• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen May 10th

Gabriel LaVedier

Just another University-edicated fanfiction writer who prefers the cheers and laughter of ponies to madness and sorrow.


Nighttime. Luna's time. The magic time when she may wander the gardens of the palace to clear her head. There, a surprise is sprung. So unexpected. So shocking. So needed.

(A good old fashioned songfic, with two songs in evidence, one complete and modified slightly, one just started. The first is "All I ask of you" from Phantom of the Opera and the second "Catch the wind" by Donovon.)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 14 )

:raritycry::raritycry::raritycry: Dammit, Gabe! This was beautiful, funny and sad all at the same time! You weren't kidding!

... now to find those songs...

I love this community dearly.


Awww, that's a sweet thing to say. This was just a little fluff piece that I wanted infused with many emotions. Glad it worked out.

:yay: New stuff, woo! That was quite a cute song, though I could just not get a beat going, oh well.

Around the middle of the story you have Lime as Lima. There is also a lyric in the song that could be intentional or not, 'Anywhere you go let me go to'; do you mean it with to or do you mean it with too? It works either way, but I need to know.


Thanks for the quick fixes.

For reasons beyond my control I am working without a text editor. Just a bare bones writing program. No spellcheck and very limited capability to examine things well. I thought I had flushed out all the errors with a spot-check but I was wrong. I fixed the too error (I missed it and then copied it to save typing)

If you want a beat just look for "All I ask of you" on YouTube.

And thank you for commenting. I get so many tracks and so few kind words.


I know, you mentioned it a while back. And I have to comment, you write the best fiction this site has.


Well, I'm glad somebrony thinks so ^.^

Beautiful story, through I don't get the blindfolds... nor the end song.


The blindfolds are a practicality. Techically, Luna's relationship with Bad Apple is a secret, an official state secret, even. Hence that line from Vinyl. The fewer who know his identity, the better, despite Luna's own personal desire to shout it from the roofs.

As for the second song, it's been mentioned in prior stories that Bad Apple is looked on as the wind, blowing freely around all over. Luna is saying she understands but it still hurts.

Ah I see, that makes sense I suppose. If Bad Apple's relationship was discovered people could use him to exploit Luna...

Prior stories... that I haven't read... How are they like the wind?


Bad Apple drifts like the wind, blowing place to play, never staying anywhere long. In "The Equestrian Resident" it gets expressed that way to Bad Apple himself and by himself. In "The Unsuitable" Luna mentions it to Celestia.

Ah okay, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for explaining!

The mention of "cod" threw me for a moment, until I remembered "cod piece". She meant penis.
Good story, by the way.

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