was full of ponies, some relaxing on their beach towels, others swimming in the cool, refreshing water.

Sugarcube Corner had a steady stream of customers, ponies purchasing ice cream for their selves and their humans. They would gather by the fountain in the center of town, happily licking their frozen treat as the wind blew the spray from the fountain across the plaza, cooling the residents. Music from a small band playing in the gazebo drifted on the air, providing Ponyville with a happy melody by which to enjoy the day.

Foals raced through the town, laughing happily as they were chased by their friends, or by their humans. Ms. Cheerilee could be found sitting outside of one of the many cafes, going over her plans for the fall semester, waving happily to any parent or student who called out to her.

Applejack was tending to her stall, giving out a cold bottle of cider with every purchase. She was pretty sure that a certain rainbow maned pegasus had already made several purchases throughout the day, each time with a new and more elaborate disguise. She chuckled to herself with the knowledge that in a few minutes, she would get another reason to hold in her laughter as her horrible disguised friend fidgeted in line.

Birds were singing happily, flying through a blue sky that was dotted with a scattering of white, fluffy clouds.

Everyone was enjoying themselves, both human and pony alike…

...everyone, except one Ditzy Doo.

“Oh, come on! Just… ugh, I’m trying to… would you just hold still for one… ah, nuts.” Fighting to get through the bramble, Ditzy winced as the rough wood scraped against the underside of her belly. Carefully trying to avoid the thorns, the gray pegasus fought through the tangle of vines and roots, trying to keep her quarry in sight. With how gloomy it was within the borders of the Everfree, that task was easier said than done.

Her prey, a male human, was dancing around, just out of range of her hooves, wincing as his barefeet hit sharp rocks and twigs.

Ditzy had been flying over the trees of the Everfree Forest when she had happened to look down and saw a human wandering lost within the labyrinth of trees. Taking pity on the forlorn creature, the kind-hearted pegasus had flown down to assist the human, only to immediately get caught within the tangle of flora that made up the Everfree.

Silently cursing her troublesome eye condition, Ditzy grunted as she mustered her strength and pulled herself through the mess of vines and thorns. A particularly large thorn nicked her right flank, causing her to yelp. Gritting her teeth, she gave one final push, and was free.

Fluttering to the forest floor, she winced as the cut on her flank twinged when she put weight on her back legs. Ignoring the injury, she turned and gave the human a warm smile, “There, now then, let’s get you… no, wait!”

Turning, the human hurried off into the forest, crashing around the underbrush like a herd of elephants. Spreading her wings, Ditzy took to the air and flew after the fleeing biped, calling out for him to stop.

The pair raced through the forest, the human chased by the pony, for several minutes. As she flew after the human, Ditzy couldn’t help but feel extremely lucky that nothing bad had found them yet, considering how much noise the human was making. I thought humans were suppose to be agile, she mused as she watched the human stumble in front of her, arms pinwheeling to keep his balance.

Suddenly, the human dropped, and Ditzy inhaled sharply, believing that he had tripped, but that wasn’t the case. A second later, her eyes widened as she saw the large, rotten log that was suspended across the path.

The human had seen it approaching and had ducked under the log. Ditzy wasn’t as lucky and crashed headfirst into the rotten wood. She barreled through the log, tearing a hole in the rotten wood before she was suddenly jerked to a stop. Blinking, Ditzy squeaked, cheeks turning red, as she realized that her hips were now stuck within the log, leaving her hanging half-in, half-out of the rotten wood.

As she dangled there in an awkward position, face red, the sound of approaching footsteps reached her ears. Glancing up, she blinked when she saw the human standing a couple of footsteps in front of her. His head was cocked slightly to the side as he gazed at her, his eyes full of confusion and concern.

Scrunching up her face in a cute manner, Ditzy waved her forelegs through the air as she wiggled around, “Nuh… d-don’t just stand there; help me!”

The human stood there, staring at her for several more seconds before finally moving forward. Grabbing Ditzy’s forelegs, the human gave them a tug. As the human pulled on her forelegs, Ditzy beat her wings, and clenched the muscles in her flank, trying to squeeze her hips through the hole in the log.

