• Member Since 1st Jan, 2013
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Metool Bard

A weaver of tales who enjoys a good story. What more is there to say, really?


Being a Wonderbolt doesn't mean you're infallible. It doesn't mean you always have to win no matter what. It does mean, however, that you have to set an example for other ponies to follow.

Spitfire doesn't feel like she did that at the Equestria Games tryouts. Even though her intentions weren't as callous as they appeared, she still feels awful about doing wrong by Rainbow Dash and Soarin'. Luckily, she has a great team that will hear her out even when she screws up.

My mini-epilogue to the episode Rainbow Falls.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 66 )

I haven't watched the episode yet, and only skimmed through the transcripts so I only have the barest idea as to what happened. At least from what I have read this may fit with all of this

You pretty much provided the perfect explanation for why The Wonderbolts did what they did. Though I think they did it to test Rainbow Dash. :eeyup:

3807311 Well, that was indeed my intention, so I'm glad I succeeded. :scootangel:

I'm gonna put it out there that this episode rubbed me the wrong way. I just didn't like Spits in it. This fic however is a nice little fix to that. Thank you.

3807335 Well if this fic is anything to go by she wasn't intentionally being a prick. Besides, it's a way of showing that Rainbow Dash's idols may not be all they're cracked up to be. They're broken aces if you will.

3807345 Well as my friend put it "Why does Dash need them?" He feels she is better than the Bolts could be. And she on her own is faster than any of them. She has even gotten over most of her teamwork issues. I personally like the Bolts, the other apperances seemed to hint at them being nice ponies, not the rather stuck up stars they revel in in Rainbow Falls.

3807352 Well The Wonderbolts seem to be very influential, apparently even celbrities. But they also seem to have something of a military background. In a sense they are kind of like the Equestrian equivlent of the U.S. air force, or more noticeably the Blue Angels.

Brilliant, simply brilliant.

I'm a bit surprised you could write this in just a few hours, and have it turn out as great as it did.

I envy you.

3807365 I think they also fullfill the role of Special Forces, givin there response to Spikezilla. So you know Parajumpers

3807374 True. In any case they're likely under a lot of stress, thus this is probably one of the few chances they have to do something fun. And as any veteran can tell you it's not easy tranistoning back to real life after a military life style.

3807383 True. I'm also a Spitfire fan and thus you know.....I just realized I'm in the same boat as Rainbow. I idolized Spitfire and was put off when she didn't live up to it.

3807367 Heh, thanks. Like I said, I've been itching to write another Wonderbolts story for a while, so when this episode came around, it gave me the perfect opportunity. :twilightblush:

Thanks for writing this. I too had a difficult time with how they had portrayed Spitfire and Fleets in the episode. Your story here mirrors some my thoughts in a blog post I made. Defiantly makes sense of things. I'm curious though, why did you go with Spitfire giving Soarin' a note, instead of telling him outright?

3807556 It was kinda supposed to be a parallel to how she gave Rainbow Dash her badge at the end of the episode. Plus, this was her way of putting the incident behind her discretely and without incurring any more drama. :eeyup:

This is a nice perspective from Spitfire regarding with the recent episode! Honestly, I was a bit at conflict with her character and motive, but at least she learned a vaulable lesson from Rainbow Dash once again and made proper amends with Soarin. Either way, thanks for sharing that with us!

Very nicely done, I really enjoyed reading this story my friend ^^

It really well created!

3807675 Surprise and Rainbow Dash related by blood? Huh. That's certainly an interesting take on things. Not sure if I'd go with it, but I'm not completely against the idea. :rainbowderp:

3807681 Again, that was indeed my intention, so I'm glad I succeeded. :scootangel:

3807739 Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:


I am not sure if you noticed it, but they changed Soarin's cutie mark...

3807774 I don't think Soarin's Cutie Mark was ever really shown prior to this episode. Besides, it looked close enough to the fan interpretation to me, so I didn't really notice the change. :applejackunsure:

3807774 I don't remember what Soarin's Cutie Mark is originally supposed to look like, but I've notice Fleetfoot having light violet eyes instead of green ones in that episode. Wonder what led the creators to that decision? :rainbowhuh:

Season 2 they showed it in the end with the photo, Soarin was there for the wedding in his Wonderbolt uniform. His cutie mark clearly seen and it was of a lightning bolt and wings. The male member mark of the flight suits. His cutie mark in season 4 been changed to a bolt hitting erm... Water... I think...

