• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen June 6th


Writer of The Day My Life Ended. Always working on my next story. Spotty with updates.



This story is a sequel to What My Cutiemark Is Telling Me

Princess Morgan Annie Spencer. That's my name. I've had it for almost 200 years (certain travels may vary). My sixteenth birthday is in about a two months and I'm bursting at the seems in excitement.
So, what's changed? Oh! I'm an alicorn now. Yeah. That's a whole other mess I don't want to get into. Lilac's ten now, aged slowly by the Traveling. Oh, but she loves it!
It's been nearly five years for me. It's had it's ups and downs. I'm still suffering from the loss of Darcy. I somehow managed to get a boycoltfriend, Bumblebee. He's hiding something from me, and I can't figure it out! I only managed to get him because of a message from Future Morgan, who never lies to me.
Strange things have been happening to me my whole life. It's hard to remember some of them. All I remember for sure is he is trying to ruin my life. He helped turn me human in Equestria. Why can't I remember? Rule Seven says I have to remember everything, and it pisses me off that I forgot!
I'm gonna fix the mess this bastard has caused. I'm gonna find a way to bring Darcy back. I'm gonna get Bumblebee back. I'm gonna win back Lilac's trust. I'm gonna fix all of this.
I Pinkie Promise.

Other Shows Traveled To in This Story: 'Seed of Chucky'. 'Doctor Who.'
The third story in the 'Equestrian Travels' Saga.

Chapters (29)
Comments ( 92 )

Can't seem to rate the story...

Seems the Traveler business is becoming more public.
Morgue is being quite a bit personal, and it's rather weird how extensively her actions are known in general.
Keep going! ;)

6325090 this is part of some new code Knighty is testing, where new stories can't get hit with a bad rating right off the bat.
Pretty sure that as long as you clicked thumbs up (once), it will eventually appear once a sufficient amount of votes (or time) has accumulated.

So his parents couldn't bring him Traveling? Intersting.
You know what would be devious? Morgue could totally pull him in and leave him there until he could Travel out....
Seth is still wrong, even if you are a freak that doesn't give the right to inflict harm. He gets no pity points from us.
Keep going! ;)

6331385 It's a Traveler thing. If his parents were able to take him with them, it would mean that he would never be able to travel on his own. It just basically means he'll be a traveler someday, but not today. The longest any Traveler has taken to go through 'puperty' was twenty-two, so he may not Travel for five years.
Lesson done.

6331923 ah, then I got it a little backwards?
Then that would be a terrible punishment indeed! ( cackles maniacally)

6325090 there you go, if you didn't rate already at least now you can see the current rating. ;)

6332216 It was a concept I developed in the first story with Lila. She finally Traveled at the end to My Little Pony, ending up joining Morgan in her version of the reality. I thought it would be a cool idea if Morgan was a prodigy who had it all, and Seth a child of divorce who didn't.
Thanks for commenting!

So someone's messing with Morgue's magic in the real world. Hmmm, heavy implications I think, since she's ascended in the pony verse....
Keep going! ;)

I thought this chapter was on par with the others. It was just nicely paced and I thought it was funny when she didn't believe Bumblebee was telling her the right name. I mean, she jumped him, then expected him to have his mind clear enough to give his name? I can't even remember my name off the top of my head sometimes...

I'm getting off topic.

I thought that you did really well in all of your stories so far, just keep doing what you're doing.

P.S. I may have just missed something and been too lazy to check, but I feel like DMLB ended with a random cliffhanger fight scene with Logan and Chrysalis that didn't line up with the beginning of DMLE. Am I just crazy?

6503692 First off, thanks for the comment. It was greatly appreciated.
Second, about your PS, no. Logan and Chrysalis did have a fight with Morgan, but they wiped Morgan's memory of the event, and stripped her of her pony disguise, so she couldn't come after them to kill them. (It seems strong, but what would you do to people who stripped you naked in a forest?) That was the starter point of DMLE, Luna seeing a human (Morgan) and sending the Mane 6 (plus Spike) after it.
Hope this fixed any confusion. Sorry ti took time to get back to you. Replying to comments on an iPhone is shit.

6505340 Cool, thanks for clearing that up, I probably just skimmed over it when reading.

Also, take your time replying to comments, people shouldn't take it personally if you don't respond right away, I know I don't.

Other than that, yeah, just keep doing what you're doing now, the story is great so far and I'm excited to see where it goes from here!