As the two tried to work together, the old log creaked and groaned, but didn't give. Huffing, the human lifted up a leg and placed his barefoot against the side of the log. Screwing up his face, he gave one final, tremendous pull.

With a loud crack, and a shower of splintering wood, Ditzy popped free of the log. With a shout, both the pegasus and the human tumbled backwards, rolling off the path and down into a ditch.

The human landed on his back with a ‘oof’. The rest of the wind was knocked out of him when Ditzy collapsed onto his chest. Both just lay there, panting heavily, as they tried to catch their breath.

Somewhere, a crow cawed loudly, before flying off.

After several minutes, the human pushed himself up with a groan, causing Ditzy to tumble down his chest and land unceremoniously in the human’s lap. Maneuvering herself around, Ditzy sat up as well, and looked up at the human. Gold eyes met blue for a brief moment before a large smile spread across the pony’s muzzle.

“Hiya!” The human said nothing, only blinked down at the pony sitting happily in his lap, a look of bewilderment on his face. Now that he wasn’t running, Ditzy could finally get a good look at him.

The human was dressed in clothing similar to that of the other humans whose owners bought them something to wear: an old light brown shirt and dark brown pants. He also had, strangely enough, a dark gray hoodie tied around his waist. He had a shaggy mane of reddish-brown hair atop his head, as well as a scraggly beard, minus the mustache. A speckling of freckles covered his cheeks.

He looked down at Ditzy with deep blue eyes that seemed to sparkle in the gloom. Tilting his head to the side, the human chirped softly. This just caused Ditzy to giggle, her smile widening.

“What are you doing out here?” she asked, causing the human to tilt his head to the other side, which only caused her to laugh louder. “Where’s your owner?”

The human said nothing; he just sat there.

Somewhere nearby, something moved through the underbrush, snapping a branch underfoot. Ditzy glanced around, laughing nervously, “eheheh… let’s get back to Ponyville and see if we can’t find your owner, ‘kay?”

Once again, the human said nothing, but he did stand up, causing Ditzy to tumble to the ground with a squeak. Shaking the mane out of her face, Ditzy glanced up at the human, confused. He just stood there, looking down at her as if waiting for something.

Ditzy’s ear twitched as she got to her hooves, “What are you up to?” When she got no reply (because, once again, the human said nothing), Ditzy just shook her head, spread her wings and took to the air.

Hovering in front of the human, she let out a yelp as she felt something tug on her tail. Blushing, she glanced down to see that the human had grabbed a hold of it with his hand, and was looking at her expectantly. Ditzy blinked several times, before it dawned on her what the human was doing.

“Oh, okay,” she said, a smile spreading across her face. “Just follow me and we’ll get out of here in no time!”

Turning, Ditzy began to fly forward slowly. The human held onto her tail with an outstretched arm, following behind the pegasus as she flew along in front of him. With that, the pair made their way out of the underbrush and back onto the path. Slowly, they began the long trek back towards Ponyville; the human following the pegasus, who was humming happily to herself.

~ ~ ~ ~ > > < < ~ ~ ~ ~

“Well, Ms. Doo, everything appears to check out alright,” Nurse Redheart said, eyeing the clipboard in front of her. “A few minor cuts and bruises, nothing major. He’s definitely not malnourished, which is unfortunately common in abandoned humans. There are a couple of scars on his back and chest that we were worried about, but he shows no signs of aggression when we tested him for it. All-in-all, without doing a thorough check-up, he appears to be in fine condition, as far as we can tell.”

Lowering the clipboard, the nurse smiled at Ditzy, who was currently sitting onto the examination table. Beside her, also sitting on the table, was the human she had found in the Everfree Forest.

Once the pair had emerged from the forest, Ditzy had immediately taken the human to Ponyville General. Due to it being a slow day, Nurse Redheart had been with the pair within five minutes. A quick check-up had shown that the human was in good health, and extremely docile (especially considering that one incident where Redheart had accidentally stepped upon his ‘little friend’).

“Is there anything else you need done while you’re here?” Nurse Redheart asked, a warm smile on her face. Tapping her hooves together, Ditzy glanced sideways at the human before looking back at Redheart.

“Is there a way I can try to find his owner?” she asked hopefully. “I would hate to think that somepony was missing him.” Redheart tapped her chin with a hoof, humming thoughtfully.