3807833 Yeah... I couldn't really tell what was between the bolt of his Cutie Mark. Maybe... blue wind? Anyway, thanks for the reminder on that from the Canterlot Wedding Episode!

Huh... now that Fleetfoot made a major appearance, I wonder if she'll have own Tag on FIMFiction.net? Fingers crossed!

Also, why couldn't they just use "Snowflake" as his name instead of "Bulk Biceps?" It's not like his parents knew he was going to be an over-muscular stallion from the day he was born, unless they were professional athletes themselves. Plus, wouldn't it sounded better as "Bulky Biceps?"


I know what you mean my friend about him and think Fleetfoot major part was cool to see as well Bulk having more words for a change. Not sure of his name though. Oh well... It also the change of a cutie mark too and that male alicorn in the Rarity episode.

3808164 I wouldn't get my hopes up about the character tag. I'm still waiting on Coco Pommel, Chief Thunderhooves, and Twilight's parents, just to name a few. :derpytongue2:

As for Bulk Biceps, well, did Fluttershy's parents know that she'd be a timid animal breeder? Did Twist's parents know that she was good at making candy canes? Did Twilight Velvet and Night Light know that their son would be good at protecting others? It's almost always a coincidence that the parents know what their child's special talent is going to be; I don't see why Bulk "Snowflake" Biceps has to be any different. I think the name fits him just fine, although in my headcanon, Snowflake is his nickname. :eeyup:

3808225 Yeah, I hope Coco gets her Tag as well. As for what you've just stated about Bulk, I'll get over it with his official name eventually and just treat "Snowflake" as his nickname. It was still nice to see him having a bigger role than just him saying his catch-phrase occasionally, though I still get a kick out of it whenever he says it. :rainbowlaugh: I know the show is emphasizing his tiny wings as a weakness, but wasn't he a capable flyer as a Wonderbolt Cadet? Well, besides that, I liked how he manage to overcome that obstacle ring despite his immense size; good development right there.

Speaking of which, it's about time they brought Derpy/Ditzy back into the show!
Even though the characters never did say her name at all.
And she didn't get say one word (even though her casual shrug was pretty adorable).
:ajbemused: Sigh... guess we can only take what we can get, huh?

3808164 That is the most ridiculous excuse as to why all you fans think "Snowflake" is better. Names in the show existing because parents pick them is something that never exists... in a freakin' cartoon! :twilightangry2:

You know, maybe the Wonderbolts aren't as cracked up as they intend themselves to be. This is precisely what happens when focusing on being number one is brought up first and foremost. There's no care or consideration amongst the ranks. In such a world, it's either be the best or don't even try.

Welcome to the real world. :moustache:


ill have you know im extremely offended snowflake having his name was a very dear part of my religion which is now crushed and ill most likely have no choice other than to live out the rest of my life as a humble cabbage picker you sir are extremely insensitive and you disgust me i have reported you to the moderatoration team i hope you learn your lesson

Well , I really liked this. Spitfire´s action this episode, kind of rub me the wrong way so it was interesting to see more depth into them. I like the way you write the Wonderbolts, there´s a real group dynamic between them.
Favourite :pinkiehappy:

This was so good to read!

It seems the fandom is trying really, which is nice to see

Wow. You actually justified Spitfire's actions. The way she behaved really rubbed me the wrong way (though not as much as Fleetfoot's did), and I feel this made up for them. She was sorry, and now I can forgive her. Props Metool, props.

Also, yay finally some Misty Fly love! She was nice; her being the Wonderbolts unofficial shrink is actually quite amusing. It's not something that's ever really crossed my mind, but it's interesting. Now who's gonna shrink her when she needs one haha

There's going to be another sacrilegious dose of Soarin' x Rainbow Dash fics after this episode. I don't know why but I really dislike that pairing for some reason. Maybe it's because there's just too much of it. Way too much.

I'm pretty glad I did not find yet another SoarDash story in the featured box, but instead I found this nice little story. Even though it didn't have SoarFire in it, it was a fairly good little story.