What if.... No, that wouldn't make sense, he can't Travel, right? That can't be Seth, can it?
Morgue being the Alicorn of Traveling makes sense, she's already proven her unusual aptitude for it.
Keep going! ;)

6516119 I like your line of thought. Not saying it’s right, just that I like it. Keep going.

6518829 well! It's not often my tag line gets thrown back at me! :raritywink:
Continuing this thought train, if it is indeed him, why is he here? Assuming he's a typical redeemable bully with a single target (we don't recall if he's acted against anyone else), it is entirely possible he is/was jealous-crushing on Morgue. If instead he's jealous-coveting her, well... It's going to be interactintersting either way. :pinkiecrazy:

Heh, long-lost childhood friend appears and Morgue immediately sets up a date. Now the question is whether a certain pegasus has anything in relation to this (though we still think it would be more poetic if it were Seth).
Keep going! ;)

I have to say, I'm touched that you would mention me (and tsaukpaetra). I appreciate it.

So, I think that Bumblebee is going to be a nice guy that just wants to get to know Morgan, but since when have I ever been right?

Next, I think that you did a really good job with expressing Morgan's emotions, especially regarding her relationships with her friends. Just keep on keeping on and your story will do amazingly well.

I also want to let you know that I bestow upon you the honor of my first fave. This is not something I give lightly, but it is wholly deserved.

Best Wishes- Knight

My Logic/Reasoning-senses are tingling and telling me the cocoon pony is Raspberry's mom.

In Chrysalis' thought it mentions that Raspberry's family is killed and then six years later she stops the invasion. The pony has also been in the cocoon for seven years. I believe it's been about a year since the invasion, so logically I would make that my guess.

Either way, you'll keep me guessing to the end, I'm sure. Just keep doing what you're doing and you can't go wrong!

Looking forward to the next one.

Best Wishes- Knight

6587841 Thanks for the comments!
And, that would be an interesting theory, but let me stop you there. The entire Stardust family died that day, with only Raspberry, Killjoy and Lilac as survivors. Ya know, until Killjoy died.
It was a good idea. I'm not gonna say who is in the cocoon, only that she's been in there seven years and Chrysalis does not want Raspberry getting her out.

Well, I still think it was a good guess. Also, I was right in saying that you will keep me guessing, so how about a hint? Is the pony in the cocoon an OC?

Feel free to not answer the question, it's a long shot.

But yeah, you really are doing a great job with the flow, pacing, delivery, and intrigue factor with this story. I hope my story turns out half this good.

Best Wishes- Knight

Hmm, if Chrysalis was smarter she might use this "brother of Cicada" in a scheme to purposefully enlist the aid of Raspberry. Why are these hitherto unknown characters so important?
Keep going! ;)

Better question, will she actually care? He actually makes a perfect match for her in a way... :pinkiecrazy:

I wish I could be that smooth...

*Ahem* Anyways, a great chapter once again, it was a nicely paced date and I like how "Bumblebee" kept Raspberry on her toes the whole time.

Also, the devilish twist at the end may explain a few things:

1) Possibly explains how he was able to read her like a freaking book.

2) The explanation of his family status, as that wasn't a lie. Also I like the pause before he says that his mother probably had another "one" child since he left. Because she probably had another hundred or so.

But yes, I must say this every time and I will say it again. You are doing an amazing job writing this. Your pacing is spot on, the content keeps the reader enticed, and the characters have amazing interaction. Overall, very well done.

P.S. I bid you good luck with your thanksgiving family dinner. If your family is anything like what is portrayed in this series, you'll need it.

Best Wishes

6672104 Thank you.
1. That was my goal. He was reading her emotions at various points in the night.
2. Changeling reproduction is never explained, but I feel like she would have bundles at a time.
PS: Headphones are a godsend.

6671886 An excellent point. Will Morgan care her boyfriend is a changeling? I haven't completely decided yet. It will be interesting though.


Indeed they are. I spend 90-95% of my time listening to music, including school hours. I have an iPod full of music, a phone with music and Internet access, and an iPad with music and Internet access. Thus, there will inevitably be at least one device that I can use at any given time.

Anyways, congratulations on surviving another family get together!