“There are ways,” she said, eyeing the human. “But I don’t think you will get any success with them.” Blinking, Ditzy gave the nurse a confused look.

“Why not?”

“You said you found him in the Everfree. That means that, unless he’s been traveling a long ways, he’s from the surrounding area,” Nurse Redheart explained. “Judging by the condition he’s in, I’d hazard a guess that he’s been wandering around for about a week, give or take a day or two. We have received no missing human notices within that time period, and judging by the lack of brand or collar, we have no way of knowing who his previous owner was. If they haven’t stepped forward by now, I highly doubt they will later.”

“So, what do we do?” Ditzy asked, concerned. She glanced back and forth between the nurse and the human. One was chewing on their bottom lip, giving the pegasus a thoughtful look. The other was trying to get the top of the goddamn cottonball container open so that they could get to the possibly delicious white fluffy treats inside.

Reaching up, Redheart gently pulled the container from the human’s grasp, before she spoke, “Well, since we can’t determine the poor dear’s owner, that means that he is currently up for grabs.”

Placing the container back on the countertop, she turned and gave Ditzy a large smile, “You want to adopt him?”

Blinking, Ditzy pointed at herself with a hoof, “Me?”

“You are the one who found him in the Everfree,” Nurse Redheart said with a nod. “And he does seem to like you. That means you get first pick of him.” Ditzy chewed on her hoof as she looked over at the human, who was still pouting about his treats being taken from him.

“Well, I am financially stable enough to get one,” she said slowly, playing over the idea in her head. “And I’m pretty sure Dinky would like to have a playmate for when I’m busy. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that he’s really sweet and docile.”

“Not bad looking, either,” Redheart quipped, a small smirk on her face. Ditzy blushed, but didn’t let the remark faze her. Mulling it over for several more minutes, Ditzy finally shrugged and nodded her head.

“Sure, what the heck,” she said, turning to smile at Redheart. “I’ll do it.”

“Excellent!” Redheart said, smiling as she walked over to the closed door. Reaching up, she pulled a clipboard off of the rack located on the back of the door. Returning to the table, the nurse pulled the pen out from within her bun and gave it a click.

“Alright,” she said as she began to fill out the form. “There is just a few questions you need to answer before we allow you to take him home.

“Question one: do you want him to be neutered? It was clear from the examination that he hasn’t been neutered yet.”

“Does it benefit him in anyway?” Ditzy asked, cocking her head to the side. Redheart just shrugged.

“We tend to tell new owners to neuter their humans, as it tends to make them calmer and less aggressive. It also tends to prevent any territorial displays too. However, seeing how accepting he is now, that’s entirely up to you.” Ditzy scratched at her chin as she thought, before shaking her head.

“No,” she said. “Not right now. If he starts causing troubles later then I’ll consider it.”

“Okay,” Redheart said, checking something off on the clipboard. “If you ever change your mind, just bring him in and we’ll take care of it for free.

“Now, next question. Do you want him to be branded--”

“No.” Redheart blinked in surprise at the tone of Ditzy's voice. Ears splaying backwards slightly, she looked at Ditzy’s determined face and chuckled nervously. Glancing down at the clipboard, she marked it down on the form before looking back up.

“Last question before I can let you go. Do you have a name for him?”

“I was actually thinking about having Dinky name him,” Derpy said, giving Redheart a sheepish smile. Redheart returned the smile, nodding in understanding.

“That’s fine,” she said, tearing a page off of the form on the clipboard and handing it to Ditzy. “Just write down the name she decides upon on the form, and drop it back off sometime within the next week or so.” As Ditzy took the paper, Redheart clicked her pen again and tucked it back into her bun.

“Congratulations, Ms. Doo,” she said as she placed the clipboard back in the slot on the back of the door. “You just adopted a fine human.” Both ponies turned to look at the human in question.

Glancing up, he looked back and forth between the two ponies before humming contently as he opened his mouth, revealing that it was pack full of cotton balls. Redheart facehoofed. Ditzy just giggled.

~ ~ ~ ~ > > < < ~ ~ ~ ~

“Dinky! Muffin, I’m home,” Ditzy called as the front door to her house swung shut behind her. “And I brought you a surprise! I hope you like it," she said the last part mostly to herself. Beside her, the newly adopted human glanced around the living room, giving everything a curious once-over as he observed his new surroundings.