I suck at giving proper feedback, but have a like anyway.

3809675 Thanks. I actually really enjoy writing for the Wonderbolts, which is why I wanted to do another story involving them. In fact, one of the reasons I wrote Wonderbolts Under Fire was to flesh out the team a bit. :twilightsmile:

3810346 Trying what? :rainbowhuh:

3810640 Y'know, that concept with Misty Fly might be interesting to explore. I'll have to think about it. :raritywink:

3811160 ooh, it would. I look forward to it. :twilightsmile:

Correction, there is too little of that ship.

There is too much of THIS shit: :rainbowhuh:x:twilightangry2:

I absolutely support this. I really like Spitfire as a character, and the new episode really bugged with how she acted. You justifying her actions like that made me feel a whole lot better. So great story Metool. :twilightsmile:

3812718 Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. :twilightsmile:

Was supposed to be:
Seems like the fandom is trying really hard to like Spitfire, which is nice to see. :derpytongue2:

This was a good balance to the episode, where we didn't really get Spitfire's side of the incident.

There's only one thing I take issue with. You have Spitfire, Soarin', and Fleetfoot as the only Wonderbolts at the tryouts and being welcomed back by the rest of their teammates when they return to Cloudsdale afterwards. Since we know that other pegasi attended to qualify for other events (such as Rumble and his companion for the sprints), the other Wonderbolts would have probably gone to the tryouts along with Soar, Spit, and Fleet, to try to qualify for those events as well. Thus the whole team would have been there and made it back to Cloudsdale together.

Of course, that makes Spitfire picking Rainbow rather than another WB as Soarin's replacement a bit unlikely, but Rainbow is from Cloudsdale originally and she *is* the best flyer in Equestria, so I can see Spitfire choosing her over another Wonderbolt on another team.

I know. It's not that important and I'm overthinking it. Sorry!

3814056 Ah. Well, I've always been a fan of Spitfire, so liking her has never really been difficult for me. :ajsmug:

3814129 It's alright; I don't mind. I like over-thinking things. :rainbowwild:

Anyway, while you raise a good point, keep in mind that Thunderlane mentioned that ponies cannot participate in multiple events. Thus, even if there were other Wonderbolts around, it would be against the rules for them to sub for Soarin'. Plus, I doubt all of them were planning to compete, so those that weren't were probably back at base; too far away to be reached in time for the tryouts. :twistnerd:

Also, I like to think that Surprise had the rest of the team fly ahead of Spit, Soairn', and Fleet in order to set up the celebration party. :raritywink:

It's a good take, and I like how you went about resolving latent issues in the episode.

Personally, it's not Spitfire choosing to drop Soarin I take umbrage about (that could be for a lot of reasons, his not being hurt worse by forcing himself to fly like you mentioned here seems the most plausible to me), it's trying to poach someone else from another team!

It's the captain's call if she wants to have Soarin fly or not, if he says he's good for it. Taking the risk of trying to fly a in a replacement on time for the race or choosing not to compete were choices a decent person would have considered. Preying on another team and playing on a (dare I say it?) friend's hero worship for her is unconscionable. Imagine Rainbow pulling the same stunt on Scootaloo... looks a lot worse, no? It's basically the same thing, though.

I can understand Soarin not being mad at the end (like I said, a lot of possibly valid reasons for Spitfire's call) but Rainbow just sweeping it under the rug without some harsh words spoken, at least? That, I don't believe.

3816481 Well, I felt that Rainbow did have some harsh words for Spitfire at the end, so there's that. Also, I think the Wonderbolts were under a lot of pressure from Cloudsdale to compete. Bowing out wasn't an option for them at this point. Plus, one could argue that Ponyville did have a replacement lined up, so the team could still try out for the event even without Rainbow Dash. :applejackunsure:

In the end, Spitfire made a bad decision, but I don't think that makes her a bad pony. :eeyup:

I've always had the theory that ponies get to choose a new name when they get their cutie mark, if they wish. So he could have changed his name from Snowflake to Bulk Biceps at his Cute-ceanera.

3819049 Can't this thing on Bulk Biceps just be dropped already? It's kinda redundant to get all worked up over it. It is what it is.

Comment posted by Black Kyurem deleted Jan 29th, 2014
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