Best Wishes

So definitely not Seth, but possibly quite a bit worse, depending on how this plays out.
Is this the very same changeling that was specifically selected by Mr Bad? We might be mixing plots if it isn't...
Well, Thorax is definitely not unskilled, this makes him dangerous. We wonder how much he actually knows about Morgue's Traveler status, if at all...
Keep going! ;)

6678869 Thorax and the changeling selected by Logan are indeed related, yes. This is a somewhat important fact you need to remember for later.

Wow! I'm very intrigued by this chapter. I think that you did a good job of expressing everyone's emotions in this chapter.

That said, I still want to find Logan and slap that smug grin off his face myself. For some reason, that guy just irks me.

Anyways, keep up your good work, I am looking forward to the next chapter, this story is always able to draw me in. Well done.

Merry Christmas,

So he's been following her for some time now. That's going to suck when the collapsed memories are allowed to come rushing in...
Pinkies Matchmaking again!
Keep going! ;)

Wow, nice chapter. This looks like it's going to be a good arc, despite being off from the main issue in Equestria.

I like the dynamic you have going between Twilight and Morgan here, it is really well done.


"Ooh, teen drama! I'm so excited!"

This is so much better than actual high school...

Keep up the good work!

Best Wishes,

Sooo... Anyone taking bets that Cookie will end up turning into a griffen or something on the other side of the portal giving Lilac a new sister? :trollestia:

Well that escalated quickly. Looks like Morgue got sucked into the teen mentality too?
Hmmm, we can't help but think Twilight was firmly in the wrong here, and she did start it...
Keep going! ;)

Great chapter, as always. It was nice to see them finally make up after all of this tension that existed between them.

Looking forward to the next. Keep going!

Best Wishes,

that I had managed

missing rest of a paragraph around this text.

Bumblebee here is hiding things too? Hmmm.... Definitely interested in finding out the parallels.
Keep going! ;)

Hmm, she's getting awfully protective there, almost like she does with her daughter. :trixieshiftright:

Well, I called that last bit partially. :derpytongue2: Did she remember to remove the bag of holding enchantment on Fluttershy's gift so we don't have a repeat of the Friendship Games bloopers reel? :trollestia:

7228595 ...biscuits. She didn’t.

Wow. Looking very good. You consistently put out great content every time you post a chapter (and that makes me rather envious), and you always leave me wanting more. Your ideas, characters, and plot are all original and interesting and the execution leaves them engaging.

Overall, amazing as usual, keep up the good work!

Best Wishes,

P.S. I now have a FanFiction account and I'm about to start your Dr. Who fic, very excited about it.

Looking great, as always. I am very much looking forward to the next chapter. Keep up the good work!

Best wishes,

Whoops! Somehow this fell off our table!
Morgue has received several hints about Bumblebee, still hoping she figures it out before the reveal becomes too painful...

Now I just had to get my Bee to take off his.
This could explain all of the secrecy. Fake name, fake eyes, new home. He was running away! He ran away from home, and was worried someone would find him. That’s why he hesitated on the fake name, he was creating it as we talked!

Yeah, definitely denial! Her subconscious definitely knows!
That's one way to adopt into the family, huh?

Hahaha, the double-talk with Bee almost felt like she was trolling him, poor guy. A little confidence boost at least.
Keep going! ;)

Amazing as always!

I know I say it a lot, but I really enjoy this story, and Morgan especially so. Nearly every move she makes seems to be planned out and serve multiple purposes. Of course, you balance this oh so well with her mistakes and random accidents, as we saw in this chapter. These make her so much more relatable, and draws the audience in even further.

So I'll say it again. Great job! Keep up the good work, and keep the twists coming.

Best Wishes,

I haven't seen the movies, but we can share the excitement of new developments!
We wonder though, will Darcy be as happy to see Morgue?
In any case, things are looking up, soon Bumblebee will get a nice helping of morality conflict, and maybe eventually Morgue gets control of her magic surges!
Keep going! ;)

Curious, the concept of grounding should almost be nonexistent for Travelers. I mean, it's not like a standard person could really do anything to stop it, right? At best her mother could only give a look of disappointment when she returns...
Keep going! ;)

Wow, this chapter was filled with emotional turmoil, but also emotional resolution. A lot of the issues we've seen with Morgan get an explanation of the emotional drive behind them, such as the Feud, and Darcy. Overall, another excellent chapter, keep up the good work, I look forward to reading more, both on here and on FanFiction!

Best Wishes,

“Now. We need to have an overdue talk.”

he is boned.

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