• Published 6th Feb 2014
  • 20,567 Views, 855 Comments

When the Stars Align - Borsuq

Starburst, the daughter of Princess Twilight Sparkle, meets one day a pony that is an opposite of her.

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The Promise of Stars

Promising herself to avenge her father, Starburst broke eye contact with Starfall and concentrated solely on Dad. She landed beside him and pressed an ear to his chest. To her relief, Starburst almost at once heard his heartbeat, though at first she had disregarded it as the pulse in her ear. Because of her fear for her father, her own heart was beating like crazy.

Having assured herself that her father’s heartbeat was steady, Starburst quickly moved her ear to his muzzle and checked if he was breathing without problems, too. Which, thank goodness, he was.

“Stand still!”

The unexpected shout took her attention away from her Flash Sentry. Starburst looked back to see the colt surrounded by a squad of royal guards.

They must have come here after they’ve noticed the barrier had been nullified, she concluded as she stayed close to her dad. Or they just followed me, Starburst added with roll of her eyes.

The second option was highly probably, as Uncle Spike was there as well, staring with wide eyes at Starfall, Dad and all the defeated guards. Starburst’s friends had also came, and their reactions were no different. T was fast to snap out of it, though; he quickly placed himself protectively before Annie and Candy, the latter telling the former what exactly they were seeing while slightly shaking.

“Stay back,” Starburst heard Uncle Spike say to her friends as he moved to stand beside the guards, who were now all pointing their spears at Starfall… and who all were nervous.

Unlike her uncle. Starburst had never seen him so furious before as he was now as he regarded Starfall. It made her cringe with fear unwittingly, and that was saying much.

“Whoa there, gentlecolts,” the blue unicorn said casually, maintaining his relaxed stance despite being surrounded. His glowing eyes scanned the royal guards and the dragon with contempt in them and a smirk on his lips. “Let’s not do something we would regret.” He paused, as if waiting for them to put down their weapons. When they didn’t, he squinted his eyes. “You really should back down. Seriously.”

“S-seriously?” one of the guards repeated, dumbfounded by the statement.

“I have a deep appreciation for my personal freedom,” Starfall exclaimed theatrically, rising on his hind legs. Smirking, he spread out his forelegs at their surrounding, pointing the still unconscious guards. “As you can see. I told them the same, but they so stubbornly refused… perhaps, if you would know how hopeless your efforts would be...” the colt mused, then clapped his hooves. “Alright, listen up! I’m going to tell you something about my abilities. Seriously,” he added, smirking.

“Seriously?” another guard repeated.

“Seriously,” Starfall confirmed with a grin. “It’s not fun for me resorting to this, you know,” he sighed, shrugging his forelegs. “But what can a colt do when he is cornered like that… Now then!” Starfall snapped, his horn glowing with repulsive dark purple energies. Almost at once, a circle of black burning chains appeared around his neck, just above his bandana. “These,” Starfall began, as the chains spread; now they encircled his entire body, as if protectively, and their ends rose and turned to the guards, bringing to mind images of snakes’ heads, “are the Black Chains of Fear. They automatically shield me from any attacks, and I can use them to catch those around me.”

He extended one hoof, almost brushing the edge of one of the chains. “When they touch you, you will be overcomed with the feeling of fear, making you incapable of any action. And… if they ensnare your necks…” he trailed off, his eyes momentarily shifting to the ten ponies that laid without signs of life, the very same chains still on their necks; “you will be locked in your worst nightmare. Of course,” Starfall added, shruggin, “if you are of a strong mind and will, you can shrug off the effects of the Black Chains’ touch, and even break away from your nightmares… of course, such an effort, coupled with the trauma, will render you unconscious. Got to give it to the Prince, though; he’s the first pony ever to break free from my spell.”

Starburst felt her blood boil as the arrogant unicorn turned to her and her father and actually bowed. However, despite her fury, all she did was grind her teeth. If she were to attack him, she would end up like her dad, or worse.

Stay calm, she recalled her cousin’s words, and analyze the situation properly. Observe your opponent, study his strengths and weaknesses, come up with a plan. Then strike.

Uncle Spike, on the other hoof, cared little for “staying calm”. Being a dragon, of course, he was allowed to do that. “Just like King Sombra’s magic…” he growled, glaring at the so small in comparison to him colt with contempt.

“Oh, please, don’t offend me,” Starfall retored, snorting, and returning to standing on all-fours. “If the movie ‘Fall of the Shadow Tyrant’ portrayed him truthfully, his ‘dark magic’ was pathetic when compared to mine. What an idiot,” he shook his head, as if feeling pity for King Sombra. “He used the fear of the crystal ponies instead-”

“Is that the way to speak about your father?” Uncle Spike interrupted him, smoke escaping from his nostrils.