At Ditzy’s words, a loud squeal came from upstairs, followed by the sound of tiny hooves running across the floor. Seconds later, a small, grayish-violet unicorn filly with a light gold mane came bouncing down the stairs, a large smile on her face.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, the young filly froze, her golden eyes widening as she looked up at the human that was standing before her. He gave the filly a curious look, chirping softly.

“...Mom?” the filly asked. She didn’t sound scared or nervous, just confused.

“Say hello to the newest member of our family, Dinky,” Ditzy chirped happily as she trotted over to her daughter and nuzzled the top of her head.

“You got a human?” Dinky asked, tilting her head to the side, allowing her mother the chance to nuzzle her ear. The human copied the filly, and the pair continued to stare at each other.

“Yup,” Ditzy said, continuing to happily nuzzle her daughter’s head.

“Where’d you get him?”

“Well, I found while I was flying out over the Everfree Forest. After I got him out, I took him to the hospital to get him checked out, and Nurse Redheart said that he was probably abandoned. Since he was open for adoption, I decided to adopt him for you.”

“You got him for me?” Dinky asked in awe, tilting her head to the other side. The human copied her, never taking his eyes off of the young filly. Dinky was silent for several minutes as she studied the human.

Smiling nervously, Ditzy stepped backward, shuffling her hooves, “D-do you like him? I-I know I didn’t ask you beforehand, b-but it was a spur of the moment thing and I…” The mare trailed off, fidgeting with her hooves. Her daughter's lack of reaction was start to make her uneasy.

Dinky tore her gaze from the human and stared up at her mother with a blank expression. Ditzy’s ears began to drop and her heart sank as her daughter continued to stare unblinkingly at her. I should have checked with Dinky first before I adopted him. I didn’t even know if she wanted a human in the first place. Oh, this was a horrible idea...

Suddenly, a large smile flashed across the filly’s face and she squealed loudly, “This. Is. Awesome!” Leaping forward, Dinky wrapped her hooves around the startled mare’s neck, giving her mother a big hug.

Or as big a hug as a small filly can give someone.

Ditzy just stood there, stunned, as her daughter clung to her. A smile slowly spread across the mare’s face, and she returned the hug, her heart swelling with joy.

Breaking the hug, Dinky jumped down and approached the human, the smile still on her face.

“What’s his name?” she asked as she bounced around the human. He just watched the happy filly, his head moving up and down in sync with her bounces. Ditzy couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight. I guess I made the right decision. It looks like they’ll get along just fine, she thought before she spoke up.

“I was actually leaving that decision up to you.” Dinky’s eyes lit up, and she gasped.

“Really?!” Ditzy nodded, and the filly’s smile somehow grew larger. She clapped her hooves together, giggling uncontrollably.

“While you’re deciding upon a name, how about I start on some dinner?” Ditzy asked as she moved towards the kitchen. She paused before entering, and shot a glance back at the human and the filly. She hesitated, unsure whether or not to leave her daughter with a human she had just only met a few hours ago.

Remember the incident with Redheart and the human’s family jewels, however, set her mind at easy. If he won’t attack a pony for doing something like that, then I doubt he’ll hurt Dinky. Turning, Ditzy headed into the kitchen, humming softly to herself.

As her mother left, Dinky stared up at her new human in awe. The human just stared back at her, blinking occasionally, before suddenly sitting down on the carpet cross-legged. Dinky just continued to bounce in place, her smile still plastered on her face.

Eventually, she couldn’t take it anymore and with a happy squeal, she bounced into the human’s lap.

“Hi, mister human!” she said, placing her forelegs on his chest as she looked up at him. “My name’s Dinky!”

The human stared down at her for several seconds before a large smile spread across his face as well.

“Hi, Dinky. I’m Locke!”

Author's Note:

So, yeah... this happened.

I'm just telling you all right now, this story is not going to have a major plot to it, so don't complain, 'kay? It's just for fun, nothing more.

Also, due to the fact that I'm focusing mostly on the original Your Human and You story, I'm not entirely sure when this story will update, but, just like the the original, I shall keep a progress meter on my main page.