Everybody turned to the dragon, aghasted. Starburst eyes darted between her uncle and the colt he was staring at, trying to understand what she just heard. Starfall’s father was… King Sombra? The evil unicorn king who ruled the Crystal Empire, and who was destroyed by the power of the Crystal Heart long before she was born?

How could that be? Starburst wondered, looking at her uncle with doubt. Starfall is only fifteen like me, there’s no way King Sombra could be his father.

While everypony stared at him, Uncle Spike paid them no mind, concentrated solely on the one who had hurt his closest friend’s husband. “I knew I saw those red eyes of yours somewhere,” he said as the blue colt stayed silent. “But only now, seeing you like this, I realize where; when I was falling down from the tower with the Crystal Heart, I saw King Sombra as he tried to catch the Heart. His eyes weren’t bearing the characteristics a pony has when using the dark magic… and they were red with narrow pupils, just like yours!” Uncle Spike growled, flexing his claws against the ground. “King Sombra is your father.”


For all her rage, hatred and fury, as well as confusion due to Uncle Spike’s statement, Starburst was simply baffled at the casual response from Starfall. Everypony was, guessing by their expressions, even Uncle Spike.

“Would certainly explain my natural affinity with dark magic,” he continued, titling his head slightly and causing two ends of the chain to encircle him. “As well as why whenever I’d asked: ‘Mommy, where’s my daddy?’ all I’d get were evasive answers.”

A growl signaled that the dragon’s daze was over. “That Trixie… I knew she was a good for nothing fraud, but to think that whore would screw King Sombra-”

Neither Starburst or T, or their friends or anypony else present here could spare a moment to look at the normally eloquent dragon with shock. The very next instant the Black Chains shoot from around Starfall, aiming at Uncle Spike. Only the dragon’s quick reflex, honed with the help of Prism’s Mom once his wings had finally grown, allowed him to escape their grasps. Starburst looked at her uncle with alarm, but relaxed slightly, seeing he was unharmed as he flew out of Starfall’s reach, while the guards had finally backed away from the colt.

Nopony could blame them. The Black Chains around Starfall thrashed violently at the air around him. The dark aura emanating from his horn grew bigger, and the purple flames from his eyes shot higher. “Don’t you dare…” he growled, the overflow of dark magic disorienting his voice. It became deeper, bringing an impression as if it was coming from a deep void beneath the ground; “... insult my Mother!

As he spoke, another change came upon him. Clouds black as the darkest night began forming from his back, rising high, as the same ones began forming around his hooves. The ones above his back twirled and curled, beginning to look like-

Barely he finished speaking when Starburst’s uncle went on offensive on him. He backed his head slightly as he inhaled air, before unleashed green flamed on the surrounded by the dark energies unicorn.

Green flames weren’t the only ones that blazed through the air. There weren’t many occasions in the past when T would lose his temper; his mother raised him to be a perfect gentlecolt, and because of that, he was always kind and polite to anypony. Only when his close ones were being threatened did he act in their defense, but even then he preferred to solve the problems through words and reason. Half of their school still remembered how he made two bullies who picked on Annie when they were younger leave her alone and concentrate on him (which in turn ended when Prism and Candy used them as their prank’s targets for the next week).

As such, it really said something about just how dire the situation was when T unleashed his own flames alongside his father.

Starfall, as far as Starburst could tell in that split second when it happened, wasn’t bothered by the two streams of flames. In fact, he seemed to not even notice them. The Black Chains, however - which, as Starburst just noticed, now ended with tips that resembled in shape jaws of an animal of some sorts - had quickly rearranged themselves to make a net-like barrier between him and the incoming attack.

Then it happened.

A grunt came from Starfall, as if he was struggling against something. He raised a covered by a black smoke hoof and pressed it against his temple, closing his glowing and burning eyes. The smoke that had almost finished forming around him dispersed…

… and so did the Black Chains.

Her jaw dropped as she watched the two fire attacks come upon the blue colt. She couldn’t see him once they reached their target; their heat was too intense for her eyes to pierce them as see the burning body of Starfall. The one that beat her dad.

The one she had, for a brief moment today, considered helping.

The one who was once her friend.

“Whee, barbecue party!”

Starburst turned so quickly that she had almost felt something snap in her. There he was, safe and sound, standing atop of a spear that must have been buried in the ground during his skirmish with Starburst’s dad squad. He was balancing perfectly on one leg, keeping his forelegs crossed on his chest as he regarded the slowly disappearing flames.

Realising that what she assumed was his body fueling the flames was in fact grass, Starburst gave a tiny sigh of relief. She didn’t want him to get hurt. Well, not burned-alive hurt, that is. He might have knocked out her dad, but that didn’t mean that she wanted him dead. And that had nothing to do with him being his friend when she wasn’t old enough to speak: it was the royal guards duty to defend the lives of ponies, even such scumbags as Starfall. Of course, if there were no other way, the guards would have no choice, but such occasions had seldom happened.

Gazing at her adversary, Starburst noticed a small change; his eye were no longer burning.

He must have stopped using the dark magic, she concluded, eyeing him. But… what was that earlier? He suddenly grabbed his head… did he then stopped using it? But why? Starburst wondered, seeing that, despite having just barely eluded some very nasty burns, the colt was still as relaxed as always. If he hadn’t jumped with the Polestar Spell, he would have been lucky to be alive. A grown dragon’s flame can melt rocks in a matter of seconds. Why did he dispersed the Black Chains?

As she tried to analyze what just had happened, the colt continued to talk as if this was a casual get-together. “Though I think I will pass. I might have fangs, but the thought of meat causes me to have a reaction I don’t think I should mention in the presence of royalty.”

Only because she knew that acting rash would lead her nowhere Starburst didn’t lunge at him. She hated him. He beat her father, knocked him out, and now was mocking her. She couldn’t fathom just why about ten minutes ago she considered helping him. Starburst would personally make sure he will rot in jail for what he did.

Her Uncle was of the same mind, as he landed beside her, growling threateningly. The royal guards, after a brief hesitation, joined him and also faced Starfall. And they weren’t the only ones. T and, to Starburst’s surprise, Prism, joined them as well, was prepared to fight the dangerous colt. Wind looked as if she was ready to come to their aid - despite her still being shaken - if they’d need her, but for now she stayed besides Candy and Annie.

Starburst was torn. On one hoof, she wanted to stand beside them, her friends, family and her father’s subordinates to capture Starfall. On the other, though, she didn’t want to leave her dad’s side while he was still unconscious.

“Are you seriously gonna try and fight me?” Starfall sighed, looking at the crowd before him. His eyes stopped on Spike; oddly, there was no resentment in them, despite what the dragon had said earlier about colt’s mother, nor was Starfall bothered that he had tried to fry him. “Let’s see… if I recall my mom’s tales correctly, there was this purple scaly thing that Princess Twilight had kept around. That was you, wasn’t it?” The smirk on his face told everypony that he knew the answer was just asking to make fun of Spike… which once again brought questions to Starburst’s mind regarding his sanity and common sense. “I would have thought that the… whatever you were, exactly. Maid of the Element of Magic,” he smirked once more, though Uncle Spike didn’t take the bait; he was still standing still and observed the colt without any comment; “would have been a little smarter… and knowledgable. Or am I wrong that only alicorn’s magic can combat the ‘dark magic’ effectively? Of course, there is the matter that I only resort to that when I’m cornered… which I somehow don’t see happening right now.”

He was right; everypony knew that. Dark magic could be countered by pretty much only alicorn’s magic. And even if he wasn’t going to use it… the crystal Princess Twilight had enchanted was destroyed. Without it, nothing was stopping him from teleporting away. With his Polestar Spell-

Wait, Starburst suddenly thought, noticing something didn’t add up; why is he still here? He seemed reluctant to fight, even to the point of trying to scare Uncle Spike and the guards by explaining his powers. Could it be… that he cannot use the Polestar Spell while using the dark magic?

Could that be it? If so, then perhaps this could be used somehow…

Starburst mentally winced. Their best bet at capturing him was when he was at his strongest. This bodes well… she mused with irritation, her eyes on Starfall… and then she noticed something.

Starfall’s red eyes were on the ponies around him. He was observing them carefully, especially Uncle Spike and T. Unlike before, he wasn’t relaxed; Starfall was on his guard.

Why, thought? Nopony here is a match for him… and why is he still here?

As much as Starburst would have liked to have answers to those questions, the world was moving on its own. In the few heartbeats as she went over all that in her head, the guards took a step forward, reading their weapons as they were about to attack him. Uncle Spike once again drew back his head, preparing to douse Starfall in flames. Starfall’s eyes squinted slightly, as he readied himself.

Starburst was prepared to act as things were about to go down, when all of a sudden...


Everypony stopped at the sound of the voice. A voice that was strong and commanding, despite that the pony who uttered it was speaking quietly and was barely conscious. Starburst stared at her father in surprise, like everypony else just now realizing he was awake.

“Dad…” she whispered as he tried to raise to his hooves. He wobbled, so she quickly moved to stand by his side and support him with her body. “We need to get you some medical attention,” Starburst quietly told him, growing even more concerned now that she saw him be this weak.

If her dad heard her, he didn’t show it. His eyes were on the colt that caused him to be in such state, and Starburst, to her surprise and confusion, didn’t see him look at Starfall with anger as she supported him. No, her father was… what was this strange look? Flash Sentry was staring at the colt with almost blank expression, the one the royal guards bore while on duty, but… being his daughter, Starburst could see something else beneath that expression.

“Guards, everypony…” Flash Sentry rasped. “Stand down. Let him go.”

Starburst felt her jaw dropped, and with a corner of her eye she saw others mirror her reaction. Everypony was as much shocked as her. Everypony… save one.

As Starfall chuckled, one of the guards recovered enough to voice his concerns. “Forgive me, Your Highness, but we cannot just let that colt go.”

Under normal circumstances, Starburst would have stomped with approval. She had no idea what her dad was thinking, just letting a dangerous criminal go. Her need for to pay him back for all the insults aside, he was too dangerous to be left to his own devices. However… Starburst would never disagree with either of her parents in front of others. Especially not now as Flash Sentry was so weak that had to lean on her to stand.

“You heard my father’s command,” she told the guard that had objected, her eyes and voice hardening with resolve that made the grown pony back down. Turning to the other royal guards, she repeated her dad’s order. “Stand down, all of you.”

She might not be their commanding officer, that much was true. But she was still a princess, and she was repeating an order of their actual commanding officer, who happened to be a prince. The guards lowered their weapons, and more than a few of them looked relieved. Clearly, the prospect of fighting the little colt had became frightening in the last couple of minutes.

Uncle Spike also backed dawn, though he was looking at Flash Sentry with confusion mixed with worry. Starburst briefly exchanged glances with him and nodded; she too had no idea as to why her dad just chose to let the colt go. Not that it mattered at this point. He needed medical attention, not to mention the ten ponies who were still captured in their nightmares. Given their situation, she could somewhat understand his decision.

Still… something seems off with Dad…

While they had this little disagreement between themselves, Starfall had stopped chuckling. “Well well well,” he mused, smiling as he regarded her dad. “I am now even more impressed… not only did you broke free from your worst nightmare, but now you also managed to regain consciousness after… what, was it five minutes? And…” he paused, squinting his eyes, “you’ve figured it out, huh?”

Figured what out? Starburst repeated, glancing at her dad. Unfortunately, he wasn’t going to respond; his consciousness was fading away again.

“Guards!” she quickly shouted. “My father needs medical attention! Take him back to our mansion!” The guards snapped and trotted towards them. Glancing at their incapacitated comrades, she added; “Also, send message to Princess Luna recounting today’s events and requesting her assistance.”

Princess Luna was the only pony that came to her mind that could help those guards. Her dreamwalking powers would enable her to rescue them from their nightmares. Plus, with Starburst’s mom and Princess Celestia away on that peace summit, she was the only alicorn in Equestria, except for her daughter, Nidra, but the young alicorn wasn’t too strong with magic.

As the royal guards took Flash Sentry’s weight from Starburst, Starfall resumed talking.

“I don’t particularly like the way you were looking at me right now,” he said, once again getting the attention of everypony besides the guards who were preparing Starburst’s dad for the extraction, “but nonetheless, you’ve gained my respect today, Prince Flash Sentry,” Starfall added with short bow. He then turned away and began walking towards the Everfree Forest. “If you hadn’t tried to capture me, I might have even said I liked you. Have a nice rest.”

Starburst just stared at him, aghast. Did he… just… Did he just wish Dad a good rest from what he put him through!?

That was too much of an insult to leave unanswered. With her father now in the hooves of the royal guard, she spread her wings and lunged after Starfall.

She heard her uncle and friends shouting after her, but paid them no mind. She needed to do this.

Whether alarmed by the shouts or by some magical senses, Starfall realized what was happening behind him. Swiftly, he turned around, awaiting her.

In a heartbeat, Starburst stopped right in front of him, hovering in the air with her powerful wings. She looked into those red eyes with barely contained anger. “This isn’t over,” she told him, resisting an urge to just spit those words at him. “You will pay for what you did to my dad. Before the next day will be over, I will have you bound in chains and thrown into prison.”

Starfall listened to her speech with neutral face… almost. Starburst could swear that for an instant his eyelid twitched, but it happened so quickly that she might have imagined it.

“We’ll see,” he replied. He didn’t laugh or joke. Starburst knew why: he could see she was serious. “See you tomorrow.”

As if in unspoken agreement, they both turned around at the same time and each headed their way: she to her friends, he towards the depths of the Everfree Forest.

Author's Note:

Sorry that this chapter is shorter than usual, but when I got to this part it seemed to be the perfect ending.